2021-03-22 15:08:41 +01:00

1073 lines
48 KiB

#include "./buildactionprivate.h"
#include "./subprocess.h"
#include "../helper.h"
#include "../json.h"
#include "../serversetup.h"
#include "../webclient/aur.h"
#include "../webapi/params.h"
#include "../../libpkg/parser/database.h"
#include "../../libpkg/parser/utils.h"
#include <c++utilities/conversion/stringbuilder.h>
#include <c++utilities/conversion/stringconversion.h>
#include <c++utilities/io/ansiescapecodes.h>
#include <c++utilities/io/misc.h>
#include <boost/asio/read.hpp>
#include <boost/process/search_path.hpp>
#include <boost/process/start_dir.hpp>
#include <rapidjson/filewritestream.h>
#include <rapidjson/prettywriter.h>
#include <filesystem>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace CppUtilities;
using namespace CppUtilities::EscapeCodes;
namespace LibRepoMgr {
PrepareBuild::PrepareBuild(ServiceSetup &setup, const std::shared_ptr<BuildAction> &buildAction)
: InternalBuildAction(setup, buildAction)
void PrepareBuild::run()
// check whether a directory has been specified
if (m_buildAction->directory.empty()) {
reportError("Unable to create working directory: no directory name specified");
// check flags and settings
const auto flags = static_cast<PrepareBuildFlags>(m_buildAction->flags);
m_forceBumpPackageVersion = flags & PrepareBuildFlags::ForceBumpPkgRel;
m_cleanSourceDirectory = flags & PrepareBuildFlags::CleanSrcDir;
m_keepOrder = flags & PrepareBuildFlags::KeepOrder;
m_keepPkgRelAndEpoch = flags & PrepareBuildFlags::KeepPkgRelAndEpoch;
if (m_forceBumpPackageVersion && m_keepPkgRelAndEpoch) {
reportError("Can not force-bump pkgrel and keeping it at the same time.");
auto &metaInfo = m_setup.building.metaInfo;
auto metaInfoLock = metaInfo.lockToRead();
const auto &typeInfo = metaInfo.typeInfoForId(BuildActionType::PrepareBuild);
const auto pkgbuildsDirsSetting = std::string(typeInfo.settings[static_cast<std::size_t>(PrepareBuildSettings::PKGBUILDsDirs)].param);
if (const auto i = m_buildAction->settings.find(pkgbuildsDirsSetting); i != m_buildAction->settings.end()) {
m_pkgbuildsDirs = splitString<std::vector<std::string>>(i->second, ":", EmptyPartsTreat::Omit);
// read values from global config
auto setupReadLock = m_setup.lockToRead();
m_makePkgPath = findExecutable(m_setup.building.makePkgPath);
copySecondVectorIntoFirstVector(m_pkgbuildsDirs, m_setup.building.pkgbuildsDirs);
m_ignoreLocalPkgbuildsRegex = m_setup.building.ignoreLocalPkgbuildsRegex;
m_workingDirectory = determineWorkingDirectory(buildDataWorkingDirectory);
// check executables
if (!checkExecutable(m_makePkgPath)) {
reportError("Unable to find makepkg executable \"" % m_setup.building.makePkgPath + "\" in PATH.");
// init build action
auto configReadLock
= init(BuildActionAccess::ReadConfig, RequiredDatabases::MaybeSource | RequiredDatabases::OneDestination, RequiredParameters::Packages);
if (std::holds_alternative<std::monostate>(configReadLock)) {
// find dependencies of the destination repository
auto *const destinationDb = (*m_destinationDbs.begin());
auto databaseDependencyOrderRes = m_setup.config.computeDatabaseDependencyOrder(*destinationDb);
if (std::holds_alternative<std::string>(databaseDependencyOrderRes)) {
configReadLock = std::monostate{};
reportError("Unable to find the destination DB's dependencies: " + get<string>(databaseDependencyOrderRes));
auto &databaseDependencyOrder = get<vector<LibPkg::Database *>>(databaseDependencyOrderRes);
for (const auto *destinationDbOrDependency : databaseDependencyOrder) {
// find dependencies of the staging repository
auto *stagingDb = m_setup.config.findDatabase(destinationDb->name + "-staging", destinationDb->arch);
auto stagingDbOrder = std::variant<std::vector<LibPkg::Database *>, std::string>();
auto hasStagingDbOrder = false;
if (!stagingDb && endsWith(destinationDb->name, "-testing")) {
stagingDb = m_setup.config.findDatabase(
argsToString(std::string_view(destinationDb->, destinationDb->name.size() - 8), "-staging"), destinationDb->arch);
if (!stagingDb && endsWith(destinationDb->name, "-staging")) {
// use the destination DB as staging DB if it ends with "-staging"; we can assume it was intended to use it and the auto-staging
// was just passed as usual
stagingDb = destinationDb;
stagingDbOrder = databaseDependencyOrder;
hasStagingDbOrder = true;
if (stagingDb) {
if (!hasStagingDbOrder) {
stagingDbOrder = m_setup.config.computeDatabaseDependencyOrder(*stagingDb);
if (std::holds_alternative<std::string>(stagingDbOrder)) {
m_warnings.emplace_back("Unable to find the staging DB's dependencies: " + get<string>(stagingDbOrder));
} else {
m_warnings.emplace_back("Unable to find staging DB for \"" + destinationDb->name + "\". Auto-staging will not work.");
// set target and staging info
m_targetDbName = destinationDb->name;
m_targetArch = destinationDb->arch;
if (stagingDb) {
m_stagingDbName = stagingDb->name;
// make set of databases considered as given from the specified source databases
// notes: 1. If *no* source databases are specified the destination database and all databases it is based on are considered as "given" and
// therefore not included in the build unless their package names are explicitly specified. All direct and transitive dependencies
// of the destination repository and the destination repository itself are enabled within the build root.
