# Maintainer: Martchus # Contributor: ant32 # Contributor: Filip Brcic # Contributor: jellysheep # All my PKGBUILDs are managed at https://github.com/Martchus/PKGBUILDs where # you also find the URL of a binary repository. # All patches are managed at https://github.com/Martchus/qtbase # There are different variants of the package which can be selected by simply adjusting pkgname: # - mingw-w64-qt5-base or mingw-w64-qt5-base-opengl: using native OpenGL # - mingw-w64-qt5-base-angle: using ANGLE rather than native OpenGL # - mingw-w64-qt5-base-dynamic: allows choosing between ANGLE and native OpenGL dynamically at runtime # - mingw-w64-qt5-base-noopenql: no OpenGL support # The variants are conflicting (and hence can not be installed at the same time). # See also: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/windows-requirements.html#dynamically-loading-graphics-drivers # The variants listed above only contain dynamic libraries. For building static libraries # just append '-static' to the package name, eg. mingw-w64-qt5-base-static or mingw-w64-qt5-base-angle-static. # The static variants rely on the corresponding dynamic variant for headers and tools. # I only tested the static version using native OpenGL so far (mingw-w64-qt5-base-static). # Note that ANGLE will still be loaded as dynamic library in mingw-w64-qt5-base-dynamic-static. # By default CMake and qmake will link against the dynamic Qt libraries. # To use the static Qt libraries with CMake prefix the Qt module with Static: # eg. find_package(Qt5Core) becomes find_package(StaticQt5Core) # To use a static module, add the corresponding imported target, eg. # target_link_libraries(target ... Qt5::static::Core) # This approach allows installing dynamic and static Qt in the same prefix and using # both variants in the same CMake project. # To use a static plugin, add the corresponding imported target, eg. # target_link_libraries(target ... Qt5::static::QWindowsIntegrationPlugin) # Automatically importing static plugins is currently not possible, though. Hence it is required to use Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN, eg. # #include # Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN(QWindowsIntegrationPlugin) # To use the static Qt libraries with qmake set the following variables (either inside the *.pro file or as qmake argument): # CONFIG+=static # Further Qt modules (those not found in the base repository and hence not included in this package) include by default # static and dynamic libraries; if only one version is requried, just set $NO_STATIC_LIBS or $NO_SHARED_LIBS when building # the package. # By default, executables will not be removed because I find them useful when testing. To remove executables # set $NO_EXECUTABLES (or $NO_STATIC_EXECUTABLES to remove statically linked executables only) when building the package. # If Qt modules containing tools are built as static and as dynamic library only the dynamically linked tools will be present # in the package. # Qt packages can be built in the following order (for example): # qt5-base qt5-base-static qt5-declarative qt5-tools qt5-xmlpatterns qt5-script qt5-location qt5-multimedia qt5-sensors qt5-webchannel qt5-3d qt5-imageformats qt5-quickcontrols qt5-quickcontrols2 qt5-translations qt5-svg qt5-websockets qt5-winextras qt5-serialport qt5-canvas3d qt5-connectivity qt5-charts qt5-gamepad qt5-scxml qt5-datavis3s qt5-virtualkeyboard qt5-activeqt qt5-webkit # Helper functions for the split builds isDefault() { [[ $pkgname = 'mingw-w64-qt5-base' ]] || [[ $pkgname = 'mingw-w64-qt5-base-static' ]] } isStatic() { [ "${pkgname##*-}" = 'static' ] } isOpenGL() { # Currently use native OpenGL by default isDefault || \ [[ $pkgname = 'mingw-w64-qt5-base-opengl' ]] || [[ $pkgname = 'mingw-w64-qt5-base-opengl-static' ]] } isANGLE() { [[ $pkgname = 'mingw-w64-qt5-base-angle' ]] || [[ $pkgname = 'mingw-w64-qt5-base-angle-static' ]] || \ [[ $pkgname = 'mingw-w64-qt5-base-dynamic' ]] || [[ $pkgname = 'mingw-w64-qt5-base-dynamic-static' ]] # Treat dynamic version like ANGLE version, correct? } isDynamic() { [[ $pkgname = 'mingw-w64-qt5-base-dynamic' ]] || [[ $pkgname = 'mingw-w64-qt5-base-dynamic-static' ]] } isNoOpenGL() { [[ $pkgname = 'mingw-w64-qt5-base-noopengl' ]] || [[ $pkgname = 'mingw-w64-qt5-base-noopengl-static' ]] } pkgname=mingw-w64-qt5-base pkgver=5.9.0 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc='A cross-platform application and UI framework (mingw-w64)' # The static variant doesn't contain any executables which need to be executed on the build machine isStatic && arch=('any') || arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url='https://www.qt.io/' license=('GPL3' 'LGPL3' 'FDL' 'custom') depends=('mingw-w64-crt' 'mingw-w64-zlib' 'mingw-w64-libjpeg-turbo' 'mingw-w64-sqlite' 'mingw-w64-libpng' 'mingw-w64-openssl-1.0' 'mingw-w64-dbus' 'mingw-w64-harfbuzz' 'mingw-w64-pcre2') groups=('mingw-w64-qt5') optdepends=('mingw-w64-postgresql: PostgreSQL support' 'mingw-w64-mariadb-connector-c: MySQL support') makedepends=('mingw-w64-gcc' 'mingw-w64-postgresql' 'mingw-w64-mariadb-connector-c' 'mingw-w64-pkg-config') options=('!strip' '!buildflags' 'staticlibs' '!emptydirs') _pkgfqn="qtbase-opensource-src-${pkgver}" source=("https://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt/${pkgver:0:3}/${pkgver}/submodules/${_pkgfqn}.tar.xz" '0001-Add-profile-for-cross-compilation-with-mingw-w64.patch' '0002-Ensure-GLdouble-is-defined-when-using-dynamic-OpenGL.patch' '0003-Use-external-ANGLE-library.patch' '0004-Fix-too-many-sections-assemler-error-in-OpenGL-facto.patch' '0005-Make-sure-.pc-files-are-installed-correctly.patch' '0006-Don-t-add-resource-files-to-LIBS-parameter.patch' '0007-Prevent-debug-library-names-in-pkg-config-files.patch' '0008-Fix-linking-against-shared-static-libpng.patch' '0009-Fix-linking-against-static-D-Bus.patch' '0010-Don-t-try-to-use-debug-version-of-D-Bus-library.patch' '0011-Fix-linking-against-static-freetype2.patch' '0012-Fix-linking-against-static-harfbuzz.patch' '0013-Fix-linking-against-static-pcre.patch' '0014-Fix-linking-against-shared-static-MariaDB.patch' '0015-Fix-linking-against-shared-static-PostgreSQL.patch' '0016-Rename-qtmain-to-qt5main.patch' '0017-Build-dynamic-host-libraries.patch' '0018-Enable-rpath-for-build-tools.patch' '0019-Use-system-zlib-for-build-tools.patch' '0020-Disable-determing-default-include-and-lib-dirs-at-qm.patch' '0021-Use-.dll.a-as-import-lib-extension.patch' '0022-Merge-shared-and-static-library-trees.patch' '0023-Allow-usage-of-static-version-with-CMake.patch' '0024-Adjust-linker-flags-for-static-build-with-cmake-ming.patch' '0025-Use-correct-pkg-config-static-flag.patch' '0026-Fix-macro-invoking-moc-rcc-and-uic.patch' '0027-Ignore-errors-about-missing-feature-static.patch' '0028-Enable-and-fix-use-of-iconv.patch' '0029-Ignore-failing-pkg-config-test.patch' '0030-Prevent-qmake-from-messing-static-lib-dependencies.patch' '0031-Hardcode-linker-flags-for-platform-plugins.patch') sha256sums=('267eb2af1a203c087f2113f43b08014d0e2d2cb269295b8602d869a2fad5296c' 