#include "./buildactionprivate.h" #include "./subprocess.h" #include "../helper.h" #include "../json.h" #include "../logging.h" #include "../serversetup.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if __has_include() #include #endif #if __has_include() #include #endif using namespace std; using namespace CppUtilities; using namespace CppUtilities::EscapeCodes; namespace LibRepoMgr { void RebuildInfo::replace(const LibPkg::DependencySet &deps, const std::unordered_set &libs) { provides.clear(); libprovides.clear(); add(deps, libs); } void RebuildInfo::add(const LibPkg::DependencySet &deps, const std::unordered_set &libs) { for (const auto &dep : deps) { const auto &[depName, depDetails] = dep; provides.emplace_back(depName, depDetails.version, depDetails.mode); } libprovides.insert(libprovides.end(), libs.cbegin(), libs.cend()); } /*! * \brief Constructs a new BatchProcessingSession to start asynchronous tasks in batches. * \param relevantPackages If non-empty, getCurrentPackageNameIfValidAndRelevantAndSelectNext() will skip packages not contained. * \param batches The batches to build. This is a list of a list of packages. * \param ioContext The IO context to run the specified handler. * \param handler The handler to execute after processing all batches has finished (or is otherwise aborted). * \param skipBatchesAfterFailure Whether processing subsequent should be aborted after an error. */ BatchProcessingSession::BatchProcessingSession(const std::unordered_set &relevantPackages, std::vector> &batches, boost::asio::io_context &ioContext, BatchProcessingSession::HandlerType &&handler, bool skipBatchesAfterFailure) : MultiSession(ioContext, std::move(handler)) , m_relevantPackages(relevantPackages) , m_batchBegin(batches.begin()) , m_batchIterator(batches.begin()) , m_batchEnd(batches.end()) , m_packageIterator(m_batchIterator != m_batchEnd ? m_batchIterator->begin() : decltype(m_packageIterator)()) , m_packageEnd(m_batchIterator != m_batchEnd ? m_batchIterator->end() : decltype(m_packageEnd)()) , m_skipBatchesAfterFailure(skipBatchesAfterFailure) , m_hasFailuresInPreviousBatches(false) , m_enableStagingInNextBatch(false) , m_stagingEnabled(false) { } /*! // * \brief Returns whether currentPackageName() and selectNextPackage() can be called. * \remarks If not, that means there are no more packages to process or a failure within the previous batch prevents * the session to proceed. */ bool BatchProcessingSession::isValid() const { return m_packageIterator != m_packageEnd && (allResponses().empty() || !m_skipBatchesAfterFailure || m_packageIterator != m_batchIterator->begin()); } /*! * \brief Returns whether staging is now active after a previous call to enableStagingInNextBatch(). */ bool BatchProcessingSession::isStagingEnabled() const { return m_stagingEnabled; } /*! * \brief Returns whether there are failures within previously processed batches. */ bool BatchProcessingSession::hasFailuresInPreviousBatches() const { return m_hasFailuresInPreviousBatches; } /*! * \brief Returns the current package name. Must not be called unless isValid() returns true. */ const std::string &BatchProcessingSession::currentPackageName() const { return *m_packageIterator; } /*! * \brief Selects the next package, possibly from the next batch. Must not be called unless isValid() returns true. * \remarks If there's no next package isValid() will return false after the call. */ void BatchProcessingSession::selectNextPackage() { if (++m_packageIterator != m_packageEnd) { return; // select the next package within the current batch } if ((m_hasFailuresInPreviousBatches = !allResponses().empty()) && m_skipBatchesAfterFailure) { return; // invalidate the session if there were failures within the previous batch } if (++m_batchIterator == m_batchEnd) { return; // invalidate the session; the current package was the last one within the last batch } // select the first package within the next batch m_packageIterator = m_batchIterator->begin(); m_packageEnd = m_batchIterator->end(); m_stagingEnabled = m_stagingEnabled || m_enableStagingInNextBatch; } /*! * \brief Grabs the next valid package, possibly from the next batch. * \returns Returns the package name or nullptr if there are no more packages to process. * \remarks * - To parallelize builds we needed an option to avoid the "possibly from the next batch" part until all packages * from the current batch have been processed. (It needed to be an option because when downloading we can already * grab packages from the next batch.) * - This function might be called from multiple threads at the same time. */ const std::string *BatchProcessingSession::getCurrentPackageNameIfValidAndRelevantAndSelectNext() { std::lock_guard lock(m_mutex); const std::string *packageName = nullptr; do { if (!isValid()) { return nullptr; } packageName = ¤tPackageName(); selectNextPackage(); } while (!m_relevantPackages.empty() && m_relevantPackages.find(*packageName) == m_relevantPackages.end()); return packageName; } /*! * \brief * Enables staging for the next batch. Enables staging for the current batch if the current package is the first package of * current batch and the current batch is not the first batch. * \remarks * - The behavior regarding the current batch was chosen because we call selectNextPackage() *before* enableStagingInNextBatch(). * - This function might be called from multiple threads at the same time. */ void BatchProcessingSession::enableStagingInNextBatch() { m_enableStagingInNextBatch = true; if (!m_stagingEnabled) { std::lock_guard lock(m_mutex); m_stagingEnabled = m_stagingEnabled || (m_batchIterator != m_batchEnd && m_batchIterator != m_batchBegin && m_packageIterator == m_batchIterator->begin()); } } ConductBuild::ConductBuild(ServiceSetup &setup, const std::shared_ptr &buildAction) : InternalBuildAction(setup, buildAction) , m_buildAsFarAsPossible(false) , m_saveChrootDirsOfFailures(false) , m_updateChecksums(false) , m_autoStaging(false) { } [[nodiscard]] std::string ConductBuild::locateGlobalConfigPath(const std::string &chrootDir, std::string_view trailingPath) const { const auto start = (chrootDir.empty() ? m_setup.building.chrootDir : chrootDir) % "/config-"; const auto path = std::filesystem::path(start % m_buildPreparation.targetDb % '-' % m_buildPreparation.targetArch + trailingPath); if (std::filesystem::exists(path)) { // return repository-specific path if it exists return path.string(); } // fallback to generic (but still arch-specific) location return start % m_buildPreparation.targetArch + trailingPath; } void ConductBuild::run() { // validate and read parameter/settings if (auto error = validateParameter(RequiredDatabases::None, RequiredParameters::MaybePackages); !error.empty()) { reportError(move(error)); return; } if (m_buildAction->directory.empty()) { reportError("Unable to find working directory: no directory name specified"); return; } for (const auto &packageName : m_buildAction->packageNames) { const auto firstSlash = packageName.find('/'); if (firstSlash == std::string::npos) { m_relevantPackages.emplace(packageName); } else { m_relevantPackages.emplace(packageName.data() + firstSlash + 1, packageName.size() - firstSlash - 1); } } const auto flags = static_cast(m_buildAction->flags); m_buildAsFarAsPossible = flags & ConductBuildFlags::BuildAsFarAsPossible; m_saveChrootDirsOfFailures = flags & ConductBuildFlags::SaveChrootOfFailures; m_updateChecksums = flags & ConductBuildFlags::UpdateChecksums; m_autoStaging = flags & ConductBuildFlags::AutoStaging; auto &metaInfo = m_setup.building.metaInfo; auto metaInfoLock = metaInfo.lockToRead(); const auto &typeInfo = metaInfo.typeInfoForId(BuildActionType::ConductBuild); const auto chrootDirSetting = typeInfo.settings[static_cast(ConductBuildSettings::ChrootDir)].param; const auto chrootDefaultUserSetting = typeInfo.settings[static_cast(ConductBuildSettings::ChrootDefaultUser)].param; const auto ccacheDirSetting = typeInfo.settings[static_cast(ConductBuildSettings::CCacheDir)].param; const auto pkgCacheDirSetting = typeInfo.settings[static_cast(ConductBuildSettings::PackageCacheDir)].param; const auto testFilesDirSetting = typeInfo.settings[static_cast(ConductBuildSettings::TestFilesDir)].param; const auto gpgKeySetting = typeInfo.settings[static_cast(ConductBuildSettings::GpgKey)].param; metaInfoLock.unlock(); const auto &chrootDir = findSetting(chrootDirSetting); const