#include "./qtsettings.h" #include "./optioncategory.h" #include "./optioncategoryfiltermodel.h" #include "./optioncategorymodel.h" #include "./optionpage.h" #include "../paletteeditor/paletteeditor.h" #include "../widgets/clearlineedit.h" #include "../resources/resources.h" #include "../misc/desktoputils.h" #include "resources/config.h" #include "ui_qtappearanceoptionpage.h" #include "ui_qtenvoptionpage.h" #include "ui_qtlanguageoptionpage.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(Q_OS_WINDOWS) && (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 3, 0)) #include #define QT_UTILITIES_USE_FUSION_ON_WINDOWS_11 #endif #include #include #include namespace QtUtilities { struct QtSettingsData { QtSettingsData(); QFont font; std::optional initialFont; QPalette palette; // the currently applied palette (only in use if customPalette is true, though) QPalette selectedPalette; // the intermediately selected palette (chosen in palette editor but not yet applied) QString widgetStyle; QString initialWidgetStyle; QString styleSheetPath; QString iconTheme; QString initialIconTheme; QLocale defaultLocale; QLocale previousLocale; QString localeName; QString previousPluginDirectory; QString additionalPluginDirectory; QString previousIconThemeSearchPath; QString additionalIconThemeSearchPath; bool customFont; bool customPalette; bool customWidgetStyle; bool customStyleSheet; bool customIconTheme; bool customLocale; bool isPaletteDark; bool showNotices; bool retranslatable; }; inline QtSettingsData::QtSettingsData() : iconTheme(QIcon::themeName()) , initialIconTheme(iconTheme) , localeName(defaultLocale.name()) , customFont(false) , customPalette(false) , customWidgetStyle(false) , customStyleSheet(false) , customIconTheme(false) , customLocale(false) , isPaletteDark(false) , showNotices(true) , retranslatable(false) { } /*! * \brief Creates a new settings object. * \remarks Settings are not restored automatically. Instead, some values (font, * widget style, ...) are initialized * from the current Qt configuration. These values are considered as * system-default. */ QtSettings::QtSettings() : m_d(std::make_unique()) { } /*! * \brief Destroys the settings object. * \remarks Unlike QSettings not explicitly saved settings are not saved * automatically. */ QtSettings::~QtSettings() { } /*! * \brief Disables notices on option pages that settings take only effect after restarting. * \remarks * - This function must be called before obtaining the option pages via category(). * - Only call this function if the application actually re-applies these settings when the * settings dialog is applied and when it is generally able to handle widget style and * palette changes well. * - The localization option page's notice is handled via setRetranslatable() and the notice * for the environment page is still always shown (as those settings can never be applied * at runtime). So this affects only the appearance page at this point. */ void QtSettings::disableNotices() { m_d->showNotices = false; } /*! * \brief Sets whether the application supports changing the locale settings at runtime. * \remarks * Set this to true if the application will retranslate its UI after the locale has changed. * This requires the application to re-install translators and to re-invoke all ts() and * translate() function calls. If set to true, the notice that the locale setting takes only * effect after restarting is not shown anymore. */ void QtSettings::setRetranslatable(bool retranslatable) { m_d->retranslatable = retranslatable; } /*! * \brief Returns whether a custom font is set. */ bool QtSettings::hasCustomFont() const { return m_d->customFont; } /*! * \brief Restores the settings from the specified QSettings object. * \remarks The