Gleaning Resource Descriptions from Dialects of Languages (grddl ) |
N-Quads (nquads ) |
N-Triples (ntriples ) |
RDF/A via librdfa (rdfa ) |
RDF/JSON (either Triples or Resource-Centric) (json ) |
RDF/XML (rdfxml ) |
RSS Tag Soup (rss-tag-soup ) |
application/rss with q 0.8
application/rss+xml with q 0.8
text/rss with q 0.8
application/xml with q 0.3
text/xml with q 0.3
application/atom+xml with q 0.3
TriG - Turtle with Named Graphs (trig ) |
Turtle Terse RDF Triple Language (turtle ) |
text/turtle with q 1.0
application/x-turtle with q 1.0
application/turtle with q 1.0
text/n3 with q 0.3
text/rdf+n3 with q 0.3
application/rdf+n3 with q 0.3