auto &chrootDefaultUser = findSetting(chrootDefaultUserSetting); m_globalCcacheDir = findSetting(ccacheDirSetting); m_globalPackageCacheDir = findSetting(pkgCacheDirSetting); m_globalTestFilesDir = findSetting(testFilesDirSetting); m_gpgKey = findSetting(gpgKeySetting); auto setupReadLock = m_setup.lockToRead(); m_workingDirectory = determineWorkingDirectory(buildDataWorkingDirectory); m_makePkgPath = findExecutable(m_setup.building.makePkgPath); m_makeChrootPkgPath = findExecutable(m_setup.building.makeChrootPkgPath); m_updatePkgSumsPath = findExecutable(m_setup.building.updatePkgSumsPath); m_repoAddPath = findExecutable(m_setup.building.repoAddPath); m_gpgPath = findExecutable(m_setup.building.gpgPath); setupReadLock.unlock(); // check executables if (!checkExecutable(m_makePkgPath)) { reportError("Unable to find makepkg executable \"" % m_setup.building.makePkgPath + "\" in PATH."); return; } if (!checkExecutable(m_makeChrootPkgPath)) { reportError("Unable to find makechrootpkg executable \"" % m_setup.building.makeChrootPkgPath + "\" in PATH."); return; } if (!checkExecutable(m_updatePkgSumsPath)) { reportError("Unable to find updpkgsums executable \"" % m_setup.building.updatePkgSumsPath + "\" in PATH."); return; } if (!checkExecutable(m_repoAddPath)) { reportError("Unable to find repo-add executable \"" % m_setup.building.repoAddPath + "\" in PATH."); return; } // assign paths m_makepkgConfigPath = m_workingDirectory + "/makepkg.conf"; m_pacmanConfigPath = m_workingDirectory + "/pacman.conf"; m_pacmanStagingConfigPath = m_workingDirectory + "/pacman-staging.conf"; // parse build preparation ReflectiveRapidJSON::JsonDeserializationErrors errors; try { m_buildPreparationFilePath = restoreJsonObject( m_buildPreparation, m_workingDirectory, buildPreparationFileName, RestoreJsonExistingFileHandling::RequireExistingFile); } catch (const std::runtime_error &e) { reportError(e.what()); return; } // parse build progress try { restoreJsonObject(m_buildProgress, m_workingDirectory, buildProgressFileName, RestoreJsonExistingFileHandling::Skip); } catch (const std::runtime_error &e) { reportError(e.what()); return; } // check target db, arch and whether packages and source info are present if (m_buildPreparation.targetDb.empty() || m_buildPreparation.targetArch.empty()) { reportError("The destination database and target architecture specified in build-preparation.json must not be empty."); return; } for (const auto &buildDataForPackage : m_buildPreparation.buildData) { const auto &packageName = buildDataForPackage.first; const auto &buildData = buildDataForPackage.second; if (packageName.empty()) { reportError("The build data contains an empty package name."); return; } if (!buildData.sourceInfo) { reportError(argsToString("The build data for \"" % packageName % "\" has no source info.")); return; } if (buildData.packages.empty()) { reportError(argsToString("The build data for \"" % packageName % "\" has no packages.")); return; } for (const auto &package : buildData.packages) { if (!package) { reportError(argsToString("The package of build data for \"" % packageName % "\" is null.")); return; } } } m_buildAction->appendOutput( Phrases::InfoMessage, "Destination database: " % m_buildPreparation.targetDb % ", architecture: " % m_buildPreparation.targetArch + '\n'); // read values from global config setupReadLock = m_setup.lockToRead(); if (chrootDir.empty() && m_setup.building.chrootDir.empty()) { setupReadLock.unlock(); reportError("The chroot directory is not configured."); return; } m_globalPacmanConfigPath = locateGlobalConfigPath(chrootDir, "/pacman.conf"); m_globalMakepkgConfigFilePath = locateGlobalConfigPath(chrootDir, "/makepkg.conf"); if (m_globalCcacheDir.empty()) { m_globalCcacheDir = m_setup.building.ccacheDir; } if (m_globalPackageCacheDir.empty()) { m_globalPackageCacheDir = m_setup.building.packageCacheDir; } if (m_globalTestFilesDir.empty()) { m_globalTestFilesDir = m_setup.building.testFilesDir; } m_chrootRootUser = m_setup.building.chrootRootUser; if (m_gpgKey == "none") { m_gpgKey.clear(); } else if (m_gpgKey.empty()) { m_gpgKey = m_setup.building.defaultGpgKey; } setupReadLock.unlock(); // fill omitted build progress configuration with defaults from global config if (m_autoStaging && m_buildPreparation.stagingDb.empty()) { reportError("Auto-staging is enabled but no staging database has been specified in build-preparation.json."); return; } if (m_buildProgress.targetDbFilePath.empty() || m_buildProgress.targetRepoPath.empty()) { const auto configLock = m_setup.config.lockToRead(); if (const auto *const targetDb = m_setup.config.findDatabase(m_buildPreparation.targetDb, m_buildPreparation.targetArch)) { if (m_buildProgress.targetDbFilePath.empty()) { m_buildProgress.targetDbFilePath = fileName(targetDb->path); std::error_code ec; auto symlinkTarget = std::filesystem::read_symlink(m_buildProgress.targetDbFilePath, ec); if (!ec) { m_buildProgress.targetDbFilePath = symlinkTarget; } } if (m_buildProgress.targetRepoPath.empty()) { m_buildProgress.targetRepoPath = targetDb->localPkgDir; } } if (const auto *const stagingDb = m_autoStaging ? m_setup.config.findDatabase(m_buildPreparation.stagingDb, m_buildPreparation.targetArch) : nullptr) { if (m_buildProgress.stagingDbFilePath.empty()) { m_buildProgress.stagingDbFilePath = fileName(stagingDb->path); std::error_code ec; auto symlinkTarget = std::filesystem::read_symlink(m_buildProgress.stagingDbFilePath, ec); if (!ec) { m_buildProgress.stagingDbFilePath = symlinkTarget; } } if (m_buildProgress.stagingRepoPath.empty()) { m_buildProgress.stagingRepoPath = stagingDb->localPkgDir; } } else if (m_autoStaging) { reportError("Auto-staging is enabled but the staging database \"" % m_buildPreparation.stagingDb % '@' % m_buildPreparation.targetArch + "\" specified in build-preparation.json can not be found."); return; } } if (m_buildProgress.targetDbFilePath.empty()) { reportError("Unable to determine path for database \"" % m_buildPreparation.targetDb % '@' % m_buildPreparation.targetArch + "\"; set \"dbdir\" for that database in the server config or amend build-progress.json manually and retry."); return; } if (m_buildProgress.targetRepoPath.empty()) { m_buildProgress.targetRepoPath = directory(m_buildProgress.targetDbFilePath); } if (m_autoStaging) { if (m_buildProgress.stagingDbFilePath.empty()) { reportError( "Unable to determine path for staging database \"" % m_buildPreparation.stagingDb % '@' % m_buildPreparation.targetArch + "\"."); return; } if (m_buildProgress.stagingRepoPath.empty()) { m_buildProgress.stagingRepoPath = directory(m_buildProgress.stagingDbFilePath); } } try { if (!std::filesystem::exists(m_buildProgress.targetRepoPath)) { reportError("Destination repository \"" % m_buildProgress.targetRepoPath % "\" does not exist; set \"pkgdir\" for database \"" % m_buildPreparation.targetDb % '@' % m_buildPreparation.targetArch + "\" to an existing directory or amend build-pgrogress.json manually and retry."); return; } if (!std::filesystem::exists(m_buildProgress.targetRepoPath % '/' + m_buildProgress.targetDbFilePath)) { reportError("Destination database file \"" % m_buildProgress.targetDbFilePath % "\" does not exist in \"" % m_buildProgress.targetRepoPath + "\"."); return; } if (m_autoStaging) { if (!std::filesystem::exists(m_buildProgress.stagingRepoPath)) { reportError("Staging repository \"" % m_buildProgress.stagingRepoPath % "\" does not exist; set \"pkgdir\" for database \"" % m_buildPreparation.targetDb % '@' % m_buildPreparation.targetArch + "-staging\" to an existing directory or amend build-pgrogress.json manually and retry."); return; } if (!std::filesystem::exists(m_buildProgress.stagingRepoPath % '/' + m_buildProgress.stagingDbFilePath)) { reportError( "Staging database file \"" % m_buildProgress.stagingDbFilePath % "\" does not exist in \"" % m_buildProgress.stagingRepoPath + "\"."); return; } } } catch (const std::filesystem::filesystem_error &e) { reportError( "Unable to check whether database/repository \"" % m_buildPreparation.targetDb % '@' % m_buildPreparation.targetArch % "\" exists: " + e.what()); return; } auto setupReadLock2 = m_setup.lockToRead(); for (auto &progressByPackage : m_buildProgress.progressByPackage) { const auto &packageName = progressByPackage.first; auto &progress = progressByPackage.second; if (progress.buildDirectory.empty()) { progress.buildDirectory = m_workingDirectory % '/' % packageName + "/pkg"; } if (progress.chrootDirectory.empty()) { progress.chrootDirectory = chrootDir.empty() ? m_setup.building.chrootDir : chrootDir; } if (progress.chrootUser.empty()) { progress.chrootUser = chrootDefaultUser.empty() ? m_setup.building.chrootDefaultUser : chrootDefaultUser; } if (progress.makechrootpkgFlags.empty()) { progress.makechrootpkgFlags = m_setup.building.makechrootpkgFlags; } if (progress.makepkgFlags.empty()) { progress.makepkgFlags = m_setup.building.makepkgFlags; } } setupReadLock2.unlock(); dumpBuildProgress(); try { makeConfigFiles(); } catch (const std::runtime_error &e) { reportError(argsToString("Unable to prepare pacman.conf and makepkg.conf: ", e.what())); return; } downloadSourcesAndContinueBuilding(); } /// \cond static void findPackageExtension(const IniFile::ScopeData &iniScope, const std::string &key, std::string &result) { const auto *const value = getLastValue(iniScope, key); if (!value) { return; } result = value; // trim leading and trailing quotes and white-spaces string::size_type start = 0, end = result.size(); const auto isQuoteOrWhitespace = [&result](string::size_type index) { return result[index] == '\'' || result[index] == '\"' || result[index] == ' '; }; while (start < end && isQuoteOrWhitespace(start)) { ++start; } while (end > start && isQuoteOrWhitespace(end - 1)) { --end; } if (start || end != result.size()) { result = result.substr(start, end - start); } } /// \endcond /*! * \brief Makes the makepkg config file for the build. * \remarks Not overriding existing files to allow manual tweaks. * \todo Catch std::ios_base::failure to provide better context. */ void ConductBuild::makeMakepkgConfigFile(const std::filesystem::path &makepkgConfigPath) { if (!filesystem::exists(makepkgConfigPath)) { filesystem::copy(m_globalMakepkgConfigFilePath, makepkgConfigPath); } // read PKGEXT from makepkg.conf ifstream makepkgConfInputFile; makepkgConfInputFile.exceptions(ios_base::badbit | ios_base::failbit); makepkgConfInputFile.open(makepkgConfigPath, ios_base::in); IniFile makepkgConfIni; IniFile::ScopeList &iniData = makepkgConfIni.data(); makepkgConfIni.parse(makepkgConfInputFile); static const struct { std::string pkg = "PKGEXT"; std::string src = "SRCEXT"; } extensionKeys; for (auto i = iniData.rbegin(), end = iniData.rend(); i != end; ++i) { findPackageExtension(i->second, extensionKeys.pkg, m_binaryPackageExtension); findPackageExtension(i->second, extensionKeys.src, m_sourcePackageExtension); if (!m_binaryPackageExtension.empty() && !m_sourcePackageExtension.empty()) { break; } } if (m_binaryPackageExtension.empty()) { throw std::runtime_error("unable to read PKGEXT from makepkg.conf"); } if (m_sourcePackageExtension.empty()) { throw std::runtime_error("unable to read SRCEXT from makepkg.conf"); } } /*! * \brief Makes the pacman configuration for the build and the specified \a dbConfig. * \remarks Not overriding existing files to allow manual tweaks. * \todo Catch std::ios_base::failure to provide better context. */ void ConductBuild::makePacmanConfigFile( const std::filesystem::path &pacmanConfigPath, const std::vector>> &dbConfig) { // configure databases and cache directory; validate architecture const auto pacmanConfigAlreadyExists = filesystem::exists(pacmanConfigPath); if (pacmanConfigAlreadyExists && filesystem::last_write_time(pacmanConfigPath) > filesystem::last_write_time(m_buildPreparationFilePath)) { // skip if already exists unless the build preparation is newer // note: If the build preparation is newer but the pacman config already exist the *existing* config is updated. // This allows keeping a custom config but still updating it on further build preparation runs. return; } ifstream pacmanConfInputFile; pacmanConfInputFile.exceptions(ios_base::badbit | ios_base::failbit); pacmanConfInputFile.open(pacmanConfigAlreadyExists ? pacmanConfigPath.string() : m_globalPacmanConfigPath, ios_base::in); AdvancedIniFile pacmanConfIni; pacmanConfIni.parse(pacmanConfInputFile); pacmanConfInputFile.close(); auto §ions = pacmanConfIni.sections; // -> remove all existing database sections sections.erase(remove_if(sections.begin(), sections.end(), [](const AdvancedIniFile::Section §ion) { return section.name != "options"; }), sections.end()); // -> update options for (auto §ion : sections) { if (section.name != "options") { continue; } section.fields.erase( std::remove_if(section.fields.begin(), section.fields.end(), [](const AdvancedIniFile::Field &field) { return field.key == "CacheDir"; }), section.fields.end()); section.fields.emplace_back( AdvancedIniFile::Field{ .key = "CacheDir", .value = m_globalPackageCacheDir % '/' + m_buildPreparation.targetArch }); auto archField = section.findField("Architecture"); if (archField == section.fieldEnd()) { throw std::runtime_error("pacman.conf lacks Architecture option"); } for (; archField != section.fieldEnd(); archField = section.findField(archField, "Architecture")) { if (archField->value != m_buildPreparation.targetArch) { throw std::runtime_error( "pacman.conf has wrong Architecture option \"" % archField->value % "\" (should have \"" % m_buildPreparation.targetArch % '\"' + ')'); } } } // -> add database configuration auto firstSection = true; for (const auto &dbSection : dbConfig) { auto §ion = sections.emplace_back(AdvancedIniFile::Section{ .name = dbSection.first }); if (firstSection) { section.precedingCommentBlock = argsToString( "\n# Database configuration for build action \"", m_buildAction->id, "\" (directory \"", m_workingDirectory, "\")\n\n"); firstSection = false; } else { section.precedingCommentBlock = "\n"; } section.fields.reserve(dbSection.second.size()); for (const auto &dbField : dbSection.second) { section.fields.emplace_back(AdvancedIniFile::Field{ .key = dbField.first, .value = dbField.second }); } } // -> write changes to disk ofstream pacmanConfOutputFile; pacmanConfOutputFile.exceptions(ios_base::badbit | ios_base::failbit); pacmanConfOutputFile.open(pacmanConfigPath, ios_base::out); pacmanConfIni.make(pacmanConfOutputFile); pacmanConfOutputFile.close(); } /*! * \brief Make pacman.conf, pacman-staging.conf and makepkg.conf for the build. * \remarks Not overriding existing files to allow manual tweaks. * \todo Catch std::ios_base::failure to provide better context. */ void ConductBuild::makeConfigFiles() { makeMakepkgConfigFile(m_makepkgConfigPath); makePacmanConfigFile(m_pacmanConfigPath, m_buildPreparation.dbConfig); makePacmanConfigFile(m_pacmanStagingConfigPath, m_buildPreparation.stagingDbConfig); } /*! * \brief Enqueue the first N downloads to run in parallel; when one download has concluded it will enqueue the next download to * have always running 4 in parallel. Invokes makePackages() when all downloads have been concluded. */ void ConductBuild::downloadSourcesAndContinueBuilding() { if (reportAbortedIfAborted()) { return; } constexpr std::size_t maxParallelDownloads = 4; enqueueDownloads(make_shared(m_relevantPackages, m_buildPreparation.batches, m_setup.building.ioContext, std::bind(&ConductBuild::checkDownloadErrorsAndMakePackages, this, std::placeholders::_1)), maxParallelDownloads); } /*! * \brief Enqueues at most \a maxParallelDownloads downloads. Does nothing if there are no more outstanding downloads. */ void ConductBuild::enqueueDownloads(const BatchProcessingSession::SharedPointerType &downloadsSession, std::size_t maxParallelDownloads) { if (reportAbortedIfAborted()) { return; } decltype(lockToRead()) lock; for (std::size_t startedDownloads = 0; startedDownloads < maxParallelDownloads;) { if (!lock.owns_lock()) { lock = lockToRead(); } const auto *const packageName = downloadsSession->getCurrentPackageNameIfValidAndRelevantAndSelectNext(); if (!packageName) { return; } auto &packageProgress = m_buildProgress.progressByPackage[*packageName]; if (!packageProgress.finished.isNull() || packageProgress.hasSources || packageProgress.addedToRepo) { continue; } // prepare the build directory const auto &buildData = m_buildPreparation.buildData[*packageName]; std::filesystem::path buildDirectory; try { buildDirectory = std::filesystem::absolute(packageProgress.buildDirectory); std::filesystem::create_directory(buildDirectory); std::filesystem::copy(buildData.sourceDirectory, packageProgress.buildDirectory, std::filesystem::copy_options::overwrite_existing | std::filesystem::copy_options::recursive); } catch (const std::filesystem::filesystem_error &e) { auto writeLock = lockToWrite(lock); packageProgress.error = argsToString("unable to prepare build directory: ", e.what()); writeLock.unlock(); m_buildAction->log()(Phrases::ErrorMessage, "Unable to prepare build directory for ", *packageName, ": ", e.what(), '\n'); downloadsSession->addResponse(string(*packageName)); continue; } // update checksums if configured switch (invokeUpdatePkgSums(downloadsSession, *packageName, packageProgress, buildDirectory.native())) { case InvocationResult::Ok: // consider the download being started; invokeMakepkgToMakeSourcePackage() will be invoked later by the handler startedDownloads += 1; continue; case InvocationResult::Error: // move on to the next package; invokeUpdatePkgSums() has already "recorded" the error continue; case InvocationResult::Skipped: // updating checksums not needed; continue with invokeMakepkgToMakeSourcePackage() directly break; } // launch makepkg to make source package switch (invokeMakepkgToMakeSourcePackage(downloadsSession, *packageName, packageProgress, buildDirectory.native())) { case InvocationResult::Ok: startedDownloads += 1; continue; case InvocationResult::Error: // move on to the next package; invokeMakepkgToMakeSourcePackage() has already "recorded" the error continue; case InvocationResult::Skipped: // the download is not needed after all; should not happen at this point break; } } } void ConductBuild::enqueueMakechrootpkg(const BatchProcessingSession::SharedPointerType &makepkgchrootSession, size_t maxParallelInvocations) { if (reportAbortedIfAborted()) { return; } assert(maxParallelInvocations == 1); // FIXME: parallel builds not implemented yet (required unique working copies and locking repo-add) for (std::size_t invocations = 0; invocations < maxParallelInvocations;) { const auto hasFailuresInPreviousBatches = makepkgchrootSession->hasFailuresInPreviousBatches(); const auto *const packageName = makepkgchrootSession->getCurrentPackageNameIfValidAndRelevantAndSelectNext(); if (!packageName) { break; } switch (invokeMakechrootpkg(makepkgchrootSession, *packageName, hasFailuresInPreviousBatches)) { case InvocationResult::Ok: invocations += 1; break; case InvocationResult::Error: makepkgchrootSession->addResponse(string(*packageName)); { auto lock = lockToRead(); auto errorMessage = formattedPhraseString(Phrases::ErrorMessage) % "Unable to start build of " % *packageName % formattedPhraseString(Phrases::End) % "-> reason: " % m_buildProgress.progressByPackage[*packageName].error + '\n'; lock.unlock(); m_buildAction->log()(std::move(errorMessage)); } break; default:; } } const auto lock = lockToRead(); dumpBuildProgress(); } bool ConductBuild::checkForFailedDependency( const std::string &packageNameToCheck, const std::vector *> &dependencies) const { // check whether any of the specified dependencies are provided by packages which are supposed to be built but failed for (const auto &[packageName, buildData] : m_buildPreparation.buildData) { // ignore the package we're checking for failed dependencies if (packageName == packageNameToCheck) { continue; } // ignore packages which have been added to the repository successfully and treat any other packages as failed const auto buildProgress = m_buildProgress.progressByPackage.find(packageName); if (buildProgress != m_buildProgress.progressByPackage.end() && buildProgress->second.addedToRepo) { continue; } for (const auto &package : buildData.packages) { for (const auto &deps : dependencies) { for (const auto &dependency : *deps) { if (package->providesDependency(dependency)) { return true; } } } } } return false; } InvocationResult ConductBuild::invokeUpdatePkgSums(const BatchProcessingSession::SharedPointerType &downloadsSession, const std::string &packageName, PackageBuildProgress &packageProgress, const std::string &buildDirectory) { if (!m_updateChecksums || packageProgress.checksumsUpdated) { return InvocationResult::Skipped; } auto processSession = m_buildAction->makeBuildProcess(packageName + " checksum update", packageProgress.buildDirectory + "/updpkgsums.log", [this, downloadsSession, &packageProgress, &packageName, buildDirectory](boost::process::child &&child, ProcessResult &&result) { const auto hasError = result.errorCode || result.exitCode != 0; auto lock = lockToWrite(); if (result.errorCode) { const auto errorMessage = result.errorCode.message(); packageProgress.error = "unable to update checksums: " + errorMessage; lock.unlock(); m_buildAction->log()(Phrases::ErrorMessage, "Unable to invoke updpkgsums for ", packageName, ": ", errorMessage, '\n'); downloadsSession->addResponse(string(packageName)); } else if (result.exitCode != 0) { packageProgress.error = argsToString("unable to update checksums: updpkgsums returned with exit code ", result.exitCode); lock.unlock(); m_buildAction->log()( Phrases::ErrorMessage, "updpkgsums invocation for ", packageName, " exited with non-zero exit code: ", child.exit_code(), '\n'); downloadsSession->addResponse(string(packageName)); } else { packageProgress.checksumsUpdated = true; lock.unlock(); } // move on to the next download if an error occurred; otherwise continue making the source package if (hasError) { enqueueDownloads(downloadsSession, 1); return; } // copy the updated PKGBUILD back to original source directory copyPkgbuildToOriginalSourceDirectory(packageName, packageProgress, buildDirectory); // continue with the actual build switch (invokeMakepkgToMakeSourcePackage(downloadsSession, packageName, packageProgress, buildDirectory)) { case InvocationResult::Ok: break; case InvocationResult::Error: case InvocationResult::Skipped: // move on to the next package; invokeMakepkgToMakeSourcePackage() has already "recorded" any errors enqueueDownloads(downloadsSession, 1); break; } }); m_buildAction->log()(Phrases::InfoMessage, "Updating checksums of ", packageName, " via ", m_updatePkgSumsPath.string(), '\n', ps(Phrases::SubMessage), "build dir: ", buildDirectory, '\n'); processSession->launch(boost::process::start_dir(buildDirectory), m_updatePkgSumsPath); return InvocationResult::Ok; } InvocationResult ConductBuild::invokeMakepkgToMakeSourcePackage(const BatchProcessingSession::SharedPointerType &downloadsSession, const std::string &packageName, PackageBuildProgress &packageProgress, const std::string &buildDirectory) { auto processSession = m_buildAction->makeBuildProcess(packageName + " download", packageProgress.buildDirectory + "/download.log", [this, downloadsSession, &packageProgress, &packageName](boost::process::child &&child, ProcessResult &&result) { auto lock = lockToWrite(); if (result.errorCode) { const auto errorMessage = result.errorCode.message(); packageProgress.error = "unable to make source package: " + errorMessage; lock.unlock(); m_buildAction->log()(Phrases::ErrorMessage, "Unable to make source package for ", packageName, ": ", errorMessage, '\n'); downloadsSession->addResponse(string(packageName)); } else if (result.exitCode != 0) { packageProgress.error = argsToString("unable to make source package: makepkg returned with exit code ", result.exitCode); lock.unlock(); m_buildAction->log()(Phrases::ErrorMessage, "makepkg invocation to make source package for \"", packageName, "\" exited with non-zero exit code: ", child.exit_code(), '\n'); downloadsSession->addResponse(string(packageName)); } else { packageProgress.hasSources = true; lock.unlock(); } enqueueDownloads(downloadsSession, 1); }); m_buildAction->log()(Phrases::InfoMessage, "Making source package for ", packageName, " via ", m_makePkgPath.string(), '\n', ps(Phrases::SubMessage), "build dir: ", buildDirectory, '\n'); processSession->launch(boost::process::start_dir(buildDirectory), m_makePkgPath, "-f", "--nodeps", "--nobuild", "--source"); return InvocationResult::Ok; } InvocationResult ConductBuild::invokeMakechrootpkg( const BatchProcessingSession::SharedPointerType &makepkgchrootSession, const std::string &packageName, bool hasFailuresInPreviousBatches) { auto lock = lockToRead(); auto &packageProgress = m_buildProgress.progressByPackage[packageName]; // skip if package has already been added to repo if (packageProgress.addedToRepo) { // enable staging if auto-staging is enabled and when it has already been determined to be required if (m_autoStaging && packageProgress.stagingNeeded == PackageStagingNeeded::Yes) { makepkgchrootSession->enableStagingInNextBatch(); } return InvocationResult::Skipped; } // add package immediately to repository if it has already been built if (!packageProgress.finished.isNull()) { lock.unlock(); addPackageToRepo(makepkgchrootSession, packageName, packageProgress); return InvocationResult::Ok; } // check whether we can build this package when building as far as possible or when the build order has been // manuall specified (otherwise we don't need to check because we take it as given that all packages in the // previous batch have been built and that the order batch compution is correct) if ((m_buildAsFarAsPossible || m_buildPreparation.manuallyOrdered) && hasFailuresInPreviousBatches) { const auto &buildData = m_buildPreparation.buildData[packageName]; std::vector *> dependencies; dependencies.reserve(buildData.packages.size() + 2); dependencies.emplace_back(&buildData.sourceInfo->makeDependencies); dependencies.emplace_back(&buildData.sourceInfo->checkDependencies); for (const auto &package : buildData.packages) { dependencies.emplace_back(&package->dependencies); } if (checkForFailedDependency(packageName, dependencies)) { const auto writeLock = lockToWrite(lock); packageProgress.error = "unable to build because dependency failed"; return InvocationResult::Error; } } // don't start the build if we could not even download the sources if (!packageProgress.hasSources) { if (packageProgress.error.empty()) { const auto writeLock = lockToWrite(lock); packageProgress.error = "unable to build because sources are missing"; } return InvocationResult::Error; } // do some sanity checks with the chroot const auto chrootDir = packageProgress.chrootDirectory % "/arch-" + m_buildPreparation.targetArch; const auto buildRoot = chrootDir % '/' + m_chrootRootUser; try { if (!std::filesystem::is_directory(buildRoot)) { auto writeLock = lockToWrite(lock); packageProgress.error = "Chroot directory \"" % buildRoot + "\" is no directory."; return InvocationResult::Error; } if (!std::filesystem::is_regular_file(buildRoot + "/.arch-chroot")) { auto writeLock = lockToWrite(lock); packageProgress.error = "Chroot directory \"" % buildRoot + "\" does not contain .arch-chroot file."; return InvocationResult::Error; } for (const auto *const dir : { "/usr/bin", "/usr/lib", "/usr/include", "/etc" }) { if (std::filesystem::is_directory(buildRoot + dir)) { continue; } auto writeLock = lockToWrite(lock); packageProgress.error = "Chroot directory \"" % buildRoot % "\" does not contain directory \"" % dir + "\"."; return InvocationResult::Error; } } catch (const std::filesystem::filesystem_error &e) { auto writeLock = lockToWrite(lock); packageProgress.error = "Unable to check chroot directory \"" % buildRoot % "\": " + e.what(); return InvocationResult::Error; } // determine options/variables to pass std::vector makechrootpkgFlags, makepkgFlags; // -> cleanup/upgrade if (!packageProgress.skipChrootCleanup) { makechrootpkgFlags.emplace_back("-c"); } if (!packageProgress.skipChrootUpgrade) { makechrootpkgFlags.emplace_back("-u"); } // -> ccache support (see https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Ccache#makechrootpkg) if (!m_globalCcacheDir.empty()) { makechrootpkgFlags.emplace_back("-d"); makechrootpkgFlags.emplace_back(m_globalCcacheDir + "/:/ccache"); makepkgFlags.emplace_back("CCACHE_DIR=/ccache"); } // -> directory for testfiles (required by tagparser and tageditor) if (!m_globalTestFilesDir.empty()) { makechrootpkgFlags.emplace_back("-d"); makechrootpkgFlags.emplace_back(m_globalTestFilesDir + "/:/testfiles"); makepkgFlags.emplace_back("TEST_FILE_PATH=/testfiles"); } // prepare process session auto processSession = m_buildAction->makeBuildProcess(packageName + " build", packageProgress.buildDirectory + "/build.log", std::bind(&ConductBuild::handleMakechrootpkgErrorsAndAddPackageToRepo, this, makepkgchrootSession, std::ref(packageName), std::ref(packageProgress), std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2)); processSession->registerNewDataHandler(BufferSearch("Updated version: ", "\e\n", "Starting build", std::bind( &ConductBuild::assignNewVersion, this, std::ref(packageName), std::ref(packageProgress), std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2))); processSession->registerNewDataHandler(BufferSearch("Synchronizing chroot copy", "\n", std::string_view(), [processSession = processSession.get()](BufferSearch &, std::string &&) { processSession->locks().pop_back(); })); // lock the chroot directory to prevent other build tasks from using it m_buildAction->log()(Phrases::InfoMessage, "Building ", packageName, '\n'); auto chrootLock = m_setup.locks.acquireToWrite(m_buildAction->log(), std::string(buildRoot)); // copy config files into chroot directory try { std::filesystem::copy_file(makepkgchrootSession->isStagingEnabled() ? m_pacmanStagingConfigPath : m_pacmanConfigPath, buildRoot + "/etc/pacman.conf", std::filesystem::copy_options::overwrite_existing); std::filesystem::copy_file(m_makepkgConfigPath, buildRoot + "/etc/makepkg.conf", std::filesystem::copy_options::overwrite_existing); } catch (const std::filesystem::filesystem_error &e) { chrootLock.lock().unlock(); const auto writeLock = lockToWrite(lock); packageProgress.error = "Unable to configure chroot \"" % buildRoot % "\": " + e.what(); return InvocationResult::Error; } // invoke makechrootpkg to build package m_buildAction->log()(Phrases::InfoMessage, "Invoking makechrootpkg for ", packageName, " via ", m_makeChrootPkgPath.string(), '\n', ps(Phrases::SubMessage), "build dir: ", packageProgress.buildDirectory, '\n', ps(Phrases::SubMessage), "chroot dir: ", chrootDir, '\n', ps(Phrases::SubMessage), "chroot user: ", packageProgress.chrootUser, '\n'); auto &locks = processSession->locks(); locks.reserve(2); locks.emplace_back(m_setup.locks.acquireToWrite(m_buildAction->log(), chrootDir % '/' + packageProgress.chrootUser)); locks.emplace_back(std::move(chrootLock)); processSession->launch(boost::process::start_dir(packageProgress.buildDirectory), m_makeChrootPkgPath, makechrootpkgFlags, "-C", m_globalPackageCacheDir, "-r", chrootDir, "-l", packageProgress.chrootUser, packageProgress.makechrootpkgFlags, "--", makepkgFlags, packageProgress.makepkgFlags); return InvocationResult::Ok; } void ConductBuild::addPackageToRepo( const BatchProcessingSession::SharedPointerType &makepkgchrootSession, const string &packageName, PackageBuildProgress &packageProgress) { // make arrays to store binary package names auto binaryPackages = std::vector{}; // determine name of source package to be copied auto buildResult = BuildResult{}; auto readLock = lockToRead(); const auto &buildData = m_buildPreparation.buildData[packageName]; const auto &firstPackage = buildData.packages.front(); auto sourcePackageName = packageName % '-' % firstPackage->version + m_sourcePackageExtension; // determine names of binary packages to be copied binaryPackages.reserve(buildData.packages.size()); buildResult.binaryPackageNames.reserve(buildData.packages.size()); for (const auto &package : buildData.packages) { const auto isAny = package->isArchAny(); const auto &arch = isAny ? "any" : m_buildPreparation.targetArch; const auto &packageFileName = buildResult.binaryPackageNames.emplace_back( package->name % '-' % (packageProgress.updatedVersion.empty() ? package->version : packageProgress.updatedVersion) % '-' % arch + m_binaryPackageExtension); binaryPackages.emplace_back( BinaryPackageInfo{ package->name, packageFileName, packageProgress.buildDirectory % '/' + packageFileName, isAny, false }); } // check whether all packages exists auto missingPackages = std::vector{}; try { if (!std::filesystem::is_regular_file(packageProgress.buildDirectory % '/' + sourcePackageName)) { missingPackages.emplace_back(std::move(sourcePackageName)); } for (auto &binaryPackage : binaryPackages) { if (!std::filesystem::is_regular_file(binaryPackage.path)) { missingPackages.emplace_back(std::move(binaryPackage.fileName)); } } } catch (const std::filesystem::filesystem_error &e) { auto writeLock = lockToWrite(readLock); packageProgress.error = argsToString("unable to check whether resulting package exist: ", e.what()); dumpBuildProgress(); writeLock.unlock(); m_buildAction->log()(Phrases::ErrorMessage, "Unable to check resulting package for ", packageName, ": ", e.what()); makepkgchrootSession->addResponse(string(packageName)); enqueueMakechrootpkg(makepkgchrootSession, 