restored values are not applied automatically (except * translation path). * \sa apply(), save() */ void QtSettings::restore(QSettings &settings) { settings.beginGroup(QStringLiteral("qt")); m_d->font.fromString(settings.value(QStringLiteral("font")).toString()); m_d->customFont = settings.value(QStringLiteral("customfont"), false).toBool(); m_d->palette = settings.value(QStringLiteral("palette")).value(); m_d->customPalette = settings.value(QStringLiteral("custompalette"), false).toBool(); m_d->widgetStyle = settings.value(QStringLiteral("widgetstyle"), m_d->widgetStyle).toString(); m_d->customWidgetStyle = settings.value(QStringLiteral("customwidgetstyle"), false).toBool(); m_d->styleSheetPath = settings.value(QStringLiteral("stylesheetpath"), m_d->styleSheetPath).toString(); m_d->customStyleSheet = settings.value(QStringLiteral("customstylesheet"), false).toBool(); m_d->iconTheme = settings.value(QStringLiteral("icontheme"), m_d->iconTheme).toString(); m_d->customIconTheme = settings.value(QStringLiteral("customicontheme"), false).toBool(); m_d->localeName = settings.value(QStringLiteral("locale"), m_d->localeName).toString(); m_d->customLocale = settings.value(QStringLiteral("customlocale"), false).toBool(); m_d->additionalPluginDirectory = settings.value(QStringLiteral("plugindir")).toString(); m_d->additionalIconThemeSearchPath = settings.value(QStringLiteral("iconthemepath")).toString(); TranslationFiles::additionalTranslationFilePath() = settings.value(QStringLiteral("trpath")).toString(); settings.endGroup(); } /*! * \brief Saves the settings to the specified QSettings object. */ void QtSettings::save(QSettings &settings) const { settings.beginGroup(QStringLiteral("qt")); settings.setValue(QStringLiteral("font"), QVariant(m_d->font.toString())); settings.setValue(QStringLiteral("customfont"), m_d->customFont); settings.setValue(QStringLiteral("palette"), QVariant(m_d->palette)); settings.setValue(QStringLiteral("custompalette"), m_d->customPalette); settings.setValue(QStringLiteral("widgetstyle"), m_d->widgetStyle); settings.setValue(QStringLiteral("customwidgetstyle"), m_d->customWidgetStyle); settings.setValue(QStringLiteral("stylesheetpath"), m_d->styleSheetPath); settings.setValue(QStringLiteral("customstylesheet"), m_d->customStyleSheet); settings.setValue(QStringLiteral("icontheme"), m_d->iconTheme); settings.setValue(QStringLiteral("customicontheme"), m_d->customIconTheme); settings.setValue(QStringLiteral("locale"), m_d->localeName); settings.setValue(QStringLiteral("customlocale"), m_d->customLocale); settings.setValue(QStringLiteral("plugindir"), m_d->additionalPluginDirectory); settings.setValue(QStringLiteral("iconthemepath"), m_d->additionalIconThemeSearchPath); settings.setValue(QStringLiteral("trpath"), QVariant(TranslationFiles::additionalTranslationFilePath())); settings.endGroup(); } /*! * \brief Returns the icon themes present in the specified \a searchPaths. * \remarks The display name is the key and the actual icon theme name the value. * This way the map is sorted correctly for display purposes. */ static QMap scanIconThemes(const QStringList &searchPaths) { auto res = QMap(); for (const auto &searchPath : searchPaths) { const auto dir = QDir(searchPath).entryList(QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot, QDir::Name); for (const auto &iconTheme : dir) { auto indexFile = QFile(searchPath % QChar('/') % iconTheme % QStringLiteral("/index.theme")); auto index = QByteArray(); if (indexFile.open(QFile::ReadOnly) && !