% layout 'mingw-w64-qt5-module'; \ % content_for additional_contributors => begin # Contributor: ant32 % end \ % content_for comment_header => begin # Skip building mapboxgl as it increases compile time significantly and # likely not a lot of people actually using it; if you need it, just remove the # following line: _additional_qmake_args+='QT.global.disabled_features+=geoservices_mapboxgl' % end \ pkgver=5.14.1 pkgrel=1 arch=('any') pkgdesc='Provides access to position, satellite and area monitoring classes (mingw-w64)' depends=('mingw-w64-qt5-base' 'mingw-w64-qt5-declarative') makedepends=('mingw-w64-gcc' 'mingw-w64-pkg-config') license=('GPL3' 'LGPL' 'FDL' 'custom')