Martchus f52b2958df Add implicit conversion of popularity to integer to generalize usage of popularity
* Propose the usage of the popularity type in general for the rating field
  so GUIs can show an appropriate UI element
* Do not just propose the popularity type for ID3v2 tags so a uniform UI
  element can be shown accross tag formats; and API to convert from a
  uniform scale is still TODO
2022-06-19 14:32:45 +02:00

1084 lines
42 KiB

#include "./tagvalue.h"
#include "./caseinsensitivecomparer.h"
#include "./tag.h"
#include "./id3/id3genres.h"
#include <c++utilities/conversion/binaryconversion.h>
#include <c++utilities/conversion/conversionexception.h>
#include <c++utilities/conversion/stringbuilder.h>
#include <c++utilities/conversion/stringconversion.h>
#include <c++utilities/io/binaryreader.h>
#include <c++utilities/io/binarywriter.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <sstream>
#include <utility>
using namespace std;
using namespace CppUtilities;
namespace TagParser {
* \brief Returns the string representation of the specified \a dataType.
std::string_view tagDataTypeString(TagDataType dataType)
switch (dataType) {
case TagDataType::Text:
return "text";
case TagDataType::Integer:
return "integer";
case TagDataType::PositionInSet:
return "position in set";
case TagDataType::StandardGenreIndex:
return "genre index";
case TagDataType::TimeSpan:
return "time span";
case TagDataType::DateTime:
return "date time";
case TagDataType::Picture:
return "picture";
case TagDataType::Binary:
return "binary";
return "undefined";
* \brief Returns the encoding parameter (name of the character set and bytes per character) for the specified \a tagTextEncoding.
pair<const char *, float> encodingParameter(TagTextEncoding tagTextEncoding)
switch (tagTextEncoding) {
case TagTextEncoding::Latin1:
return make_pair("ISO-8859-1", 1.0f);
case TagTextEncoding::Utf8:
return make_pair("UTF-8", 1.0f);
case TagTextEncoding::Utf16LittleEndian:
return make_pair("UTF-16LE", 2.0f);
case TagTextEncoding::Utf16BigEndian:
return make_pair("UTF-16BE", 2.0f);
return make_pair(nullptr, 0.0f);
* \class TagParser::TagValue
* \brief The TagValue class wraps values of different types. It is meant to be assigned to a tag field.
* For a list of supported types see TagParser::TagDataType.
* When constructing a TagValue choose the type which suites the value you want to store best. If the
* tag format uses a different type the serializer will take care of the neccassary conversion (eg. convert
* an integer to a string).
* When consuming a TagValue read from a tag one should not expect that a particular type is used. The
* type depends on what the particular tag format uses. However, the conversion functions provided by the
* TagValue class take care of neccassary conversions, eg. TagValue::toInteger() will attempt to convert a
* string to a number (an possibly throw a ConversionException on failure).
* Values of the type TagDataType::Text can be differently encoded. See TagParser::TagTextEncoding for a
* list of supported encodings. Be sure to use an encoding which is supported by the tag implementation.
* To ensure that, the functions Tag::canEncodingBeUsed(), Tag::proposedTextEncoding() and
* Tag::ensureTextValuesAreProperlyEncoded() can be used.
* Values of the type TagDataType::Text are not supposed to contain Byte-Order-Marks. Before assigning text
* which might be prepended by a Byte-Order-Mark the helper function TagValue::stripBom() can be used.
* \brief Constructs a new TagValue holding a copy of the given TagValue instance.
* \param other Specifies another TagValue instance.
TagValue::TagValue(const TagValue &other)
: m_size(other.m_size)
, m_desc(other.m_desc)
, m_mimeType(other.m_mimeType)
, m_locale(other.m_locale)
, m_type(other.m_type)
, m_encoding(other.m_encoding)
, m_descEncoding(other.m_descEncoding)
, m_flags(TagValueFlags::None)
if (!other.isEmpty()) {
m_ptr = make_unique<char[]>(m_size);
std::copy(other.m_ptr.get(), other.m_ptr.get() + other.m_size, m_ptr.get());
* \brief Assigns the value of another TagValue to the current instance.
