#define CPP_UTILITIES_PATHHELPER_STRING_VIEW #include "./buildactionprivate.h" #include "../logging.h" #include "../libpkg/parser/utils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace std::literals::string_view_literals; using namespace CppUtilities; using namespace CppUtilities::EscapeCodes; namespace LibRepoMgr { PackageMovementAction::PackageMovementAction(ServiceSetup &setup, const std::shared_ptr &buildAction) : InternalBuildAction(setup, buildAction) { } bool PackageMovementAction::prepareRepoAction(RequiredDatabases requiredDatabases) { // initialize build action auto configReadLock = init(BuildActionAccess::ReadConfig, requiredDatabases | RequiredDatabases::OneDestination, RequiredParameters::Packages); if (std::holds_alternative(configReadLock)) { return false; } auto setupLock = m_setup.lockToRead(); m_repoRemovePath = findExecutable(m_setup.building.repoRemovePath); if (requiredDatabases & RequiredDatabases::OneSource) { m_repoAddPath = findExecutable(m_setup.building.repoAddPath); } setupLock.unlock(); // check executables if (!checkExecutable(m_repoRemovePath)) { reportError("Unable to find repo-remove executable \"" % m_setup.building.repoRemovePath + "\" in PATH."); return false; } if (requiredDatabases & RequiredDatabases::OneSource && !checkExecutable(m_repoAddPath)) { reportError("Unable to find repo-add executable \"" % m_setup.building.repoAddPath + "\" in PATH."); return false; } // locate databases and packages const auto *const destinationDb = *m_destinationDbs.begin(); m_destinationRepoDirectory = destinationDb->localPkgDir; m_destinationDatabaseFile = fileName(destinationDb->path); m_destinationDatabaseLockName = ServiceSetup::Locks::forDatabase(*destinationDb); if (requiredDatabases & RequiredDatabases::OneSource) { const auto *const sourceDb = *m_sourceDbs.begin(); m_sourceRepoDirectory = sourceDb->localPkgDir; m_sourceDatabaseFile = fileName(sourceDb->path); m_sourceDatabaseLockName = ServiceSetup::Locks::forDatabase(*sourceDb); } locatePackages(); configReadLock = std::monostate(); // error-out early if not even a single package could be located if (m_packageLocations.empty()) { m_result.errorMessage = "none of the specified packages could be located"; reportResultWithData(BuildActionResult::Failure); return false; } // init working directory initWorkingDirectory(); if (!m_result.errorMessage.empty()) { reportResultWithData(BuildActionResult::Failure); return false; } return true; } void PackageMovementAction::initWorkingDirectory() { if (m_buildAction->directory.empty()) { auto directory = argsToString(m_buildAction->type == BuildActionType::MovePackages ? "repo-move-" : "repo-remove-", DateTime::gmtNow().toIsoStringWithCustomDelimiters(TimeSpan(), '-', '-'), '-', std::filesystem::path(m_destinationDatabaseFile).stem().string()); auto buildActionLock = m_setup.building.lockToWrite(); m_buildAction->directory = std::move(directory); } m_workingDirectory = determineWorkingDirectory(repoManagementWorkingDirectory); try { std::filesystem::create_directories(m_workingDirectory); } catch (const std::filesystem::filesystem_error &e) { m_buildAction->log()(Phrases::ErrorMessage, "Unable to make working directory: ", e.what(), '\n'); m_result.errorMessage = argsToString("unable to make working directory: ", e.what()); } } void PackageMovementAction::locatePackages() { // determine repo path and package paths auto *const db = m_sourceDbs.empty() ? *m_destinationDbs.begin() : *m_sourceDbs.begin(); for (const auto &packageName : m_buildAction->packageNames) { const auto package = db->findPackage(packageName); if (!package) { m_result.failedPackages.emplace_back(packageName, "package not listed in database file"); continue; } auto packageLocation = db->locatePackage(package->computeFileName()); if (packageLocation.error.has_value()) { m_result.failedPackages.emplace_back( packageName, argsToString("unable to locate package within repo directory: ", packageLocation.error.value().what())); continue; } if (!packageLocation.exists) { m_result.failedPackages.emplace_back(packageName, "package not present within repo directory"); continue; } m_packageLocations.emplace_back(packageName, std::move(packageLocation), true); } } void PackageMovementAction::reportResultWithData(BuildActionResult result) { auto buildLock = m_setup.building.lockToWrite(); m_buildAction->resultData = std::move(m_result); reportResult(result); } RemovePackages::RemovePackages(ServiceSetup &setup, const std::shared_ptr &buildAction) : PackageMovementAction(setup, buildAction) { } void RemovePackages::run() { if (!prepareRepoAction(RequiredDatabases::OneDestination)) { return; } // make list of package names to pass to repo-remove m_result.processedPackages.reserve(m_packageLocations.size()); for (const auto &[packageName, packageLocation, ok] : m_packageLocations) { m_result.processedPackages.emplace_back(packageName); } // remove package from database file auto repoRemoveProcess = m_buildAction->makeBuildProcess("repo-remove", m_workingDirectory + "/repo-remove.log", std::bind(&RemovePackages::handleRepoRemoveResult, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2)); repoRemoveProcess->locks().emplace_back(m_setup.locks.acquireToWrite(m_buildAction->log(), std::move(m_destinationDatabaseLockName))); repoRemoveProcess->launch( boost::process::start_dir(m_destinationRepoDirectory), m_repoRemovePath, m_destinationDatabaseFile, m_result.processedPackages); m_buildAction->log()(Phrases::InfoMessage, "Invoking repo-remove within \"", m_destinationRepoDirectory, "\" for \"", m_destinationDatabaseFile, "\", see logfile for details\n"); } void RemovePackages::handleRepoRemoveResult(boost::process::child &&child, ProcessResult &&result) { CPP_UTILITIES_UNUSED(child) if (result.errorCode) { const auto errorCodeMessage = result.errorCode.message(); const auto &errorMessage = result.error.empty() ? errorCodeMessage : result.error; m_result.errorMessage = "unable to remove packages: " + errorMessage; m_buildAction->log()(Phrases::ErrorMessage, "Unable to invoke repo-remove: ", errorMessage, '\n'); } else if (result.exitCode != 0) { m_result.errorMessage = argsToString("unable to remove package: repo-remove returned with exit code ", result.exitCode); m_buildAction->log()(Phrases::ErrorMessage, "repo-remove invocation exited with non-zero exit code: ", result.exitCode, '\n'); } else { movePackagesToArchive(); return; } m_result.failedPackages.reserve(m_result.failedPackages.size() + m_result.processedPackages.size()); for (auto &processedPackage : m_result.processedPackages) { m_result.failedPackages.emplace_back(std::move(processedPackage), "repo-remove error"); } m_result.processedPackages.clear(); reportResultWithData(BuildActionResult::Failure); } void RemovePackages::movePackagesToArchive() { m_buildAction->log()(Phrases::InfoMessage, "Moving packages to archive directory"); std::filesystem::path archivePath, destPath, signatureFile; auto processedPackageIterator = m_result.processedPackages.begin(); for (const auto &[packageName, packageLocation, ok] : m_packageLocations) { try { archivePath = packageLocation.pathWithinRepo.parent_path() / "archive"; destPath = archivePath / packageLocation.pathWithinRepo.filename(); signatureFile = argsToString(packageLocation.pathWithinRepo, ".sig"); std::filesystem::create_directory(archivePath); std::filesystem::rename(packageLocation.pathWithinRepo, destPath); if (std::filesystem::exists(signatureFile)) { std::filesystem::rename(signatureFile, argsToString(destPath, ".sig")); } if (packageLocation.storageLocation.empty()) { continue; } // FIXME: The file at the storage location *might* still be used elsewhere. Better leave that to a repo cleanup task (to be implemented later). archivePath = packageLocation.storageLocation.parent_path() / "archive"; destPath = archivePath / packageLocation.storageLocation.filename(); signatureFile = argsToString(packageLocation.storageLocation, ".sig"); std::filesystem::create_directory(archivePath); std::filesystem::rename(packageLocation.storageLocation, destPath); if (std::filesystem::exists(signatureFile)) { std::filesystem::rename(signatureFile, argsToString(destPath, ".sig")); } ++processedPackageIterator; } catch (const std::filesystem::filesystem_error &e) { processedPackageIterator = m_result.processedPackages.erase(processedPackageIterator); m_result.failedPackages.emplace_back(packageName, argsToString("unable to archive: ", e.what())); } } if (m_result.failedPackages.empty()) { reportResultWithData(BuildActionResult::Success); return; } m_result.errorMessage = argsToString("failed to remove ", m_result.failedPackages.size(), " packages"); reportResultWithData(BuildActionResult::Failure); } MovePackages::MovePackages(ServiceSetup &setup, const std::shared_ptr &buildAction) : PackageMovementAction(setup, buildAction) { } void MovePackages::run() { const auto flags = static_cast(m_buildAction->flags); m_options = static_cast(flags); if (!prepareRepoAction(RequiredDatabases::OneSource | RequiredDatabases::OneDestination)) { return; } // copy packages from the source repo to the destination repo // make list of package names to pass to repo-add m_result.processedPackages.reserve(m_packageLocations.size()); for (auto &[packageName, packageLocation, ok] : m_packageLocations) { try { const auto destPath = m_destinationRepoDirectory / packageLocation.pathWithinRepo.filename(); const auto signatureFile = std::filesystem::path(argsToString(packageLocation.pathWithinRepo, ".sig")); if (packageLocation.storageLocation.empty()) { std::filesystem::copy_file(packageLocation.pathWithinRepo, destPath); if (std::filesystem::exists(signatureFile)) { std::filesystem::copy_file(signatureFile, argsToString(destPath, ".sig")); } } else { const auto symlinkTarget = std::filesystem::read_symlink(packageLocation.pathWithinRepo); if (symlinkTarget.is_absolute()) { ok = false; m_result.failedPackages.emplace_back(packageName, argsToString("unable to copy to destination repo: \"", packageLocation.pathWithinRepo, "\" is a symlink with absolute target path (only relative target paths supported)")); continue; } const auto newStorageLocation = m_destinationRepoDirectory / symlinkTarget; const auto storageSignatureFile = std::filesystem::path(argsToString(packageLocation.storageLocation, ".sig")); std::filesystem::create_directory( newStorageLocation.parent_path()); // ensure the parent, e.g. the "any" directory exists; assume further parents already exist std::filesystem::copy(packageLocation.pathWithinRepo, destPath, std::filesystem::copy_options::copy_symlinks); std::filesystem::copy_file(packageLocation.storageLocation, newStorageLocation); if (std::filesystem::exists(signatureFile)) { std::filesystem::copy(signatureFile, argsToString(destPath, ".sig"), std::filesystem::copy_options::copy_symlinks); } if (std::filesystem::exists(storageSignatureFile)) { std::filesystem::copy_file(storageSignatureFile, argsToString(newStorageLocation, ".sig")); } } } catch (const std::filesystem::filesystem_error &e) { const auto ignoreError = (m_options & MovePackagesFlags::IgnoreExistingFiles) && (e.code() == std::errc::file_exists || e.code() == std::errc::invalid_argument); if (!ignoreError) { ok = false; m_result.failedPackages.emplace_back(packageName, argsToString("unable to copy to destination repo: ", e.what())); continue; } } m_fileNames.emplace_back(packageLocation.pathWithinRepo.filename()); m_result.processedPackages.emplace_back(packageName); } // error-out early if not even a single package could be copied if (m_fileNames.empty()) { m_result.errorMessage = "none of the specified packages could be copied to the destination repo"; reportResultWithData(BuildActionResult::Failure); return; } // conclude build action when both, repo-add and repo-remove have been exited and handled const auto processSession = MultiSession::create(m_setup.building.ioContext, std::bind(&MovePackages::conclude, this)); // add packages to database file of destination repo auto repoAddProcess = m_buildAction->makeBuildProcess("repo-add", m_workingDirectory + "/repo-add.log", std::bind(&MovePackages::handleRepoAddResult, this, processSession, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2)); repoAddProcess->locks().emplace_back(m_setup.locks.acquireToWrite(m_buildAction->log(), std::move(m_destinationDatabaseLockName))); repoAddProcess->launch(boost::process::start_dir(m_destinationRepoDirectory), m_repoAddPath, m_destinationDatabaseFile, m_fileNames); // remove package from database file of source repo auto repoRemoveProcess = m_buildAction->makeBuildProcess("repo-remove", m_workingDirectory + "/repo-remove.log", std::bind(&MovePackages::handleRepoRemoveResult, this, processSession, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2)); repoRemoveProcess->locks().emplace_back(m_setup.locks.acquireToWrite(m_buildAction->log(), std::move(m_sourceDatabaseLockName))); repoRemoveProcess->launch(boost::process::start_dir(m_sourceRepoDirectory), m_repoRemovePath, m_sourceDatabaseFile, m_result.processedPackages); m_buildAction->log()(ps(Phrases::InfoMessage), "Invoking