(index = indexFile.readAll()).isEmpty()) { const auto iconThemeSection = index.indexOf("[Icon Theme]"); const auto nameStart = index.indexOf("Name=", iconThemeSection != -1 ? iconThemeSection : 0); if (nameStart != -1) { auto nameLength = index.indexOf("\n", nameStart) - nameStart - 5; if (nameLength > 0) { auto displayName = QString::fromUtf8(index.mid(nameStart + 5, nameLength)); if (displayName != iconTheme) { displayName += QChar(' ') % QChar('(') % iconTheme % QChar(')'); } res[displayName] = iconTheme; continue; } } } res[iconTheme] = iconTheme; } } return res; } /*! * \brief Applies the current configuration. * \remarks * QApplication/QGuiApplication must be instantiated before calling this * method. Hence it makes most sense to call this directly after instantiating * QApplication/QGuiApplication. * * This function may be called multiple times. This supports restoring default * settings (e.g. if use of a custom icon theme has been disabled again after it * was enabled the default icon theme will be configured again). */ void QtSettings::apply() { // apply environment if (m_d->additionalPluginDirectory != m_d->previousPluginDirectory) { if (!m_d->previousPluginDirectory.isEmpty()) { QCoreApplication::removeLibraryPath(m_d->previousPluginDirectory); } if (!m_d->additionalPluginDirectory.isEmpty()) { QCoreApplication::addLibraryPath(m_d->additionalPluginDirectory); } m_d->previousPluginDirectory = m_d->additionalPluginDirectory; } if (m_d->additionalIconThemeSearchPath != m_d->previousIconThemeSearchPath) { auto paths = QIcon::themeSearchPaths(); if (!m_d->previousIconThemeSearchPath.isEmpty()) { paths.removeAll(m_d->previousIconThemeSearchPath); } if (!m_d->additionalIconThemeSearchPath.isEmpty()) { paths.append(m_d->additionalIconThemeSearchPath); } m_d->previousIconThemeSearchPath = m_d->additionalIconThemeSearchPath; QIcon::setThemeSearchPaths(paths); } // read style sheet auto styleSheet = QString(); if (m_d->customStyleSheet && !m_d->styleSheetPath.isEmpty()) { auto file = QFile(m_d->styleSheetPath); if (!file.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { std::cerr << "Unable to open the specified stylesheet \"" << m_d->styleSheetPath.toLocal8Bit().data() << "\"." << std::endl; } styleSheet.append(file.readAll()); if (file.error() != QFile::NoError) { std::cerr << "Unable to read the specified stylesheet \"" << m_d->styleSheetPath.toLocal8Bit().data() << "\"." << std::endl; } } // apply appearance if (m_d->customFont) { if (!m_d->initialFont.has_value()) { m_d->initialFont = QGuiApplication::font(); } QGuiApplication::setFont(m_d->font); } else if (m_d->initialFont.has_value()) { QGuiApplication::setFont(m_d->initialFont.value()); } #ifdef QT_UTILITIES_USE_FUSION_ON_WINDOWS_11 if (m_d->initialWidgetStyle.isEmpty()) { // use Fusion on Windows 11 as the native style doesn't look good // see https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-97668 if (QOperatingSystemVersion::current() >= QOperatingSystemVersion::Windows11) { m_d->initialWidgetStyle = QStringLiteral("Fusion"); } } #endif if (m_d->customWidgetStyle) { #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 1, 0) const auto *const currentStyle = QApplication::style(); if (m_d->initialWidgetStyle.isEmpty() && currentStyle) { m_d->initialWidgetStyle = currentStyle->name(); } #endif QApplication::setStyle(m_d->widgetStyle); } else if (!m_d->initialWidgetStyle.isEmpty()) { QApplication::setStyle(m_d->initialWidgetStyle); } if (auto *const qapp = qobject_cast(QApplication::instance())) { qapp->setStyleSheet(styleSheet); } else { std::cerr << "Unable to apply the specified stylesheet \"" << m_d->styleSheetPath.toLocal8Bit().data() << "\" because no QApplication has been instantiated." << std::endl; } if (m_d->customPalette) { QGuiApplication::setPalette(m_d->palette); } else { QGuiApplication::setPalette(QPalette()); } m_d->isPaletteDark = isPaletteDark(); if (m_d->customIconTheme) { QIcon::setThemeName(m_d->iconTheme); } else if (!m_d->initialIconTheme.isEmpty()) { if (m_d->iconTheme != m_d->initialIconTheme) { // set the icon theme back to what it was before changing anything (not sure how to read the current system icon theme again) QIcon::setThemeName(m_d->initialIconTheme); } } else { // use bundled default icon theme matching the current palette // notes: - It is ok that search paths specified via CLI arguments are not set here yet. When doing so one should also // specify the desired icon theme explicitly. // - The icon themes "default" and "default-dark" come from QtConfig.cmake which makes the first non-dark bundled // icon theme available as "default" and the first dark icon theme available as "default-dark". An icon theme // is considered dark if it ends with "-dark". const auto bundledIconThemes = scanIconThemes(QStringList(QStringLiteral(":/icons"))); if (m_d->isPaletteDark && bundledIconThemes.contains(QStringLiteral("default-dark"))) { QIcon::setThemeName(QStringLiteral("default-dark")); } else if (bundledIconThemes.contains(QStringLiteral("default"))) { QIcon::setThemeName(QStringLiteral("default")); } } // apply locale m_d->previousLocale = QLocale(); QLocale::setDefault(m_d->customLocale ? QLocale(m_d->localeName) : m_d->defaultLocale); // log some debug information on the first call if env variable set static auto debugInfoLogged = false; if (debugInfoLogged) { return; } const auto debugLoggingEnabled = CppUtilities::isEnvVariableSet(PROJECT_VARNAME_UPPER "_LOG_QT_CONFIG"); if (debugLoggingEnabled.has_value() && debugLoggingEnabled.value()) { if (const auto os = QOperatingSystemVersion::current(); os.type() != QOperatingSystemVersion::Unknown) { std::cerr << "OS name and version: " << os.name().toStdString() << ' ' << os.version().toString().toStdString() << '\n'; } std::cerr << "Qt version: " << qVersion() << '\n'; std::cerr << "Qt platform (set QT_QPA_PLATFORM to override): " << QGuiApplication::platformName().toStdString() << '\n'; std::cerr << "Qt locale: " << QLocale().name().toStdString() << '\n'; std::cerr << "Qt library paths: " << QCoreApplication::libraryPaths().join(':').toStdString() << '\n'; std::cerr << "Qt theme search paths: " << QIcon::themeSearchPaths().join(':').toStdString() << '\n'; debugInfoLogged = true; } } /*! * \brief Re-evaluates whether the palette is dark and re-applies default icon theme. * * Re-assigns the appropriate default icon theme depending on the current palette. Call this function after the palette * has changed. * * \remarks * - The default icon theme must have been assigned before using the apply() function. * - This function has no effect if a custom icon theme is configured. */ void QtSettings::reevaluatePaletteAndDefaultIconTheme() { const auto isPaletteDark = QtUtilities::isPaletteDark(); if (isPaletteDark == m_d->isPaletteDark) { return; // no need to do anything if there's no change } m_d->isPaletteDark = isPaletteDark; if (auto iconTheme = QIcon::themeName(); iconTheme == QStringLiteral("default") || iconTheme == QStringLiteral("default-dark")) { QIcon::setThemeName(m_d->isPaletteDark ? QStringLiteral("default-dark") : QStringLiteral("default")); } } /*! * \brief Returns whether the palette is dark. * \remarks * Changes to the palette since the last call to apply() and reevaluatePaletteAndDefaultIconTheme() are not taken * into account. */ bool QtSettings::isPaletteDark() { return m_d->isPaletteDark; } /*! * \brief Returns whether the last apply() call has changed the default locale. */ bool QtSettings::hasLocaleChanged() const { return m_d->previousLocale != QLocale(); } /*! * \brief Returns a new OptionCatecory containing all Qt related option pages. * \remarks * - The QtSettings instance does not keep the ownership over the returned * category. * - The pages of the returned