// 2. If source databases are specified only packages contained by these databases will be considered as "given". Any other packages
// will be included in the build. Dependencies of the destination repository and the destination repository itself are only enabled within
// the build root when also listed as source repositories.
// 3. All specified source repositories should be equal to the destination repository or a direct or transitive dependency of the destination
// repository. If that is not the case the built packages might depend on packages which are not available at install time. Hence a warning
// is emitted in that case.
std::vector<std::string> missingBaseDbs;
for (auto *const sourceDb : m_sourceDbs) {
const auto &[sourceDbName, added] = m_baseDbs.emplace(sourceDb->name);
if (!added) {
if (m_requiredDbs.find(*sourceDbName) == m_requiredDbs.end()) {
databaseDependencyOrder.emplace_back(sourceDb); // appending the "odd" source database (see note 3. above) should be sufficient
if (!missingBaseDbs.empty()) {
"The following source DBs are not the destination DB or a (transitive) dependency of it: " + joinStrings(missingBaseDbs, ", "));
// compose the list of repositories to enable within the build root (for staging)
populateDbConfig(databaseDependencyOrder, false);
if (std::holds_alternative<std::vector<LibPkg::Database *>>(stagingDbOrder)) {
populateDbConfig(std::get<std::vector<LibPkg::Database *>>(stagingDbOrder), true);
// try to find denoted packages to determine the actual package base and the existing version
// -> We might get something like "my-repo/foo" and "my-repo/bar" where "foo" and "bar" are only split
// packages from the base package "foobar" when blindly trying to "rebuild" packages from a binary
// repository. Luckily database files store the corresponding base packages.
// -> That trick doesn't work for new packages of course.
// FIXME: Maybe the AUR RPC provides useful information (which would at least help with AUR packages).
// -> The existing version is useful to know when we need to bump pkgrel or even epoch.
size_t currentIndex = 0;
for (const auto &packageName : m_buildAction->packageNames) {
// pick some package matching the specified packageName which has a source info; prefering packages
// from the destination db
auto existingPackages = m_setup.config.findPackages(packageName);
auto foundSourcePackage = false;
auto packageBuildData = PackageBuildData();
for (auto &existingPackage : existingPackages) {
// skip if package not relevant
if (!isExistingPackageRelevant(packageName, existingPackage, packageBuildData, *destinationDb)) {
// skip if package has no source info
const auto &sourceInfo = existingPackage.pkg->sourceInfo;
if (!sourceInfo || sourceInfo->name.empty()) {
auto &buildData = m_buildDataByPackage[sourceInfo->name];
buildData.specifiedIndex = currentIndex++;
if (buildData.existingVersion.empty()
|| LibPkg::PackageVersion::isNewer(LibPkg::PackageVersion::compare(existingPackage.pkg->version, buildData.existingVersion))) {
buildData.existingVersion = existingPackage.pkg->version;
// assume we don't have sources if going to clean up the source directory
// FIXME: It is a little bit inconsistent that in other places existing PackageBuildData is overridden and here it is re-used.
if (m_cleanSourceDirectory) {
buildData.hasSource = false;
foundSourcePackage = true;
if (std::get<LibPkg::Database *>(existingPackage.db) == destinationDb) {
// add an empty BuildPackage neverthless assuming packageName specifies the base package as-is
if (!foundSourcePackage) {
packageBuildData.specifiedIndex = currentIndex++;
m_buildDataByPackage[packageName] = std::move(packageBuildData);
configReadLock = std::monostate{};
// make working directory
try {
} catch (const filesystem::filesystem_error &e) {
reportError("Unable to create working directory " % m_workingDirectory % ": " + e.what());
if (reportAbortedIfAborted()) {
// locate PKGBUILDs locally or download them from AUR
* \brief Populates m_dbConfig (or m_dbStagingConfig if \a forStaging) with the specified \a dbOrder.
void PrepareBuild::populateDbConfig(const std::vector<LibPkg::Database *> &dbOrder, bool forStaging)
auto &dbConfig = forStaging ? m_stagingDbConfig : m_dbConfig;
for (auto i = dbOrder.rbegin(), end = dbOrder.rend(); i != end; ++i) {
const auto *const db = *i;
auto scopeData = IniFile::ScopeData{};
scopeData.emplace(make_pair("SigLevel", LibPkg::signatureLevelToString(db->signatureLevel)));
for (const auto &mirror : db->mirrors) {
scopeData.emplace(make_pair("Server", mirror));
if (m_sourceDbs.empty() || m_baseDbs.find(db->name) != m_baseDbs.cend() || (forStaging && endsWith(db->name, "-staging"))) {
dbConfig.emplace_back(IniFile::Scope(db->name, move(scopeData)));
* \brief Determines whether the existing package \a package is relevant for providing the dependency with \a dependencyName considering the
* specified \a destinationDb.