'b4406bba39ee7c8cf74c3b8a98b936b46772ca1798ef6884b7b1574ece80fbdc' '86cf470f1694abf6973f7b0f8e6cb75dd8a58e9335bab075b25229d26064adab' '670b6cd7a6ee49f12ccf4121e997055daec887d080baf0269793b1d0243d1d89' '878c08a1e9d0c8d639ddbdbc944ac8647ff204e9f078ddd9337737b2b929c2ed' '38533dba16df99074e8c3f5d52bc15fabdbaffe0a56dbed79683c47f08342587' '5ef3a569f4c53e848750ff655342e92a103abe78495905a5ef47afea9da8d1fb' 'd21ebc9465a19e01912ebccb365b4f7ecfd3a95787c1de2640f29bdbc161983c' '0622a2e606d9edbea23d3a5724ea9d4ed3958e60296b85134176c3980d590a41' '90f1347e5c41b9e447c0339715d19e0434a0b58c36fd8405e850190fe17369dc' '6b6ebfdf598658172680e4e83d2c3de24dcbc93233b0f48d5ccbf760d8f59a5c' '11ce05f79174440406d84b38023d81c1fa87034119360fa2f0bd3887429fa694' 'c30c558ea413c986aec2ffe86e34dd8e99f96cbc615e3963f711ec1628888114' 'b9fbfc213089e3b44ed888f4e628030e78dd84c8030ba7a2a9f79fbf31312934' '94ebedf699ebc0a5c6fed307eecd3dfabf9f864c696f3cf17bd8462789c1fae2' 'df05b0f65dcafede1f83ce190895e6c6f4a22feecb1c5b1a0ba03f4948e56220' '0acae3adb542d6ea0b405a947adf087826b4971df133b984d9166a9872e5cc98' 'bb825226ca1e97cb49c3ac3a0c03a7db9f3e1eca632628d344201fcf9816376d' 'e74fb8219bf599fbe5fbd1b08ff89d717089f1fa4d9e488a60e6097b212b7391' 'cf3f90b69feb98e42ede770828db4538a3dd31dd02b2b15f55ea1743db5868ad' '813cd1c22e3211133337231e1df754b5560159eecf1cf3eef0408d335e186190' 'a0feb7b5a9747d6a88058360fc34f8ac8fb3cdeb2b343a5a2b28a88fdabb45b3' '82f8f1eba6ac63c9a8749e20eb57fad80e92ddd5a58912a60a8c2fad9e83d6eb' '34652aec17d7511815db59b438b0597e52b7f43c19d068e7e417325897a72254' 'dcfe2103ace81898960316dd691fae38d05b2b6a79dc0ae0f245ae402f1101a8' '0682dcc62b44717fa850700cec183cd856ce7335f26884ab15d4d0e7d3543bfe' 'cecf5ff2916d95ffdbcf60ba3e18297a6107e17e9766a5e4d8b9ae748d99ba52' '79bc920bb539fc68001b5def07eea3e45eb3d2c6aa3f2a949823236adf8e4633' '80757f614fe02bfb85d00292d4f84c9f2ab2c39a512c21e956df135f3fbfdd81' 'cc46ffc3a2183539aba923fb256045464eaae37a666034172138f4689a5c9bd3' 'f0e63e022d1e52b82a7622828b568c57d1422f9726e116902cd2be81fec45da4' '28b11e63f570891212073b3739a20489304d3c7205ae38471cbd6b15c651fabc') _architectures='i686-w64-mingw32 x86_64-w64-mingw32' isStatic && depends+=(${pkgname%-static}) if isANGLE; then if isDynamic; then makedepends+=('mingw-w64-angleproject') optdepends+=('mingw-w64-angleproject: use ANGLE instead of native OpenGL') else depends+=('mingw-w64-angleproject') fi fi if ! isDefault; then if isStatic; then provides+=('mingw-w64-qt5-base-static') conflicts+=('mingw-w64-qt5-base-static' 'mingw-w64-qt5-base-angle-static' 'mingw-w64-qt5-base-noopengl-static' 'mingw-w64-qt5-base-dynamic-static' 'mingw-w64-qt5-base-openql-static') else provides+=('mingw-w64-qt5-base') conflicts+=('mingw-w64-qt5-base' 'mingw-w64-qt5-base-angle' 'mingw-w64-qt5-base-noopengl' 'mingw-w64-qt5-base-dynamic' 'mingw-w64-qt5-base-openql') fi fi patch() { local input_found= local patch_file= for arg in $@; do if [[ $input_found ]]; then patch_file="$arg" break fi [[ $arg == -i ]] && input_found=1 done msg2 "Applying patch $patch_file" /usr/bin/patch $@ } prepare() { cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgfqn}" # Apply patches; further descriptions can be found in patch files itself for patch in "$srcdir/"*.patch; do patch -p1 -i "$patch" done # Make sure the Qt5 build system uses our external ANGLE library rm -rf src/3rdparty/angle include/QtANGLE/{EGL,GLES2,GLES3,KHR} # As well as our external PCRE library and zlib rm -rf src/3rdparty/{pcre,zlib} } build() { cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgfqn}" # Do not set any flags here, flags are configured via mkspec # Setting flags here is not appropriate as it does not allow to # distinguish between flags for native compiler and cross compiler unset CFLAGS unset