1); return; } if (!missingPackages.empty()) { const auto missingBinaryPackagesJoined = joinStrings(missingPackages, ", "); auto writeLock = lockToWrite(readLock); packageProgress.error = "not all source/binary packages exist after the build as expected: " + missingBinaryPackagesJoined; dumpBuildProgress(); writeLock.unlock(); m_buildAction->log()( Phrases::ErrorMessage, "Not all source/binary packages exist after building ", packageName, ": ", missingBinaryPackagesJoined, '\n'); makepkgchrootSession->addResponse(string(packageName)); enqueueMakechrootpkg(makepkgchrootSession, 1); return; } // check whether staging is needed // note: Calling checkWhetherStagingIsNeededAndPopulateRebuildList() in the condition first do prevent short-circuit evaluation. We always // want to do the check in order to populate the rebuild list - even if staging is already enabled anyways. buildResult.needsStaging = makepkgchrootSession->isStagingEnabled(); try { if (packageProgress.stagingNeeded != PackageStagingNeeded::No) { packageProgress.stagingNeeded = checkWhetherStagingIsNeededAndPopulateRebuildList(packageName, buildData, binaryPackages); if (packageProgress.stagingNeeded == PackageStagingNeeded::Yes) { buildResult.needsStaging = true; makepkgchrootSession->enableStagingInNextBatch(); } } } catch (const std::runtime_error &e) { auto writeLock = lockToWrite(readLock); packageProgress.error = argsToString("unable to determine whether staging is needed: ", e.what()); dumpBuildProgress(); writeLock.unlock(); m_buildAction->log()(Phrases::ErrorMessage, "Unable to determine whether staging of ", packageName, " is needed: ", e.what(), '\n'); makepkgchrootSession->addResponse(string(packageName)); enqueueMakechrootpkg(makepkgchrootSession, 1); return; } // add artefacts // -> make paths and check whether these are already present from previous runs const auto sourcePackagePath = packageProgress.buildDirectory % '/' + sourcePackageName; bool sourcePackageArtefactAlreadyPresent = false; for (const auto &artefact : m_buildAction->artefacts) { if (artefact == sourcePackagePath) { sourcePackageArtefactAlreadyPresent = true; break; } } bool binaryPackageArtefactsAlreadyPresent = true; for (auto &binaryPackage : binaryPackages) { binaryPackage.path = packageProgress.buildDirectory % '/' + binaryPackage.fileName; for (const auto &artefact : m_buildAction->artefacts) { if (artefact == binaryPackage.path) { binaryPackage.artefactAlreadyPresent = true; break; } if (!binaryPackage.artefactAlreadyPresent) { binaryPackageArtefactsAlreadyPresent = false; } } } // -> add missing artefacts if (!sourcePackageArtefactAlreadyPresent || !binaryPackageArtefactsAlreadyPresent) { const auto buildActionsWriteLock = m_setup.building.lockToWrite(); if (!sourcePackageArtefactAlreadyPresent) { m_buildAction->artefacts.emplace_back(sourcePackagePath); } for (const auto &binaryPackage : binaryPackages) { if (!binaryPackage.artefactAlreadyPresent) { m_buildAction->artefacts.emplace_back(binaryPackage.path); } } } // copy source and binary packages buildResult.repoPath = buildResult.needsStaging ? &m_buildProgress.stagingRepoPath : &m_buildProgress.targetRepoPath; buildResult.dbFilePath = buildResult.needsStaging ? &m_buildProgress.stagingDbFilePath : &m_buildProgress.targetDbFilePath; try { auto anyRepoPath = std::filesystem::path(); const auto sourceRepoPath = std::filesystem::path(argsToString(buildResult.repoPath, "/../src/")); std::filesystem::create_directories(sourceRepoPath); std::filesystem::copy(sourcePackagePath, sourceRepoPath / sourcePackageName, std::filesystem::copy_options::overwrite_existing); for (const auto &binaryPackage : binaryPackages) { if (!binaryPackage.isAny) { std::filesystem::copy( binaryPackage.path, *buildResult.repoPath % '/' + binaryPackage.fileName, std::filesystem::copy_options::overwrite_existing); continue; } if (anyRepoPath.empty()) { std::filesystem::create_directories(anyRepoPath = argsToString(buildResult.repoPath, "/../any")); } std::filesystem::copy(binaryPackage.path, anyRepoPath / binaryPackage.fileName, std::filesystem::copy_options::overwrite_existing); const auto symlink = std::filesystem::path(*buildResult.repoPath % '/' + binaryPackage.fileName); std::filesystem::remove(symlink); std::filesystem::create_symlink("../any/" + binaryPackage.fileName, symlink); } } catch (const std::filesystem::filesystem_error &e) { auto writeLock = lockToWrite(readLock); packageProgress.error = argsToString("unable to copy package to destination repository: ", e.what()); dumpBuildProgress(); writeLock.unlock(); m_buildAction->log()(Phrases::ErrorMessage, "Unable to copy package to destination repository: ", e.what(), '\n'); makepkgchrootSession->addResponse(string(packageName)); enqueueMakechrootpkg(makepkgchrootSession, 1); return; } readLock.unlock(); if (!m_gpgKey.empty()) { // sign package before adding to repository if GPG key specified invokeGpg(makepkgchrootSession, packageName, packageProgress, std::move(binaryPackages), std::move(buildResult)); } else { invokeRepoAdd(makepkgchrootSession, packageName, packageProgress, std::move(buildResult)); } } void ConductBuild::invokeGpg(const BatchProcessingSession::SharedPointerType &makepkgchrootSession, const string &packageName, PackageBuildProgress &packageProgress, std::vector &&binaryPackages, BuildResult &&buildResult) { const auto signingSession = std::make_shared(std::move(binaryPackages), buildResult.repoPath, m_setup.building.ioContext, [this, makepkgchrootSession, &packageName, &packageProgress, buildResult = std::move(buildResult)]( MultiSession::ContainerType &&failedPackages) mutable { checkGpgErrorsAndContinueAddingPackagesToRepo( makepkgchrootSession, packageName, packageProgress, std::move(buildResult), std::move(failedPackages)); }); constexpr auto gpgParallelLimit = 4; const auto lock = std::unique_lock(signingSession->mutex); for (auto i = 0; i != gpgParallelLimit && signingSession->currentPackage != signingSession->binaryPackages.end(); ++i, ++signingSession->currentPackage) { invokeGpg(signingSession, packageName, packageProgress); } } void ConductBuild::invokeGpg( const std::shared_ptr &signingSession, const std::string &packageName, PackageBuildProgress &packageProgress) { const auto &binaryPackage = *signingSession->currentPackage; auto processSession = m_buildAction->makeBuildProcess("gpg for " + binaryPackage.name, packageProgress.buildDirectory % "/gpg-" % binaryPackage.name + ".log", [this, signingSession, &packageName, &packageProgress, isAny = binaryPackage.isAny, binaryPackageName = binaryPackage.fileName]( boost::process::child &&child, ProcessResult &&result) mutable { // make the next gpg invocation if (const auto lock = std::unique_lock(signingSession->mutex); signingSession->currentPackage != signingSession->binaryPackages.end() && ++signingSession->currentPackage != signingSession->binaryPackages.end()) { invokeGpg(signingSession, packageName, packageProgress); } // handle results of gpg invocation if (result.errorCode) { // check for invocation error m_buildAction->log()(Phrases::ErrorMessage, "Unable to invoke gpg for ", binaryPackageName, ": ", result.errorCode.message(), '\n'); } else if (child.exit_code() != 0) { // check for bad exit code m_buildAction->log()( Phrases::ErrorMessage, "gpg invocation for ", binaryPackageName, " exited with non-zero exit code: ", child.exit_code(), '\n'); } else { // move signature to repository try { const auto buildDirSignaturePath = std::filesystem::path(argsToString(packageProgress.buildDirectory, '/', binaryPackageName, ".sig")); if (!std::filesystem::exists(buildDirSignaturePath)) { m_buildAction->log()(Phrases::ErrorMessage, "Signature of \"", binaryPackageName, "\" could not be created: ", buildDirSignaturePath, " does not exist after invoking gpg\n"); } else if (!isAny) { std::filesystem::copy(buildDirSignaturePath, *signingSession->repoPath % '/' % binaryPackageName + ".sig", std::filesystem::copy_options::overwrite_existing); return; } else { std::filesystem::copy(buildDirSignaturePath, argsToString(signingSession->repoPath, "/../any/", binaryPackageName, ".sig"), std::filesystem::copy_options::overwrite_existing); const auto symlink = std::filesystem::path(argsToString(signingSession->repoPath, '/', binaryPackageName, ".sig")); std::filesystem::remove(symlink); std::filesystem::create_symlink("../any/" % binaryPackageName + ".sig", symlink); return; } } catch (const std::filesystem::filesystem_error &e) { m_buildAction->log()( Phrases::ErrorMessage, "Unable to copy signature of \"", binaryPackageName, "\" to repository: ", e.what(), '\n'); } } // consider the package failed signingSession->addResponse(std::move(binaryPackageName)); }); processSession->launch(boost::process::start_dir(packageProgress.buildDirectory), m_gpgPath, "--detach-sign", "--yes", "--use-agent", "--no-armor", "-u", m_gpgKey, binaryPackage.fileName); m_buildAction->log()(Phrases::InfoMessage, "Signing ", binaryPackage.fileName, '\n'); } void ConductBuild::invokeRepoAdd(const BatchProcessingSession::SharedPointerType &makepkgchrootSession, const string &packageName, PackageBuildProgress &packageProgress, BuildResult &&buildResult) { auto processSession = m_buildAction->makeBuildProcess("repo-add for " + packageName, packageProgress.buildDirectory + "/repo-add.log", std::bind(&ConductBuild::handleRepoAddErrorsAndMakeNextPackage, this, makepkgchrootSession, std::ref(packageName), std::ref(packageProgress), std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2)); processSession->locks().emplace_back(m_setup.locks.acquireToWrite(m_buildAction->log(), ServiceSetup::Locks::forDatabase( buildResult.needsStaging ? m_buildPreparation.stagingDb : m_buildPreparation.targetDb, m_buildPreparation.targetArch))); processSession->launch(boost::process::start_dir(*buildResult.repoPath), m_repoAddPath, *buildResult.dbFilePath, buildResult.binaryPackageNames); m_buildAction->log()(Phrases::InfoMessage, "Adding ", packageName, " to repo\n", ps(Phrases::SubMessage), "repo path: ", buildResult.repoPath, '\n', ps(Phrases::SubMessage), "db path: ", buildResult.dbFilePath, '\n', ps(Phrases::SubMessage), "package(s): ", joinStrings(buildResult.binaryPackageNames), '\n'); } void ConductBuild::checkDownloadErrorsAndMakePackages(BatchProcessingSession::ContainerType &&failedPackages) { // dump progress auto readLock = lockToRead(); dumpBuildProgress(); readLock.unlock(); // validate whether we have all sources if (!failedPackages.empty()) { const auto failedPackagesStr = joinStrings(failedPackages, ", "); if (!m_buildAsFarAsPossible) { reportError("failed to download sources: " + failedPackagesStr); return; } m_buildAction->log()(Phrases::WarningMessage, "Ignoring download failures: ", failedPackagesStr, '\n'); // note: Packages without sources will be treated later as errors even before invoking makechrootpkg. At this point there's nothing to do // for ignoring the packages. } if (reportAbortedIfAborted()) { return; } // enqueue building the first package constexpr std::size_t maxParallelInvocations = 1; enqueueMakechrootpkg(make_shared(m_relevantPackages, m_buildPreparation.batches, m_setup.building.ioContext, std::bind(&ConductBuild::checkBuildErrors, this, std::placeholders::_1), !m_buildAsFarAsPossible), maxParallelInvocations); } void ConductBuild::checkGpgErrorsAndContinueAddingPackagesToRepo(const BatchProcessingSession::SharedPointerType &makepkgchrootSession, const std::string &packageName, PackageBuildProgress &packageProgress, BuildResult &&buildResult, MultiSession::ContainerType &&failedPackages) { if (!failedPackages.empty()) { auto lock = lockToWrite(); packageProgress.error = argsToString("failed to sign packages: ", joinStrings(failedPackages, ", ")); dumpBuildProgress(); lock.unlock(); makepkgchrootSession->addResponse(std::string(packageName)); enqueueMakechrootpkg(makepkgchrootSession, 1); return; } if (!reportAbortedIfAborted()) { invokeRepoAdd(makepkgchrootSession, packageName, packageProgress, std::move(buildResult)); } } static void assignNewChrootUser(std::string &&newChrootUser, PackageBuildProgress &packageProgress) { if (newChrootUser.empty()) { return; } packageProgress.skipChrootCleanup = packageProgress.skipChrootUpgrade = true; packageProgress.chrootUser = std::move(newChrootUser); } void ConductBuild::handleMakechrootpkgErrorsAndAddPackageToRepo(const BatchProcessingSession::SharedPointerType &makepkgchrootSession, const string &packageName, PackageBuildProgress &packageProgress, boost::process::child &&child, ProcessResult &&result) { // check for makechrootpkg error const auto hasError = result.errorCode || child.exit_code() != 0; // -> save chroot directory auto newChrootUser = std::string(); if (hasError && m_saveChrootDirsOfFailures) { // rename the chroot working copy directory from e.g. buildservice to buildservice-somepkg; append number if already present const auto chrootSuffix = '-' + packageName; auto lock = lockToRead(); if (!endsWith(packageProgress.chrootUser, chrootSuffix)) { auto assignNewChrootUser = [&newChrootUser, &packageProgress, &chrootSuffix, attempt = 0u]() mutable { newChrootUser = attempt++ ? (packageProgress.chrootUser % chrootSuffix % '-' + attempt) : (packageProgress.chrootUser + chrootSuffix); }; assignNewChrootUser(); try { const auto chrootPathStart = packageProgress.chrootDirectory % "/arch-" % m_buildPreparation.targetArch % '/'; auto newChrootPath = std::filesystem::path(chrootPathStart + newChrootUser); while (std::filesystem::exists(newChrootPath)) { assignNewChrootUser(); newChrootPath = chrootPathStart + newChrootUser; } std::filesystem::rename(chrootPathStart + packageProgress.chrootUser, chrootPathStart + newChrootUser); } catch (const std::filesystem::filesystem_error &e) { lock.unlock(); newChrootUser.clear(); m_buildAction->log()(Phrases::ErrorMessage, "Unable to rename chroot directory for ", packageName, ':', ' ', e.what(), '\n'); } } } // -> add error message auto lock = lockToWrite(); if (result.errorCode) { const auto errorMessage = result.errorCode.message(); packageProgress.error = "unable to build: " + errorMessage; assignNewChrootUser(std::move(newChrootUser), packageProgress); dumpBuildProgress(); lock.unlock(); m_buildAction->log()(Phrases::ErrorMessage, "Unable to invoke makechrootpkg for ", packageName, ": ", errorMessage, '\n'); } if (child.exit_code() != 0) { packageProgress.error = argsToString("unable to build: makechrootpkg returned with exit code ", child.exit_code()); assignNewChrootUser(std::move(newChrootUser), packageProgress); dumpBuildProgress(); lock.unlock(); m_buildAction->log()( Phrases::ErrorMessage, "makechrootpkg invocation for ", packageName, " exited with non-zero exit code: ", child.exit_code(), '\n'); } if (hasError) { makepkgchrootSession->addResponse(string(packageName)); enqueueMakechrootpkg(makepkgchrootSession, 1); return; } // set "finished" to record the package has been built successfully packageProgress.finished = DateTime::gmtNow(); lock.unlock(); addPackageToRepo(makepkgchrootSession, packageName, packageProgress); } void ConductBuild::handleRepoAddErrorsAndMakeNextPackage(const BatchProcessingSession::SharedPointerType &makepkgchrootSession, const string &packageName, PackageBuildProgress &packageProgress, boost::process::child &&child, ProcessResult &&result) { // handle repo-add error; update build progress JSON after each package auto lock = lockToWrite(); if (result.errorCode) { const auto errorMessage = result.errorCode.message(); packageProgress.error = "unable to add package to repo: " + errorMessage; dumpBuildProgress(); lock.unlock(); m_buildAction->log()(Phrases::ErrorMessage, "Unable to invoke repo-add for ", packageName, ": ", errorMessage, '\n'); makepkgchrootSession->addResponse(string(packageName)); } else if (child.exit_code() != 0) { packageProgress.error = argsToString("unable to add package to repo: repo-add returned with exit code ", child.exit_code()); dumpBuildProgress(); lock.unlock(); m_buildAction->log()( Phrases::ErrorMessage, "repo-add invocation for ", packageName, " exited with non-zero exit code: ", child.exit_code(), '\n'); makepkgchrootSession->addResponse(std::string(packageName)); } else { packageProgress.addedToRepo = true; dumpBuildProgress(); lock.unlock(); } // make next package enqueueMakechrootpkg(makepkgchrootSession, 1); } void ConductBuild::checkBuildErrors(BatchProcessingSession::ContainerType &&failedPackages) { // check whether build errors occurred if (!failedPackages.empty()) { reportError("failed to build packages: " + joinStrings(failedPackages, ", ")); return; } auto buildActionsWriteLock = m_setup.building.lockToWrite(); reportSuccess(); } void ConductBuild::dumpBuildProgress() { try { dumpJsonDocument( [this] { return m_buildProgress.toJsonDocument(); }, m_workingDirectory, buildProgressFileName, DumpJsonExistingFileHandling::Override); #ifdef CPP_UTILITIES_DEBUG_BUILD m_buildAction->appendOutput(Phrases::InfoMessage, "Updated ", buildProgressFileName, ".json\n"); #endif } catch (const std::runtime_error &e) { m_buildAction->appendOutput(Phrases::ErrorMessage, e.what(), '\n'); } } void ConductBuild::addLogFile(std::string &&logFilePath) { // skip if log file already present from previous run auto buildActionsReadLock = m_setup.building.lockToRead(); for (const auto &logFile : m_buildAction->logfiles) { if (logFile == logFilePath) { return; } } const auto buildActionsWriteLock = m_setup.building.lockToWrite(buildActionsReadLock); m_buildAction->logfiles.emplace_back(std::move(logFilePath)); } void ConductBuild::assignNewVersion( const std::string &packageName, PackageBuildProgress &packageProgress, BufferSearch &, std::string &&updatedVersionInfo) { auto updatedVersionInfoParts = splitString(updatedVersionInfo, " ", EmptyPartsTreat::Omit); if (updatedVersionInfoParts.empty()) { return; } auto &newVersion = updatedVersionInfoParts.back(); m_buildAction->appendOutput(Phrases::InfoMessage, "Version of \"", packageName, "\" has been updated to: ", newVersion, '\n'); const auto lock = lockToWrite(); packageProgress.updatedVersion = std::move(newVersion); } void ConductBuild::copyPkgbuildToOriginalSourceDirectory( const string &packageName, PackageBuildProgress &packageProgress, const string &buildDirectory) { const auto &buildData = m_buildPreparation.buildData[packageName]; const auto &originalSourceDirectory = buildData.originalSourceDirectory; if (originalSourceDirectory.empty()) { const auto lock = lockToWrite(); packageProgress.warnings.emplace_back("Unable to copy back updated PKGBUILD: original source directory empty"); return; } try { std::filesystem::copy(buildDirectory + "/PKGBUILD", originalSourceDirectory + "/PKGBUILD", std::filesystem::copy_options::overwrite_existing); } catch (const std::filesystem::filesystem_error &e) { const auto lock = lockToWrite(); packageProgress.warnings.emplace_back(argsToString("Unable to copy back updated PKGBUILD: ", e.what())); } } PackageStagingNeeded ConductBuild::checkWhetherStagingIsNeededAndPopulateRebuildList( const std::string &packageName, const PackageBuildData &buildData, const std::vector &builtPackages) { CPP_UTILITIES_UNUSED(buildData) // skip if auto-staging is disabled if (!m_autoStaging) { return PackageStagingNeeded::Undetermined; } m_buildAction->log()(Phrases::InfoMessage, "Checking whether staging of ", packageName, " is needed\n"); LibPkg::DependencySet removedProvides, addedProvides; std::unordered_set removedLibProvides, addedLibProvides; auto needsStaging = false; // check for existing packages (which would be replaced/shadowed by adding the newly built packages) in the destination repository // -> make list of provides would be removed when adding the newly built package to the repo auto affectedDbName = std::string_view{}; auto configLock = m_setup.config.lockToRead(); for (const auto &[dbName, dbConfig] : m_buildPreparation.dbConfig) { auto *const db = m_setup.config.findDatabase(dbName, m_buildPreparation.targetArch); if (!db) { throw std::runtime_error("Configured database \"" % dbName + "\" has been removed."); } const auto &packages = db->packages; for (const auto &builtPackage : builtPackages) { if (const auto i = packages.find(builtPackage.name); i != packages.end()) { LibPkg::Package::exportProvides(i->second, removedProvides, removedLibProvides); if (affectedDbName.empty()) { affectedDbName = dbName; } } } } configLock.unlock(); // parse built packages // -> make list of provides which would be added when adding the newly built package to the repo for (const auto &builtPackage : builtPackages) { LibPkg::Package::exportProvides(LibPkg::Package::fromPkgFile(builtPackage.path), addedProvides, addedLibProvides); } // reduce list of removed provides if they are also provided by the newly built package std::erase_if(removedProvides, [&addedProvides](const auto &provide) { return addedProvides.provides(provide.first, provide.second); }); std::erase_if(removedLibProvides, [&addedLibProvides](const auto &provide) { return addedLibProvides.find(provide) != addedLibProvides.end(); }); // populate m_buildProgress.producedProvides and m_buildProgress.removedProvides (which only serve informal purposes) std::lock_guard rebuildListLock(m_rebuildListMutex); m_buildProgress.producedProvides[packageName].replace(addedProvides, addedLibProvides); m_buildProgress.removedProvides[packageName].replace(removedProvides, removedLibProvides); // skip any further checks if nothing will be removed anyways if (removedProvides.empty() && removedLibProvides.empty()) { m_buildAction->log()(Phrases::SubMessage, "no: Adding the package would not replace any present provides\n"); return PackageStagingNeeded::No; } // find all relevant databases to check whether any of the removed provides are needed by other packages configLock = m_setup.config.lockToRead(); auto *const affectedDb = m_setup.config.findDatabase(affectedDbName, m_buildPreparation.targetArch); if (!affectedDb) { throw std::runtime_error("Affected database \"" % affectedDbName + "\" has been removed."); } const auto relevantDbs = m_setup.config.computeDatabasesRequiringDatabase(*affectedDb); m_buildAction->log()(Phrases::SubMessage, "checking the following databases for affected packages: ", joinStrings(names>(relevantDbs), ", "), '\n'); auto listOfAffectedPackages = std::vector(); const auto isPackageWeWantToUpdateItself = [&builtPackages](const LibPkg::Package &affectedPackage) { return std::find_if(builtPackages.begin(), builtPackages.end(), [affectedPackage](const auto &p) { return p.name == affectedPackage.name; }) != builtPackages.end(); }; for (const auto &db : relevantDbs) { const auto isDestinationDb = db->name == m_buildPreparation.targetDb && db->arch == m_buildPreparation.targetArch; const auto &requiredDeps = db->requiredDeps; RebuildInfoByPackage *rebuildInfoForDb = nullptr; for (const auto &[removedDependencyName, removedDependencyDetail] : removedProvides) { for (auto affectedDependencies = requiredDeps.equal_range(removedDependencyName); affectedDependencies.first != affectedDependencies.second; ++affectedDependencies.first) { if (!LibPkg::Dependency::matches( removedDependencyDetail.mode, removedDependencyDetail.version, affectedDependencies.first->second.version)) { continue; } if (!rebuildInfoForDb) { rebuildInfoForDb = &m_buildProgress.rebuildList[db->name]; } const auto &affectedPackages = affectedDependencies.first->second.relevantPackages; for (const auto &affectedPackage : affectedPackages) { if (isDestinationDb && isPackageWeWantToUpdateItself(*affectedPackage)) { continue; // skip if that's just the package we want to update itself } needsStaging = true; (*rebuildInfoForDb)[affectedPackage->name].provides.emplace_back( removedDependencyName, removedDependencyDetail.version, removedDependencyDetail.mode); listOfAffectedPackages.emplace_back(db->name % '/' + affectedPackage->name); } } } for (const auto &removedLibProvide : removedLibProvides) { if (const auto affectedLibRequires = db->requiredLibs.find(removedLibProvide); affectedLibRequires != db->requiredLibs.end()) { const auto &affectedPackages = affectedLibRequires->second; if (affectedPackages.empty()) { continue; } for (const auto &affectedPackage : affectedPackages) { if (isDestinationDb && isPackageWeWantToUpdateItself(*affectedPackage)) { continue; // skip if that's just the package we want to update itself } if (!rebuildInfoForDb) { rebuildInfoForDb = &m_buildProgress.rebuildList[db->name]; } needsStaging = true; (*rebuildInfoForDb)[affectedPackage->name].libprovides.emplace_back(removedLibProvide); listOfAffectedPackages.emplace_back(db->name % '/' + affectedPackage->name); } } } } if (needsStaging) { m_buildAction->log()(Phrases::SubMessage, "yes: Other packages need to be re-built:", formattedPhraseString(Phrases::End), joinStrings(listOfAffectedPackages, "\n", false, " - "), '\n'); } else { m_buildAction->log()( Phrases::SubMessage, "no: The package replaces another one but it doesn't affect other packages", formattedPhraseString(Phrases::End)); } return needsStaging ? PackageStagingNeeded::Yes : PackageStagingNeeded::No; } } // namespace LibRepoMgr