* \remarks The \a package is added to the existing packages in \a packageBuildData in case it is useful for further processing even though
* not for providing the dependency (e.g. bumping pkgrel).
bool PrepareBuild::isExistingPackageRelevant(
const string &dependencyName, LibPkg::PackageSearchResult &package, PackageBuildData &packageBuildData, const LibPkg::Database &destinationDb)
// skip db if arch isn't matching the destination db arch
const auto *const db = std::get<LibPkg::Database *>(package.db);
if (db->arch != destinationDb.arch) {
return false;
// add an exact package match to the build data if it is present in the destination db or any dependency because it is
// still relevant for bumping versions, even if we ignore it because it is not present in the base DBs
const auto dependencyPresentInRequiredDbs = m_requiredDbs.find(db->name) != m_requiredDbs.end();
if (dependencyPresentInRequiredDbs && dependencyName == package.pkg->name) {
if (packageBuildData.existingVersion.empty()
|| LibPkg::PackageVersion::isNewer(LibPkg::PackageVersion::compare(package.pkg->version, packageBuildData.existingVersion))) {
packageBuildData.existingVersion = package.pkg->version;
// skip if packge is not from any database available within that build
return (m_baseDbs.empty() && dependencyPresentInRequiredDbs) || (m_baseDbs.find(db->name) != m_baseDbs.end());
void PrepareBuild::addPackageToLogLine(std::string &logLine, const std::string &packageName)
logLine += ' ';
logLine += packageName;
void PrepareBuild::makeSrcInfo(
std::shared_ptr<WebClient::AurSnapshotQuerySession> &multiSession, const std::string &sourceDirectory, const std::string &packageName)
auto processSession = make_shared<ProcessSession>(
m_setup.building.ioContext, [multiSession, &sourceDirectory, &packageName](boost::process::child &&child, ProcessResult &&result) {
processSrcInfo(*multiSession, sourceDirectory, packageName, std::move(child), std::move(result));
processSession->launch(boost::process::start_dir(sourceDirectory), m_makePkgPath.string(), "--printsrcinfo");
void PrepareBuild::processSrcInfo(WebClient::AurSnapshotQuerySession &multiSession, const std::string &sourceDirectory,
const std::string &packageName, boost::process::child &&child, ProcessResult &&result)
if (result.errorCode) {
multiSession.addResponse(WebClient::AurSnapshotResult{ .packageName = packageName,
.errorOutput = move(result.error),
.error = argsToString("Unable to invoke makepkg --printsourceinfo: ", result.errorCode.message()) });
if (child.exit_code() != 0) {
multiSession.addResponse(WebClient::AurSnapshotResult{ .packageName = packageName,
.errorOutput = move(result.error),
.error = argsToString("makepkg --printsourceinfo exited with non-zero exit code: ", child.exit_code()) });
const auto srcInfoPath = sourceDirectory + "/.SRCINFO";
try {
writeFile(srcInfoPath, result.output);
} catch (const std::ios_base::failure &failure) {
WebClient::AurSnapshotResult{ .packageName = packageName, .error = "Unable to write " % srcInfoPath % ": " + failure.what() });
addResultFromSrcInfo(multiSession, packageName, result.output);
void PrepareBuild::addResultFromSrcInfo(WebClient::AurSnapshotQuerySession &multiSession, const std::string &packageName, const std::string &srcInfo)
auto snapshotResult = WebClient::AurSnapshotResult{ .packageName = packageName, .packages = LibPkg::Package::fromInfo(srcInfo, false) };
if (snapshotResult.packages.empty() || snapshotResult.packages.front()->name.empty()) {
snapshotResult.error = "Unable to parse .SRCINFO: no package name present";
} else if (!(snapshotResult.sourceInfo = snapshotResult.packages.front()->sourceInfo)) {
snapshotResult.error = "Unable to parse .SRCINFO: no source info present";
void PrepareBuild::fetchMissingBuildData()
auto multiSession
= WebClient::AurSnapshotQuerySession::create(m_setup.building.ioContext, bind(&PrepareBuild::computeDependencies, this, placeholders::_1));
vector<WebClient::AurSnapshotQueryParams> snapshotQueries;
// prepare logging
auto logLines = vector<string>{
" -> Generating .SRCINFO for local PKGBUILDs:", " -> Retrieving sources from AUR:", " -> Using existing source directories:"
auto needToGeneratedSrcInfo = false;
auto usingExistingSourceDirectories = false;
// fetch build data (PKGBUILD, .SRCINFO, ...) for all the packages we want to build
for (auto &[packageName, buildData] : m_buildDataByPackage) {