TagValue &TagValue::operator=(const TagValue &other)
if (this == &other) {
return *this;
m_size = other.m_size;
m_type = other.m_type;
m_desc = other.m_desc;
m_mimeType = other.m_mimeType;
m_locale = other.m_locale;
m_flags = other.m_flags;
m_encoding = other.m_encoding;
m_descEncoding = other.m_descEncoding;
if (other.isEmpty()) {
} else {
m_ptr = make_unique<char[]>(m_size);
std::copy(other.m_ptr.get(), other.m_ptr.get() + other.m_size, m_ptr.get());
return *this;
/// \cond
TagTextEncoding pickUtfEncoding(TagTextEncoding encoding1, TagTextEncoding encoding2)
switch (encoding1) {
case TagTextEncoding::Utf8:
case TagTextEncoding::Utf16LittleEndian:
case TagTextEncoding::Utf16BigEndian:
return encoding1;
switch (encoding2) {
case TagTextEncoding::Utf8:
case TagTextEncoding::Utf16LittleEndian:
case TagTextEncoding::Utf16BigEndian:
return encoding2;
return TagTextEncoding::Utf8;
/// \endcond
* \brief Returns whether both instances are equal. Meta-data like description and MIME-type is taken into
* account as well.
* \arg other Specifies the other instance.
* \arg options Specifies options to alter the behavior. See TagValueComparisionFlags for details.
* \remarks
* - If the data types are not equal, two instances are still considered equal if the string representation
* is identical. For instance the text "2" is considered equal to the integer 2. This also means that an empty
* TagValue and the integer 0 are *not* considered equal.
* - The choice to allow implicit conversions was made because different tag formats use different types and
* usually one does not care about those internals when comparing values.
* - If any of the differently typed values can not be converted to a string (eg. it is binary data) the values
* are *not* considered equal. So the text "foo" and the binary value "foo" are not considered equal although
* the raw data is identical.
* - In fact, values of the types TagDataType::DateTime, TagDataType::TimeSpan, TagDataType::Picture, TagDataType::Binary
* and TagDataType::Unspecified will never be considered equal with a value of another type.
* - If the type is TagDataType::Text and the encoding differs values might still be considered equal if they
* represent the same characters. The same counts for the description.
* - This might be a costly operation due to possible conversions.
* \sa
* - TagValue::compareData() to compare raw data without any conversions
* - TagValueTests::testEqualityOperator() for examples
bool TagValue::compareTo(const TagValue &other, TagValueComparisionFlags options) const
// check whether meta-data is equal (except description)
if (!(options & TagValueComparisionFlags::IgnoreMetaData)) {
// check meta-data which always uses UTF-8 (everything but description)
if (m_mimeType != other.m_mimeType || m_locale != other.m_locale || m_flags != other.m_flags) {
return false;
// check description which might use different encodings
if (m_descEncoding == other.m_descEncoding || m_descEncoding == TagTextEncoding::Unspecified
|| other.m_descEncoding == TagTextEncoding::Unspecified || m_desc.empty() || other.m_desc.empty()) {
if (!compareData(m_desc, other.m_desc, options & TagValueComparisionFlags::CaseInsensitive)) {
return false;
} else {
const auto utfEncodingToUse = pickUtfEncoding(m_descEncoding, other.m_descEncoding);
StringData str1, str2;
const char *data1, *data2;
size_t size1, size2;
if (m_descEncoding != utfEncodingToUse) {
const auto inputParameter = encodingParameter(m_descEncoding), outputParameter = encodingParameter(utfEncodingToUse);
str1 = convertString(
inputParameter.first, outputParameter.first, m_desc.data(), m_desc.size(), outputParameter.second / inputParameter.second);
data1 = str1.first.get();
size1 = str1.second;
} else {
data1 = m_desc.data();
size1 = m_desc.size();