CXXFLAGS unset LDFLAGS unset PKG_CONFIG_PATH for _arch in ${_architectures}; do echo "INCLUDEPATH += /usr/${_arch}/include/openssl-1.0" >> src/network/network.pro # Phonon is disabled for now because we lack the directx headers # FIXME: check whether this is still the case # To prevent conflicts with the mingw-w64-qt4 package we have # to put tools in a dedicated folder # The last device option allows using ccache though the use of # pre-compile header # (sloppiness must be set to pch_defines,time_macros in ccache config) local qt_configure_args="\ -xplatform mingw-w64-g++ \ -optimized-qmake \ -verbose \ -opensource \ -confirm-license \ -force-pkg-config \ -force-debug-info \ -system-zlib \ -system-libpng \ -system-libjpeg \ -system-sqlite \ -system-freetype \ -system-harfbuzz \ -system-pcre \ -no-fontconfig \ -sql-mysql \ -sql-psql \ -sql-sqlite \ -openssl \ -dbus-linked \ -no-glib \ -no-icu \ -iconv \ -release \ -nomake examples \ -make tools \ -hostprefix /usr/${_arch} \ -hostdatadir /usr/${_arch}/lib/qt \ -hostbindir /usr/${_arch}/lib/qt/bin \ -prefix /usr/${_arch} \ -bindir /usr/${_arch}/bin \ -archdatadir /usr/${_arch}/lib/qt \ -datadir /usr/${_arch}/share/qt \ -docdir /usr/${_arch}/share/doc/qt \ -examplesdir /usr/${_arch}/share/qt/examples \ -headerdir /usr/${_arch}/include/qt \ -libdir /usr/${_arch}/lib \ -plugindir /usr/${_arch}/lib/qt/plugins \ -sysconfdir /usr/${_arch}/etc \ -translationdir /usr/${_arch}/share/qt/translations \ -device-option CROSS_COMPILE=${_arch}- \ -device-option CROSS_COMPILE_CFLAGS=-fpch-preprocess" # Fix include directory of freetype2 and dbus qt_configure_args+=" $(${_arch}-pkg-config --cflags-only-I freetype2 dbus-1)" # Configure usage of ANGLE/OpenGL if isOpenGL; then msg2 'Using native OpenGL backend' qt_configure_args+=' -opengl desktop' elif isNoOpenGL; then msg2 'Building without OpenGL support' qt_configure_args+=' -no-opengl' elif isANGLE; then if isDynamic; then msg2 'Using dynamic OpenGL backend' qt_configure_args+=' -opengl dynamic' else msg2 'Using ANGLE as OpenGL backend' qt_configure_args+=' -angle' fi # GL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES must be defined to enable declarations of GLES functions qt_configure_args+=' -DGL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES' fi # Fix MariaDB qt_configure_args+=" -I/usr/${_arch}/include/mariadb" mkdir -p ../build-${_arch} && pushd ../build-${_arch} if isStatic; then ../${_pkgfqn}/configure -static $qt_configure_args make else # The LD_LIBRARY_PATH override is needed because libQt5Bootstrap* are shared # libraries which various compiled tools (like moc) use. As the libQt5Bootstrap* # libraries aren't installed at this point yet, we have to workaround this ../${_pkgfqn}/configure -shared $qt_configure_args LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$PWD/lib" LDFLAGS="-L$PWD/lib" make fi popd done } package() { for _arch in ${_architectures}; do cd "$srcdir/${_pkgfqn}" make install -C ../build-${_arch} INSTALL_ROOT="${pkgdir}" if isStatic; then # The static release contains only the static libs itself but relies on the # shared release for Qt5Bootstrap library and tools (qmake, uic, ...) # Drop Qt5Bootstrap and libraries which are only provided as static lib # and are hence already present in shared build (such as Qt5OpenGLExtensions) rm -f "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib/"{lib,}qt5main* \ "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib/"{lib,}Qt5AccessibilitySupport* \ "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib/"{lib,}Qt5DeviceDiscoverySupport* \ "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib/"{lib,}Qt5EventDispatcherSupport* \ "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib/"{lib,}Qt5FbSupport* \ "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib/"{lib,}Qt5FontDatabaseSupport* \ "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib/"{lib,}Qt5PlatformCompositorSupport* \ "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib/"{lib,}Qt5ThemeSupport* \ "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib/"{lib,}Qt5OpenGLExtensions* \ "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib/"{lib,}Qt5PlatformSupport* \ "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib/"libQt5Bootstrap* \ # Also ensure config files don't conflict with shared version pushd "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib/cmake" for cmake_dir in $(find . ! -path . -type d ! -name 'Static*'); do mkdir -p "./Static${cmake_dir:2}"; mv "${cmake_dir}/"* "./Static${cmake_dir:2}"; rm -r "${cmake_dir}" done rm -r "./StaticQt5OpenGLExtensions" popd rm "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib/pkgconfig/StaticQt5OpenGLExtensions.pc" # Keep various Qt 5 plugins to be used in static builds pushd "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib/" && ln -s "./qt/plugins/"*/*.a . && popd # Keep a couple pri files not found in base mv "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib/qt/mkspecs/modules/qt_plugin_"*.pri "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}" # Delete duplicate files that are in the base package rm -fR "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/"{include,share} rm -fR "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib/"{qt/bin,qt/mkspecs} # Move pri files back mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib/qt/mkspecs/modules" mv "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/"*.pri "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib/qt/mkspecs/modules" else # Shared release # The .dll's are installed in both bindir and libdir, one copy of the .dll's is sufficient find "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib" -maxdepth 1 -name "*.dll" -exec rm {} \; # The Qt5OpenGLExtensions module is only available as static library and hence part of the # shared build # Create symlinks for tools mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/bin" for tool in qmake moc rcc uic qdbuscpp2xml qdbusxml2cpp qdoc syncqt.pl; do ln -s "../${_arch}/lib/qt/bin/${tool}" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/${_arch}-${tool}-qt5" done fi # Remove doc rm -rf "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/share/doc" # Strip the binaries if ! isStatic; then strip --strip-all "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib/qt/bin/"*[!.pl] strip --strip-unneeded "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}/lib/libQt5Bootstrap"{,DBus}.so.${pkgver} fi # Applications might be useful as well; keeping them by default will not hurt anybody I suppose if isStatic || [[ $NO_EXECUTABLES ]]; then find "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}" -name "*.exe" -exec rm {} \; else find "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}" -name "*.exe" -exec ${_arch}-strip --strip-all {} \; fi # No use for these files though find "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}" \( -name "*.bat" -o -name "*.def" -o -name "*.exp" \) -exec rm {} \; # Strip binaries find "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}" -name "*.dll" -exec ${_arch}-strip --strip-unneeded {} \; find "${pkgdir}/usr/${_arch}" -name "*.a" -exec ${_arch}-strip -g {} \; done }