// skip packages where the source has already been fetched in a previous invocation or which have already failed on a previous invocation
if (buildData.hasSource || !buildData.error.empty()) {
buildData.sourceDirectory = m_workingDirectory % '/' % packageName + "/src";
// skip fetching if source directory already exists (from previous run or manual provisioning)
// clean existing source directory if cleanup is enabled
try {
const auto sourceDirectoryExists = filesystem::exists(buildData.sourceDirectory);
if (m_cleanSourceDirectory && sourceDirectoryExists) {
} else if (sourceDirectoryExists) {
// verify the PKGBUILD file exists
const auto pkgbuildPath = buildData.sourceDirectory + "/PKGBUILD";
if (!filesystem::exists(pkgbuildPath)) {
multiSession->addResponse(WebClient::AurSnapshotResult{ .packageName = packageName,
.error = "Existing source directory \"" % buildData.sourceDirectory + "\" does not contain a PKGBUILD file." });
// generate the .SRCINFO file if not already present; otherwise read the existing .SRCINFO
const auto srcInfoPath = buildData.sourceDirectory + "/.SRCINFO";
if (!filesystem::exists(srcInfoPath) || filesystem::last_write_time(srcInfoPath) < filesystem::last_write_time(pkgbuildPath)) {
makeSrcInfo(multiSession, buildData.sourceDirectory, packageName);
needToGeneratedSrcInfo = true;
} else {
string srcInfo;
try {
srcInfo = readFile(srcInfoPath, 0x10000);
} catch (const std::ios_base::failure &e) {
multiSession->addResponse(WebClient::AurSnapshotResult{ .packageName = packageName,
.error = "Unable to read .SRCINFO \"" % srcInfoPath % "\" from existing source directory: " + e.what() });
addResultFromSrcInfo(*multiSession, packageName, srcInfo);
usingExistingSourceDirectories = true;
addPackageToLogLine(logLines[0], packageName);
addPackageToLogLine(logLines[2], packageName);
buildData.hasSource = true;
} catch (const filesystem::filesystem_error &e) {
multiSession->addResponse(WebClient::AurSnapshotResult{ .packageName = packageName,
.error = "Unable to check existing source directory \"" % buildData.sourceDirectory % "\": " + e.what() });
// clear the original source directory which is possibly still assigned from a previous run
// skip next block if package name matches configured pattern
LibPkg::PackageNameData packageNameData;
if (regex_match(packageName, m_ignoreLocalPkgbuildsRegex)) {
goto addAurQuery;
// copy PKGBUILD from local PKGBUILDs directory and generate .SRCINFO from it via makepkg
if (!m_pkgbuildsDirs.empty()) {
packageNameData = LibPkg::PackageNameData::decompose(packageName);
for (const auto &pkgbuildsDir : m_pkgbuildsDirs) {
const auto variant = packageNameData.variant();
auto pkgbuildPath = pkgbuildsDir % '/' % packageNameData.actualName % '/' % variant;
try {
if (!filesystem::exists(pkgbuildPath + "/PKGBUILD")) {
buildData.originalSourceDirectory = tupleToString(pkgbuildPath);
filesystem::copy(buildData.originalSourceDirectory, buildData.sourceDirectory, std::filesystem::copy_options::recursive);
} catch (const filesystem::filesystem_error &e) {
multiSession->addResponse(WebClient::AurSnapshotResult{ .packageName = packageName,
= "Unable to copy files from PKGBUILDs directory " % pkgbuildsDir % " to " % buildData.sourceDirectory % ": " + e.what() });
makeSrcInfo(multiSession, buildData.sourceDirectory, packageName);
needToGeneratedSrcInfo = true;
addPackageToLogLine(logLines[0], packageName);
buildData.hasSource = true;
// download latest snapshot containing PKGBUILD and .SRCINFO from AUR
if (!buildData.hasSource) {
.packageName = &packageName,
.targetDirectory = &buildData.sourceDirectory,
addPackageToLogLine(logLines[1], packageName);
// schedule async AUR downloads
if (!snapshotQueries.empty()) {
WebClient::queryAurSnapshots(m_buildAction->log(), m_setup, snapshotQueries, m_setup.building.ioContext, multiSession);
// log status
if (!needToGeneratedSrcInfo) {
if (snapshotQueries.empty()) {
if (!usingExistingSourceDirectories) {
m_buildAction->appendOutput(Phrases::InfoMessage, "Fetching missing build data\n", joinStrings(logLines, string(), true, string(), "\n"));
bool PrepareBuild::pullFurtherDependencies(const std::vector<LibPkg::Dependency> &dependencies)
// pull further depencencies; similar to initial dependency lookup in run()
auto dependencyAdded = false;
const auto *const destinationDb = *m_destinationDbs.begin();
for (const auto &dependency : dependencies) {
auto dependencyExists = false;
