#define RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING 1 #include "./serversetup.h" #include "./helper.h" #include "./json.h" #include "./webapi/server.h" #include "../libpkg/data/storagegeneric.h" #include "reflection/serversetup.h" #include "resources/config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef PLATFORM_LINUX #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace CppUtilities; using namespace CppUtilities::EscapeCodes; using namespace LibPkg; namespace LibRepoMgr { struct Storage { using BuildActionStorage = LMDBSafe::TypedDBI; explicit Storage(const char *path); private: std::shared_ptr m_env; public: BuildActionStorage buildActions; }; Storage::Storage(const char *path) : m_env(LMDBSafe::getMDBEnv(path, MDB_NOSUBDIR, 0600, 2)) , buildActions(m_env, "buildactions") { } static void deduplicateVector(std::vector &vector) { std::unordered_set visited; vector.erase( std::remove_if(vector.begin(), vector.end(), [&visited](const std::string &value) { return !visited.emplace(value).second; }), vector.end()); } ThreadPool::ThreadPool(const char *name, boost::asio::io_context &ioContext, unsigned short threadCount) : name(name) { threads.reserve(threadCount); for (auto i = threadCount; i > 0; --i) { #ifdef PLATFORM_LINUX pthread_setname_np( #endif threads .emplace_back([&ioContext, name] { ioContext.run(); std::cout << argsToString( formattedPhraseString(Phrases::SubMessage), name, " thread terminates", formattedPhraseString(Phrases::End)); }) #ifdef PLATFORM_LINUX .native_handle(), name) #endif ; } } ThreadPool::~ThreadPool() { for (auto &thread : threads) { thread.join(); } } void ServiceSetup::WebServerSetup::applyConfig(const std::multimap &multimap) { convertValue(multimap, "address", address); convertValue(multimap, "port", port); convertValue(multimap, "threads", threadCount); convertValue(multimap, "static_files", staticFilesPath); convertValue(multimap, "package_search_response_limit", packageSearchResponseLimit); convertValue(multimap, "build_actions_response_limit", buildActionsResponseLimit); convertValue(multimap, "verify_ssl_certificates", verifySslCertificates); convertValue(multimap, "log_ssl_certificate_validation", logSslCertificateValidation); // allow the path for static files to be comma-separated // note: We're simpliy picking the first directory which actually exists at startup time. It makes no // sense to go through all directories when looking up particular files because this would just // lead to serving inconsistent files. if (staticFilesPath.empty()) { return; } const auto staticFilesPaths = splitStringSimple>(staticFilesPath, ":"); auto foundStaticFilesPath = false; for (const auto &path : staticFilesPaths) { std::error_code ec; if ((foundStaticFilesPath = std::filesystem::is_directory(path, ec))) { staticFilesPath = path; break; } } if (foundStaticFilesPath) { cout << Phrases::InfoMessage << "Directory for static files: " << staticFilesPath << Phrases::EndFlush; } else { cerr << Phrases::WarningMessage << "None of the path specified in \"static_files\" is a local directory." << Phrases::EndFlush; } } ServiceSetup::BuildSetup::BuildSetup() = default; ServiceSetup::BuildSetup::~BuildSetup() = default; void ServiceSetup::BuildSetup::initStorage(const char *path) { if (!m_storage) { m_storage = std::make_unique(path); } } void ServiceSetup::BuildSetup::applyConfig(const std::multimap &multimap) { convertValue(multimap, "threads", threadCount); convertValue(multimap, "working_directory", workingDirectory); convertValue(multimap, "local_pkgbuilds_dir", pkgbuildsDirs); convertValue(multimap, "ignore_local_pkgbuilds_regex", ignoreLocalPkgbuildsRegex); convertValue(multimap, "makepkg_path", makePkgPath); convertValue(multimap, "makechrootpkg_path", makeChrootPkgPath); convertValue(multimap, "updpkgsums_path", updatePkgSumsPath); convertValue(multimap, "repo_add_path", repoAddPath); convertValue(multimap, "repo_remove_path", repoRemovePath); convertValue(multimap, "gpg_path", gpgPath); convertValue(multimap, "ccache_dir", ccacheDir); convertValue(multimap, "chroot_dir", chrootDir); convertValue(multimap, "chroot_root_user", chrootRootUser); convertValue(multimap, "chroot_default_user", chrootDefaultUser); convertValue(multimap, "default_gpg_key", defaultGpgKey); convertValue(multimap, "pacman_config_file_path", pacmanConfigFilePath); convertValue(multimap, "makepkg_config_file_path", makepkgConfigFilePath); convertValue(multimap, "makechrootpkg_flags", makechrootpkgFlags); convertValue(multimap, "makepkg_flags", makepkgFlags); convertValue(multimap, "package_cache_dir", packageCacheDir); convertValue(multimap, "package_download_size_limit", packageDownloadSizeLimit); convertValue(multimap, "test_files_dir", testFilesDir); convertValue(multimap, "load_files_dbs", loadFilesDbs); convertValue(multimap, "db_path", dbPath); } void ServiceSetup::BuildSetup::readPresets(const std::string &configFilePath, const std::string &presetsFileRelativePath) { if (presetsFileRelativePath.empty()) { return; } auto presetsFilePath = presetsFileRelativePath; try { if (presetsFilePath[0] != '/' && !configFilePath.empty()) { presetsFilePath = std::filesystem::canonical(configFilePath).parent_path() / presetsFileRelativePath; } ReflectiveRapidJSON::JsonDeserializationErrors errors{}; errors.throwOn = ReflectiveRapidJSON::JsonDeserializationErrors::ThrowOn::All; presets = BuildPresets::fromJson(readFile(presetsFilePath), &errors); } catch (const ReflectiveRapidJSON::JsonDeserializationError &e) { cerr << Phrases::ErrorMessage << "Unable to deserialize presets file " << presetsFilePath << '\n' << Phrases::SubMessage << ReflectiveRapidJSON::formatJsonDeserializationError(e) << Phrases::End; } catch (const RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::ParseResult &e) { cerr << Phrases::ErrorMessage << "Unable to parse presets file " << presetsFilePath << '\n' << Phrases::SubMessage << "parse error at " << e.Offset() << ": " << RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::GetParseError_En(e.Code()) << Phrases::End; } catch (const std::runtime_error &e) { cerr << Phrases::ErrorMessage << "Unable to read presets file " << presetsFilePath << '\n' << Phrases::SubMessage << e.what() << Phrases::End; } } void ServiceSetup::WebServerSetup::initSsl() { if (!verifySslCertificates) { std::cerr << Phrases::SubWarning << "Certificate validation disabled!" << std::endl; return; } sslContext.set_verify_mode(boost::asio::ssl::verify_peer); if (logSslCertificateValidation) { sslContext.set_verify_callback(&WebServerSetup::logCertificateValidation); } sslContext.set_default_verify_paths(); } bool ServiceSetup::WebServerSetup::logCertificateValidation(bool preVerified, boost::asio::ssl::verify_context &context) { constexpr auto subjectNameLength = 1024; char subjectName[subjectNameLength]; X509 *const cert = X509_STORE_CTX_get_current_cert(context.native_handle()); X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_subject_name(cert), subjectName, subjectNameLength); std::cerr << Phrases::InfoMessage << "Verifying SSL certificate: " << subjectName << Phrases::End; if (!preVerified) { std::cerr << Phrases::SubError << "verification failed" << endl; } return preVerified; } ServiceSetup::BuildSetup::Worker::Worker(ServiceSetup::BuildSetup &setup) : boost::asio::executor_work_guard(boost::asio::make_work_guard(setup.ioContext)) , ThreadPool("Worker", setup.ioContext, setup.threadCount) , setup(setup) { } ServiceSetup::BuildSetup::Worker::~Worker() { cout << Phrases::SuccessMessage << "Stopping worker threads" << Phrases::End; setup.ioContext.stop(); } ServiceSetup::BuildSetup::Worker ServiceSetup::BuildSetup::allocateBuildWorker() { return Worker(*this); } LibPkg::StorageID ServiceSetup::BuildSetup::allocateBuildActionID() { static const