#include "./session.h" #include "./params.h" #include "./render.h" #include "./routes.h" #include "./server.h" #include "../serversetup.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace boost::asio; using namespace boost::beast; using namespace CppUtilities; using namespace CppUtilities::EscapeCodes; namespace LibRepoMgr { namespace WebAPI { void Session::receive() { m_parser = make_unique(); m_parser->header_limit(0x10000); boost::beast::http::async_read(m_socket, m_buffer, *m_parser, boost::asio::bind_executor(m_strand, std::bind(&Session::received, shared_from_this(), std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2))); } void Session::received(boost::system::error_code ec, size_t bytesTransferred) { boost::ignore_unused(bytesTransferred); // this means they closed the connection if (ec == http::error::end_of_stream) { return close(); } if (ec) { cerr << Phrases::WarningMessage << "Failed to read request:" << Phrases::End << " " << ec.message() << endl; return close(); } // parse request auto &request = m_parser->get(); auto params = Params{ m_setup, *this }; const auto &router = Server::router(); const auto path = params.target.path; // allow overriding method via query parameter (for easier debugging) auto method = request.method(); if (const auto methodStr = params.target.value("method"); !methodStr.empty()) { if (methodStr == "get") { method = boost::beast::http::verb::get; } else if (methodStr == "post") { method = boost::beast::http::verb::post; } else if (methodStr == "put") { method = boost::beast::http::verb::put; } else if (methodStr == "delete") { method = boost::beast::http::verb::delete_; } } // find route's controller and invoke it if (const auto routing(router.find(RouteId{ method, std::string(path) })); routing != router.cend()) { const Route &route = routing->second; const auto requiredPermissions = route.permissions; if (requiredPermissions != UserPermissions::None && requiredPermissions != UserPermissions::DefaultPermissions) { const auto authInfo = request.find(boost::beast::http::field::authorization); if (authInfo == request.end()) { respond(Render::makeAuthRequired(request)); return; } const auto userPermissions = m_setup.auth.authenticate(std::string_view(authInfo->value().data(), authInfo->value().size())); using PermissionFlags = std::underlying_type_t; if (static_cast(userPermissions) & static_cast(UserPermissions::TryAgain)) { // send the 401 response again if credentials are 'try again' to show the password prompt for the XMLHttpRequest again // note: This is kind of a hack. Maybe there's a better solution to make XMLHttpRequest forget wrongly entered credentials // and instead show the login prompt again? respond(Render::makeAuthRequired(request)); return; } if ((static_cast(requiredPermissions) & static_cast(userPermissions)) != static_cast(requiredPermissions)) { respond(Render::makeForbidden(request)); return; } } try { route.handler(move(params), std::bind( static_cast &&)>(&Session::respond), shared_from_this(), std::placeholders::_1)); } catch (const BadRequest &badRequest) { respond(Render::makeBadRequest(request, badRequest.what())); } return; } // handle requests to static files (intended for development only; use NGINX in production) if (!m_setup.webServer.staticFilesPath.empty() && (path.find("../") == string::npos || path.find("..\\") == string::npos)) { const auto filePath = argsToString(m_setup.webServer.staticFilesPath, params.target.path); respond(filePath.data(), determineMimeType(params.target.path).data(), boost::beast::string_view(), params.target.path); return; } // handle requests for non-existent routes #ifdef CPP_UTILITIES_DEBUG_BUILD cerr << Phrases::Info << "Invalid request: " << TextAttribute::Reset << request.method_string() << ' ' << request.target() << '\n'; if (!request.body().empty()) { cerr << "body: " << request.body(); } cerr << flush; #endif respond(Render::makeNotFound(request, "route \"" % request.method_string().to_string() % ' ' % request.target().to_string() + '\"')); } void Session::respond(std::shared_ptr &&response) { // write the response http::async_write(m_socket, *response, boost::asio::bind_executor( m_strand, std::bind(&Session::responded, shared_from_this(), std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, response->need_eof()))); // keep message alive as long as the session exists m_res = move(response); } void Session::respond( const char *localFilePath, boost::beast::string_view mimeType, boost::beast::string_view contentDisposition, std::string_view urlPath) { // make response with file body auto ec = boost::beast::error_code{}; auto response = Render::makeFile(m_parser->get(), localFilePath, mimeType, contentDisposition, ec); if (ec.failed()) { respond(Render::makeNotFound(m_parser->get(), urlPath)); return; } // write the response http::async_write(m_socket, *response, boost::asio::bind_executor( m_strand, std::bind(&Session::responded, shared_from_this(), std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, response->need_eof()))); // keep message alive as long as the session exists m_res = response; } void Session::responded(boost::system::error_code ec, std::size_t bytesTransferred, bool shouldClose) { boost::ignore_unused(bytesTransferred); if (ec) { cerr << Phrases::WarningMessage << "Failed to write response:" << Phrases::End << " " << ec.message() << endl; } if (shouldClose) { // this means we should close the connection, usually because // the response indicated the "Connection: close" semantic. return close(); } // we're done with the response so delete it m_res = nullptr; // read another request receive(); } boost::beast::string_view Session::determineMimeType(std::string_view path, boost::beast::string_view fallback) { if (path.ends_with(".html")) { return "text/html"; } else if (path.ends_with(".json")) { return "application/json"; } else if (path.ends_with(".js")) { return "text/javascript"; } else if (path.ends_with(".css")) { return "text/css"; } else if (path.ends_with(".svg")) { return "image/svg+xml"; } else if (path.ends_with(".txt") || path.ends_with(".log") || path.ends_with("PKGBUILD")) { return "text/plain"; } else if (path.ends_with(".md")) { return "text/plain"; // using text/markdown leads to download prompt in Firefox } else { return fallback; } } void Session::close() { // send a TCP shutdown boost::system::error_code ec; m_socket.shutdown(ip::tcp::socket::shutdown_send, ec); // at this point the connection is closed gracefully } } // namespace WebAPI } // namespace LibRepoMgr