// skip if the dependency is already in the list of packages to be built (check for cycles is done later when computing batches)
if (m_buildDataByPackage.find( != m_buildDataByPackage.end()) {
for (const auto &[packageName, buildData] : m_buildDataByPackage) {
for (const auto &package : buildData.packages) {
if (package->providesDependency(dependency)) {
dependencyExists = true;
if (dependencyExists) {
if (dependencyExists) {
// skip dependency if it is already present in one of the dependencies considered as "given" (see note in run() function)
auto packageBuildData = PackageBuildData();
auto existingPackages = m_setup.config.findPackages(dependency);
for (auto &package : existingPackages) {
// skip if package not relevant
if (!isExistingPackageRelevant(, package, packageBuildData, *destinationDb)) {
dependencyExists = true;
if (dependencyExists) {
// assume the dependency is provided by a package with the pkgbase of the dependency denotation
// FIXME: support split packages
m_buildDataByPackage[] = std::move(packageBuildData);
dependencyAdded = true;
return dependencyAdded;
struct BatchItem {
struct MissingDependency {
LibPkg::Dependency dependency;
LibPkg::Dependency requiredBy;
const std::string *const name;
const PackageBuildData *const buildData;
std::unordered_map<const BatchItem *, std::unordered_set<const BatchItem *>> neededItems;
LibPkg::DependencySet requiredDependencies;
LibPkg::DependencySet providedDependencies;
std::vector<MissingDependency> missingDependencies;
bool done = false;
void determineNeededItems(LibPkg::Config &config, const std::unordered_set<string> &requiredDbs, const LibPkg::Database *destinationDb,
unordered_map<string, BatchItem> &batchItems);
template <typename... DependencyParams>
bool addNeededItemForRequiredDependencyFromOtherItems(
const unordered_map<string, BatchItem> &otherItems, DependencyParams &&...requiredDependencyParams);
static bool addItemsToBatch(Batch &currentBatch, BatchMap &items);
void addNeededBatchItemsForPackage(LibPkg::Config &config, const std::unordered_set<string> &requiredDbs, const LibPkg::Database *destinationDb,
unordered_map<string, BatchItem> &batchItems, unordered_set<const LibPkg::Package *> &visitedPackages, LibPkg::Package &package);
template <typename... DependencyParams>
bool BatchItem::addNeededItemForRequiredDependencyFromOtherItems(
const unordered_map<string, BatchItem> &otherItems, DependencyParams &&...requiredDependencyParams)
// skip if the dependency of a package is provided by the package itself (can happen when dealing with split packages)
if (providedDependencies.provides(std::forward<DependencyParams>(requiredDependencyParams)...)) {
return true;
// go through all the items to find one which provides the dependency; continue to look for alternatives as well
const BatchItem *relevantItem = nullptr;
std::unordered_set<const BatchItem *> alternativeItems;
for (const auto &item : otherItems) {
if (&item.second == this) {
if (item.second.providedDependencies.provides(std::forward<DependencyParams>(requiredDependencyParams)...)) {
if (!relevantItem) {
relevantItem = &item.second;
} else {
if (relevantItem) {
// FIXME: actually, we need to handle the case when the item is already present as the alternative items might differ
neededItems.emplace(relevantItem, move(alternativeItems));
return true;
return false;
void BatchItem::determineNeededItems(LibPkg::Config &config, const std::unordered_set<std::string> &requiredDbs,
const LibPkg::Database *destinationDb, unordered_map<string, BatchItem> &batchItems)
unordered_set<const LibPkg::Package *> visitedPackages;
for (const auto &require : requiredDependencies) {
// check whether its provided directly by some other item
if (addNeededItemForRequiredDependencyFromOtherItems(batchItems, require.first, require.second)) {
// check by which other package the item is provided
// skip dependency if it is already present in one of the dbs
auto dependency = LibPkg::Dependency(require.first, require.second.version, require.second.mode);
auto foundPackage = false;
const auto existingPackages = config.findPackages(dependency);
for (const auto &package : existingPackages) {
// skip if packge is not from any database available within that build
const auto *const db = std::get<LibPkg::Database *>(package.db);
if (requiredDbs.find(db->name) == requiredDbs.end()) {
if (db->arch != destinationDb->arch) {