repo-add within \"", m_destinationRepoDirectory, "\" for \"", m_destinationDatabaseFile, "\", see logfile for details\n", ps(Phrases::InfoMessage), "Invoking repo-remove within \"", m_sourceRepoDirectory, "\" for \"", m_sourceDatabaseFile, "\", see logfile for details\n"); } void MovePackages::handleRepoRemoveResult(MultiSession::SharedPointerType processSession, boost::process::child &&child, ProcessResult &&result) { // handle error CPP_UTILITIES_UNUSED(processSession) CPP_UTILITIES_UNUSED(child) if (result.errorCode) { const auto errorCodeMessage = result.errorCode.message(); const auto &errorMessage = result.error.empty() ? errorCodeMessage : result.error; m_result.errorMessage = "unable to remove packages: " + errorMessage; m_buildAction->log()(Phrases::ErrorMessage, "Unable to invoke repo-remove: ", errorMessage, '\n'); return; } else if (result.exitCode != 0) { m_result.errorMessage = argsToString("unable to remove package: repo-remove returned with exit code ", result.exitCode); m_buildAction->log()(Phrases::ErrorMessage, "repo-remove invocation exited with non-zero exit code: ", result.exitCode, '\n'); return; } // remove packages from source repo for (auto &[packageName, packageLocation, ok] : m_packageLocations) { // ignore packages which we've couldn't even copy to destination repo if (!ok) { continue; } // delete package within source repo; leave package at storage location because some other repo might still link to it (cleanup action takes care of that) try { std::filesystem::remove(packageLocation.pathWithinRepo); std::filesystem::remove(argsToString(packageLocation.pathWithinRepo, ".sig")); } catch (const std::runtime_error &e) { ok = false; m_result.failedPackages.emplace_back(packageName, argsToString("unable to remove from source repo: ", e.what())); m_result.processedPackages.erase( std::remove(m_result.processedPackages.begin(), m_result.processedPackages.end(), packageName), m_result.processedPackages.end()); } } } void MovePackages::handleRepoAddResult(MultiSession::SharedPointerType processSession, boost::process::child &&child, ProcessResult &&result) { // handle error CPP_UTILITIES_UNUSED(processSession) CPP_UTILITIES_UNUSED(child) if (result.errorCode) { const auto errorCodeMessage = result.errorCode.message(); const auto &errorMessage = result.error.empty() ? errorCodeMessage : result.error; m_addErrorMessage = "unable to add packages: " + errorMessage; m_buildAction->log()(Phrases::ErrorMessage, "Unable to invoke repo-add: ", errorMessage, '\n'); return; } else if (result.exitCode != 0) { m_addErrorMessage = argsToString("unable to add packages: repo-add returned with exit code ", result.exitCode); m_buildAction->log()(Phrases::ErrorMessage, "repo-add invocation exited with non-zero exit code: ", result.exitCode, '\n'); return; } // nothing more to do; packages have already been copied before invoking repo-add } void MovePackages::conclude() { // check for errors const auto hasRepoRemoveError = !m_result.errorMessage.empty(); const auto hasRepoAddError = !m_addErrorMessage.empty(); std::string_view failureReason; if (hasRepoAddError && hasRepoRemoveError) { failureReason = "repo-add and repo-remove error"; m_result.errorMessage = argsToString(m_result.errorMessage, ',', ' ', m_addErrorMessage); } else if (hasRepoAddError) { failureReason = "repo-add error"; m_result.errorMessage = std::move(m_addErrorMessage); } else if (hasRepoRemoveError) { failureReason = "repo-remove error"; } // report success if there are no repo-add/repo-remove errors or otherwise failed packages; otherwise report failure if (!hasRepoAddError && !hasRepoRemoveError) { if (m_result.errorMessage.empty() && !m_result.failedPackages.empty()) { m_result.errorMessage = argsToString("failed to move ", m_result.failedPackages.size(), " packages"); } reportResultWithData(m_result.failedPackages.empty() ? BuildActionResult::Success : BuildActionResult::Failure); return; } // consider all packages failed if there are repo-add/repo-remove errors m_result.failedPackages.reserve(m_result.failedPackages.size() + m_result.processedPackages.size()); for (auto &processedPackage : m_result.processedPackages) { m_result.failedPackages.emplace_back(std::move(processedPackage), failureReason); } m_result.processedPackages.clear(); reportResultWithData(BuildActionResult::Failure); } CheckForProblems::CheckForProblems(ServiceSetup &setup, const std::shared_ptr &buildAction) : InternalBuildAction(setup, buildAction) { } void CheckForProblems::run() { // read settings const auto flags = static_cast(m_buildAction->flags); m_requirePackageSignatures = flags & CheckForProblemsFlags::RequirePackageSignatures; auto &metaInfo = m_setup.building.metaInfo; auto metaInfoLock = metaInfo.lockToRead(); const auto &typeInfo = metaInfo.typeInfoForId(BuildActionType::CheckForProblems); const auto ignoreDepsSetting = typeInfo.settings[static_cast(CheckForProblemsSettings::IgnoreDeps)].param; const auto ignoreLibDepsSetting = typeInfo.settings[static_cast(CheckForProblemsSettings::IgnoreLibDeps)].param; metaInfoLock.unlock(); const auto ignoreDeps = splitStringSimple>(std::string_view(findSetting(ignoreDepsSetting)), " "); const auto ignoreLibDeps = splitStringSimple>(std::string_view(findSetting(ignoreLibDepsSetting)), " "); // initialize build action auto configReadLock = init(BuildActionAccess::ReadConfig, RequiredDatabases::OneOrMoreDestinations, RequiredParameters::None); if (std::holds_alternative(configReadLock)) { return; } auto result = std::unordered_map>(); for (auto *const db : m_destinationDbs) { // acquire locks const auto archLock = m_setup.locks.acquireToRead(m_buildAction->log(), ServiceSetup::Locks::forDatabase(*db)); const auto anyLock = m_setup.locks.acquireToRead(m_buildAction->log(), ServiceSetup::Locks::forDatabase(db->name, "any")); const auto srcLock = m_setup.locks.acquireToRead(m_buildAction->log(), ServiceSetup::Locks::forDatabase(db->name, "src")); // check whether files exist auto &problems = result[db->name % '@' + db->arch]; try { if (db->path.empty() || !std::filesystem::is_regular_file(db->path)) { problems.emplace_back(RepositoryProblem{ .desc = "db file \"" % db->path + "\" is not a regular file" }); } const auto filesPath = db->filesPath.empty() ? db->filesPathFromRegularPath() : db->filesPath; if (filesPath.empty() || !std::filesystem::is_regular_file(filesPath)) { problems.emplace_back(RepositoryProblem{ .desc = "files db file \"" % filesPath + "\" is not a regular file" }); } if (db->localPkgDir.empty()) { goto checkForUnresolvedPackages; // skip checking for presence of package if the local package directory is not configured } if (!std::filesystem::is_directory(db->localPkgDir)) { problems.emplace_back( RepositoryProblem{ .desc = "configured local package directory \"" % db->localPkgDir + "\" is not a directory" }); } db->allPackages([&](LibPkg::StorageID, std::shared_ptr &&package) { if (!package->packageInfo) { problems.emplace_back(RepositoryProblem{ .desc = "no package info present", .pkg = package->name }); return false; } const auto packageLocation = db->locatePackage(package->packageInfo->fileName); if (!packageLocation.exists) { problems.emplace_back( RepositoryProblem{ .desc = "binary package \"" % package->packageInfo->fileName + "\" not present", .pkg = package->name }); } if (m_requirePackageSignatures) { const auto signatureLocation = db->locatePackage(package->packageInfo->fileName + ".sig"); if (!signatureLocation.exists) { problems.emplace_back(RepositoryProblem{ .desc = "signature file for package \"" % package->packageInfo->fileName + "\" not present", .pkg = package->name }); } } if (package->packageInfo->arch == "any" && (!package->libdepends.empty() || !package->libprovides.empty())) { auto crossOnly = true; for (const auto &libnames : { package->libdepends, package->libprovides }) { for (const auto &libname : libnames) { // ignore Windows and Android libs if (!libname.starts_with("pe-") && !libname.starts_with("android-")) { crossOnly = false; goto break2; } } } break2: if (!crossOnly) { problems.emplace_back(RepositoryProblem{ .desc = "\"any\"-arch package but binary present", .pkg = package->name }); } } return false; }); } catch (const std::filesystem::filesystem_error &e) { problems.emplace_back(RepositoryProblem{ .desc = argsToString("unable to check presence of files: ", e.what()) }); } // check for unresolved dependencies and missing libraries checkForUnresolvedPackages: auto unresolvedPackages = db->detectUnresolvedPackages( m_setup.config, std::vector>(), LibPkg::DependencySet(), ignoreDeps, ignoreLibDeps); for (auto &[packageSpec, unresolvedDeps] : unresolvedPackages) { problems.emplace_back(RepositoryProblem{ .desc = std::move(unresolvedDeps), .pkg = packageSpec.pkg->name }); } } const auto buildLock = m_setup.building.lockToWrite(); m_buildAction->resultData = std::move(result); reportResult(BuildActionResult::Success); } CleanRepository::CleanRepository(ServiceSetup &setup, const std::shared_ptr &buildAction) : InternalBuildAction(setup, buildAction) { } void CleanRepository::handleFatalError(InternalBuildAction::InitReturnType &init) { init = std::monostate(); m_buildAction->appendOutput(Phrases::ErrorMessage, "Cleanup aborted due to fatal errors\n"); const auto buildLock = m_setup.building.lockToWrite(); m_buildAction->resultData = std::move(m_messages); reportResult(BuildActionResult::Failure); } void CleanRepository::run() { // initialize build action const auto flags = static_cast(m_buildAction->flags); m_dryRun = flags & CleanRepositoryFlags::DryRun; m_buildAction->appendOutput(Phrases::InfoMessage, m_dryRun ? "Preparing cleanup, dry run\n" : "Preparing cleanup\n"); auto configReadLock = init(BuildActionAccess::ReadConfig, RequiredDatabases::OneOrMoreDestinations, RequiredParameters::None); if (std::holds_alternative(configReadLock)) { return; } // find relevant repository directories and acquire locks // note: Only using a shared lock here because the cleanup isn't supposed to touch any files which actually still belong to // the repository. enum class RepoDirType { New, ArchSpecific, Any, Src, }; struct RepoDir { std::filesystem::path canonicalPath; std::vector> toArchive; // old packages not belonging to the DB anymore std::vector toDelete; // non-package junk files std::unordered_set relevantDbs; std::variant lock; RepoDirType type = RepoDirType::New; }; auto repoDirs = std::unordered_map(); auto fatalError = false; const auto addAnyAndSrcDir = [this, &repoDirs](LibPkg::Database &db) { // find the "any" directory which contains arch neutral packages which are possibly shared between databases try { auto anyPath = std::filesystem::canonical(db.localPkgDir + "/../any"); auto &anyDir = repoDirs[anyPath.string()]; if (anyDir.type == RepoDirType::New) { anyDir.type = RepoDirType::Any; anyDir.lock.emplace( m_setup.locks.acquireToRead(m_buildAction->log(), ServiceSetup::Locks::forDatabase(db.name, "any"))); anyDir.canonicalPath = std::move(anyPath); } anyDir.relevantDbs.emplace(&db); } catch (const std::filesystem::filesystem_error &e) { m_messages.errors.emplace_back("Unable to consider \"any\" dir of \"" % db.name % "\": " + e.what()); } // find the "src" directory which contains source package try { auto srcPath = std::filesystem::canonical(db.localPkgDir + "/../src"); auto &srcDir = repoDirs[srcPath.string()]; if (srcDir.type == RepoDirType::New) { srcDir.type = RepoDirType::Src; srcDir.lock.emplace( m_setup.locks.acquireToRead(m_buildAction->log(), ServiceSetup::Locks::forDatabase(db.name, "src"))); srcDir.canonicalPath = std::move(srcPath); } srcDir.relevantDbs.emplace(&db); } catch (const std::filesystem::filesystem_error &e) { m_messages.errors.emplace_back("Unable to consider \"src\" dir of \"" % db.name % "\": " + e.what()); } }; for (auto *const db : m_destinationDbs) { if (db->localPkgDir.empty()) { m_messages.errors.emplace_back("Unable to clean \"" % db->name + "\": no local package directory configured"); continue; } // find the "arch-specific" directory which contains the packages (or links to the them in the "any" directory) and the database files auto parentPath = std::filesystem::path(); try { auto archSpecificPath = std::filesystem::canonical(db->localPkgDir); const auto dbFile = argsToString(archSpecificPath, '/', m_setup.building.loadFilesDbs && !db->filesPath.empty() ? fileName(std::string_view(db->filesPath)) : (!db->path.empty() ? fileName(std::string_view(db->path)) : (db->name + ".db"))); const auto lastModified = LibPkg::lastModified(dbFile); if (lastModified != db->lastUpdate) { m_messages.errors.emplace_back("The db file's last modification (" % lastModified.toString() % ") does not match the last db update (" % db->lastUpdate.load().toString() + ")."); fatalError = true; } auto &archSpecificDir = repoDirs[archSpecificPath.string()]; parentPath = archSpecificPath.parent_path(); if (archSpecificDir.type == RepoDirType::New) { archSpecificDir.type = RepoDirType::ArchSpecific; archSpecificDir.lock.emplace( m_setup.locks.acquireToRead(m_buildAction->log(), ServiceSetup::Locks::forDatabase(*db))); archSpecificDir.canonicalPath = std::move(archSpecificPath); } archSpecificDir.relevantDbs.emplace(db); } catch (const std::filesystem::filesystem_error &e) { m_messages.errors.emplace_back("Unable consider \"arch-specific\" dir of \"" % db->name % "\": " + e.what()); } // find the "any" and "src" directory addAnyAndSrcDir(*db); // require the parent path to be present if (parentPath.empty()) { fatalError = true; continue; } // find other directories next to the "arch-specific" package directory // note: These directories belong to other databases representing the same repository but for other architectures. try { for (const auto &otherDir : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(parentPath)) { if (!otherDir.is_directory() || otherDir.path() == db->localPkgDir || otherDir.path() == "any" || otherDir.path() == "src") { continue; } repoDirs[otherDir.path().string()]; } } catch (const std::filesystem::filesystem_error &e) { m_messages.errors.emplace_back("Unable consider find repositories next to \"" % db->name % "\": " + e.what()); fatalError = true; } } if (fatalError) { handleFatalError(configReadLock); return; } // find relevant databases for repo dirs discovered in "find other directories next to …" step auto otherDbs = std::vector>(); for (auto &[dirName, dirInfo] : repoDirs) { if (dirInfo.type != RepoDirType::New) { continue; } auto dbFilePaths = std::vector(); try { // find the database file dirInfo.canonicalPath = std::filesystem::canonical(dirName); for (const auto &repoItem : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(dirInfo.canonicalPath)) { if (!repoItem.is_regular_file() && !repoItem.is_symlink()) { continue; } if (repoItem.path().extension() == ".db") { dbFilePaths.emplace_back(repoItem.path()); } } if (dbFilePaths.empty()) { throw std::runtime_error("no *.db file present"); } if (dbFilePaths.size() > 1) { auto dbFileNames #if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__clang__) = dbFilePaths | std::views::transform([](const std::filesystem::path &path) { return std::string(path.filename()); }); #else = [&dbFilePaths] { auto res = std::vector(); res.reserve(dbFilePaths.size()); for (const auto &path : dbFilePaths) { res.emplace_back(path.filename()); } return res; }(); #endif throw std::runtime_error( "multiple/ambiguous *.db files present: " + joinStrings(dbFileNames, ", ")); } // initialize temporary database object for the repository auto &db = otherDbs.emplace_back( std::make_unique(argsToString("clean-repository-", dbFilePaths.front().stem()), dbFilePaths.front())); db->arch = dirInfo.canonicalPath.stem(); db->initStorage(*m_setup.config.storage()); db->clearPackages(); db->loadPackagesFromConfiguredPaths(); dirInfo.relevantDbs.emplace(db.get()); // acquire lock for db directory dirInfo.lock.emplace(m_setup.locks.acquireToRead(m_buildAction->log(), ServiceSetup::Locks::forDatabase(*db))); // find the "any" and "src" directory db->localPkgDir = dirInfo.canonicalPath.string(); addAnyAndSrcDir(*db); // consider the repository dir arch-specific dirInfo.type = RepoDirType::ArchSpecific; } catch (const std::runtime_error &e) { m_messages.errors.emplace_back("Unable read database file in repo dir \"" % dirName % "\": " + e.what()); fatalError = true; } } if (fatalError) { handleFatalError(configReadLock); return; } // verify that each repo dir has at least one relevant database now for (auto &[dirName, dirInfo] : repoDirs) { if (dirInfo.relevantDbs.empty()) { m_messages.errors.emplace_back("Unable to associate a database with repo dir \"" % dirName + "\"."); fatalError = true; } } if (fatalError) { handleFatalError(configReadLock); return; } // flag packages no longer referenced by any database for moving it to the archive folder; flag chunk files for deletion for (auto &[dirName, dirInfo] : repoDirs) { try { for (const auto &repoItem : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(dirInfo.canonicalPath)) { // skip directories and files which are not regular files or symlinks if (repoItem.is_directory() || repoItem.is_other()) { continue; } // skip the database file itself const auto fileName = repoItem.path().filename().string(); if (fileName.find(".db") != std::string::npos || fileName.find(".files") != std::string::npos) { continue; } // delete other non-package