# $Id$ # Maintainer: Sebastian Weiland # Contributor: Martchus # Original package: Xavion _appname_=vlc pkgname=${_appname_}-nightly pkgver=4.0.0v20180729 _pkgver=4.0.0 _snapshot_=20180729 _snapver_=0245 _suffix_=dev _nightly_=${_snapshot_}-${_snapver_} pkgrel=1 pkgdesc='Multi-platform MPEG, VCD/DVD, and DivX player - nightly snapshot' url='https://www.videolan.org/vlc/' arch=('x86_64') license=('LGPL2.1' 'GPL2') depends=('a52dec' 'libdvbpsi' 'libxpm' 'libdca' 'libproxy' 'libtiger' 'lua' 'libmatroska' 'taglib' 'libmpcdec' 'ffmpeg' 'faad2' 'libupnp' 'libmad' 'libmpeg2' 'xcb-util-keysyms' 'libtar' 'libxinerama' 'libsecret' 'libarchive' 'qt5-base' 'qt5-x11extras' 'qt5-svg' 'freetype2' 'fribidi' 'harfbuzz' 'fontconfig' 'libxml2' 'gnutls' 'libplacebo' 'wayland-protocols') makedepends=('gst-plugins-base-libs' 'live-media' 'libnotify' 'libbluray' 'flac' 'kdelibs' 'libdc1394' 'libavc1394' 'libcaca' 'gtk3' 'librsvg' 'libgme' 'xosd' 'twolame' 'aalib' 'avahi' 'libsystemd' 'libmtp' 'libmicrodns' 'libdvdcss' 'smbclient' 'vcdimager' 'libssh2' 'mesa' 'protobuf' 'opencv' 'libnfs' 'mpg123' 'libdvdread' 'libdvdnav' 'libogg' 'libshout' 'libmodplug' 'libvpx' 'libvorbis' 'speex' 'opus' 'libtheora' 'libpng' 'libjpeg-turbo' 'libx265.so' 'libx264.so' 'zvbi' 'libass' 'libkate' 'libtiger' 'sdl_image' 'libpulse' 'alsa-lib' 'jack' 'libsamplerate' 'libsoxr' 'lirc' 'libgoom2' 'projectm' 'chromaprint' 'libfdk-aac' 'portaudio' 'sidplay2-libs' 'sndio') optdepends=('avahi: service discovery using bonjour protocol' 'gst-plugins-base-libs: for libgst plugins' 'libdvdcss: decoding encrypted DVDs' 'libavc1394: devices using the 1394ta AV/C' 'libdc1394: IEEE 1394 access plugin' 'kdelibs: KDE Solid hardware integration' 'kwallet: kwallet keystore' 'libva-vdpau-driver: vdpau backend nvidia' 'libva-intel-driver: video backend intel' 'libbluray: Blu-Ray video input' 'flac: Free Lossless Audio Codec plugin' 'twolame: TwoLAME mpeg2 encoder plugin' 'libgme: Game Music Emu plugin' 'vcdimager: navigate VCD with libvcdinfo' 'libmtp: MTP devices discovery' 'libsystemd: udev services discovery' 'smbclient: SMB access plugin' 'libcdio: audio CD playback' 'ttf-freefont: subtitle font ' 'ttf-dejavu: subtitle font' 'libssh2: sftp access' 'opencv: opencv video' 'libnfs: NFS access' 'mpg123: mpg123 codec' 'protobuf: chromecast streaming' 'libmicrodns: mDNS services discovery (chromecast etc)' 'lua-socket: http interface' 'live-media: RTSP input' 'libdvdread: DVD input module' 'libdvdnav: DVD with navigation input module' 'libogg: Ogg and OggSpots codec' 'libshout: shoutcast/icecast output plugin' 'libmodplug: MOD output plugin' 'libvpx: VP8 and VP9 codec' 'libvorbis: Vorbis decoder/encoder' 'speex: Speex codec' 'opus: opus codec' 'libtheora: theora codec' 'libpng: PNG support' 'libjpeg-turbo: JPEG support' 'librsvg: SVG plugin' 'libx264: H264 encoding' 'x265: HEVC/H.265 encoder' 'zvbi: VBI/Teletext decoding' 'libass: Subtitle support' 'libkate: Kate codec' 'libtiger: Tiger rendering for Kate streams' 'sdl_image: SDL image support' 'aalib: ASCII art video output' 'libcaca: colored ASCII art video output' 'libpulse: PulseAudio audio output' 'alsa-lib: ALSA audio output' 'jack: jack audio server' 'libsamplerate: audio Resampler' 'libsoxr: SoX audio Resampler' 'chromaprint: Chromaprint audio fingerprinter' 'lirc: lirc control' 'libgoom2: Goom visualization' 'projectm: ProjectM visualisation' 'ncurses: ncurses interface' 'libnotify: notification plugin' 'gtk3: notification plugin' 'libfdk-aac: FDK AAC codec' 'portaudio: portaudio support' 'vcdimager: navigate VCD with libvcdinfo' 'schroedinger: schroedinger codec support' 'sidplay2-libs: for C64 sid demuxer' 'sndio: for OpenBSD sndio audio output') # note: removing 'daala-git: for Daala video support' because it is currently broken conflicts=("${_appname_}-plugin" "${_appname_}") provides=("${_appname_}") replaces=("${_appname_}-plugin") options=('!emptydirs') source=("http://nightlies.videolan.org/build/source/vlc-${_pkgver}-${_nightly_}-${_suffix_}.tar.xz" 