addNeededBatchItemsForPackage(config, requiredDbs, destinationDb, batchItems, visitedPackages, *package.pkg);
foundPackage = true;
if (!foundPackage) {
missingDependencies.emplace_back(MissingDependency{ .dependency = move(dependency), .requiredBy = LibPkg::Dependency(*name) });
bool BatchItem::addItemsToBatch(Batch &currentBatch, BatchMap &items)
auto allDone = true;
for (auto &[packageName, batchItem] : items) {
// skip items which are already done
if (batchItem.done) {
allDone = false;
// skip if not all dependencies of the items are done
auto allDepsDone = true;
for (const auto &[neededItem, alternatives] : batchItem.neededItems) {
if (neededItem->done) {
auto oneAlternativeDone = false;
for (const auto &alternative : alternatives) {
if (alternative->done) {
oneAlternativeDone = true;
if (oneAlternativeDone) {
allDepsDone = false;
if (!allDepsDone) {
// add item to current batch
return allDone;
void BatchItem::addNeededBatchItemsForPackage(LibPkg::Config &config, const std::unordered_set<string> &requiredDbs,
const LibPkg::Database *destinationDb, unordered_map<string, BatchItem> &batchItems, unordered_set<const LibPkg::Package *> &visitedPackages,
LibPkg::Package &package)
// stop if there's a cycle (not a critical error here; we've just seen enough; only cycles between packages we actually want to build are interesting)
const auto [i, notVisitedBefore] = visitedPackages.emplace(&package);
if (!notVisitedBefore) {
// check whether the dependencies of that package lead to another build item
for (const auto &dep : package.dependencies) {
// check whether the dependency is directly one of the build items
if (addNeededItemForRequiredDependencyFromOtherItems(batchItems, dep)) {
// check other packages recursively
auto foundPackage = false;
const auto existingPackages = config.findPackages(dep);
for (const auto &existingPackage : existingPackages) {
// skip if packge is not from any database available within that build
const auto *const db = std::get<LibPkg::Database *>(existingPackage.db);
if (requiredDbs.find(db->name) == requiredDbs.end()) {
if (db->arch != destinationDb->arch) {
addNeededBatchItemsForPackage(config, requiredDbs, destinationDb, batchItems, visitedPackages, *existingPackage.pkg);
foundPackage = true;
if (!foundPackage) {
missingDependencies.emplace_back(MissingDependency{ .dependency = dep, .requiredBy = LibPkg::Dependency( });
static bool sortBatch(const BatchItem *lhs, const BatchItem *rhs)
if (lhs->buildData->specifiedIndex != numeric_limits<size_t>::max() && rhs->buildData->specifiedIndex != numeric_limits<size_t>::max()) {
return lhs->buildData->specifiedIndex < rhs->buildData->specifiedIndex;
} else if (lhs->buildData->specifiedIndex != numeric_limits<size_t>::max()) {
return true;
} else if (rhs->buildData->specifiedIndex != numeric_limits<size_t>::max()) {
return false;
} else {
return *lhs->name < *rhs->name;
void PrepareBuild::bumpVersions()
// bump pkgrel or even epoch to ensure the new packages are actually considered newer by pacman when updating
if (m_keepPkgRelAndEpoch) {
for (const auto &[packageName, buildData] : m_buildDataByPackage) {
auto &existingVersionStr = buildData.existingVersion;
if (existingVersionStr.empty() && !m_forceBumpPackageVersion) {
auto existingVersion = existingVersionStr.empty() ? LibPkg::PackageVersion{} : LibPkg::PackageVersion::fromString(existingVersionStr);
LibPkg::PackageAmendment amendment;
LibPkg::PackageVersion newVersion;
for (const auto &package : buildData.packages) {
newVersion = LibPkg::PackageVersion::fromString(package->version);
if (existingVersionStr.empty()) {
existingVersion = newVersion;
switch ( {
case LibPkg::PackageVersionComparison::Equal:
case LibPkg::PackageVersionComparison::PackageUpgradeOnly:
amendment.bumpDownstreamVersion = LibPkg::PackageAmendment::VersionBump::PackageVersion;
m_warnings.emplace_back("Bumping pkgrel of " % package->name % "; version " % existingVersionStr + " already exists");
case LibPkg::PackageVersionComparison::SoftwareUpgrade:
if (package->decomposeName().isVcsPackage()) {
// skip bumping epoch of VCS packages; the pkgver is supposed to be adjusted in pkgver()
// note: Not skipping this in the pkgrel handling in the case above because when pkgver() returns a new version, pkgrel is
// resetted automatically so there's no harm in bumping it and it might actually be needed if there's no no version.