if (other.m_descEncoding != utfEncodingToUse) {
const auto inputParameter = encodingParameter(other.m_descEncoding), outputParameter = encodingParameter(utfEncodingToUse);
str2 = convertString(inputParameter.first, outputParameter.first, other.m_desc.data(), other.m_desc.size(),
outputParameter.second / inputParameter.second);
data2 = str2.first.get();
size2 = str2.second;
} else {
data2 = other.m_desc.data();
size2 = other.m_desc.size();
if (!compareData(data1, size1, data2, size2, options & TagValueComparisionFlags::CaseInsensitive)) {
return false;
try {
// check for equality if both types are identical
if (m_type == other.m_type) {
switch (m_type) {
case TagDataType::Text: {
// compare raw data directly if the encoding is the same
if (m_size != other.m_size && m_encoding == other.m_encoding) {
return false;
if (m_encoding == other.m_encoding || m_encoding == TagTextEncoding::Unspecified
|| other.m_encoding == TagTextEncoding::Unspecified) {
return compareData(other, options & TagValueComparisionFlags::CaseInsensitive);
// compare UTF-8 or UTF-16 representation of strings avoiding unnecessary conversions
const auto utfEncodingToUse = pickUtfEncoding(m_encoding, other.m_encoding);
string str1, str2;
const char *data1, *data2;
size_t size1, size2;
if (m_encoding != utfEncodingToUse) {
str1 = toString(utfEncodingToUse);
data1 = str1.data();
size1 = str1.size();
} else {
data1 = m_ptr.get();
size1 = m_size;
if (other.m_encoding != utfEncodingToUse) {
str2 = other.toString(utfEncodingToUse);
data2 = str2.data();
size2 = str2.size();
} else {
data2 = other.m_ptr.get();
size2 = other.m_size;
return compareData(data1, size1, data2, size2, options & TagValueComparisionFlags::CaseInsensitive);
case TagDataType::PositionInSet:
return toPositionInSet() == other.toPositionInSet();
case TagDataType::Integer:
return toInteger() == other.toInteger();
case TagDataType::StandardGenreIndex:
return toStandardGenreIndex() == other.toStandardGenreIndex();
case TagDataType::TimeSpan:
return toTimeSpan() == other.toTimeSpan();
case TagDataType::DateTime:
return toDateTime() == other.toDateTime();
case TagDataType::Picture:
case TagDataType::Binary:
case TagDataType::Undefined:
return compareData(other);
// do not attempt implicit conversions for certain types
// TODO: Maybe it would actually make sense for some of these types (at least when the other type is
// string)?
for (const auto dataType : { m_type, other.m_type }) {
switch (dataType) {
case TagDataType::TimeSpan:
case TagDataType::DateTime:
case TagDataType::Picture:
case TagDataType::Binary:
case TagDataType::Undefined:
return false;
// handle types where an implicit conversion to the specific type can be done
if (m_type == TagDataType::Popularity || other.m_type == TagDataType::Popularity) {
if (options & TagValueComparisionFlags::CaseInsensitive) {
const auto lhs = toPopularity(), rhs = other.toPopularity();
return lhs.rating == rhs.rating && lhs.playCounter == rhs.playCounter && compareData(lhs.user, rhs.user, true);
} else {
return toPopularity() == other.toPopularity();
// handle other types where an implicit conversion to string can be done by comparing the string representation
return compareData(toString(), other.toString(m_encoding), options & TagValueComparisionFlags::CaseInsensitive);
} catch (const ConversionException &) {
return false;
* \brief Wipes assigned meta data.
* - Clears description, mime type, language and flags.
* - Resets the encoding to TagTextEncoding::Latin1.
* - Resets the data type to TagDataType::Undefined.
void TagValue::clearMetadata()
m_flags = TagValueFlags::None;
m_encoding = TagTextEncoding::Latin1;
m_descEncoding = TagTextEncoding::Latin1;
m_type = TagDataType::Undefined;
* \brief Converts the value of the current TagValue object to its equivalent
* integer representation.
