/* * mapfile - manage /var/run/mdadm.map. Part of: * mdadm - manage Linux "md" devices aka RAID arrays. * * Copyright (C) 2006 Neil Brown * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * Author: Neil Brown * Email: * Paper: Neil Brown * Novell Inc * GPO Box Q1283 * QVB Post Office, NSW 1230 * Australia */ /* /var/run/mdadm.map is used to track arrays being created in --incremental * more. It particularly allows lookup from UUID to array device, but * also allows the array device name to be easily found. * * The map file is line based with space separated fields. The fields are: * Device id - mdX or mdpX where X is a number. * metadata - 0.90 1.0 1.1 1.2 ddf ... * UUID - uuid of the array * path - path where device created: /dev/md/home * */ #include "mdadm.h" int map_write(struct map_ent *mel) { FILE *f; int err; int subdir = 1; f = fopen("/var/run/mdadm/map.new", "w"); if (!f) { f = fopen("/var/run/mdadm.map.new", "w"); subdir = 0; } if (!f) return 0; while (mel) { if (mel->devnum < 0) fprintf(f, "mdp%d ", -1-mel->devnum); else fprintf(f, "md%d ", mel->devnum); fprintf(f, "%s ", mel->metadata); fprintf(f, "%08x:%08x:%08x:%08x ", mel->uuid[0], mel->uuid[1], mel->uuid[2], mel->uuid[3]); fprintf(f, "%s\n", mel->path); mel = mel->next; } fflush(f); err = ferror(f); fclose(f); if (err) { if (subdir) unlink("/var/run/mdadm/map.new"); else unlink("/var/run/mdadm.map.new"); return 0; } if (subdir) return rename("/var/run/mdadm/map.new", "/var/run/mdadm/map") == 0; else return rename("/var/run/mdadm.map.new", "/var/run/mdadm.map") == 0; } void map_add(struct map_ent **melp, int devnum, char *metadata, int uuid[4], char *path) { struct map_ent *me = malloc(sizeof(*me)); me->devnum = devnum; strcpy(me->metadata, metadata); memcpy(me->uuid, uuid, 16); me->path = strdup(path); me->next = *melp; *melp = me; } void map_read(struct map_ent **melp) { FILE *f; char buf[8192]; char path[200]; int devnum, uuid[4]; char metadata[30]; char nam[4]; *melp = NULL; f = fopen("/var/run/mdadm/map", "r"); if (!f) f = fopen("/var/run/mdadm.map", "r"); if (!f) return; while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f)) { if (sscanf(buf, " %3[mdp]%d %s %x:%x:%x:%x %200s", nam, &devnum, metadata, uuid, uuid+1, uuid+2, uuid+3, path) == 8) { if (strncmp(nam, "md", 2) != 0) continue; if (nam[2] == 'p') devnum = -1 - devnum; map_add(melp, devnum, metadata, uuid, path); } } fclose(f); } void map_free(struct map_ent *map) { while (map) { struct map_ent *mp = map; map = mp->next; free(mp->path); free(mp); } } int map_update(struct map_ent **mpp, int devnum, char *metadata, int *uuid, char *path) { struct map_ent *map, *mp; int rv; if (mpp && *mpp) map = *mpp; else map_read(&map); for (mp = map ; mp ; mp=mp->next) if (mp->devnum == devnum) { strcpy(mp->metadata, metadata); memcpy(mp->uuid, uuid, 16); free(mp->path); mp->path = strdup(path); break; } if (!mp) map_add(&map, devnum, metadata, uuid, path); if (mpp) *mpp = NULL; rv = map_write(map); map_free(map); return rv; } void map_delete(struct map_ent **mapp, int devnum) { struct map_ent *mp; if (*mapp == NULL) map_read(mapp); for (mp = *mapp; mp; mp = *mapp) { if (mp->devnum == devnum) { *mapp = mp->next; free(mp->path); free(mp); } else mapp = & mp->next; } } struct map_ent *map_by_uuid(struct map_ent **map, int uuid[4]) { struct map_ent *mp; if (!*map) map_read(map); for (mp = *map ; mp ; mp = mp->next) if (memcmp(uuid, mp->uuid, 16) == 0) return mp; return NULL; }