#include "./optionpage.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace QtUtilities { /*! * \class OptionPage * \brief The OptionPage class is the base class for SettingsDialog pages. * * The specified \a parentWindow might be used by some implementations as parent * when showing dialogs. */ /*! * \brief Constructs a option page. */ OptionPage::OptionPage(QWidget *parentWindow) : m_parentWindow(parentWindow) , m_shown(false) , m_keywordsInitialized(false) { } /*! * \brief Destroys the option page. */ OptionPage::~OptionPage() { } /*! * \brief Returns the widget for the option page. * * If the widget has not been constructed yet, a new widget will be * constructed using the OptionPage::setupWidget() method and the * current configuration is applied. * * The option page keeps ownership over the returned widget. */ QWidget *OptionPage::widget() { if (!m_widget) { m_widget.reset(setupWidget()); // ensure widget has been created } if (!m_shown) { m_shown = true; reset(); // show current configuration if not shown yet } return m_widget.get(); } /*! * \brief Returns whether the pages matches the specified * \a searchKeyWord. */ bool OptionPage::matches(const QString &searchKeyWord) { if (searchKeyWord.isEmpty()) { return true; } if (!m_keywordsInitialized) { if (!m_widget) { m_widget.reset(setupWidget()); // ensure widget has been created } m_keywords << m_widget->windowTitle(); // find common subwidgets for (const QLabel *label : m_widget->findChildren()) m_keywords << label->text(); for (const QCheckBox *checkbox : m_widget->findChildren()) m_keywords << checkbox->text(); for (const QRadioButton *checkbox : m_widget->findChildren()) m_keywords << checkbox->text(); for (const QPushButton *pushButton : m_widget->findChildren()) m_keywords << pushButton->text(); for (const QGroupBox *groupBox : m_widget->findChildren()) m_keywords << groupBox->title(); m_keywordsInitialized = true; } for (const QString &keyword : std::as_const(m_keywords)) if (keyword.contains(searchKeyWord, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) return true; return false; } /*! * \brief Emits the paletteChanged() signal. */ bool OptionPageWidget::event(QEvent *event) { switch (event->type()) { case QEvent::PaletteChange: emit paletteChanged(); break; default:; } return QWidget::event(event); } /*! * \fn OptionPage::apply() * \brief Applies altered settings. * \remarks * The SettingsDialog and any other classes/functions of this library will not call * this method if the option page has not been shown yet. Hence it is (no longer) necessary * to use OptionPage::hasBeenShown() to check whether the page has been initialized * yet. */ /*! * \fn OptionPage::reset() * \brief Discards altered settings and resets relevant widgets. * \remarks * The SettingsDialog and any other classes/functions of this library will not call * this method if the option page has not been shown yet. Hence it is (no longer) necessary * to use OptionPage::hasBeenShown() to check whether the page has been initialized * yet. */ /*! * \fn OptionPage::setupWidget() * \brief Creates the widget for the page. Called on the first invocation of * widget(). */ } // namespace QtUtilities