% layout 'static-compat-qt6-module', has_binaries => 1; \ _qtver=6.3.2 pkgver=${_qtver/-/} pkgrel=1 arch=(x86_64) url='https://www.qt.io' license=(GPL3 LGPL3 FDL custom) pkgdesc='A cross-platform application and UI framework (Development Tools, QtHelp)' depends=(<%== qt6deps qw(base) %> hicolor-icon-theme) makedepends=(static-compat-cmake <%== qt6deps qw(declarative) %> static-compat-vulkan-headers llvm clang ninja) optdepends=('clang: for qdoc and lupdate') % \ % content_for before_build_config => begin # use llvm/clang from regular prefix (by linking into a custom prefix as we must avoid `-isystem /usr/include`) # note: Depending on Arch's normal LLVM/Clang is ok here as those tools are only used during build time and not # distributed. [[ -e prefix ]] && rm -r prefix mkdir -p prefix/bin pacman -Ql llvm clang | grep /usr/bin | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | xargs ln -frs --target-directory=prefix/bin mkdir -p prefix/include ln -frs --target-directory=prefix/include /usr/include/{llvm,clang}{,-c} mkdir -p prefix/lib/cmake cp -r --target-directory=prefix/lib/cmake /usr/lib/cmake/llvm ln -frs --target-directory=prefix/lib/cmake /usr/lib/cmake/clang ln -frs --target-directory=prefix/lib /usr/lib/*LLVM* ln -frs --target-directory=prefix/lib /usr/lib/libLTO* ln -frs --target-directory=prefix/lib /usr/lib/libRemarks* ln -frs --target-directory=prefix/lib /usr/lib/libclang* ln -frs --target-directory=prefix/lib /usr/lib/clang # ensure targets linking against system LLVM are also linked against system libc/libdl/libm echo 'set_target_properties(LLVM PROPERTIES INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES "/usr/lib/libpthread.so.0;/usr/lib/libm.so.6;/usr/lib/libmvec.so.1;/usr/lib/libdl.so.2;/usr/lib/libc.so.6;/usr/lib/libc_nonshared.a;/usr/lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2")' \\ >> prefix/lib/cmake/llvm/LLVMExports-release.cmake % end % \ % content_for additional_cmake_args => begin \\ -DLLVM_DIR="$PWD/prefix/lib/cmake/llvm" \\ -DClang_DIR="$PWD/prefix/lib/cmake/clang" # ensure system libc/libdl/libm is present on the linker-line before other libs sed -i -E 's|(LINK_LIBRARIES = )(.*libLLVM-14.so.*)|\1/usr/lib/libpthread.so.0 /usr/lib/libm.so.6 /usr/lib/libmvec.so.1 /usr/lib/libdl.so.2 /usr/lib/libc.so.6 \2|g' build/build.ninja\ % end