'update-vlc-plugin-cache.hook' '0001-lua-Fix-build-using-lua-5.3.patch' '0002-Fix-compatibility-with-OpenCV-3.4.1.patch' '0003-Fix-compilation-with-Qt-5.11.patch' 'find-deps.py') pkgver() { printf ${_pkgver}v$_snapshot_ } prepare() { cd "${_appname_}-${_pkgver}-${_suffix_}" ./bootstrap patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/0001-lua-Fix-build-using-lua-5.3.patch" patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/0002-Fix-compatibility-with-OpenCV-3.4.1.patch" patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/0003-Fix-compilation-with-Qt-5.11.patch" sed -i -e 's:truetype/ttf-dejavu:TTF:g' modules/visualization/projectm.cpp sed -i -e 's:truetype/freefont:TTF:g' modules/text_renderer/freetype/freetype.c sed 's|whoami|echo builduser|g' -i configure sed 's|hostname -f|echo arch|g' -i configure } build() { cd "${_appname_}-${_pkgver}-${_suffix_}" export CFLAGS+=" -I/usr/include/samba-4.0" export CPPFLAGS+=" -I/usr/include/samba-4.0" export CXXFLAGS+=" -std=c++11" export LUAC=/usr/bin/luac export LUA_LIBS="`pkg-config --libs lua`" export RCC=/usr/bin/rcc-qt5 ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --disable-rpath \ --enable-nls \ --enable-archive \ --enable-live555 \ --enable-dc1394 \ --enable-dv1394 \ --enable-dvdread \ --enable-dvdnav \ --enable-bluray \ --enable-opencv \ --enable-smbclient \ --enable-sftp \ --enable-nfs \ --enable-realrtsp \ --enable-dvbpsi \ --enable-gme \ --enable-ogg \ --enable-shout \ --enable-matroska \ --enable-mod \ --enable-mpc \ --enable-mad \ --enable-mpg123 \ --enable-gst-decode \ --enable-avcodec \ --enable-libva \ --enable-avformat \ --enable-postproc \ --enable-faad \ --enable-vpx \ --enable-twolame \ --enable-a52 \ --enable-dca \ --enable-flac \ --enable-libmpeg2 \ --enable-vorbis \ --enable-speex \ --enable-opus \ --enable-oggspots \ --disable-schroedinger \ --enable-png \ --enable-jpeg \ --enable-x264 \ --enable-x265 \ --enable-zvbi \ --enable-libass \ --enable-kate \ --enable-tiger \ --enable-vdpau \ --enable-wayland \ --enable-sdl-image \ --enable-freetype \ --enable-fribidi \ --enable-harfbuzz \ --enable-fontconfig \ --enable-svg \ --enable-svgdec \ --enable-aa \ --enable-caca \ --enable-pulse \ --enable-alsa \ --enable-jack \ --enable-samplerate \ --enable-soxr \ --enable-chromaprint \ --enable-chromecast \ --enable-qt \ --enable-skins2 \ --enable-libtar \ --enable-ncurses \ --enable-lirc \ --enable-goom \ --enable-projectm \ --enable-avahi \ --enable-mtp \ --enable-upnp \ --enable-microdns \ --enable-libxml2 \ --disable-libgcrypt \ --enable-gnutls \ --enable-taglib \ --enable-secret \ --enable-kwallet \ --disable-update-check \ --enable-notify \ --enable-libplacebo \ --enable-vlc \ \ --libexecdir=/usr/lib \ --enable-fdkaac # note: removing --enable-daala for now because it is currently broken make V=1 } package() { cd "${_appname_}-${_pkgver}-${_suffix_}" make -i DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install for res in 16 32 48 128; do install -D -m644 "${srcdir}/${_appname_}-${_pkgver}-${_suffix_}/share/icons/${res}x${res}/${_appname_}.png" \ "${pkgdir}/usr/share/icons/hicolor/${res}x${res}/apps/${_appname_}.png" done install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/update-vlc-plugin-cache.hook "$pkgdir"/usr/share/libalpm/hooks/update-vlc-plugin-cache.hook # Update dependencies automatically based on dynamic libraries # _detected_depends=($(find "$pkgdir"/usr -name "*.so" | xargs python "$srcdir"/find-deps.py)) # msg 'Auto-detected dependencies:' # echo "${_detected_depends[@]}" | fold -s -w 79 | sed 's/^/ /' # depends=("${_detected_depends[@]}" "${_undetected_depends[@]}") } sha256sums=('40ae221dbbf76b99b03b76175b558db88bdbc18c5799e64423b8493394e885d4' 'c6f60c50375ae688755557dbfc5bd4a90a8998f8cf4d356c10d872a1a0b44f3a' '3e6bddbaed443e40036c494a0754aedd2f94fe41bfa3754855e16f7452a03cdf' 'c33461cad1fb725754a80b4dd63eb144dbd9719ac99139f9553089ef09907b0a' '9ba5fcc11de9ee2a88be3d2eedd1ab45133cb8bed3943c2e11531b45834aa9b2' '90b0e34d5772d2307ba07a1c2aa715db7488389003cfe6d3570b2a9c63061db7')