#include "./resources.h" #include "resources/config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(QT_UTILITIES_GUI_QTWIDGETS) #include #elif defined(QT_UTILITIES_GUI_QTQUICK) #include #else #include #endif #include using namespace std; ///! \cond inline void initResources() { Q_INIT_RESOURCE(qtutilsicons); } inline void cleanupResources() { Q_CLEANUP_RESOURCE(qtutilsicons); } ///! \endcond namespace QtUtilities { /*! * \brief Functions for using the resources provided by this library. * \deprecated Replaced by ENABLE_QT_RESOURCES_OF_STATIC_DEPENDENCIES macro. */ namespace QtUtilitiesResources { /*! * \brief Initiates the resources used and provided by this library. * \deprecated Replaced by ENABLE_QT_RESOURCES_OF_STATIC_DEPENDENCIES macro. */ void init() { initResources(); } /*! * \brief Frees the resources used and provided by this library. * \deprecated Replaced by ENABLE_QT_RESOURCES_OF_STATIC_DEPENDENCIES macro. */ void cleanup() { cleanupResources(); } } // namespace QtUtilitiesResources /*! * \brief Convenience functions to load translations for Qt and the application. */ namespace TranslationFiles { /*! * \brief Allows to set an additional search path for translation files. * \remarks This path is considered *before* the default directories. */ QString &additionalTranslationFilePath() { static QString path; return path; } /*! * \brief Loads and installs the appropriate Qt translation file for the current * locale. * \param repositoryNames Specifies the names of the Qt repositories to load * translations for (eg. qtbase, qtscript, ...). * \remarks * - Translation files have to be placed in one of the following locations: * * QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath) (used in UNIX) * * ../share/qt/translations (used in Windows) * - Translation files can also be built-in using by setting the CMake variable * BUILTIN_TRANSLATIONS. * In this case it is also necessary to load the translations using this * function. */ void loadQtTranslationFile(std::initializer_list repositoryNames) { loadQtTranslationFile(repositoryNames, QLocale().name()); } /*! * \brief Loads and installs the appropriate Qt translation file for the * specified locale. * \param repositoryNames Specifies the names of the Qt repositories to load * translations for (eg. qtbase, qtscript, ...). * \param localeName Specifies the name of the locale. * \remarks * - Translation files have to be placed in one of the following locations: * * QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath) (used in UNIX) * * ../share/qt/translations (used in Windows) * - Translation files can also be built-in using by setting the CMake variable * BUILTIN_TRANSLATIONS. * In this case it is also necessary to load the translations using this * function. */ void loadQtTranslationFile(initializer_list repositoryNames, const QString &localeName) { const auto debugTranslations = qEnvironmentVariableIsSet("QT_DEBUG_TRANSLATIONS"); for (const auto &repoName : repositoryNames) { auto *const qtTranslator = new QTranslator(QCoreApplication::instance()); const auto fileName = QString(repoName % QChar('_') % localeName); QString path; if ((!additionalTranslationFilePath().isEmpty() && qtTranslator->load(fileName, path = additionalTranslationFilePath())) || qtTranslator->load(fileName, path = #if (QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 0, 0)) QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath) #else QLibraryInfo::path(QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath) #endif ) || qtTranslator->load(fileName, path = QStringLiteral("../share/qt/translations")) || qtTranslator->load(fileName, path = QStringLiteral(":/translations"))) { QCoreApplication::installTranslator(qtTranslator); if (debugTranslations) { cerr << "Loading translation file for Qt repository \"" << repoName.toLocal8Bit().data() << "\" and the locale \"" << localeName.toLocal8Bit().data() << "\" from \"" << path.toLocal8Bit().data() << "\"." << endl; } } else { delete qtTranslator; if (localeName.startsWith(QLatin1String("en"))) { // the translation file is probably just empty (English is built-in and usually only used for plural forms) continue; } cerr << "Unable to load translation file for Qt repository \"" << repoName.toLocal8Bit().data() << "\" and locale " << localeName.toLocal8Bit().data() << "." << endl; } } } /*! * \brief Loads and installs the appropriate application translation file for * the current locale. * \param applicationName Specifies the name of the application. * \remarks * - Translation