#include #include #include #include "lmdb-safe.hh" #include #include #include using namespace std; static void closeTest() { auto env = getMDBEnv("./database", 0, 0600); int c = MDB_CREATE; MDBDbi dbi = env->openDB("ahu", c); MDBDbi main = env->openDB(0, c); MDBDbi hyc = env->openDB("hyc", c); auto txn = env->getROTransaction(); for(auto& d : {&main, &dbi, &hyc}) { auto rocursor = txn->getCursor(*d); MDBOutVal key, data; if(rocursor.get(key, data, MDB_FIRST)) continue; int count=0; do { count++; }while(!rocursor.get(key, data, MDB_NEXT)); cout<<"Have "<openDB("ahu", MDB_CREATE); for(int n=0; n < 15; ++n) { auto txn = env->getRWTransaction(); int val = n + 1000*tid; txn->put(dbi, val, val); txn->commit(); cout << "Done with transaction "<openDB("ahu", MDB_CREATE); for(int n=0; n < 15; ++n) { auto txn = env->getROTransaction(); int val = n + 1000*tid; MDBOutVal res; if(txn->get(dbi, val, res)) { throw std::runtime_error("no record"); } cout << "Done with readtransaction "<openDB("ahu", MDB_CREATE); for(int n = 0; n < 20; ++n) { auto txn = env->getRWTransaction(); for(int j=0; j < 1000000; ++j) { MDBInVal mv(n*1000000+j); txn->put(dbi, mv, mv, 0); } txn->commit(); } cout<<"Done filling"<openDB("ahu", MDB_CREATE); for(;;) { for(int n = 0; n < 20; ++n) { auto txn = env->getROTransaction(); unsigned int count=0; for(int j=0; j < 1000000; ++j) { MDBInVal mv(n*1000000+j); MDBOutVal res; if(!txn->get(dbi, mv, res)) ++count; } cout<openDB("ahu", MDB_CREATE); vector threads; for(int n=0; n < 100; ++n) { std::thread t(doPuts, n); threads.emplace_back(std::move(t)); } for(auto& t: threads) { t.join(); } threads.clear(); for(int n=0; n < 100; ++n) { std::thread t(doGets, n); threads.emplace_back(std::move(t)); } for(auto& t: threads) { t.join(); } return 0; } closeTest(); auto env = getMDBEnv("./database", 0, 0600); MDB_stat stat; mdb_env_stat(*env.get(), &stat); cout << stat.ms_entries<< " entries in database"<openDB("ahu", MDB_CREATE); { MDBROTransaction rotxn = env->getROTransaction(); { auto rocursor = rotxn.getCursor(dbi); MDB_val key{0,0}, data{0,0}; rocursor.get(key, data, MDB_FIRST); int count=0; do { count++; }while(!rocursor.get(key, data, MDB_NEXT)); cout<<"Counted "<getRWTransaction(); auto cursor = txn.getCursor(dbi); time_t start=time(0); ofstream delplot("plot"); for(unsigned n=0; n < 20000000*8; ++n) { unsigned int store = htonl(n); txn.del(dbi, {sizeof(store), (char*)&store}); if(!(n % (1024*1024))) { cout << time(0)- start << '\t' << n << endl; delplot << time(0)- start << '\t' << n << endl; } } cout<<"Done deleting, committing"<getRWTransaction(); start=time(0); ofstream plot("plot"); for(unsigned n=0; n < 20000000*8; ++n) { int res = n*n; unsigned int store = htonl(n); txn.put(dbi, {sizeof(store), (char*)&store}, {sizeof(res), (char*)&res}, MDB_APPEND); if(!(n % (1024*1024))) { cout << time(0)- start << '\t' << n << endl; plot << time(0)- start << '\t' << n << endl; } } txn.commit(); } */