* \throws Throws ConversionException on failure.
std::int32_t TagValue::toInteger() const
if (isEmpty()) {
return 0;
switch (m_type) {
case TagDataType::Text:
switch (m_encoding) {
case TagTextEncoding::Utf16LittleEndian:
case TagTextEncoding::Utf16BigEndian: {
auto u16str = u16string(reinterpret_cast<char16_t *>(m_ptr.get()), m_size / 2);
ensureHostByteOrder(u16str, m_encoding);
return stringToNumber<std::int32_t>(u16str);
return bufferToNumber<std::int32_t>(m_ptr.get(), m_size);
case TagDataType::PositionInSet:
if (m_size == sizeof(PositionInSet)) {
return *reinterpret_cast<std::int32_t *>(m_ptr.get());
throw ConversionException("Can not convert assigned data to integer because the data size is not appropriate.");
case TagDataType::Integer:
case TagDataType::StandardGenreIndex:
if (m_size == sizeof(std::int32_t)) {
return *reinterpret_cast<std::int32_t *>(m_ptr.get());
throw ConversionException("Can not convert assigned data to integer because the data size is not appropriate.");
case TagDataType::Popularity:
return static_cast<std::int32_t>(toPopularity().rating);
throw ConversionException(argsToString("Can not convert ", tagDataTypeString(m_type), " to integer."));
* \brief Converts the value of the current TagValue object to its equivalent
* standard genre index.
* \throws Throws ConversionException on failure.
int TagValue::toStandardGenreIndex() const
if (isEmpty()) {
return Id3Genres::emptyGenreIndex();
int index = 0;
switch (m_type) {
case TagDataType::Text: {
try {
index = toInteger();
} catch (const ConversionException &) {
TagTextEncoding encoding = TagTextEncoding::Utf8;
if (m_encoding == TagTextEncoding::Latin1) {
// no need to convert Latin-1 to UTF-8 (makes no difference in case of genre strings)
encoding = TagTextEncoding::Unspecified;
index = Id3Genres::indexFromString(toString(encoding));
case TagDataType::StandardGenreIndex:
case TagDataType::Integer:
if (m_size != sizeof(std::int32_t)) {
throw ConversionException("The assigned index/integer is of unappropriate size.");
index = static_cast<int>(*reinterpret_cast<std::int32_t *>(m_ptr.get()));
throw ConversionException(argsToString("Can not convert ", tagDataTypeString(m_type), " to genre index."));
if (!Id3Genres::isEmptyGenre(index) && !Id3Genres::isIndexSupported(index)) {
throw ConversionException("The assigned number is not a valid standard genre index.");
return index;
* \brief Converts the value of the current TagValue object to its equivalent
* PositionInSet representation.
* \throws Throws ConversionException on failure.
PositionInSet TagValue::toPositionInSet() const
if (isEmpty()) {
return PositionInSet();
switch (m_type) {
case TagDataType::Text:
switch (m_encoding) {
case TagTextEncoding::Utf16LittleEndian:
case TagTextEncoding::Utf16BigEndian: {
auto u16str = u16string(reinterpret_cast<char16_t *>(m_ptr.get()), m_size / 2);
ensureHostByteOrder(u16str, m_encoding);
return PositionInSet(u16str);
return PositionInSet(string(m_ptr.get(), m_size));
case TagDataType::Integer:
case TagDataType::PositionInSet:
switch (m_size) {
case sizeof(std::int32_t):
return PositionInSet(*(reinterpret_cast<std::int32_t *>(m_ptr.get())));
case 2 * sizeof(std::int32_t):
return PositionInSet(
*(reinterpret_cast<std::int32_t *>(m_ptr.get())), *(reinterpret_cast<std::int32_t *>(m_ptr.get() + sizeof(std::int32_t))));
throw ConversionException("The size of the assigned data is not appropriate.");
throw ConversionException(argsToString("Can not convert ", tagDataTypeString(m_type), " to position in set."));
* \brief Converts the value of the current TagValue object to its equivalent
* TimeSpan representation.
* \throws Throws ConversionException on failure.
