Unresolved alias

This warning category is spelled c{[unresolved-alias]} by qmllint.

Unresolved alias

What happened?

A property alias should hold a reference to another property, see also QML Object Attributes - Property Aliases. In this case, it holds a reference to a property that was not found.

Why is this bad?

Instances of components with unresolved alias will not be created at runtime: they will be null instead.


 import QtQuick

 Item {
     id: someId
     property int helloWorld

     property alias helloWorldAlias: helloWorld      // not ok: aliases have to refer by id
     property alias helloWorldAlias2: someId.helloWorlddd    // not ok: no helloWorlddd in someId
     property alias helloWorldAlias3: someIddd.helloWorld    // not ok: someIddd does not exist

To fix this warning, make sure that the id and the property of the alias property really do exist:

 import QtQuick

 Item {
     id: someId
     property int helloWorld

     property alias helloWorldAlias: someId.helloWorld   // ok: alias refers by id
     property alias helloWorldAlias2: someId.helloWorld  // ok: helloWorld does exist in someId
     property alias helloWorldAlias3: someId.helloWorld  // ok: someId does exist