files if (fileName.find(".pkg") == std::string::npos && fileName.find(".src") == std::string::npos) { dirInfo.toDelete.emplace_back(repoItem); continue; } // delete orphaned signatures, otherwise skip signatures as they are handled alongside the related package if (fileName.ends_with(".sig")) { if (!std::filesystem::exists(std::filesystem::symlink_status( dirInfo.canonicalPath / std::string_view(fileName.data(), fileName.data() + fileName.size() - 4)))) { dirInfo.toDelete.emplace_back(repoItem); } continue; } // determine package name from file name const auto [packageName, error] = [&fileName] { try { const auto [name, version, arch] = LibPkg::Package::fileNameComponents(fileName); return std::pair(std::string(name), false); } catch (const std::runtime_error &e) { return std::pair(std::string(e.what()), true); } }(); if (error) { m_messages.warnings.emplace_back( "Unable to parse package name of \"" % fileName % "\" (" % packageName + "). Not touching it to be safe."); continue; } // check whether the file is still referenced by and relevant database and move it to archive if not auto fileStillReferenced = false; auto actuallyReferencedFileNames = std::vector(); for (auto *const db : dirInfo.relevantDbs) { const auto pkg = db->findPackage(packageName); if (!pkg) { continue; } const auto &pkgInfo = pkg->packageInfo; if (!pkgInfo || pkgInfo->fileName.empty()) { m_messages.warnings.emplace_back( "Database entry for package \"" % pkg->name % "\" misses the file name. Not touching \"" % fileName + "\" to be safe."); fileStillReferenced = true; continue; } if (pkgInfo->fileName == fileName) { fileStillReferenced = true; break; } else { actuallyReferencedFileNames.emplace_back(pkgInfo->fileName); } } if (!fileStillReferenced) { dirInfo.toArchive.emplace_back( std::pair(repoItem, joinStrings(actuallyReferencedFileNames, ", "))); } } } catch (const std::filesystem::filesystem_error &e) { m_messages.errors.emplace_back("Unable to iterate though repo directory \"" % dirName % "\": " + e.what()); } } configReadLock = std::monostate(); // do the actual file system operations for (auto &[dirName, dirInfo] : repoDirs) { // skip source repos for now // note: So far we would get false-positives if pkgname does not contain pkgbase. if (dirInfo.type == RepoDirType::Src) { continue; } // delete files std::size_t processesItems = 0; for (auto &toDelete : dirInfo.toDelete) { try { if (!m_dryRun) { const auto signatureFile = std::filesystem::path(argsToString(toDelete, ".sig")); std::filesystem::remove(toDelete); if (std::filesystem::exists(std::filesystem::symlink_status(signatureFile))) { std::filesystem::remove(signatureFile); } } ++processesItems; m_messages.notes.emplace_back("Deleted " + toDelete.string()); } catch (const std::filesystem::filesystem_error &e) { m_messages.errors.emplace_back(argsToString("Unable to delete: ", e.what())); } } // archive files const auto archiveDir = dirInfo.canonicalPath / "archive"; try { if (!std::filesystem::is_directory(archiveDir)) { std::filesystem::create_directory(archiveDir, dirInfo.canonicalPath); } } catch (const std::filesystem::filesystem_error &e) { m_messages.errors.emplace_back(argsToString("Unable to create archive directory: ", e.what())); continue; } for (const auto &[path, referencedPath] : dirInfo.toArchive) { try { if (!m_dryRun) { const auto destPath = archiveDir / path.filename(); const auto signatureFile = std::filesystem::path(argsToString(path, ".sig")); std::filesystem::rename(path, destPath); if (std::filesystem::exists(std::filesystem::symlink_status(signatureFile))) { std::filesystem::rename(signatureFile, argsToString(destPath, ".sig")); } } ++processesItems; m_messages.notes.emplace_back( "Archived " % path.string() % " (current version: " % (referencedPath.empty() ? "removed"sv : referencedPath) + ")"); } catch (const std::filesystem::filesystem_error &e) { m_messages.errors.emplace_back(argsToString("Unable to archive: ", e.what())); } } m_buildAction->appendOutput(Phrases::InfoMessage, "Archived/deleted ", processesItems, " files in \"", dirName, '\"', '\n'); } repoDirs.clear(); const auto res = m_messages.errors.empty() ? BuildActionResult::Success : BuildActionResult::Failure; const auto buildLock = m_setup.building.lockToWrite(); m_buildAction->resultData = std::move(m_messages); reportResult(res); } } // namespace LibRepoMgr