category require the QtSettings instance which * hence must be present as long as all pages are destroyed. */ OptionCategory *QtSettings::category() { auto *category = new OptionCategory; category->setDisplayName(QCoreApplication::translate("QtGui::QtOptionCategory", "Qt")); category->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("qtcreator"), QIcon(QStringLiteral(":/qtutilities/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/qtcreator.svg")))); category->assignPages({ new QtAppearanceOptionPage(*m_d), new QtLanguageOptionPage(*m_d), new QtEnvOptionPage(*m_d) }); return category; } QtAppearanceOptionPage::QtAppearanceOptionPage(QtSettingsData &settings, QWidget *parentWidget) : QtAppearanceOptionPageBase(parentWidget) , m_settings(settings) , m_fontDialog(nullptr) { } QtAppearanceOptionPage::~QtAppearanceOptionPage() { } bool QtAppearanceOptionPage::apply() { m_settings.font = ui()->fontComboBox->currentFont(); m_settings.customFont = !ui()->fontCheckBox->isChecked(); m_settings.widgetStyle = ui()->widgetStyleComboBox->currentText(); m_settings.customWidgetStyle = !ui()->widgetStyleCheckBox->isChecked(); m_settings.styleSheetPath = ui()->styleSheetPathSelection->lineEdit()->text(); m_settings.customStyleSheet = !ui()->styleSheetCheckBox->isChecked(); m_settings.palette = m_settings.selectedPalette; m_settings.customPalette = !ui()->paletteCheckBox->isChecked(); m_settings.iconTheme = ui()->iconThemeComboBox->currentIndex() != -1 ? ui()->iconThemeComboBox->currentData().toString() : ui()->iconThemeComboBox->currentText(); m_settings.customIconTheme = !ui()->iconThemeCheckBox->isChecked(); return true; } void QtAppearanceOptionPage::reset() { ui()->fontComboBox->setCurrentFont(m_settings.font); ui()->fontCheckBox->setChecked(!m_settings.customFont); ui()->widgetStyleComboBox->setCurrentText( m_settings.widgetStyle.isEmpty() ? (QApplication::style() ? QApplication::style()->objectName() : QString()) : m_settings.widgetStyle); ui()->widgetStyleCheckBox->setChecked(!m_settings.customWidgetStyle); ui()->styleSheetPathSelection->lineEdit()->setText(m_settings.styleSheetPath); ui()->styleSheetCheckBox->setChecked(!m_settings.customStyleSheet); m_settings.selectedPalette = m_settings.palette; ui()->paletteCheckBox->setChecked(!m_settings.customPalette); int iconThemeIndex = ui()->iconThemeComboBox->findData(m_settings.iconTheme); if (iconThemeIndex != -1) { ui()->iconThemeComboBox->setCurrentIndex(iconThemeIndex); } else { ui()->iconThemeComboBox->setCurrentText(m_settings.iconTheme); } ui()->iconThemeCheckBox->setChecked(!m_settings.customIconTheme); } QWidget *QtAppearanceOptionPage::setupWidget() { // call base implementation first, so ui() is available auto *widget = QtAppearanceOptionPageBase::setupWidget(); if (!m_settings.showNotices) { ui()->label->hide(); } // setup widget style selection ui()->widgetStyleComboBox->addItems(QStyleFactory::keys()); // setup style sheet selection ui()->styleSheetPathSelection->provideCustomFileMode(QFileDialog::ExistingFile); // setup font selection QObject::connect(ui()->fontPushButton, &QPushButton::clicked, widget, [this] { if (!m_fontDialog) { m_fontDialog = new QFontDialog(this->widget()); m_fontDialog->setCurrentFont(ui()->fontComboBox->font()); QObject::connect(m_fontDialog, &QFontDialog::fontSelected, ui()->fontComboBox, &QFontComboBox::setCurrentFont); QObject::connect(ui()->fontComboBox, &QFontComboBox::currentFontChanged, m_fontDialog, &QFontDialog::setCurrentFont); } m_fontDialog->show(); }); // setup palette selection QObject::connect(ui()->paletteToolButton, &QToolButton::clicked, ui()->paletteToolButton, [this] { m_settings.selectedPalette = PaletteEditor::getPalette(this->widget(), m_settings.selectedPalette); }); // setup icon theme