Martchus f4c64939e9 Generate mingw-w64-qt5-* packages from templates
* Only packages for additional modules are covered so far
* Only packages for mingw-w64 target are covered so far
* This leads to small adjustments/unifications within the
  PKGBUILDs; not tested yet
2019-12-29 00:53:44 +01:00

145 lines
5.4 KiB
Executable File

use Encode 'encode';
use FindBin;
use Mojolicious;
use Mojo::File 'path';
use Mojo::Log;
use Mojo::Util;
use warnings;
use strict;
use utf8;
sub is_outdated {
my ($source_path, $target_path) = @_;
my $source_last_modified = (stat($source_path))[9];
my $target_last_modified = (stat($target_path))[9];
return !defined $target_last_modified || $source_last_modified > $target_last_modified;
my $log = Mojo::Log->new;
my $mojolicious = Mojolicious->new;
my $renderer = $mojolicious->renderer;
my $pkgbuilds_dir = path($FindBin::Bin, '..', '..')->realpath;
my @template_paths = ("$FindBin::Bin/templates", $pkgbuilds_dir);
$log->level($ENV{LOG_LEVEL} // 'info');
$log->debug("Template paths:\n" . join("\n", @template_paths));
my $install_directory = $ARGV[0] // $pkgbuilds_dir;
unless (-d $install_directory) {
$log->error("Output directory '$install_directory' does not exist.");
# find templates; populate "pages" array
my @pages;
my $template_file_name = '';
my $top_level_dirs = $pkgbuilds_dir->list({dir => 1});
for my $top_level_dir (@$top_level_dirs) {
next unless -d $top_level_dir;
next unless $top_level_dir ne 'devel';
my $default_package_name = $top_level_dir->basename;
my $qt_module;
if ($default_package_name =~ qr/qt5-(.*)/) {
$qt_module = $1;
my $variant_dirs = $top_level_dir->list({dir => 1});
for my $variant_dir (@$variant_dirs) {
next unless -d $variant_dir;
my $variant = $variant_dir->basename;
my $template_file = $variant_dir->child($template_file_name);
if (!-f $template_file) {
# print warning; all additional Qt repos for mingw-w64 should be converted to use templates now
$log->warn("No template $template_file_name present for Qt module $qt_module and variant $variant")
if defined $qt_module && $qt_module ne 'base' && index($variant, 'mingw-w64') == 0;
my $files = $variant_dir->list;
my $patch_files = $files->grep(qr/.*\.patch/);
my $qt_module_sha256_file = defined $qt_module
? $variant_dir->child("qt$qt_module-sha256.txt")
: undef;
my $qt_module_sha256 = defined $qt_module_sha256_file && -f $qt_module_sha256_file
? Mojo::Util::trim($qt_module_sha256_file->slurp)
: "$qt_module_sha256_file missing";
push(@pages, {
install_path => "$default_package_name/$variant/PKGBUILD",
template_params => [
template => "$default_package_name/$variant/PKGBUILD",
stash_variables => {
variant => $variant,
default_package_name => $default_package_name,
package_name => "$variant-$default_package_name",
files => $files,
patch_files => $patch_files,
qt_module => $qt_module,
qt_module_sha256 => $qt_module_sha256,
shared_config => 1,
static_config => 1,
# render "pages"
for my $page (@pages) {
# process template params
my $template_params = $page->{template_params};
my $template_source_path;
my $template_target_path;
my $template_stash_variables;
if (defined $template_params) {
my ($template_name, $template_args) = (@$template_params % 2 ? shift @$template_params : undef, {@$template_params});
my $template_format = ($template_args->{format} //= 'sh');
my $template_handler = $template_args->{handler} // 'ep';
$template_name //= $template_args->{template};
$template_stash_variables = delete $template_args->{stash_variables};
$template_source_path = "$template_name.$template_format.$template_handler";
$template_target_path = "$template_name.$template_format";
$template_params = $template_args;
$template_params->{template} = $template_name;
# determine source path and target path
my $source_path = $page->{source_path} // $template_source_path;
if (!$template_params && !$source_path) {
die 'page needs either template_params or source_path';
my $output_file = path($install_directory, $page->{install_path} // $template_target_path // $source_path);
# ensure output directory exists
$output_file->dirname->make_path unless -f $output_file;
# skip unless the target is outdated
# note: Can not skip templates that easy because that would require tracking includes.
if (!defined $template_params && !is_outdated($source_path, $output_file)) {
$log->info("Skipping '$source_path' -> '$output_file' (target up-to-date)");
# do a simple copy
if (!defined $template_params) {
$log->info("Copying '$source_path' -> '$output_file'");
# render template
$log->info("Rendering '$source_path' -> '$output_file'");
my $controller = $mojolicious->build_controller;
$controller->stash($template_stash_variables) if defined $template_stash_variables;
my $output = $controller->render_to_string(%$template_params);
$output_file->spurt(encode('UTF-8', $output));