#include "./config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // for uname using namespace std; using namespace CppUtilities; using namespace CppUtilities::EscapeCodes; namespace LibPkg { static void moveLastValue(string &target, multimap &multimap, const string &key) { const auto i = find_if(multimap.rbegin(), multimap.rend(), [&key](const pair &i) { return i.first == key; }); if (i != multimap.rend()) { target = move(i->second); } } static void moveValues(vector &target, multimap &multimap, const string &key) { for (auto range = multimap.equal_range(key); range.first != range.second; ++range.first) { target.emplace_back(move(range.first->second)); } } void Config::loadPacmanConfig(const char *pacmanConfigPath) { // open and parse ini IniFile configIni; unordered_map includedInis; { ifstream configFile; configFile.exceptions(ios_base::failbit | ios_base::badbit); configFile.open(pacmanConfigPath, ios_base::in); configIni.parse(configFile); } auto &configData = configIni.data(); auto architecture = std::string_view{}; // read options and create Database object for each db for (auto &scope : configData) { if (scope.first == "options") { // read global options or assume defaults auto &options = scope.second; for (auto range = options.equal_range("Architecture"); range.first != range.second; ++range.first) { if (range.first->second != "auto") { architecture = *architectures.emplace(move(range.first->second)).first; } else { struct utsname un; uname(&un); architecture = *architectures.emplace(un.machine).first; } } moveLastValue(pacmanDatabasePath, options, "DBPath"); if (pacmanDatabasePath.empty()) { pacmanDatabasePath = "/var/lib/pacman/"; } moveValues(packageCacheDirs, options, "CacheDir"); if (packageCacheDirs.empty()) { packageCacheDirs.emplace_back("/var/cache/pacman/pkg/"); } string sigLevel; moveLastValue(sigLevel, options, "SigLevel"); signatureLevel = SignatureLevelConfig::fromString(sigLevel); if (!signatureLevel.isValid()) { signatureLevel = SignatureLevelConfig(); cerr << Phrases::WarningMessage << "The global/default signature level \"" << sigLevel << "\" is invalid and will be ignored." << Phrases::End << Phrases::SubWarning << "Assuming default \"" << signatureLevel.toString() << "\" instead" << Phrases::EndFlush; } } else { // read sync database auto *const db = findOrCreateDatabase(move(scope.first), architecture); // read sig level string sigLevel; moveLastValue(sigLevel, scope.second, "SigLevel"); const auto dbSpecificSignatureLevelConfig = SignatureLevelConfig::fromString(sigLevel); if (dbSpecificSignatureLevelConfig.databaseScope != SignatureLevel::Invalid) { db->signatureLevel = dbSpecificSignatureLevelConfig.databaseScope; } else { cerr << Phrases::WarningMessage << "The signature level \"" << sigLevel << "\" specified for DB \"" << db->name << "\" is invalid and will be ignored." << Phrases::End << Phrases::SubWarning << "Assuming global default \"" << signatureLevelToString(signatureLevel.databaseScope) << "\" instead" << Phrases::EndFlush; db->signatureLevel = signatureLevel.databaseScope; } // add mirrors for (auto range = scope.second.equal_range("Server"); range.first != range.second; ++range.first) { for (const auto &arch : architectures) { string url = range.first->second; findAndReplace(url, "$repo", db->name); findAndReplace(url, "$arch", arch); db->mirrors.emplace_back(move(url)); } } // add included mirrors for (auto range = scope.second.equal_range("Include"); range.first != range.second; ++range.first) { const auto &path = range.first->second; auto &includedIni = includedInis[path]; if (includedIni.data().empty()) { try { ifstream includedFile; includedFile.exceptions(ios_base::failbit | ios_base::badbit); includedFile.open(path, ios_base::in); includedIni.parse(includedFile); } catch (const ios_base::failure &) { cerr << Phrases::WarningMessage << "An IO error occured when parsing the included file \"" << path << "\"." << Phrases::EndFlush; } } for (auto &nestedScope : includedIni.data()) { if (!nestedScope.first.empty()) { continue; } for (auto range = nestedScope.second.equal_range("Server"); range.first != range.second; ++range.first) { for (const auto &arch : architectures) { string url = range.first->second; findAndReplace(url, "$repo", db->name); findAndReplace(url, "$arch", arch); db->mirrors.emplace_back(move(url)); } } } } // set database file paths if (db->localDbDir.empty()) { db->localDbDir = pacmanDatabasePath + "sync"; } if (db->localPkgDir.empty()) { db->localPkgDir = packageCacheDirs.front(); } // ensure the database is not being discarded db->toBeDiscarded = false; } } } void Config::loadAllPackages(bool withFiles) { for (Database &db : databases) { try { db.loadPackages(withFiles); } catch (const runtime_error &e) { cerr << Phrases::ErrorMessage << "Unable to load database \"" << db.name << "\": " << e.what() << Phrases::EndFlush; } } } std::uint64_t Config::restoreFromCache() { fstream cacheFile; cacheFile.exceptions(ios_base::failbit | ios_base::badbit); cacheFile.open("cache.bin", ios_base::in | ios_base::binary); restoreFromBinary(cacheFile); return static_cast(cacheFile.tellg()); } std::uint64_t Config::dumpCacheFile() { fstream cacheFile; cacheFile.exceptions(ios_base::failbit | ios_base::badbit); cacheFile.open("cache.bin", ios_base::out | ios_base::trunc | ios_base::binary); toBinary(cacheFile); const auto size = static_cast(cacheFile.tellp()); cacheFile.close(); return size; } std::pair Config::parseDatabaseDenotation(std::string_view databaseDenotation) { const auto archStart = databaseDenotation.rfind('@'); if (archStart == std::string_view::npos) { return std::make_pair(databaseDenotation, "x86_64"); } else { return std::make_pair(databaseDenotation.substr(0, archStart), databaseDenotation.substr(archStart + 1)); } } std::tuple Config::parsePackageDenotation(std::string_view packageDenotation) { const char *const end = packageDenotation.data() + packageDenotation.size(); const char *packageName = packageDenotation.data(); for (; packageName != end && *packageName != '/'; ++packageName) ; if (packageName == end) { return std::make_tuple(std::string_view(), std::string_view(), packageDenotation); } else { const auto &[dbName, dbArch] = parseDatabaseDenotation(std::string_view(packageDenotation.data(), static_cast(packageName - packageDenotation.data()))); return std::make_tuple(dbName, dbArch, std::string_view(packageName + 1, static_cast(end - packageName - 1))); } } } // namespace LibPkg #include "reflection/config.h"