m_warnings.emplace_back("Version of package " % package->name % " is" % package->version
% " which is older than existing version " % existingVersionStr
+ "; NOT bumping the epoch because it is a VCS package; be sure pkgver() actually yields a new version");
amendment.bumpDownstreamVersion = LibPkg::PackageAmendment::VersionBump::Epoch;
m_warnings.emplace_back("Bumping epoch of " % package->name % "; its version " % package->version % " is older than existing version "
+ existingVersionStr);
goto breakLoop;
if (m_forceBumpPackageVersion && amendment.isEmpty()) {
amendment.bumpDownstreamVersion = LibPkg::PackageAmendment::VersionBump::PackageVersion;
m_warnings.emplace_back("Bumping pkgrel of " % packageName + " (and its split packages); forcing pkgrel bump has been enabled");
if (!amendment.isEmpty()) {
auto amendedVersions = LibPkg::amendPkgbuild(buildData.sourceDirectory + "/PKGBUILD", existingVersion, amendment);
if (!amendedVersions.newEpoch.empty()) {
newVersion.epoch = std::move(amendedVersions.newEpoch);
if (!amendedVersions.newPkgRel.empty()) {
newVersion.package = std::move(amendedVersions.newPkgRel);
const auto newVersionStr = newVersion.toString();
for (const auto &package : buildData.packages) {
package->version = newVersionStr;
m_warnings.emplace_back("New version of " % packageName % " (and its split packages) is " + newVersionStr);
void PrepareBuild::computeDependencies(WebClient::AurSnapshotQuerySession::ContainerType &&responses)
if (reportAbortedIfAborted()) {
// find databases again
auto configReadLock = m_setup.config.lockToRead();
if (auto error = findDatabases(); !error.empty()) {
// populate build data from responses and add further dependencies
auto furtherDependenciesNeeded = false;
auto sourcesMissing = false;
for (auto &response : responses) {
if (response.packageName.empty()) {
auto &buildData = m_buildDataByPackage["?"];
auto &error = buildData.error;
if (!error.empty()) {
error += '\n';
error = response.error.empty() ? "got response with no package name (internal error)" : move(response.error);
sourcesMissing = true;
auto &buildData = m_buildDataByPackage[response.packageName];
buildData.sourceInfo = move(response.sourceInfo);
buildData.packages = move(response.packages);
buildData.error = move(response.error);
buildData.hasSource = buildData.sourceInfo && !buildData.packages.empty() && buildData.error.empty();
if (buildData.hasSource) {
const auto buildActionsWriteLock = m_setup.building.lockToWrite();
m_buildAction->artefacts.emplace_back(buildData.sourceDirectory + "/PKGBUILD"); // FIXME: add all files as artefacts
if (buildData.error.empty()) {
buildData.error = "no build data available";
sourcesMissing = true;
for (auto &response : responses) {
if (response.packageName.empty()) {
auto &buildData = m_buildDataByPackage[response.packageName];
if (!buildData.hasSource) {
furtherDependenciesNeeded = pullFurtherDependencies(buildData.sourceInfo->makeDependencies) || furtherDependenciesNeeded;
furtherDependenciesNeeded = pullFurtherDependencies(buildData.sourceInfo->checkDependencies) || furtherDependenciesNeeded;
for (const auto &package : buildData.packages) {
furtherDependenciesNeeded = pullFurtherDependencies(package->dependencies) || furtherDependenciesNeeded;
if (reportAbortedIfAborted()) {
// pull missing dependencies if all sources could be retrieved so far
if (!sourcesMissing && furtherDependenciesNeeded) {
// check for errors
set<string> failedPackages;
for (const auto &buildData : m_buildDataByPackage) {
if (!buildData.second.error.empty()) {
if (!failedPackages.empty()) {
auto errorMessage = "Unable to retrieve the following packages (see result data for details): " + joinStrings(failedPackages, " ");
m_buildAction->appendOutput(Phrases::ErrorMessage, errorMessage, '\n');
auto resultData = makeResultData(std::move(errorMessage));
auto buildActionWriteLock = m_setup.building.lockToWrite();
m_buildAction->resultData = std::move(resultData);
if (reportAbortedIfAborted()) {
if (m_keepOrder) {
} else {
auto resultData = makeResultData();
auto buildActionWriteLock = m_setup.building.lockToWrite();
m_buildAction->resultData = std::move(resultData);
if (resultData.error.empty() && resultData.cyclicLeftovers.empty()) {
} else {
std::unordered_map<std::string, BatchItem> PrepareBuild::prepareBatches()
std::unordered_map<std::string, BatchItem> batchItems;
for (const auto &[packageName, buildData] : m_buildDataByPackage) {
auto [i, newItem] = batchItems.try_emplace(packageName, BatchItem{ .name = &packageName, .buildData = &buildData });
auto &batchItem = i->second;
const auto &sourceInfo = buildData.sourceInfo;
for (const auto &package : buildData.packages) {
for (const auto &deps : { sourceInfo->makeDependencies, sourceInfo->checkDependencies, package->dependencies }) {
for (const auto &dep : deps) {
batchItem.requiredDependencies.add(dep, package);
for (auto &dep : package->provides) {
batchItem.providedDependencies.add(dep, package);
return batchItems;
void PrepareBuild::deduceBatchesFromSpecifiedOrder()
m_buildAction->appendOutput(Phrases::InfoMessage, "Fetched sources; making batches for specified order ...\n"sv);
auto batchItems = prepareBatches();