TimeSpan TagValue::toTimeSpan() const
if (isEmpty()) {
return TimeSpan();
switch (m_type) {
case TagDataType::Text:
return TimeSpan::fromString(toString(m_encoding == TagTextEncoding::Utf8 ? TagTextEncoding::Utf8 : TagTextEncoding::Latin1));
case TagDataType::Integer:
case TagDataType::TimeSpan:
switch (m_size) {
case sizeof(std::int32_t):
return TimeSpan(*(reinterpret_cast<std::int32_t *>(m_ptr.get())));
case sizeof(std::int64_t):
return TimeSpan(*(reinterpret_cast<std::int64_t *>(m_ptr.get())));
throw ConversionException("The size of the assigned integer is not appropriate for conversion to time span.");
throw ConversionException(argsToString("Can not convert ", tagDataTypeString(m_type), " to time span."));
* \brief Converts the value of the current TagValue object to its equivalent
* DateTime representation.
* \throws Throws ConversionException on failure.
DateTime TagValue::toDateTime() const
if (isEmpty()) {
return DateTime();
switch (m_type) {
case TagDataType::Text: {
const auto str = toString(m_encoding == TagTextEncoding::Utf8 ? TagTextEncoding::Utf8 : TagTextEncoding::Latin1);
try {
return DateTime::fromIsoStringGmt(str.data());
} catch (const ConversionException &) {
return DateTime::fromString(str);
case TagDataType::Integer:
case TagDataType::DateTime:
if (m_size == sizeof(std::int32_t)) {
return DateTime(*(reinterpret_cast<std::uint32_t *>(m_ptr.get())));
} else if (m_size == sizeof(std::int64_t)) {
return DateTime(*(reinterpret_cast<std::uint64_t *>(m_ptr.get())));
} else {
throw ConversionException("The size of the assigned integer is not appropriate for conversion to date time.");
throw ConversionException(argsToString("Can not convert ", tagDataTypeString(m_type), " to date time."));
* \brief Converts the value of the current TagValue object to its equivalent
* Popularity representation.
* \throws Throws ConversionException on failure.
Popularity TagValue::toPopularity() const
auto popularity = Popularity();
if (isEmpty()) {
return popularity;
switch (m_type) {
case TagDataType::Text:
popularity = Popularity::fromString(std::string_view(toString(TagTextEncoding::Utf8)));
case TagDataType::Integer:
popularity.rating = static_cast<double>(toInteger());
case TagDataType::Popularity: {
auto s = std::stringstream(std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary);
auto reader = BinaryReader(&s);
try {
s.exceptions(std::ios_base::failbit | std::ios_base::badbit);
s.rdbuf()->pubsetbuf(m_ptr.get(), static_cast<std::streamsize>(m_size));
popularity.user = reader.readLengthPrefixedString();
popularity.rating = reader.readFloat64LE();
popularity.playCounter = reader.readUInt64LE();
} catch (const std::ios_base::failure &) {
throw ConversionException(argsToString("Assigned popularity is invalid"));
throw ConversionException(argsToString("Can not convert ", tagDataTypeString(m_type), " to date time."));
return popularity;
* \brief Converts the currently assigned text value to the specified \a encoding.
* \throws Throws CppUtilities::ConversionException() if the conversion fails.
* \remarks
* - Does nothing if dataEncoding() equals \a encoding.
* - Sets dataEncoding() to the specified \a encoding if the conversion succeeds.
* - Does not do any conversion if the current type() is not TagDataType::Text.
* \sa convertDataEncodingForTag()
void TagValue::convertDataEncoding(TagTextEncoding encoding)
if (m_encoding == encoding) {
if (type() == TagDataType::Text) {
StringData encodedData;
switch (encoding) {
case TagTextEncoding::Utf8:
// use pre-defined methods when encoding to UTF-8
switch (dataEncoding()) {
case TagTextEncoding::Latin1:
encodedData = convertLatin1ToUtf8(m_ptr.get(), m_size);
case TagTextEncoding::Utf16LittleEndian:
encodedData = convertUtf16LEToUtf8(m_ptr.get(), m_size);
case TagTextEncoding::Utf16BigEndian:
encodedData = convertUtf16BEToUtf8(m_ptr.get(), m_size);
default: {
// otherwise, determine input and output parameter to use general covertString method
const auto inputParameter = encodingParameter(dataEncoding());
const auto outputParameter = encodingParameter(encoding);
= convertString(inputParameter.first, outputParameter.first, m_ptr.get(), m_size, outputParameter.second / inputParameter.second);
// can't just move the encoded data because it needs to be deleted with free
m_ptr = make_unique<char[]>(m_size = encodedData.second);
copy(encodedData.first.get(), encodedData.first.get() + encodedData.second, m_ptr.get());
m_encoding = encoding;
* \brief Ensures the encoding of the currently assigned text value is supported by the specified \a tag.