files have to be placed in one of the following locations: * * ./ * * ../$application * * ../../$application * * ./translations * * ../share/$application/translations * * $install_prefix/share/$application/translations * - Translation files must be named using the following scheme: * * $application_$language.qm * - Translation files can also be built-in using by setting the CMake variable * BUILTIN_TRANSLATIONS. * In this case it is also necessary to load the translations using this * function. */ void loadApplicationTranslationFile(const QString &configName, const QString &applicationName) { // load English translation files as fallback loadApplicationTranslationFile(configName, applicationName, QStringLiteral("en_US")); // load translation files for current locale const auto defaultLocale(QLocale().name()); if (defaultLocale != QLatin1String("en_US")) { loadApplicationTranslationFile(configName, applicationName, defaultLocale); } } /// \cond void logTranslationEvent( const char *event, const QString &configName, const QString &applicationName, const QString &localeName, const QString &path = QString()) { cerr << event << " translation file for \"" << applicationName.toLocal8Bit().data() << "\""; if (!configName.isEmpty()) { cerr << " (config \"" << configName.toLocal8Bit().data() << "\")"; } cerr << " and locale \"" << localeName.toLocal8Bit().data() << '\"'; if (!path.isEmpty()) { cerr << " from \"" << path.toLocal8Bit().data() << '\"'; } cerr << '.' << endl; } /// \endcond /*! * \brief Loads and installs the appropriate application translation file for * the specified locale. * \param applicationName Specifies the name of the application. * \param localeName Specifies the name of the locale. * \remarks * - Translation files have to be placed in one of the following locations: * * ./ * * ../$application * * ../../$application * * ./translations * * ../share/$application/translations * * $install_prefix/share/$application/translations * - Translation files must be named using the following scheme: * * $application_$language.qm * - Translation files can also be built-in using by setting the CMake variable * BUILTIN_TRANSLATIONS. * In this case it is also necessary to load the translations using this * function. */ void loadApplicationTranslationFile(const QString &configName, const QString &applicationName, const QString &localeName) { auto *const appTranslator = new QTranslator(QCoreApplication::instance()); const auto fileName = QString(applicationName % QChar('_') % localeName); const auto directoryName = configName.isEmpty() ? applicationName : QString(applicationName % QChar('-') % configName); QString path; if ((!additionalTranslationFilePath().isEmpty() && appTranslator->load(fileName, path = additionalTranslationFilePath())) || appTranslator->load(fileName, path = QStringLiteral(".")) || appTranslator->load(fileName, path = QStringLiteral("../") % directoryName) || appTranslator->load(fileName, path = QStringLiteral("../") % directoryName) || appTranslator->load(fileName, path = QStringLiteral("../../") % directoryName) || appTranslator->load(fileName, path = QStringLiteral("./translations")) || appTranslator->load(fileName, path = QStringLiteral("../share/") % directoryName % QStringLiteral("/translations")) || appTranslator->load(fileName, path = QStringLiteral(APP_INSTALL_PREFIX "/share/") % directoryName % QStringLiteral("/translations")) || appTranslator->load(fileName, path = QStringLiteral(":/translations"))) { QCoreApplication::installTranslator(appTranslator); if (qEnvironmentVariableIsSet("QT_DEBUG_TRANSLATIONS")) { logTranslationEvent("Loading", configName, applicationName, localeName, path); } } else { delete appTranslator; if (localeName.startsWith(QLatin1String("en"))) { // the translation file is probably just empty (English is built-in and usually only used for plural forms) return; } logTranslationEvent("Unable to load", configName, applicationName, localeName); } } /*! * \brief Loads and installs the appropriate application translation file for * the current locale. * \param applicationNames Specifies the names of the applications. */ void loadApplicationTranslationFile(const QString &configName, const std::initializer_list &applicationNames) { for (const QString &applicationName : applicationNames) { loadApplicationTranslationFile(configName, applicationName); } } /*! * \brief Loads and installs the appropriate application translation file for * the specified locale. * \param applicationNames Specifies the names of the applications. * \param