Marks the symbol to be exported by the tagparser library.
Contains all classes and functions of the TagInfo library.
TAG_PARSER_EXPORT std::string_view containerFormatSubversion(ContainerFormat containerFormat)
Returns the subversion of the container format as C-style string.
The TagTargetLevel enum specifies tag target levels.
TAG_PARSER_EXPORT std::string_view containerFormatAbbreviation(ContainerFormat containerFormat, MediaType mediaType=MediaType::Unknown, unsigned int version=0)
Returns the abbreviation of the container format as C-style string considering the specified media ty...
TAG_PARSER_EXPORT std::string_view containerFormatName(ContainerFormat containerFormat)
Returns the name of the specified container format as C-style string.
TAG_PARSER_EXPORT ContainerFormat parseSignature(const char *buffer, std::size_t bufferSize)
TAG_PARSER_EXPORT std::string_view containerMimeType(ContainerFormat containerFormat, MediaType mediaType=MediaType::Unknown)
Returns the MIME-type of the container format as C-style string.
TAG_PARSER_EXPORT TagTargetLevel containerTargetLevel(ContainerFormat containerFormat, std::uint64_t targetLevelValue)
Returns the general TagTargetLevel for the specified container format and raw targetLevelValue.
The MediaType enum specifies the type of media data (audio, video, text, ...).
TAG_PARSER_EXPORT std::uint64_t containerTargetLevelValue(ContainerFormat containerFormat, TagTargetLevel targetLevel)
Returns the raw target level value for the specified containerFormat and general targetLevel.
Specifies the container format.