# Maintainer: Martchus # All my PKGBUILDs are managed at https://github.com/Martchus/PKGBUILDs where # you also find the URL of a binary repository. pkgname=qt6-5compat _qtver=6.0.0-beta2 pkgver=${_qtver/-/} pkgrel=1 arch=(x86_64) url='https://www.qt.io' license=(GPL3 LGPL3 FDL custom) pkgdesc='Module that contains unsupported Qt 5 APIs' depends=(qt6-base) makedepends=(cmake ninja) groups=(qt6) _pkgfqn="${pkgname/6-/}-everywhere-src-${_qtver}" source=("https://download.qt.io/development_releases/qt/${pkgver%.*}/${_qtver}/submodules/${_pkgfqn}.tar.xz") sha256sums=('9626aa2a8752e4fd1e75e1a35583f6209ea451174e501205d6ccb4f8c63b51fc') build() { cmake -G Ninja -B build -S $_pkgfqn cmake --build build } package() { DESTDIR="$pkgdir" cmake --install build # Drop QMAKE_PRL_BUILD_DIR because reference the build dir find "$pkgdir/usr/lib" -type f -name '*.prl' \ -exec sed -i -e '/^QMAKE_PRL_BUILD_DIR/d' {} \; install -d "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses ln -s /usr/share/licenses/qt6-base "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/qt6-5compat }