# Maintainer: Martchus <%== content_for 'additional_contributors' %>\ # All my PKGBUILDs are managed at https://github.com/Martchus/PKGBUILDs where # you also find the URL of a binary repository. <%== content_for 'comment_header' %>\ pkgname=mingw-w64-qt6-<%== $qt_module %><%== $static_suffix %> <%== content %>\ options=('!strip' '!buildflags' 'staticlibs' '!emptydirs') groups=(mingw-w64-qt6) _pkgfqn="qt<%== $qt_module %>-everywhere-src-${_qtver}" % if (my $git_commit = stash('git_commit')) { source=("$_pkgfqn::git://code.qt.io/qt/qt<%== $qt_module %>.git#commit=<%== $git_commit %>"\ % } % else { source=("https://download.qt.io/development_releases/qt/${pkgver%.*}/${_qtver}/submodules/${_pkgfqn}.tar.xz"\ % } <%== include 'fragments/source_file_list', relevant_files => $patch_files %>) sha256sums=('<%== stash('git_commit') ? 'SKIP' : $qt_module_sha256 %>'\ <%== include 'fragments/sha256_list', relevant_files => $patch_files %>) _architectures='i686-w64-mingw32 x86_64-w64-mingw32' % if ($patch_files->size || content_for('prepare')->size) { prepare () { cd $_pkgfqn % if ($patch_files->size) { # apply patches; further descriptions can be found in patch files itself for patch in "$srcdir/"*.patch; do msg2 "Applying patch $patch" patch -p1 -i "$patch" done % } <%== content_for 'prepare' %>\ } % } build() { for _arch in ${_architectures}; do export PKG_CONFIG=/usr/bin/$_arch-pkg-config <%== content_for 'before_build_config' %>\ $_arch-cmake<%== $static_suffix %> -G Ninja -B build-$_arch -S $_pkgfqn \\ % if ($static_variant) { -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH="/usr/$_arch/static" \\ % } -DFEATURE_pkg_config=ON cmake --build build-$_arch done } package() { for _arch in ${_architectures}; do <%== content_for 'before_package_install' %>\ DESTDIR="$pkgdir" cmake --install build-$_arch<%== content_for 'after_package_install' %> % unless ($static_variant) { % unless (stash('no_libs')) { # Add symlinks of DLLs in usual bin directory mkdir -p "$pkgdir/usr/bin" "$pkgdir/usr/$_arch/bin" for dll in "$pkgdir"/usr/$_arch/lib/qt6/bin/*.dll; do ln -rs "$dll" "$pkgdir/usr/$_arch/bin/${dll##*/}" done % } % unless (stash('no_libs')) { # Drop QMAKE_PRL_BUILD_DIR because reference the build dir find "$pkgdir/usr/$_arch/lib" -type f -name '*.prl' \\ -exec sed -i -e '/^QMAKE_PRL_BUILD_DIR/d' {} \; % } % } find "$pkgdir/usr/$_arch" -iname '*.exe' -exec $_arch-strip --strip-all {} \; find "$pkgdir/usr/$_arch" -iname '*.dll' -exec $_arch-strip --strip-unneeded {} \; find "$pkgdir/usr/$_arch" -iname '*.a' -exec $_arch-strip -g {} \; done install -d "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses ln -s /usr/share/licenses/mingw-w64-qt6-base<%== $static_variant ? '-static' : '' %> "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname }