#include "./cli.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(PLATFORM_UNIX) #include #endif #include #include using namespace std; using namespace std::placeholders; using namespace ApplicationUtilities; using namespace ConversionUtilities; using namespace EscapeCodes; using namespace IoUtilities; using namespace Io; namespace Cli { InputMuter::InputMuter() { #if defined(PLATFORM_UNIX) tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &m_attr); termios newAttr = m_attr; newAttr.c_lflag &= ~static_cast(ECHO); tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &newAttr); #elif defined(PLATFORM_WINDOWS) m_cinHandle = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); m_mode = 0; GetConsoleMode(m_cinHandle, &m_mode); SetConsoleMode(m_cinHandle, m_mode & (~ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT)); #endif } InputMuter::~InputMuter() { #if defined(PLATFORM_UNIX) tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &m_attr); #elif defined(PLATFORM_WINDOWS) SetConsoleMode(m_cinHandle, m_mode); #endif } void clearConsole() { #if defined(PLATFORM_WINDOWS) HANDLE hStdOut; CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi; DWORD count; DWORD cellCount; COORD homeCoords = { 0, 0 }; hStdOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); if (hStdOut == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return; } // get the number of cells in the current buffer if (!GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hStdOut, &csbi)) { return; } cellCount = csbi.dwSize.X * csbi.dwSize.Y; // fill the entire buffer with spaces if (!FillConsoleOutputCharacter(hStdOut, (TCHAR)' ', cellCount, homeCoords, &count)) { return; } // fill the entire buffer with the current colors and attributes if (!FillConsoleOutputAttribute(hStdOut, csbi.wAttributes, cellCount, homeCoords, &count)) { return; } // move the cursor home SetConsoleCursorPosition(hStdOut, homeCoords); #else EscapeCodes::setCursor(cout); EscapeCodes::eraseDisplay(cout); #endif } InteractiveCli::InteractiveCli() : m_o(cout) , m_i(cin) , m_currentEntry(nullptr) , m_modified(false) , m_quit(false) { CMD_UTILS_START_CONSOLE; } void InteractiveCli::run(const string &file) { if (!file.empty()) { openFile(file, false); } string input; while (!m_quit) { getline(m_i, input); if (!input.empty()) { processCommand(input); } } } void InteractiveCli::processCommand(const string &cmd) { #define CMD(value) !paramMissing && cmd == value #define CMD2(value1, value2) !paramMissing && (cmd == value1 || cmd == value2) #define CMD_P(value) !paramMissing && checkCommand(cmd, value, param, paramMissing) #define CMD2_P(value1, value2) !paramMissing && (checkCommand(cmd, value1, param, paramMissing) || checkCommand(cmd, value2, param, paramMissing)) string param; bool paramMissing = false; if (CMD2("quit", "q")) { quit(); } else if (CMD("q!")) { m_quit = true; } else if (CMD("wq")) { saveFile(); m_quit = true; } else if (CMD2("clear", "c")) { clearConsole(); } else if (CMD2_P("openreadonly", "or")) { openFile(param, true); } else if (CMD2_P("open", "o")) { openFile(param, false); } else if (CMD2("close", "c")) { closeFile(); } else if (CMD2("save", "w")) { saveFile(); } else if (CMD2_P("create", "cr")) { createFile(param); } else if (CMD("chpassphrase")) { changePassphrase(); } else if (CMD("rmpassphrase")) { removePassphrase(); } else if (CMD("pwd")) { pwd(); } else if (CMD_P("cd")) { cd(param); } else if (CMD2("ls", "l")) { ls(); } else if (CMD2("tree", "t")) { tree(); } else if (CMD2_P("mknode", "mkn")) { makeEntry(EntryType::Node, param); } else if (CMD2_P("mkaccount", "mka")) { makeEntry(EntryType::Account, param); } else if (CMD2("rmentry", "rme")) { removeEntry("."); } else if (CMD2_P("rmentry", "rme")) { removeEntry(param); } else if (CMD2_P("rnentry", "rne")) { renameEntry(param); } else if (CMD2_P("mventry", "me")) { moveEntry(param); } else if (CMD2_P("readfield", "rf")) { readField(param); } else if (CMD2_P("setfield", "sf")) { setField(false, param); } else if (CMD2_P("setfieldpw", "sp")) { setField(true, param); } else if (CMD2_P("rmfield", "rf")) { removeField(param); } else if (CMD2("help", "?")) { printHelp(); } else if (paramMissing) { m_o << "parameter is missing" << endl; } else { m_o << "command is unknown" << endl; } } Entry *InteractiveCli::resolvePath(const string &path) { auto parts = splitString>(path, "/", EmptyPartsTreat::Merge); bool fromRoot = path.at(0) == '/'; if (fromRoot && parts.empty()) { return m_file.rootEntry(); } else { Entry *entry = fromRoot ? m_file.rootEntry() : m_currentEntry; for (const string &part : parts) { if (part == "..") { if (entry->parent()) { entry = entry->parent(); } else { m_o << "can not resolve path; entry \"" << entry->label() << "\" is root" << endl; return nullptr; } } else if (part != ".") { switch (entry->type()) { case EntryType::Account: m_o << "can not resolve path; entry \"" << entry->label() << "\" is not a node entry" << endl; return nullptr; case EntryType::Node: for (Entry *child : (static_cast(entry)->children())) { if (child->label() == part) { entry = child; goto next; } } m_o << "can not resolve path; entry \"" << entry->label() << "\" has no child \"" << part << "\"" << endl; return nullptr; } } next:; } return entry; } } bool InteractiveCli::checkCommand(const string &str, const char *phrase, std::string ¶m, bool ¶mMissing) { for (auto i = str.cbegin(), end = str.cend(); i != end; ++i, ++phrase) { if (*phrase == 0) { if (*i == ' ') { if (++i != end) { param.assign(i, end); return true; } else { paramMissing = true; } } return false; } else if (*i != *phrase) { return false; } } paramMissing = *phrase == 0; return false; } void InteractiveCli::openFile(const string &file, bool readOnly) { if (m_file.isOpen()) { m_o << "file \"" << m_file.path() << "\" currently open; close first" << endl; return; } m_file.setPath(file); for (;;) { try { try { m_file.open(readOnly); if (m_file.isEncryptionUsed()) { m_file.setPassword(askForPassphrase()); } m_file.load(); m_currentEntry = m_file.rootEntry(); m_o << "file \"" << file << "\" opened" << endl; } catch (const ParsingException &) { m_o << "error occured when parsing file \"" << file << "\"" << endl; throw; } catch (const CryptoException &) { m_o << "error occured when decrypting file \"" << file << "\"" << endl; throw; } catch (...) { const char *what = catchIoFailure(); m_o << "IO error occured when opening file \"" << file << "\"" << endl; throw ios_base::failure(what); } } catch (const std::exception &e) { if (*e.what() != 0) { m_o << e.what() << endl; } if (confirmPrompt("Retry opening?", Response::Yes)) { m_file.close(); continue; } m_file.clear(); m_currentEntry = nullptr; } m_modified = false; return; } } void InteractiveCli::closeFile() { if (!m_file.isOpen()) { m_o << "no file was opened" << endl; return; } m_file.clear(); m_currentEntry = nullptr; m_o << "file closed" << endl; } void InteractiveCli::saveFile() { if (!m_file.isOpen()) { m_o << "nothing to save; no file opened or created" << endl; return; } try { try { m_file.save(*m_file.password()); m_o << "file \"" << m_file.path() << "\" saved" << endl; } catch (const ParsingException &) { m_o << "error occured when parsing file \"" << m_file.path() << "\"" << endl; throw; } catch (const CryptoException &) { m_o << "error occured when encrypting file \"" << m_file.path() << "\"" << endl; throw; } catch (...) { const char *what = catchIoFailure(); m_o << "IO error occured when saving file \"" << m_file.path() << "\"" << endl; throw ios_base::failure(what); } } catch (const exception &e) { if (*e.what() != 0) { m_o << e.what() << endl; } m_o << "file has been closed; try reopening the file" << endl; m_file.clear(); } m_modified = false; } void InteractiveCli::createFile(const string &file) { if (m_file.isOpen()) { m_o << "file \"" << m_file.path() << "\" currently open; close first" << endl; return; } m_file.setPath(file); try { try { m_file.create(); m_file.generateRootEntry(); m_currentEntry = m_file.rootEntry(); m_o << "file \"" << file << "\" created and opened" << endl; } catch (...) { const char *what = catchIoFailure(); m_o << "IO error occured when creating file \"" << file << "\"" << endl; throw ios_base::failure(what); } } catch (const exception &e) { if (*e.what() != 0) { m_o << e.what() << endl; } m_file.clear(); m_currentEntry = nullptr; } m_modified = false; } void InteractiveCli::changePassphrase() { if (m_file.isOpen()) { m_o << "can not set passphrase; no file opened or created" << endl; return; } try { m_file.setPassword(askForPassphrase(true)); m_modified = true; m_o << "passphrase changed; use save to apply" << endl; } catch (const runtime_error &) { m_o << "passphrase has not changed" << endl; } } void InteractiveCli::removePassphrase() { if (!m_file.isOpen()) { m_o << "nothing to remove; no file opened or created" << endl; return; } if (*m_file.password()) { m_file.clearPassword(); m_o << "passphrase removed; use save to apply" << endl; m_modified = true; } else { m_o << "nothing to remove; no passphrase present on current file" << endl; } } void InteractiveCli::pwd() { if (!m_file.isOpen()) { m_o << "no file open" << endl; return; } auto path = m_currentEntry->path(); m_o << path.front() << ": /"; path.pop_front(); m_o << joinStrings(path, "/") << endl; } void