auto emptyBuildAction = BuildAction(); auto txn = m_storage->buildActions.getRWTransaction(); const auto id = txn.put(emptyBuildAction); txn.commit(); return id; } std::shared_ptr ServiceSetup::BuildSetup::getBuildAction(BuildActionIdType id) { if (auto i = m_runningActions.find(id); i != m_runningActions.end()) { return i->second; } const auto res = std::make_shared(); auto txn = m_storage->buildActions.getROTransaction(); return id <= std::numeric_limits::max() && txn.get(static_cast(id), *res) ? res : nullptr; } std::vector> ServiceSetup::BuildSetup::getBuildActions(const std::vector &ids) { auto buildAction = std::shared_ptr(); auto buildActions = std::vector>(); buildActions.reserve(ids.size()); auto txn = m_storage->buildActions.getROTransaction(); for (const auto id : ids) { if (auto i = m_runningActions.find(id); i != m_runningActions.end()) { buildActions.emplace_back(i->second); continue; } if (id > std::numeric_limits::max()) { continue; } if (!buildAction) { buildAction = std::make_shared(); } if (txn.get(static_cast(id), *buildAction)) { buildActions.emplace_back(std::move(buildAction)); } } return buildActions; } StorageID ServiceSetup::BuildSetup::storeBuildAction(const std::shared_ptr &buildAction) { // update cache of running build actions if (buildAction->isExecuting()) { m_runningActions[buildAction->id] = buildAction; } else { m_runningActions.erase(buildAction->id); } // update index of follow-up actions for scheduled actions // note: This would break if startAfter would be modified after the initial build action creation. if (buildAction->isScheduled() && !buildAction->startAfter.empty()) { const auto previousBuildActions = getBuildActions(buildAction->startAfter); auto allSucceeded = false; for (auto &previousBuildAction : previousBuildActions) { if (!previousBuildAction->hasSucceeded()) { m_followUpActions[previousBuildAction->id].emplace(buildAction->id); allSucceeded = false; } } // immediately start if all follow-up actions have succeeded if (allSucceeded && buildAction->setup()) { return buildAction->start(*buildAction->setup()); } } else { for (const auto id : buildAction->startAfter) { if (const auto i = m_followUpActions.find(id); i != m_followUpActions.end()) { auto &followUps = i->second; followUps.erase(buildAction->id); if (followUps.empty()) { m_followUpActions.erase(i); } } } } // update persistent storage auto txn = m_storage->buildActions.getRWTransaction(); const auto id = txn.put(*buildAction, static_cast(buildAction->id)); // buildAction->id expected to be a valid StorageID or 0 txn.commit(); return id; } void ServiceSetup::BuildSetup::deleteBuildAction(const std::vector> &actions) { auto txn = m_storage->buildActions.getRWTransaction(); for (const auto &action : actions) { // remove action from cache for running actions m_runningActions.erase(action->id); // remove any actions to start after the action to delete m_followUpActions.erase(action->id); // remove follow-up indexes for actions previous to the action to delete for (auto i = m_followUpActions.begin(), end = m_followUpActions.end(); i != end;) { auto &followUps = i->second; followUps.erase(action->id); if (followUps.empty()) { i = m_followUpActions.erase(i); } else { ++i; } } // delete action from storage if (action->id && action->id <= std::numeric_limits::max()) { txn.del(static_cast(action->id)); } } txn.commit(); } std::size_t ServiceSetup::BuildSetup::buildActionCount() { return m_storage->buildActions.getROTransaction().size(); } void ServiceSetup::BuildSetup::forEachBuildAction( std::function count, std::function &&func, std::size_t limit, std::size_t start) { auto txn = m_storage->buildActions.getROTransaction(); const auto total = txn.size(); count(std::min(limit, total)); const auto reverse = start == std::numeric_limits::max(); for (auto i = reverse ? txn.rbegin() : txn.lower_bound(static_cast( start > std::numeric_limits::max() ? std::numeric_limits::max() : start)); i != txn.end() && limit; reverse ? --i : ++i, --limit) { if (func(i.getID(), std::move(i.value()))) { return; } } } void ServiceSetup::BuildSetup::forEachBuildAction(std::function &&func) { auto txn = m_storage->buildActions.getRWTransaction(); for (auto i = txn.begin(); i != txn.end(); ++i) { const auto running = m_runningActions.find(i.getID()); auto &action = running != m_runningActions.end() ? *running->second : i.value(); auto save = false; const auto stop = func(i.getID(), action, save); if (save) { if (running != m_runningActions.end() && !action.isExecuting()) { m_runningActions.erase(running); } txn.put(action, i.getID()); } if (stop) { return; } } txn.commit(); } std::vector> ServiceSetup::BuildSetup::followUpBuildActions(BuildActionIdType forId) { auto res = std::vector>(); const auto i = m_followUpActions.find(forId); if (i == m_followUpActions.end()) { return res; } res.reserve(i->second.size()); for (const auto followUpId : i->second) { if (auto buildAction = getBuildAction(followUpId)) { res.emplace_back(std::move(buildAction)); } } return res; } void ServiceSetup::loadConfigFiles(bool doFirstTimeSetup) { // read config file cout << Phrases::InfoMessage << "Reading config file: " << configFilePath << Phrases::EndFlush; auto configIni = IniFile(); try { // parse ini auto configFile = std::ifstream(); configFile.exceptions(std::fstream::badbit | std::fstream::failbit); configFile.open(configFilePath, std::fstream::in); configIni.parse(configFile); // read basic configuration values (not cached) for (const auto &iniEntry : configIni.data()) { if (iniEntry.first.empty()) { convertValue(iniEntry.second, "pacman_config_file_path", pacmanConfigFilePath); convertValue(iniEntry.second, "working_directory", workingDirectory); convertValue(iniEntry.second, "max_dbs", maxDbs); convertValue(iniEntry.second, "package_cache_limit", packageCacheLimit); } } // apply working directory // note: As this function can run multiple times (as live-reconfigurations are supported) we // must restore the initial working directory here so relative paths are always treated // relative to the initial working directory. if (!workingDirectory.empty()) { try { if (initialWorkingDirectory.empty()) { initialWorkingDirectory = std::filesystem::current_path(); } else { std::filesystem::current_path(initialWorkingDirectory); } workingDirectory = std::filesystem::absolute(workingDirectory); } catch (const std::filesystem::filesystem_error &e) { cerr << Phrases::WarningMessage << "Unable to determine absolute path of specified working directory: " << e.what() << Phrases::EndFlush; } if (chdir(workingDirectory.c_str()) != 0) { cerr << Phrases::WarningMessage << "Unable to change the working directory to \"" << workingDirectory << "\": " << std::strerror(errno) << Phrases::EndFlush; try { workingDirectory = std::filesystem::current_path(); } catch (const std::filesystem::filesystem_error &e) { cerr << Phrases::WarningMessage << "Unable to determine effective working directory: " << e.what() << Phrases::EndFlush; } } } // restore state/cache and discard databases if (doFirstTimeSetup) { initStorage(); doFirstTimeSetup = false; } // read webserver, build and user configuration (partially cached so read it after the cache has been restored to override cached values) for (const auto &iniEntry : configIni.data()) { if (iniEntry.first == "webserver") { webServer.applyConfig(iniEntry.second); } else if (iniEntry.first == "building") { building.applyConfig(iniEntry.second); std::string presetsFile; convertValue(iniEntry.second, "presets", presetsFile); building.readPresets(configFilePath, presetsFile); } else if (startsWith(iniEntry.first, "user/")) { auth.applyConfig(iniEntry.first.substr(5), iniEntry.second); } } } catch (const ios_base::failure &) { cerr << Phrases::WarningMessage << "An IO error occurred when parsing \"" << configFilePath << "\", using defaults" << Phrases::EndFlush; } // restore state/cache and discard databases if not done yet if (doFirstTimeSetup) { initStorage(); } else { config.setPackageCacheLimit(packageCacheLimit); } // read pacman config try { config.loadPacmanConfig(pacmanConfigFilePath.data()); } catch (const ios_base::failure &e) { cerr << Phrases::ErrorMessage << "An IO error occurred when loading pacman config: " << e.what() << Phrases::EndFlush; } catch (const runtime_error &e) { cerr << Phrases::ErrorMessage << "An error occurred when loading pacman config: " << e.what() << Phrases::EndFlush; } // add databases declared in config std::unordered_map globalDefinitions, dbDefinitions; for (auto &iniEntry : configIni.data()) { const auto &iniSection = iniEntry.first; if (iniSection == "definitions") { globalDefinitions.reserve(globalDefinitions.size() + iniEntry.second.size()); for (auto &definition : iniEntry.second) { globalDefinitions['$' + definition.first] = move(definition.second); } continue; } if (!startsWith(iniSection, "database/")) { continue; } // find existing database or create a new one; clear mirrors and other data from existing DBs auto *const db = config.findOrCreateDatabaseFromDenotation(std::string_view(iniSection.data() + 9, iniSection.size() - 9)); db->toBeDiscarded = false; dbDefinitions.clear(); dbDefinitions["$repo"] = db->name; dbDefinitions["$arch"] = db->arch; for (auto &dirEntry : iniEntry.second) { const auto &key(dirEntry.first); auto &value(dirEntry.second); for (auto i = 0; i != 2; ++i) { for (const auto &definitions : { dbDefinitions, globalDefinitions }) { for (const auto &definition : definitions) { findAndReplace(value, definition.first, definition.second); } } } if (key == "arch") { db->arch = move(value); dbDefinitions["$arch"] = db->arch; } else if (key == "depends") { db->dependencies = splitString>(value, " ", EmptyPartsTreat::Omit); } else if (key == "pkgdir") { db->localPkgDir = move(value); } else if (key == "dbdir") { db->localDbDir = move(value); } else if (key == "path") { db->path = move(value); } else if (key == "filespath") { db->filesPath = move(value); } else if (key == "sync_from_mirror") { db->syncFromMirror = value == "on"; } else if (key == "mirror") { db->mirrors.emplace_back(move(value)); } else { dbDefinitions["$" + key] = move(value); } } } // deduce database paths from local database dirs; remove duplicated mirrors for (auto &db : config.databases) { db.deducePathsFromLocalDirs(); deduplicateVector(db.mirrors); } // clear unused locks because locks might not be useful anymore with the new config (e.g. the lock was for a // repository directory which has been removed) locks.clear(); // FIXME: Do this regularly to avoid the locks table growing potentially endlessly? // log the most important config values cerr << Phrases::InfoMessage << "Working directory: " << workingDirectory << Phrases::End; cerr << Phrases::InfoMessage << "Build configuration:" << Phrases::End; cerr << Phrases::SubMessage << "Package cache directory: " << building.packageCacheDir << Phrases::End; cerr << Phrases::SubMessage << "Package download limit: " << dataSizeToString(building.packageDownloadSizeLimit) << Phrases::End; cerr << Phrases::SubMessage << "Chroot directory: " << building.chrootDir << Phrases::End; cerr << Phrases::SubMessage << "Chroot root user: " << building.chrootRootUser << Phrases::End; cerr << Phrases::SubMessage << "Chroot default user: " << building.chrootDefaultUser << Phrases::End; cerr << Phrases::SubMessage << "Ccache directory: " << building.ccacheDir << Phrases::End; } #ifdef PLATFORM_LINUX static void printLimitValue(auto value, bool size) { if (value == RLIM_INFINITY) { cerr << "infinity"; } else if (size) { cerr << dataSizeToString(value); } else { cerr << value; } } static void printLimit(auto field, std::string_view fieldName, bool size = false) { auto