selection const auto iconThemes = scanIconThemes(QIcon::themeSearchPaths() << QStringLiteral("/usr/share/icons/")); auto *iconThemeComboBox = ui()->iconThemeComboBox; for (auto i = iconThemes.begin(), end = iconThemes.end(); i != end; ++i) { const auto &displayName = i.key(); const auto &id = i.value(); if (const auto existingItemIndex = iconThemeComboBox->findData(id); existingItemIndex != -1) { iconThemeComboBox->setItemText(existingItemIndex, displayName); } else { iconThemeComboBox->addItem(displayName, id); } } return widget; } QtLanguageOptionPage::QtLanguageOptionPage(QtSettingsData &settings, QWidget *parentWidget) : QtLanguageOptionPageBase(parentWidget) , m_settings(settings) { } QtLanguageOptionPage::~QtLanguageOptionPage() { } bool QtLanguageOptionPage::apply() { m_settings.localeName = ui()->localeComboBox->currentText(); m_settings.customLocale = !ui()->localeCheckBox->isChecked(); return true; } void QtLanguageOptionPage::reset() { ui()->localeComboBox->setCurrentText(m_settings.localeName); ui()->localeCheckBox->setChecked(!m_settings.customLocale); } QWidget *QtLanguageOptionPage::setupWidget() { // call base implementation first, so ui() is available auto *widget = QtLanguageOptionPageBase::setupWidget(); if (m_settings.retranslatable) { ui()->label->hide(); } // add all available locales to combo box auto *localeComboBox = ui()->localeComboBox; const auto locales = QLocale::matchingLocales(QLocale::AnyLanguage, QLocale::AnyScript, QLocale::AnyCountry); for (const QLocale &locale : locales) { localeComboBox->addItem(locale.name()); } auto *languageLabel = ui()->languageLabel; QObject::connect(ui()->localeComboBox, &QComboBox::currentTextChanged, languageLabel, [languageLabel, localeComboBox] { const auto selectedLocale = QLocale(localeComboBox->currentText()); const auto currentLocale = QLocale(); const auto territory = #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 2, 0) currentLocale.territoryToString(selectedLocale.territory()); #else currentLocale.countryToString(selectedLocale.country()); #endif languageLabel->setText(QCoreApplication::translate("QtGui::QtLanguageOptionPage", "recognized by Qt as") % QStringLiteral(" ") % currentLocale.languageToString(selectedLocale.language()) % QChar(',') % QChar(' ') % territory % QStringLiteral("")); }); return widget; } QtEnvOptionPage::QtEnvOptionPage(QtSettingsData &settings, QWidget *parentWidget) : QtEnvOptionPageBase(parentWidget) , m_settings(settings) { } QtEnvOptionPage::~QtEnvOptionPage() { } bool QtEnvOptionPage::apply() { m_settings.additionalPluginDirectory = ui()->pluginPathSelection->lineEdit()->text(); m_settings.additionalIconThemeSearchPath = ui()->iconThemeSearchPathSelection->lineEdit()->text(); TranslationFiles::additionalTranslationFilePath() = ui()->translationPathSelection->lineEdit()->text(); return true; } void QtEnvOptionPage::reset() { ui()->pluginPathSelection->lineEdit()->setText(m_settings.additionalPluginDirectory); ui()->iconThemeSearchPathSelection->lineEdit()->setText(m_settings.additionalIconThemeSearchPath); ui()->translationPathSelection->lineEdit()->setText(TranslationFiles::additionalTranslationFilePath()); } QWidget *QtEnvOptionPage::setupWidget() { // call base implementation first, so ui() is available return QtEnvOptionPageBase::setupWidget(); } /*! * \brief Returns a handle to the internal data. * \remarks * This is an opaque data structure. It can be used to construct option pages * like QtLanguageOptionPage. */ QtSettings::operator QtSettingsData &() const { return *m_d.get(); } } // namespace QtUtilities INSTANTIATE_UI_FILE_BASED_OPTION_PAGE(QtAppearanceOptionPage) INSTANTIATE_UI_FILE_BASED_OPTION_PAGE(QtLanguageOptionPage) INSTANTIATE_UI_FILE_BASED_OPTION_PAGE(QtEnvOptionPage)