InteractiveCli::cd(const string &path) { if (!m_file.isOpen()) { m_o << "can not change directory; no file open" << endl; return; } if (Entry *entry = resolvePath(path)) { m_currentEntry = entry; m_o << "changed to \"" << entry->label() << "\"" << endl; } } void InteractiveCli::ls() { if (!m_file.isOpen()) { m_o << "can not list any entires; no file open" << endl; return; } switch (m_currentEntry->type()) { case EntryType::Account: { m_o << "fields:"; for (const Field &field : static_cast(m_currentEntry)->fields()) { m_o << "\n" << field.name(); } break; } case EntryType::Node: { m_o << "entries:"; for (const Entry *entry : static_cast(m_currentEntry)->children()) { m_o << "\n" << entry->label(); } break; } } m_o << endl; } void InteractiveCli::tree() { if (!m_file.isOpen()) { m_o << "can not print tree; no file open" << endl; return; } function printEntries; printEntries = [&printEntries, this](const Entry *entry, unsigned char level) { for (unsigned char i = 0; i < level; ++i) { m_o << " "; } m_o << entry->label() << endl; if (entry->type() == EntryType::Node) { for (const Entry *child : (static_cast(entry)->children())) { printEntries(child, level + 2); } } }; printEntries(m_currentEntry, 0); } void InteractiveCli::makeEntry(EntryType entryType, const string &label) { if (!m_file.isOpen()) { m_o << "can not make entry; no file open" << endl; return; } switch (m_currentEntry->type()) { case EntryType::Node: switch (entryType) { case EntryType::Node: m_o << "node entry \"" << (new NodeEntry(label, static_cast(m_currentEntry)))->label() << "\" created" << endl; break; case EntryType::Account: m_o << "account entry \"" << (new AccountEntry(label, static_cast(m_currentEntry)))->label() << "\" created" << endl; break; } m_modified = true; break; case EntryType::Account: m_o << "can not make entry; current entry is no node entry" << endl; } } void InteractiveCli::removeEntry(const string &path) { if (!m_file.isOpen()) { m_o << "can not remove entry; no file open" << endl; return; } if (Entry *entry = resolvePath(path)) { if (entry == m_file.rootEntry()) { m_o << "can not remove root entry" << endl; } else { if (entry == m_currentEntry) { m_currentEntry = entry->parent(); } m_o << "removed entry \"" << entry->label() << "\"" << endl; delete entry; m_modified = true; } } } void InteractiveCli::renameEntry(const string &path) { if (!m_file.isOpen()) { m_o << "can not rename entry; no file open" << endl; return; } if (Entry *entry = resolvePath(path)) { string label; m_o << "enter new name: " << endl; getline(m_i, label); if (label.empty()) { m_o << "can not rename; new name is empty" << endl; } else { entry->setLabel(label); m_o << "entry renamed to \"" << entry->label() << "\"" << endl; m_modified = true; } } } void InteractiveCli::moveEntry(const string &path) { if (!m_file.isOpen()) { m_o << "can not rename entry; no file open" << endl; return; } if (Entry *entry = resolvePath(path)) { string newParentPath; m_o << "enter path of new parent: " << endl; getline(m_i, newParentPath); if (newParentPath.empty()) { m_o << "can not move; path of new parent is empty" << endl; } else { if (Entry *newParent = resolvePath(newParentPath)) { switch (newParent->type()) { case EntryType::Account: m_o << "can not move; new parent must be a node entry" << endl; break; case EntryType::Node: if (entry->parent() == entry) { m_o << "element not moved; parent doesn't change" << endl; } else if (entry->type() == EntryType::Node && newParent->isIndirectChildOf(static_cast(entry))) { m_o << "can not move; new parent mustn't be child of the entry to move" << endl; } else { entry->setParent(static_cast(newParent)); m_o << "entry moved to \"" << newParent->label() << "\"" << endl; m_modified = true; } } } } } } void InteractiveCli::readField(const string &fieldName) { if (!m_file.isOpen()) { m_o << "can not read field; no file open" << endl; return; } if (m_currentEntry->type() != EntryType::Account) { m_o << "can not read field; current entry is no account entry" << endl; return; } const vector &fields = static_cast(m_currentEntry)->fields(); bool valuesFound = false; for (const Field &field : fields) { if (field.name() == fieldName) { m_o << field.value() << endl; valuesFound = true; } } if (!valuesFound) { m_o << "field \"" << fieldName << "\" does not exist" << endl; } } void InteractiveCli::setField(bool useMuter, const string &fieldName) { if (!m_file.isOpen()) { m_o << "can not set field; no file open" << endl; return; } if (m_currentEntry->type() != EntryType::Account) { m_o << "can not set field; current entry is no account entry" << endl; return; } vector &fields = static_cast(m_currentEntry)->fields(); unsigned int valuesFound = 0; string value; m_o << "enter new value: "; if (useMuter) { InputMuter m; getline(m_i, value); m_o << endl << "repeat: "; string repeat; getline(m_i, repeat); if (value != repeat) { m_o << "values do not match; field has not been altered" << endl; return; } } else { getline(m_i, value); } for (Field &field : fields) { if (field.name() == fieldName) { ++valuesFound; if (valuesFound == 1) { field.setValue(value); } else { m_o << "enter new value for " << valuesFound << ". field (with the specified field): "; value.clear(); if (useMuter) { InputMuter m; getline(m_i, value); m_o << endl << "repeat: "; string repeat; getline(m_i, repeat); if (value == repeat) { field.setValue(value); } else { m_o << "values do not match; field has not been altered" << endl; } } else { getline(m_i, value); field.setValue(value); } } field.setType(useMuter ? FieldType::Password : FieldType::Normal); } } switch (valuesFound) { case 0: fields.emplace_back(static_cast(m_currentEntry), fieldName, value); if (useMuter) { fields.back().setType(FieldType::Password); } m_o << "new field with value inserted" << endl; break; case 1: m_o << "value updated" << endl; m_modified = true; break; default: m_o << valuesFound << " values updated" << endl; m_modified = true; } } void InteractiveCli::removeField(const string &fieldName) { if (!m_file.isOpen()) { m_o << "can not remove field; no file open" << endl; return; } if (m_currentEntry->type() != EntryType::Account) { m_o << "can not remove field; current entry is no account entry" << endl; return; } vector &fields = static_cast(m_currentEntry)->fields(); unsigned int valuesFound = 0; for (const Field &field : fields) { if (field.name() == fieldName) { ++valuesFound; } } switch (valuesFound) { case 0: m_o << "can not remove field; specified field \"" << fieldName << "\" not found" << endl; break; case 1: fields.erase(remove_if(fields.begin(), fields.end(), [&fieldName](Field &field) { return field.name() == fieldName; })); m_o << "field removed" << endl; m_modified = true; break; default: valuesFound = 0; fields.erase(remove_if(fields.begin(), fields.end(), [this, &fieldName, &valuesFound](Field &field) { if (field.name() == fieldName) { m_o << "remove " << ++valuesFound << ". occurrence? [y]=yes, different key=no " << endl; string res; getline(m_i, res); return !(res == "y" || res == "yes"); } else { return false; } })); m_o << valuesFound << " fields removed" << endl; m_modified = true; } } void InteractiveCli::printHelp() { m_o << TextAttribute::Bold << "Command: Description: \n" << TextAttribute::Reset << "quit,q quits the application\n" "q! forces the application to quit\n" "wq saves the current file and quits the application\n" "clear,c clears the console\n" "\n" "create,cr creates a new file at the specified path\n" "openreadonly opens the specified file (read-only)\n" "open,o opens the specified file\n" "close,cl closes the currently opened file\n" "\n" "save,w saves the currently opened file\n" "chpassphrase changes the passphrase\n" "rmpassphrase removes the passphrase\n" "\n" "pwd prints the path of the current entry\n" "cd changes the current entry\n" "ls lists the entries/fields of the current entry\n" "tree,t shows all child entries of the current entry\n" "mknode,mkn creates a node entry with the specified label in the current entry\n" "mkaccount,mka creates an account entry with the specified label in the current entry\n" "rmentry,rme removes the entry specified by its path\n" "rnentry,rne renames the entry specified by its path\n" "mventry,me moves the entry specified by its path\n" "\n" "readfield,rf reads the specified field of the current account\n" "setfield,sf sets the specified field of the current account\n" "setfieldpw,sp sets the specified password field of the current account\n" "rmfield,rf removes the specified field of the current account\n" << endl; } void InteractiveCli::quit() { if (m_file.isOpen() && m_modified) { m_o << "file modified; use q! or wq" << endl; } else { m_quit = true; } } string InteractiveCli::askForPassphrase(bool confirm) { if (confirm) { m_o << "enter new passphrase: "; } else { m_o << "enter passphrase: "; } m_o.flush(); string input1; { InputMuter m; getline(m_i, input1); } m_o << endl; if (input1.empty()) { m_o << "you did not enter a passphrase" << endl; return input1; } if (confirm) { m_o << "confirm new passphrase: "; m_o.flush(); string input2; { InputMuter m; getline(m_i, input2); } m_o << endl; if (input1 != input2) { m_o << "phrases do not match" << endl; throw runtime_error("confirmation failed"); } } return input1; } } // namespace Cli