List of applications (Bosanski)
Ovaj članak je generalna lista aplikacija sortirano po kategorijama, kao referenca za one koji traže pakete. Većina sekcija su podijeljene između konzolnih i grafičkih aplikacija. Aplikacije izlistane u "Console" sekciji mogu imati grafički front-end. Oficijalne su izostavljene.
- Molimo razmislite o installiranju pkgstats paketa, koji sadrži timer koji šalje listu paketa instaliranih na sistemu, zajedno sa arhitekturom i mirrorima koji se koriste Arch developerima da se pomogne priotizirati trud i da se distribucija učini boljom. Informacije se šalju anonimno i ne može biti korišteno za identifikaciju. Možete pregledati prikupljene podatke na stranici statistike. Više informacije je dostupno na ovom forum thread-u.
- Daemon paketi obično uključuju relevantne systemd unit fajlove za start; neki paketi čak uključuje i druge. Nakon instalacije
pacman -Qql package | grep -Fe .service -e .socket
može se koristiti da se provjere i pronađu relevantni daemoni.
The content is split into the following subpages for individual categories (also accessible via the navigation bar at the top of the page and each subpage):
Vidi i
Lista generičkog software-a
- Wikipedia:Portal:Free and open-source software
- Wikipedia:List of free and open-source software packages
- Wikipedia:List of GNU packages
- AlternativeTo - Linux alternatives to popular applications
- Awesome Linux Software - Collection of Linux applications and tools
- Linux Alternative Project - Linux equivalents to Windows software
- Linux Links Directory - Linux applications directory
- Open Source Alternative[dead link 2025-01-19 ⓘ] - Alternatives to commercial software
Lista software-a drugih distribucija
- AppImageHub
- Flathub
- Snapcraft
- Debian packages and screenshots
- Fedora packages
- openSUSE Software
- Gentoo packages
- Ubuntu packages
Software forge-ovi
Lista specijaliziranog software-a
- GNOME applications
- KDE's Applications
- awesome-linuxaudio - Software for audio/video/live production
- awesome-selfhosted - Network services and web applications
- awesome-shell - Command-line frameworks, toolkits and guides
- awesome-sysadmin - Software for system administrators
- Inconsolation - Lightweight and minimalist applications reviews
- K.Mandla's blog - Console applications screenshots and reviews
- Libre Projects - Open source hosted web services
- LinApp - Commercial applications and games for Linux
- PRISM Break - Software against mass surveillance
- Privacy Tools - Knowledge and tools to protect your privacy against global mass surveillance
Arch Linux forum threadovi
- Arch Linux Forums / LnF Awards 2011 - The best Light & Fast apps of 2011
- Arch Linux Forums / LnF Awards 2012 - The best Light & Fast apps of 2012
- Arch Linux Forums / most popular apps of 2013-2014
- Arch Linux Forums / most popular apps of 2017+ (requires login)