#!/usr/bin/bash # Copies patches from QT_GIT_REPOS_DIR to default # variant of specified repo and updates sources and checksums #set -euxo pipefail set -e # abort on first error shopt -s nullglob source /usr/share/makepkg/util/message.sh colorize if ! [[ $1 ]]; then echo 'No Qt repo specified - must be specified like eg. base or multimedia.' echo "Usage: $0 repo [branch=\$pkgver-\$variant] [variant=mingw-w64]" echo "Note: DEFAULT_PKGBUILDS_DIR and QT_GIT_REPOS_DIR must point to directories containing PKGBUILDs and the Qt repos." exit -1 fi pkgbuildsdirs=() if [[ $DEFAULT_PKGBUILDS_DIR ]]; then # split colon separated path OIFS=$IFS IFS=':' for dir in $DEFAULT_PKGBUILDS_DIR; do pkgbuildsdirs+=("$dir") done IFS=$OIFS else pkgbuildsdirs+=("$PWD/pkgbuilds") fi pkg="qt5-$1" repo="qt$1" branch="${2}" variant="${3:-mingw-w64}" # find dest dir pkgdir= for dir in "${pkgbuildsdirs[@]}"; do for _pkgdir in "$pkg" "qt5"; do dest="${dir}/${_pkgdir}/${variant}" pkgdir=$_pkgdir [[ -d $dest ]] && break 2 || dest= done done if ! [[ $dest ]]; then warning "\$DEFAULT_PKGBUILDS_DIR/$pkg/${variant} or \$DEFAULT_PKGBUILDS_DIR/qt5/${variant} is no directory - skipping repository $repo." exit 0 fi # find repo dir wd="${QT_GIT_REPOS_DIR}/${repo}" if ! [[ -d $wd ]]; then error "\$QT_GIT_REPOS_DIR/$repo is no directory." exit -2 fi pkgbuild_path=$dest/PKGBUILD template=$pkgbuild_path.sh.ep has_template= [[ -f $template ]] && has_template=1 source "$pkgbuild_path" new_sources=() new_md5sums=() file_index=0 for source in "${source[@]}"; do [ "${source: -6}" != .patch ] && \ new_sources+=("$source") \ new_md5sums+=("${sha256sums[$file_index]}") file_index=$((file_index + 1)) done if [[ $pkgdir != qt5 ]]; then patches=("$dest"/*.patch) for patch in "${patches[@]}"; do [[ -f $patch ]] && rm "$patch" done fi pushd "$wd" > /dev/null git status # do some Git stuff just to check whether it is a Git repo if ! [[ $branch ]]; then branch="${pkgver}-${variant}" fi if ! git checkout "${branch}"; then msg2 "No patches required for $1, skipping." exit 0 fi git format-patch "origin/${pkgver}" --output-directory "$dest" for other_variant_dir in "$dest/../$variant"?*; do [[ -d $other_variant_dir ]] || continue cp --target-directory="$other_variant_dir" "$dest/"*.patch done popd > /dev/null # skip if building all Qt modules in one package (currently used for Android target) [[ $pkgdir == qt5 ]] && exit 0 # skip if a template file is present (then the patch list is generated by the template # system) [[ -f $has_template ]] && exit 0 new_patches=("$dest"/*.patch) for patch in "${new_patches[@]}"; do new_sources+=("$patch") sum=$(sha256sum "$patch") new_md5sums+=(${sum%% *}) done # preserve first src line to keep variables unevaluated newsrc=$(grep 'source=(' "$pkgbuild_path") [[ $newsrc ]] || newsrc="source=(${new_sources[0]}" [ "${newsrc: -1:1}" == ')' ] && newsrc="${newsrc: 0:-1}" # truncate trailing ) for source in "${new_sources[@]:1}"; do newsrc+="\n '${source##*/}'" done newsrc+=')' newsums="sha256sums=('${new_md5sums[0]}'" for sum in "${new_md5sums[@]:1}"; do newsums+="\n '${sum}'" done newsums+=')' # apply changes mv "$pkgbuild_path" "$pkgbuild_path.bak" awk -v newsrc="$newsrc" -v newsums="$newsums" ' /^[[:blank:]]*source(_[^=]+)?=/,/\)[[:blank:]]*(#.*)?$/ { if (!s) { print newsrc s++ } next } /^[[:blank:]]*(md|sha)[[:digit:]]+sums(_[^=]+)?=/,/\)[[:blank:]]*(#.*)?$/ { if (!w) { print newsums w++ } next } 1 END { if (!s) { print newsrc } if (!w) { print newsums } } ' "$pkgbuild_path.bak" > "$pkgbuild_path"