Here is a list of all namespace enums with links to the namespace documentation for each enum:
- a -
- b -
- c -
- d -
- e -
- f -
- g -
- i -
- k -
- KnownField : TagParser
- KnownType : TagParser::VorbisPackageTypes
- KnownValue : TagParser::FourccIds, TagParser::Id3v2FrameIds, TagParser::Mp4AtomIds, TagParser::Mp4FormatExtensionIds, TagParser::Mp4MediaTypeIds, TagParser::Mp4TagAtomIds, TagParser::Mpeg2VideoCodes, TagParser::Mpeg4AudioObjectIds, TagParser::Mpeg4DescriptorIds, TagParser::Mpeg4ElementaryStreamObjectIds, TagParser::Mpeg4ElementaryStreamTypeIds, TagParser::Mpeg4VideoCodes, TagParser::RawDataType
- KnownValues : TagParser::MatroskaTrackType
- l -
- m -
- p -
- r -
- s -
- t -
- v -
- x -