#include "./params.h" #include "./render.h" #include "./routes.h" #include "../serversetup.h" #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace CppUtilities; using namespace LibRepoMgr::WebAPI::Render; using namespace LibPkg; namespace LibRepoMgr { namespace WebAPI { namespace Routes { void getBuildActions(const Params ¶ms, ResponseHandler &&handler) { RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::Document jsonDoc(RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::kArrayType); RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::Value::Array array(jsonDoc.GetArray()); auto buildActionLock = params.setup.building.lockToRead(); params.setup.building.forEachBuildAction( [&array, &jsonDoc](std::size_t count) { array.Reserve(ReflectiveRapidJSON::JsonReflector::rapidJsonSize(count), jsonDoc.GetAllocator()); }, [&array, &jsonDoc](LibPkg::StorageID, BuildAction &&buildAction) { ReflectiveRapidJSON::JsonReflector::push(BuildActionBasicInfo(buildAction), array, jsonDoc.GetAllocator()); return false; }); buildActionLock.unlock(); handler(makeJson(params.request(), jsonDoc, params.target.hasPrettyFlag())); } struct BuildActionSearchResult { std::vector specifiedIds; std::vector> actions; std::variant, std::unique_lock> lock; bool ok = false; }; BuildActionSearchResult findBuildActions(const Params ¶ms, ResponseHandler &&handler, bool acquireWriteLock = false, std::size_t maxIDs = 100) { auto result = BuildActionSearchResult(); const auto idParams = params.target.decodeValues("id"); if (idParams.empty()) { handler(makeBadRequest(params.request(), "need at least one build action ID")); return result; } if (idParams.size() > maxIDs) { handler(makeBadRequest(params.request(), "number of specified IDs exceeds limit")); return result; } result.specifiedIds.reserve(idParams.size()); for (const auto &idString : idParams) { try { result.specifiedIds.emplace_back(stringToNumber(idString)); } catch (const ConversionException &) { handler(makeBadRequest(params.request(), "all IDs must be unsigned integers")); return result; } } if (acquireWriteLock) { result.lock = params.setup.building.lockToWrite(); } else { result.lock = params.setup.building.lockToRead(); } result.actions.reserve(result.specifiedIds.size()); for (const auto id : result.specifiedIds) { auto action = params.setup.building.getBuildAction(id); if (!action) { result.lock = std::monostate{}; handler(makeBadRequest(params.request(), argsToString("no build action with specified ID \"", id, "\" exists"))); return result; } result.actions.emplace_back(std::move(action)); } result.ok = true; return result; } void getBuildActionDetails(const Params ¶ms, ResponseHandler &&handler) { RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::Document jsonDoc(RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::kArrayType); RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::Value::Array array(jsonDoc.GetArray()); auto buildActionsSearchResult = findBuildActions(params, std::move(handler)); if (!buildActionsSearchResult.ok) { return; } for (const auto &action : buildActionsSearchResult.actions) { ReflectiveRapidJSON::JsonReflector::push(*action, array, jsonDoc.GetAllocator()); } buildActionsSearchResult.lock = std::monostate{}; handler(makeJson(params.request(), jsonDoc, params.target.hasPrettyFlag())); } void getBuildActionOutput(const Params ¶ms, ResponseHandler &&handler) { const auto offsetParams = params.target.decodeValues("offset"); std::size_t offset = 0; if (offsetParams.size() > 1) { handler(makeBadRequest(params.request(), "the offset parameter must be specified at most once")); return; } if (!offsetParams.empty()) { try { offset = stringToNumber(offsetParams.front()); } catch (const ConversionException &) { handler(makeBadRequest(params.request(), "the offset must be an unsigned integer")); return; } } auto buildActionsSearchResult = findBuildActions(params, std::move(handler), false, 1); if (!buildActionsSearchResult.ok) { return; } auto &buildAction = buildActionsSearchResult.actions.front(); if (offset > buildAction->output.size()) { buildActionsSearchResult.lock = std::monostate{}; handler(makeBadRequest(params.request(), "the offset must not exceed the output size")); return; } buildActionsSearchResult.lock = std::monostate{}; buildAction->streamOutput(params, offset); } static std::string readNameParam(const Params ¶ms, ResponseHandler &&handler) { const auto nameParams = params.target.decodeValues("name"); if (nameParams.size() != 1) { handler(makeBadRequest(params.request(), "name must be specified exactly one time")); return std::string(); } if (nameParams.front().empty()) { handler(makeBadRequest(params.request(), "the name parameter must not be empty")); return std::string(); } return nameParams.front(); } static void getBuildActionFile(const Params ¶ms, std::vector BuildAction::*fileList, ResponseHandler &&handler) { const auto name = readNameParam(params, std::move(handler)); if (name.empty()) { return; } auto buildActionsSearchResult = findBuildActions(params, std::move(handler), false, 1); if (!buildActionsSearchResult.ok) { return; } auto &buildAction = buildActionsSearchResult.actions.front(); for (const auto &logFile : (*buildAction).