Missing enum entry

This warning category is spelled c{[missing-enum-entry]} by qmllint.

Is not an entry of enum

What happened?

You used an enum value that does not exist.

Why is this bad?

The enum value will be undefined at runtime.


 // Main.qml
 import QtQuick

 Item {
     enum Hello { World }

     Component.onCompleted: function() {
         console.log(Main.Hello.Wordl, Main.Hello.Moon) // both Wordl and Moon are incorrect

To fix this warning, correct a potential typo or add the missing enum value to the definition:

 // Main.qml
 import QtQuick

 Item {
     enum Hello { World, Moon }

     Component.onCompleted: function() {
         console.log(Main.Hello.World, Main.Hello.Moon) // both correct now