BatchList batches;
for (auto &[packageName, batchItem] : batchItems) {
batches.emplace_back(std::vector<BatchItem *>{ &batchItem });
std::sort(batches.begin(), batches.end(), [](const Batch &lhs, const Batch &rhs) { return sortBatch(lhs.front(), rhs.front()); });
addBatchesToResult(std::move(batches), Batch());
void PrepareBuild::computeBatches()
m_buildAction->appendOutput(Phrases::InfoMessage, "Fetched sources; computing build batches ...\n"sv);
// prepare computing batches
auto batchItems = prepareBatches();
auto configReadLock2 = m_setup.config.lockToRead();
if (auto error = findDatabases(); !error.empty()) {
// add dependency relations to batch items
for (auto &batchItem : batchItems) {
batchItem.second.determineNeededItems(m_setup.config, m_requiredDbs, *m_destinationDbs.begin(), batchItems);
// FIXME: check for missing dependencies
// add batch items into batches
BatchList batches;
bool allDone;
size_t addedItems;
do {
if (reportAbortedIfAborted()) {
auto &newBatch = batches.emplace_back();
allDone = BatchItem::addItemsToBatch(newBatch, batchItems);
addedItems = newBatch.size();
if (!addedItems) {
for (auto &addedItem : newBatch) {
addedItem->done = true;
} while (!allDone && addedItems);
// check for cyclic leftovers
Batch cyclicLeftovers;
if (!allDone) {
for (auto &item : batchItems) {
if (!item.second.done) {
if (!cyclicLeftovers.empty()) {
m_warnings.emplace_back("Dependency cycles have been detected. Add a boostrap package to the package list to resolve this.");
// sort batches so the order in which packages have been specified is preserved within the batches
for (auto &batch : batches) {
std::sort(batch.begin(), batch.end(), sortBatch);
std::sort(cyclicLeftovers.begin(), cyclicLeftovers.end(), sortBatch);
// add batches to result
addBatchesToResult(std::move(batches), std::move(cyclicLeftovers));
void PrepareBuild::addBatchesToResult(BatchList &&batches, Batch &&cyclicLeftovers)
const auto returnItemName = [](const BatchItem *item) { return *item->name; };
std::transform(batches.cbegin(), batches.cend(), std::back_inserter(m_batches), [&returnItemName](const Batch &batch) {
std::vector<std::string> newBatch;
std::transform(batch.cbegin(), batch.cend(), std::back_inserter(newBatch), returnItemName);
return newBatch;
std::transform(cyclicLeftovers.cbegin(), cyclicLeftovers.cend(), std::back_inserter(m_cyclicLeftovers), returnItemName);
BuildPreparation PrepareBuild::makeResultData(std::string &&error)
auto resultData = BuildPreparation{
.buildData = std::move(m_buildDataByPackage),
.dbConfig = std::move(m_dbConfig),
.stagingDbConfig = std::move(m_stagingDbConfig),
.targetDb = std::move(m_targetDbName),
.targetArch = std::move(m_targetArch),
.stagingDb = std::move(m_stagingDbName),
.batches = std::move(m_batches),
.cyclicLeftovers = std::move(m_cyclicLeftovers),
.warnings = std::move(m_warnings),
.error = std::move(error),
.manuallyOrdered = m_keepOrder,
// write results into the working directory so the actual build can pick it up
try {
[this, &resultData] {
const auto configLock = m_setup.config.lockToRead();
return resultData.toJsonDocument();
m_workingDirectory, buildPreparationFileName, DumpJsonExistingFileHandling::Backup);
} catch (const std::runtime_error &e) {
const auto what = string_view(e.what());
if (resultData.error.empty()) {
resultData.error = what;
} else {
m_buildAction->appendOutput(Phrases::ErrorMessage, what, '\n');
// write build progress skeletion (a BuildProgress with a default-initialized PackageBuildProgress for each package)
try {
BuildProgress progress;
try {
restoreJsonObject(progress, m_workingDirectory, buildProgressFileName, RestoreJsonExistingFileHandling::Skip);
} catch (const std::runtime_error &e) {
m_buildAction->appendOutput(Phrases::ErrorMessage, "Unable to read existing build-progress.json: ", e.what(), '\n');
if (dumpJsonDocument(
[this, &resultData, &progress] {
// reset database-specific fields as the database configuration might have changed
for (const auto &[packageName, buildData] : resultData.buildData) {
auto &buildProgress = progress.progressByPackage[packageName];
// reset the build progress if the PKGBUILD has been updated
if (!buildProgress.hasBeenAnyProgressMade()) {
if (buildProgress.buildDirectory.empty()) {
const std::filesystem::path srcDirPkgbuild = buildData.sourceDirectory + "/PKGBUILD";
const std::filesystem::path buildDirPkgbuild = buildProgress.buildDirectory + "/PKGBUILD";
try {
if (!std::filesystem::exists(buildDirPkgbuild)
|| std::filesystem::last_write_time(srcDirPkgbuild) > std::filesystem::last_write_time(buildDirPkgbuild)) {
} catch (const std::filesystem::filesystem_error &e) {
Phrases::ErrorMessage, "Unable to determine whether PKGBUILD has been updated: ", e.what(), '\n');
return progress.toJsonDocument();
m_workingDirectory, buildProgressFileName, DumpJsonExistingFileHandling::Backup)
.empty()) {
m_buildAction->appendOutput(Phrases::ErrorMessage, "Unable to write build-progress.json\n"sv);
} catch (const std::runtime_error &e) {
const auto what = string_view(e.what());
m_buildAction->appendOutput(Phrases::ErrorMessage, what);
return resultData;
} // namespace LibRepoMgr