localeName Specifies the name of the locale. */ void loadApplicationTranslationFile(const QString &configName, const std::initializer_list &applicationNames, const QString &localeName) { for (const QString &applicationName : applicationNames) { loadApplicationTranslationFile(configName, applicationName, localeName); } } } // namespace TranslationFiles /*! * \brief Convenience functions to check whether a * QCoreApplication/QGuiApplication/QApplication singleton has been instantiated * yet. */ namespace ApplicationInstances { #if defined(QT_UTILITIES_GUI_QTWIDGETS) /*! * \brief Returns whether a QApplication has been instantiated yet. */ bool hasWidgetsApp() { return qobject_cast(QCoreApplication::instance()) != nullptr; } #endif #if defined(QT_UTILITIES_GUI_QTWIDGETS) || defined(QT_UTILITIES_GUI_QTQUICK) /*! * \brief Returns whether a QGuiApplication has been instantiated yet. */ bool hasGuiApp() { return qobject_cast(QCoreApplication::instance()) != nullptr; } #endif /*! * \brief Returns whether a QCoreApplication has been instantiated yet. */ bool hasCoreApp() { return qobject_cast(QCoreApplication::instance()) != nullptr; } } // namespace ApplicationInstances /*! * \brief Sets Qt application attributes which are commonly used within my Qt applications. * \remarks * - So far this enables High-DPI support. * - The exact attributes are unspecified and might change to whatever makes sense in the future. */ void setupCommonQtApplicationAttributes() { // enable dark window frame on Windows if the configured color palette is dark (supported as of Qt 6.4) // see https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-72028?focusedCommentId=677819#comment-677819 #if defined(Q_OS_WINDOWS) && (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 0, 0)) if (QLibraryInfo::version() >= QVersionNumber(6, 4, 0) && !qEnvironmentVariableIsSet("QT_QPA_PLATFORM")) { qputenv("QT_QPA_PLATFORM", "windows:darkmode=1"); } #endif // ensure FONTCONFIG_PATH is set (mainly required for static GNU/Linux builds) #ifdef QT_FEATURE_fontdialog if (!qEnvironmentVariableIsSet("FONTCONFIG_PATH") && QDir(QStringLiteral("/etc/fonts")).exists()) { qputenv("FONTCONFIG_PATH", "/etc/fonts"); } #endif // enable settings for High-DPI scaling #if (QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 0, 0)) if (!QCoreApplication::instance()) { QCoreApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_EnableHighDpiScaling, true); } QCoreApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps, true); #endif } /*! * \brief Returns the settings object for the specified \a organization and \a application. * \remarks * - This function always uses INI as that's what I'd like to use in all of my applications consistently, regardless of the platform. * - The parameter \a application might be empty. In fact, most of my applications use just `getSettings(QStringLiteral(PROJECT_NAME))`. * - This function first checks whether a file called `$organization/$application.ini` exists in the current working directory (or just * `$organization.ini` if \a application is empty) and uses that if it exists. That allows having a portable installation. * - Some of my apps where using values from QCoreApplication for \a organization and \a application in the beginning. This function * moves those old config files to their new location if needed. This extra handling will likely removed at some point. Note that * I moved away from using values from QCoreApplication to avoid having spaces and additional config suffixes in the file name. */ std::unique_ptr getSettings(const QString &organization, const QString &application) { auto settings = std::unique_ptr(); if (const auto portableFile = QFile(application.isEmpty() ? organization + QStringLiteral(".ini") : organization % QChar('/') % application % QStringLiteral(".ini")); portableFile.exists()) { settings = std::make_unique(portableFile.fileName(), QSettings::IniFormat); } else { settings = std::make_unique(QSettings::IniFormat, QSettings::UserScope, organization, application); // move config created by older versions to new location if (organization != QCoreApplication::organizationName() || application != QCoreApplication::applicationName()) { const auto oldConfig = QSettings(QSettings::IniFormat, QSettings::UserScope, QCoreApplication::organizationName(), QCoreApplication::applicationName()) .fileName(); QFile::rename(oldConfig, settings->fileName()) || QFile::remove(oldConfig); } } settings->sync(); return settings; } // namespace ApplicationInstances } // namespace QtUtilities