* \sa This is a convenience method for convertDataEncoding().
void TagValue::convertDataEncodingForTag(const Tag *tag)
if (type() == TagDataType::Text && !tag->canEncodingBeUsed(dataEncoding())) {
* \brief Converts the assigned description to use the specified \a encoding.
void TagValue::convertDescriptionEncoding(TagTextEncoding encoding)
if (encoding == m_descEncoding) {
if (m_desc.empty()) {
m_descEncoding = encoding;
StringData encodedData;
switch (encoding) {
case TagTextEncoding::Utf8:
// use pre-defined methods when encoding to UTF-8
switch (descriptionEncoding()) {
case TagTextEncoding::Latin1:
encodedData = convertLatin1ToUtf8(m_desc.data(), m_desc.size());
case TagTextEncoding::Utf16LittleEndian:
encodedData = convertUtf16LEToUtf8(m_desc.data(), m_desc.size());
case TagTextEncoding::Utf16BigEndian:
encodedData = convertUtf16BEToUtf8(m_desc.data(), m_desc.size());
default: {
// otherwise, determine input and output parameter to use general covertString method
const auto inputParameter = encodingParameter(m_descEncoding);
const auto outputParameter = encodingParameter(encoding);
encodedData = convertString(
inputParameter.first, outputParameter.first, m_desc.data(), m_desc.size(), outputParameter.second / inputParameter.second);
m_desc.assign(encodedData.first.get(), encodedData.second);
m_descEncoding = encoding;
* \brief Converts the value of the current TagValue object to its equivalent
* std::string representation.
* \param result Specifies the string to store the result.
* \param encoding Specifies the encoding to to be used; set to TagTextEncoding::Unspecified to use the
* present encoding without any character set conversion.
* \remarks
* - Not all types can be converted to a string, eg. TagDataType::Picture, TagDataType::Binary and
* TagDataType::Unspecified will always fail to convert.
* - If UTF-16 is the desired output \a encoding, it makes sense to use the toWString() method instead.
* \throws Throws ConversionException on failure.
void TagValue::toString(string &result, TagTextEncoding encoding) const
if (isEmpty()) {
switch (m_type) {
case TagDataType::Text:
if (encoding == TagTextEncoding::Unspecified || dataEncoding() == TagTextEncoding::Unspecified || encoding == dataEncoding()) {
result.assign(m_ptr.get(), m_size);
} else {
StringData encodedData;
switch (encoding) {
case TagTextEncoding::Utf8:
// use pre-defined methods when encoding to UTF-8
switch (dataEncoding()) {
case TagTextEncoding::Latin1:
encodedData = convertLatin1ToUtf8(m_ptr.get(), m_size);
case TagTextEncoding::Utf16LittleEndian:
encodedData = convertUtf16LEToUtf8(m_ptr.get(), m_size);
case TagTextEncoding::Utf16BigEndian:
encodedData = convertUtf16BEToUtf8(m_ptr.get(), m_size);
default: {
// otherwise, determine input and output parameter to use general covertString method
const auto inputParameter = encodingParameter(dataEncoding());
const auto outputParameter = encodingParameter(encoding);
= convertString(inputParameter.first, outputParameter.first, m_ptr.get(), m_size, outputParameter.second / inputParameter.second);
result.assign(encodedData.first.get(), encodedData.second);
case TagDataType::Integer:
result = numberToString(toInteger());
case TagDataType::PositionInSet:
result = toPositionInSet().toString();
case TagDataType::StandardGenreIndex: {
const auto genreIndex = toInteger();
if (Id3Genres::isEmptyGenre(genreIndex)) {
} else if (const auto genreName = Id3Genres::stringFromIndex(genreIndex); !genreName.empty()) {
} else {
throw ConversionException("No string representation for the assigned standard genre index available.");
case TagDataType::TimeSpan:
result = toTimeSpan().toString();
case TagDataType::DateTime:
result = toDateTime().toString(DateTimeOutputFormat::IsoOmittingDefaultComponents);
case TagDataType::Popularity:
result = toPopularity().toString();
throw ConversionException(argsToString("Can not convert ", tagDataTypeString(m_type), " to string."));
if (encoding == TagTextEncoding::Utf16LittleEndian || encoding == TagTextEncoding::Utf16BigEndian) {
auto encodedData = encoding == TagTextEncoding::Utf16LittleEndian ? convertUtf8ToUtf16LE(result.data(), result.size())
: convertUtf8ToUtf16BE(result.data(), result.size());
result.assign(encodedData.first.get(), encodedData.second);
* \brief Converts the value of the current TagValue object to its equivalent
* std::u16string representation.