limit = rlimit(); getrlimit(field, &limit); cerr << Phrases::SubMessage << fieldName << ": "; printLimitValue(limit.rlim_cur, size); cerr << " / "; printLimitValue(limit.rlim_max, size); cerr << Phrases::End; } #endif void ServiceSetup::printLimits() { #ifdef PLATFORM_LINUX cerr << Phrases::InfoMessage << "Limits (soft / hard):" << Phrases::End; printLimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, "NOFILE (Number of open files)"); printLimit(RLIMIT_MEMLOCK, "MEMLOCK (Locked-in-memory address space)", true); printLimit(RLIMIT_LOCKS, "LOCKS (Maximum number of file locks)"); #endif } void ServiceSetup::printDatabases() { cerr << Phrases::SuccessMessage << "Found " << config.databases.size() << " databases:" << Phrases::End; for (const auto &db : config.databases) { cerr << Phrases::SubMessage << db.name << "@" << db.arch << ": " << db.packageCount() << " packages, last updated on " << db.lastUpdate.toString(DateTimeOutputFormat::DateAndTime) << Phrases::End << " - path: " << db.path << "\n - local db dir: " << db.localDbDir << "\n - local package dir: " << db.localPkgDir << '\n'; } cerr << Phrases::SubMessage << "AUR (" << config.aur.packageCount() << " packages cached)" << Phrases::End; } std::string_view ServiceSetup::cacheFilePath() const { return "cache-v" LIBREPOMGR_CACHE_VERSION ".bin"; } void ServiceSetup::restoreState() { // restore configuration and maybe build actions from JSON file const auto cacheFilePath = this->cacheFilePath(); auto size = std::size_t(0); try { auto cacheFile = std::fstream(); cacheFile.exceptions(std::ios_base::failbit | std::ios_base::badbit); cacheFile.open(cacheFilePath.data(), std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary); auto deserializer = ReflectiveRapidJSON::BinaryReflector::BinaryDeserializer(&cacheFile); deserializer.read(config); size = static_cast(cacheFile.tellg()); cacheFile.close(); std::cerr << Phrases::SuccessMessage << "Restored cache file \"" << cacheFilePath << "\", " << dataSizeToString(size) << Phrases::EndFlush; } catch (const ConversionException &) { std::cerr << Phrases::WarningMessage << "A conversion error occurred when restoring cache file \"" << cacheFilePath << "\"." << Phrases::EndFlush; } catch (const ios_base::failure &) { std::cerr << Phrases::WarningMessage << "An IO error occurred when restoring cache file \"" << cacheFilePath << "\"." << Phrases::EndFlush; } // open LMDB storage cout << Phrases::InfoMessage << "Opening config LMDB file: " << dbPath << " (max DBs: " << maxDbs << ')' << Phrases::EndFlush; config.initStorage(dbPath.data(), maxDbs); config.setPackageCacheLimit(packageCacheLimit); cout << Phrases::InfoMessage << "Opening actions LMDB file: " << building.dbPath << Phrases::EndFlush; building.initStorage(building.dbPath.data()); // ensure no build actions are considered running anymore and populate follow up actions building.forEachBuildAction([this](LibPkg::StorageID, BuildAction &buildAction, bool &save) { if (buildAction.isExecuting()) { buildAction.status = BuildActionStatus::Finished; buildAction.result = BuildActionResult::Failure; buildAction.resultData = "service crashed while exectuing"; save = true; } else if (buildAction.isScheduled()) { for (const auto previousBuildActionId : buildAction.startAfter) { building.m_followUpActions[previousBuildActionId].emplace(buildAction.id); } } return false; }); } std::size_t ServiceSetup::saveState() { // write cache file to be able to restore the service state when restarting the service efficiently const auto cacheFilePath = this->cacheFilePath(); auto size = std::size_t(0); try { auto cacheFile = std::fstream(); cacheFile.exceptions(std::ios_base::failbit | std::ios_base::badbit); cacheFile.open(cacheFilePath.data(), std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc | std::ios_base::binary); auto serializer = ReflectiveRapidJSON::BinaryReflector::BinarySerializer(&cacheFile); serializer.write(config); size = static_cast(cacheFile.tellp()); cacheFile.close(); std::cerr << Phrases::SuccessMessage << "Wrote cache file \"" << cacheFilePath << "\", " << dataSizeToString(size) << Phrases::EndFlush; } catch (const ios_base::failure &) { std::cerr << Phrases::WarningMessage << "An IO error occurred when dumping the cache file \"" << cacheFilePath << "\"." << Phrases::EndFlush; } return size; } void ServiceSetup::initStorage() { restoreState(); config.markAllDatabasesToBeDiscarded(); } int ServiceSetup::run() { #ifndef CPP_UTILITIES_DEBUG_BUILD try { #endif printLimits(); loadConfigFiles(true); config.discardDatabases(); config.loadAllPackages(building.loadFilesDbs, building.forceLoadingDbs); #ifndef CPP_UTILITIES_DEBUG_BUILD } catch (const std::exception &e) { cerr << Phrases::SubError << e.what() << endl; return -1; } catch (...) { cerr << Phrases::SubError << "An unknown error occurred." << endl; return -2; } #endif printDatabases(); cout << Phrases::SuccessMessage << "Initializing SSL" << Phrases::End; webServer.initSsl(); { cout << Phrases::SuccessMessage << "Allocating worker thread pool (thread count: " << building.threadCount << ")" << Phrases::End; const auto buildWorker = building.allocateBuildWorker(); #ifndef CPP_UTILITIES_DEBUG_BUILD try { #endif cout << Phrases::SuccessMessage << "Starting web server (thread count: " << webServer.threadCount << "):" << TextAttribute::Reset << " http://" << webServer.address << ':' << webServer.port << endl; WebAPI::Server::serve(*this); cout << Phrases::SuccessMessage << "Web server stopped." << Phrases::EndFlush; #ifndef CPP_UTILITIES_DEBUG_BUILD } catch (const boost::exception &e) { cerr << Phrases::ErrorMessage << "Server terminated due to exception: " << Phrases::End << " " << boost::diagnostic_information(e) << Phrases::EndFlush; return -3; } catch (const std::exception &e) { cerr << Phrases::ErrorMessage << "Server terminated due to exception: " << Phrases::End << " " << e.what() << Phrases::EndFlush; return -3; } catch (...) { cerr << Phrases::ErrorMessage << "Server terminated due to an unknown error." << Phrases::EndFlush; return -4; } #endif } #ifndef CPP_UTILITIES_DEBUG_BUILD try { #endif saveState(); building.forEachBuildAction([](LibPkg::StorageID, BuildAction &buildAction, bool &save) { if (buildAction.isExecuting()) { buildAction.status = BuildActionStatus::Finished; buildAction.result = BuildActionResult::Aborted; save = true; } return false; }); #ifndef CPP_UTILITIES_DEBUG_BUILD } catch (const std::exception &e) { cerr << Phrases::ErrorMessage << "Exception occurred when terminating server: " << Phrases::End << " " << e.what() << Phrases::EndFlush; return -5; } catch (...) { cerr << Phrases::ErrorMessage << "Unknown error occurred when terminating server." << Phrases::EndFlush; return -6; } #endif return 0; } void ServiceSetup::Locks::clear() { auto log = LogContext(); const auto lock = std::unique_lock(m_cleanupMutex); for (auto i = m_locksByName.begin(), end = m_locksByName.end(); i != end;) { if (auto lock2 = i->second.tryLockToWrite(log, std::string(i->first)); lock2.lock()) { // check whether nobody holds the lock anymore lock2.lock().unlock(); // ~shared_mutex(): The behavior is undefined if the mutex is owned by any thread [...]. m_locksByName.erase(i++); // we can be sure no other thead acquires i->second in the meantime because we're holding m_mutex } else { ++i; } } } std::string ServiceSetup::Locks::forDatabase(std::string_view dbName, std::string_view dbArch) { return dbName % '@' + dbArch; } std::string ServiceSetup::Locks::forDatabase(const LibPkg::Database &db) { return forDatabase(db.name, db.arch); } ServiceStatus::ServiceStatus(const ServiceSetup &setup) : version(applicationInfo.version) , config(setup.config.computeStatus()) , actions(setup.building.metaInfo) , presets(setup.building.presets) { } } // namespace LibRepoMgr