*fileList) { if (name == logFile) { buildAction->streamFile(params, name, "application/octet-stream"); return; } } handler(makeNotFound(params.request(), name)); } void getBuildActionLogFile(const Params ¶ms, ResponseHandler &&handler) { getBuildActionFile(params, &BuildAction::logfiles, std::move(handler)); } void getBuildActionArtefact(const Params ¶ms, ResponseHandler &&handler) { getBuildActionFile(params, &BuildAction::artefacts, std::move(handler)); } void postBuildAction(const Params ¶ms, ResponseHandler &&handler) { // validate general parameters static const auto generalParameters = std::unordered_set{ "type", "directory", "start-condition", "start-after-id", "source-repo", "destination-repo", "package", "pretty" }; const auto typeParams = params.target.decodeValues("type"); const auto taskParams = params.target.decodeValues("task"); if (taskParams.size() + typeParams.size() != 1) { handler(makeBadRequest(params.request(), "need exactly either one type or one task parameter")); return; } auto directories = params.target.decodeValues("directory"); if (directories.size() > 1) { handler(makeBadRequest(params.request(), "at most one directory can be specified")); return; } const auto startConditionValues = params.target.decodeValues("start-condition"); if (startConditionValues.size() > 1) { handler(makeBadRequest(params.request(), "at most one start condition can be specified")); return; } const auto startImmediately = startConditionValues.empty() || startConditionValues.front() == "immediately"; const auto startAfterAnotherAction = !startImmediately && startConditionValues.front() == "after"; if (!startImmediately && !startAfterAnotherAction && startConditionValues.front() != "manually") { handler(makeBadRequest(params.request(), "specified start condition is not supported")); return; } const auto startAfterIdValues = params.target.decodeValues("start-after-id"); auto startAfterIds = std::vector(); startAfterIds.reserve(startAfterIdValues.size()); for (const auto &startAfterIdValue : startAfterIdValues) { if (startAfterIdValue.empty()) { continue; } try { startAfterIds.emplace_back(stringToNumber(startAfterIdValue)); } catch (const ConversionException &) { handler(makeBadRequest(params.request(), "the specified ID to start after is not a valid build action ID")); return; } } if (startAfterAnotherAction) { if (startAfterIds.empty()) { handler(makeBadRequest(params.request(), "start condition is \"after\" but not at least one \"start-after-id\" specified")); return; } } else if (!startAfterIdValues.empty() && (startAfterIdValues.size() > 1 || !startAfterIdValues.front().empty())) { handler(makeBadRequest(params.request(), "start condition is not \"after\" but \"start-after-id\" specified")); return; } // spawn multiple build actions for the specified task if (!taskParams.empty()) { postBuildActionsFromTask(params, std::move(handler), taskParams.front(), directories.empty() ? std::string() : directories.front(), startAfterIds, startImmediately); return; } // read type and type-specific flags and settings from parameters auto &metaInfo = params.setup.building.metaInfo; auto metaInfoLock = metaInfo.lockToRead(); const auto &typeInfo = metaInfo.typeInfoForName(typeParams.front()); const auto type = typeInfo.id; if (type == BuildActionType::Invalid) { handler(makeBadRequest(params.request(), "specified type is invalid")); return; } const auto &mapping = metaInfo.mappingForId(type); BuildActionFlagType buildActionFlags = noBuildActionFlags; std::unordered_map buildActionSettings; for (const auto &[key, value] : params.target.params) { if (generalParameters.find(key) != generalParameters.end()) { continue; // skip general parameters here } if (const auto flag = mapping.flagInfoByName.find(key); flag != mapping.flagInfoByName.end()) { if (!value.empty() && value != "0") { buildActionFlags += flag->second.get().id; } continue; } if (mapping.settingInfoByName.find(key) != mapping.settingInfoByName.end()) { buildActionSettings[WebAPI::Url::decodeValue(key)] = WebAPI::Url::decodeValue(value); continue; } handler(makeBadRequest(params.request(), argsToString("parameter \"", key, "\" is not supported (by specified build action type)"))); return; } metaInfoLock.unlock(); // initialize build action auto buildLock = params.setup.building.lockToWrite(); const auto id = params.setup.building.allocateBuildActionID(); buildLock.unlock(); auto buildAction = std::make_shared(id, ¶ms.setup); if (!directories.empty()) { buildAction->directory = move(directories.front()); } buildAction->type = type; buildAction->sourceDbs = params.target.decodeValues("source-repo"); buildAction->destinationDbs = params.target.decodeValues("destination-repo"); buildAction->packageNames = params.target.decodeValues("package"); buildAction->startAfter = startAfterIds; buildAction->flags = buildActionFlags; buildAction->settings.swap(buildActionSettings); // serialize build action const auto response = buildAction->toJsonDocument(); // start build action immediately or just add to setup-global list for now auto buildLock2 = params.setup.building.lockToWrite(); if (startImmediately) { buildAction->start(params.setup); } else { params.setup.building.storeBuildAction(buildAction); } buildLock2.unlock(); handler(makeJson(params.request(), response)); } struct SequencedBuildActions { std::string_view name; std::vector, SequencedBuildActions>> actions; bool concurrent = false; }; static std::string allocateNewBuildAction(const BuildActionMetaInfo &metaInfo, const std::string &taskName, const std::vector &packageNames, const std::string &directory, const std::unordered_map &actionTemplates, SequencedBuildActions &newActionSequence, std::vector> &allocatedActions, const std::string &actionTemplateToAllocate, bool asFirstActions) { const auto actionTemplateIterator = actionTemplates.find(actionTemplateToAllocate); if (actionTemplateIterator == actionTemplates.end()) { return "the action \"" % actionTemplateToAllocate + "\" of the specified task is not configured"; } const auto &actionTemplate = actionTemplateIterator->second; const auto buildActionType = actionTemplate.type; if (!metaInfo.isTypeIdValid(buildActionType)) { return argsToString("the type \"", static_cast(buildActionType), "\" of action \"", actionTemplateToAllocate, "\" of the specified task is invalid"); } const auto &typeInfo = metaInfo.typeInfoForId(actionTemplate.type); auto &allocatedBuildAction = allocatedActions.emplace_back(std::make_shared()); auto *const buildAction = std::get>(newActionSequence.actions.emplace_back(allocatedBuildAction)).get(); buildAction->taskName = taskName; buildAction->templateName = actionTemplateToAllocate; buildAction->directory = !typeInfo.directory || directory.empty() ? actionTemplate.directory : directory; buildAction->type = buildActionType; buildAction->sourceDbs = actionTemplate.sourceDbs; buildAction->destinationDbs = actionTemplate.destinationDbs; if (asFirstActions || !typeInfo.implyPackagesFromPrevAction) { buildAction->packageNames = !typeInfo.packageNames || packageNames.empty() ? actionTemplate.packageNames : packageNames; } buildAction->flags = actionTemplate.flags; buildAction->settings = actionTemplate.settings; return std::string(); } static std::string allocateNewBuildActionSequence(const BuildActionMetaInfo &metaInfo, const std::string &taskName, const std::vector &packageNames, const std::string &directory, const std::unordered_map &actionTemplates, SequencedBuildActions &newActionSequence, std::vector> &allocatedActions, const BuildActionSequence &actionSequenceToAllocate, bool asFirstActions = true) { auto error = std::string(); newActionSequence.name = actionSequenceToAllocate.name; newActionSequence.concurrent = actionSequenceToAllocate.concurrent; for (const auto &actionNode : actionSequenceToAllocate.actions) { if (const auto *const actionTemplateName = std::get_if(&actionNode)) { error = allocateNewBuildAction(metaInfo, taskName, packageNames, directory, actionTemplates, newActionSequence, allocatedActions, *actionTemplateName, newActionSequence.concurrent ? asFirstActions : newActionSequence.actions.empty()); } else if (const auto *const actionSequence = std::get_if(&actionNode)) { error = allocateNewBuildActionSequence(metaInfo, taskName, packageNames, directory, actionTemplates, std::get(newActionSequence.actions.emplace_back(SequencedBuildActions())), allocatedActions, *actionSequence, newActionSequence.concurrent ? asFirstActions : false); } if (!error.empty()) { return error; } } return error; } static std::vector> allocateBuildActionIDs(ServiceSetup &setup, const std::vector> &startAfterActions, const std::vector> &parentLevelActions, SequencedBuildActions &newActionSequence) { auto previousActions = std::vector>(); for (auto &sequencedAction : newActionSequence.actions) { // make concurrent actions depend on the parent-level actions (or actions specified via start after ID parameters on top-level) // make the first action within a sequence depend on the parent-level actions (or actions specified via start after ID parameters on top-level) // make further actions within a sequence depend on the previous action within the sequence const auto &relevantLastBuildActions = newActionSequence.concurrent || previousActions.empty() ? parentLevelActions : previousActions; if (auto *const action = std::get_if>(&sequencedAction)) { (*action)->id = setup.building.allocateBuildActionID(); (*action)->assignStartAfter(relevantLastBuildActions.empty() ? startAfterActions : relevantLastBuildActions); if (!newActionSequence.concurrent) { previousActions.clear(); // only the last action within the sequence is relevant } previousActions.emplace_back(*action); } else if (auto *const subSequence = std::get_if(&sequencedAction)) { auto newSubActions = allocateBuildActionIDs(setup, startAfterActions, relevantLastBuildActions, *subSequence); if (!newSubActions.empty()) { if (!newActionSequence.concurrent) { previousActions.clear(); // only the last action within the sequence is relevant } if (subSequence->concurrent) { // consider all new sub-actions from last level relevant when they're concurrent previousActions.insert(previousActions.end(), newSubActions.begin(), newSubActions.end()); } else { previousActions.emplace_back(newSubActions.back()); } } } } return previousActions; } static bool startFirstBuildActions(ServiceSetup &setup, SequencedBuildActions &newActionSequence) { auto handledFirstAction = false; for (auto &sequencedAction : newActionSequence.actions) { if (auto *const maybeAction = std::get_if>(&sequencedAction)) { auto &action = *maybeAction; handledFirstAction = true; if (action->isScheduled()) { action->start(setup); } if (!newActionSequence.concurrent) { return true; } } else if (auto *const subSequence = std::get_if(&sequencedAction)) { if (startFirstBuildActions(setup, *subSequence) && !newActionSequence.concurrent) { return true; } } } return handledFirstAction; } void postBuildActionsFromTask(const Params ¶ms, ResponseHandler &&handler, const std::string &taskName, const std::string &directory, const std::vector &startAfterIds, bool startImmediately) { static_assert(std::is_same_v); // show error when parameters are specified which are only supposed to be specified when starting a single build action if (!params.target.value("source-repo").empty()) { handler(makeBadRequest(params.request(), "the source repo can not be explicitly specified when a task is specified")); return; } if (!params.target.value("destination-repo").empty()) { handler(makeBadRequest(params.request(), "the destination repo can not be explicitly specified when a task is specified")); return; } // read other parameters const auto packageNames = params.target.decodeValues("package"); // find task info auto setupLock = params.setup.lockToRead(); const auto &presets = params.setup.building.presets; const auto taskIterator = presets.tasks.find(taskName); if (taskIterator == presets.tasks.end()) { setupLock.unlock(); handler(makeBadRequest(params.request(), "the specified task is not configured")); return; } const auto &task = taskIterator->second; const auto &actionTemplates = presets.templates; if (task.actions.empty()) { setupLock.unlock(); handler(makeBadRequest(params.request(), "the specified task has no actions configured")); return; } // allocate a vector to store build actions (temporarily) in auto newActionSequence = SequencedBuildActions(); auto allocatedActions = std::vector>(); auto parentLevelActions = std::vector>(); newActionSequence.actions.reserve(task.actions.size()); allocatedActions.reserve(task.actions.size()); // copy data from templates into new build actions auto &metaInfo = params.setup.building.metaInfo; auto metaInfoLock = metaInfo.lockToRead(); auto error = allocateNewBuildActionSequence(metaInfo, taskName, packageNames, directory, actionTemplates, newActionSequence, allocatedActions, task); metaInfoLock.unlock(); setupLock.unlock(); if (!error.empty()) { handler(makeBadRequest(params.request(), std::move(error))); return; } // allocate build action IDs and populate "start after ID" and follow-up actions auto &building = params.setup.building; auto buildLock = building.lockToWrite(); auto startsAfterBuildActions = building.getBuildActions(startAfterIds); allocateBuildActionIDs(params.setup, startsAfterBuildActions, parentLevelActions, newActionSequence); buildLock.unlock(); // serialize build actions auto buildReadLock = building.lockToRead(); const auto startNow = startImmediately || (!startsAfterBuildActions.empty() && BuildAction::haveSucceeded(startsAfterBuildActions)); const auto response = ReflectiveRapidJSON::JsonReflector::toJsonDocument(allocatedActions); // start first build action immediately (read-lock sufficient because build