
From ArchWiki

From Wikipedia:

RuneScape is a fantasy massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed and published by Jagex, released in January 2001. RuneScape was originally a browser game built with the Java programming language; it was largely replaced by a standalone C++ client in 2016. The game has had over 300 million accounts created and was recognised by the Guinness World Records as the largest and most-updated free MMORPG.

From Wikipedia:

Old School RuneScape is a separate incarnation of RuneScape released on 22 February 2013, based on a copy of the game from August 2007. Old School RuneScape receives regular content updates, which must be voted on by its players before they can be added to the game.


The installation alternatives offer different features to make a choice on, and may use different dependencies.

Note: Independent of the chosen client, it may be necessary to separately open an account with the game publisher Jagex in order to access the multi-player game. An exception is #Steam.

Jagex Launcher

The Jagex Launcher offers installation and shortcuts to each game client Executable and does not Linux support on release.

Unofficial client

jagex-launcher-linux is a repository that "contains community projects to install the Jagex Launcher and use Jagex Accounts in Linux" as recommended by Jagex Support.

Bolt is a third-party launcher. Install with the bolt-launcherAUR package or with Flatpak as com.adamcake.Bolt from Flathub.


Official client

Install the official RuneScape NXT client with the runescape-launcherAUR package. The official client can also be installed with Flatpak as com.jagex.RuneScape from Flathub.

Old School RuneScape (OSRS)


RuneLite is an open-source alternative to other third-party Old School RuneScape clients. It is available on the AUR: runeliteAUR.

To enable the GPU feature within RuneLite, ensure you meet the requirements and have updated to the latest version of mesa.


osrs-launcher is a repackaging of the mac version of the official Old School RuneScape launcher. It is available for installation from the AUR, osrs-launcherAUR.


It is worth mentioning that RuneScape and OSRS are individually available on Steam, which offers its own Compatibility layer Proton. Steam is a separate program, and not recommended if unfamiliar. The Steam releases predate the official #Jagex Launcher release by around three years, and do not support Jagex Accounts.


Audio issues

The Java client (jagexappletviewer.jar) requires pulseaudio-alsa to be installed for sound to work properly. Otherwise there will be no in-game sound or other applications will not be able to play audio due to the client claiming direct access to /dev/snd/* devices. For more details, see PulseAudio#ALSA.

SSL errors

If you receive an error like this (with RuneLite or otherwise): Received fatal alert: handshake_failure

This error may be due to Java's new TLSv1.3 implementation. Try adding -Djdk.tls.client.protocols=TLSv1.2 to your client's launch options. For example:

$ java -Djdk.tls.client.protocols=TLSv1.2 -jar RuneLite.jar

See also