action not part of setup-global list yet) if (startNow) { startFirstBuildActions(params.setup, newActionSequence); } // add build actions to setup-global list buildLock = building.lockToWrite(buildReadLock); for (auto &newAction : allocatedActions) { building.storeBuildAction(newAction); } buildLock.unlock(); handler(makeJson(params.request(), response)); } void deleteBuildActions(const Params ¶ms, ResponseHandler &&handler) { auto buildActionsSearchResult = findBuildActions(params, std::move(handler), true, std::numeric_limits::max()); if (!buildActionsSearchResult.ok) { return; } for (const auto &action : buildActionsSearchResult.actions) { if (!action->isExecuting()) { continue; } buildActionsSearchResult.lock = std::monostate{}; handler( makeBadRequest(params.request(), argsToString("can not delete \"", action->id, "\"; it is still being executed; no actions altered"))); return; } params.setup.building.deleteBuildAction(buildActionsSearchResult.actions); buildActionsSearchResult.lock = std::monostate{}; handler(makeText(params.request(), "ok")); } void postCloneBuildActions(const Params ¶ms, ResponseHandler &&handler) { const auto startConditionValues = params.target.decodeValues("start-condition"); if (startConditionValues.size() > 1) { handler(makeBadRequest(params.request(), "at most one start condition can be specified")); return; } const auto startImmediately = startConditionValues.empty() || startConditionValues.front() == "immediately"; if (!startImmediately && startConditionValues.front() != "manually") { handler(makeBadRequest(params.request(), "specified start condition is not supported")); return; } auto buildActionsSearchResult = findBuildActions(params, std::move(handler), true); if (!buildActionsSearchResult.ok) { return; } for (const auto &action : buildActionsSearchResult.actions) { if (action->isDone()) { continue; } buildActionsSearchResult.lock = std::monostate{}; handler(makeBadRequest( params.request(), argsToString("can not clone \"", action->id, "\"; it is still scheduled or executed; no actions altered"))); return; } auto cloneIds = std::vector(); cloneIds.reserve(buildActionsSearchResult.actions.size()); for (const auto &orig : buildActionsSearchResult.actions) { const auto id = params.setup.building.allocateBuildActionID(); auto clone = make_shared(id); clone->directory = orig->directory; clone->packageNames = orig->packageNames; clone->sourceDbs = orig->sourceDbs; clone->destinationDbs = orig->destinationDbs; clone->settings = orig->settings; clone->flags = orig->flags; clone->type = orig->type; clone->startAfter = orig->startAfter; if (startImmediately) { clone->start(params.setup); } params.setup.building.storeBuildAction(std::move(clone)); cloneIds.emplace_back(id); } buildActionsSearchResult.lock = std::monostate{}; handler(makeJson(params.request(), cloneIds)); } void postStartBuildActions(const Params ¶ms, ResponseHandler &&handler) { auto buildActionsSearchResult = findBuildActions(params, std::move(handler), true); if (!buildActionsSearchResult.ok) { return; } for (const auto &action : buildActionsSearchResult.actions) { if (action->isScheduled()) { continue; } buildActionsSearchResult.lock = std::monostate{}; handler( makeBadRequest(params.request(), argsToString("can not start \"", action->id, "\"; it has already been started; no actions altered"))); return; } for (auto &action : buildActionsSearchResult.actions) { action->start(params.setup); } buildActionsSearchResult.lock = std::monostate{}; handler(makeText(params.request(), "ok")); } void postStopBuildActions(const Params ¶ms, ResponseHandler &&handler) { auto buildActionsSearchResult = findBuildActions(params, std::move(handler), true); if (!buildActionsSearchResult.ok) { return; } for (const auto &action : buildActionsSearchResult.actions) { if (action->isExecuting()) { continue; } buildActionsSearchResult.lock = std::monostate{}; handler(makeBadRequest( params.request(), argsToString("can not stop/decline \"", action->id, "\"; it is not being executed; no actions altered"))); return; } for (auto &action : buildActionsSearchResult.actions) { action->abort(); if (action->status == BuildActionStatus::Running) { // can not immediately stop a running action; the action needs to terminate itself acknowledging the aborted flag continue; } if (action->status == BuildActionStatus::AwaitingConfirmation) { action->result = BuildActionResult::ConfirmationDeclined; } else { action->result = BuildActionResult::Aborted; } action->status = BuildActionStatus::Finished; params.setup.building.storeBuildAction(action); } buildActionsSearchResult.lock = std::monostate{}; handler(makeText(params.request(), "ok")); } } // namespace Routes } // namespace WebAPI } // namespace LibRepoMgr