* \throws Throws ConversionException on failure.
* \remarks
* - Not all types can be converted to a string, eg. TagDataType::Picture, TagDataType::Binary and
* TagDataType::Unspecified will always fail to convert.
* - Use this only, if \a encoding is an UTF-16 encoding.
* \sa toString()
void TagValue::toWString(std::u16string &result, TagTextEncoding encoding) const
if (isEmpty()) {
string regularStrRes;
switch (m_type) {
case TagDataType::Text:
if (encoding == TagTextEncoding::Unspecified || encoding == dataEncoding()) {
result.assign(reinterpret_cast<const char16_t *>(m_ptr.get()), m_size / sizeof(char16_t));
} else {
StringData encodedData;
switch (encoding) {
case TagTextEncoding::Utf8:
// use pre-defined methods when encoding to UTF-8
switch (dataEncoding()) {
case TagTextEncoding::Latin1:
encodedData = convertLatin1ToUtf8(m_ptr.get(), m_size);
case TagTextEncoding::Utf16LittleEndian:
encodedData = convertUtf16LEToUtf8(m_ptr.get(), m_size);
case TagTextEncoding::Utf16BigEndian:
encodedData = convertUtf16BEToUtf8(m_ptr.get(), m_size);
default: {
// otherwise, determine input and output parameter to use general covertString method
const auto inputParameter = encodingParameter(dataEncoding());
const auto outputParameter = encodingParameter(encoding);
= convertString(inputParameter.first, outputParameter.first, m_ptr.get(), m_size, outputParameter.second / inputParameter.second);
result.assign(reinterpret_cast<const char16_t *>(encodedData.first.get()), encodedData.second / sizeof(char16_t));
case TagDataType::Integer:
regularStrRes = numberToString(toInteger());
case TagDataType::PositionInSet:
regularStrRes = toPositionInSet().toString();
case TagDataType::StandardGenreIndex: {
const auto genreIndex = toInteger();
if (Id3Genres::isEmptyGenre(genreIndex)) {
} else if (const auto genreName = Id3Genres::stringFromIndex(genreIndex); !genreName.empty()) {
} else {
throw ConversionException("No string representation for the assigned standard genre index available.");
case TagDataType::TimeSpan:
regularStrRes = toTimeSpan().toString();
case TagDataType::DateTime:
regularStrRes = toDateTime().toString(DateTimeOutputFormat::IsoOmittingDefaultComponents);
case TagDataType::Popularity:
regularStrRes = toPopularity().toString();
throw ConversionException(argsToString("Can not convert ", tagDataTypeString(m_type), " to string."));
if (encoding == TagTextEncoding::Utf16LittleEndian || encoding == TagTextEncoding::Utf16BigEndian) {
auto encodedData = encoding == TagTextEncoding::Utf16LittleEndian ? convertUtf8ToUtf16LE(regularStrRes.data(), result.size())
: convertUtf8ToUtf16BE(regularStrRes.data(), result.size());
result.assign(reinterpret_cast<const char16_t *>(encodedData.first.get()), encodedData.second / sizeof(const char16_t));
* \brief Assigns a copy of the given \a text.
* \param text Specifies the text to be assigned.
* \param textSize Specifies the size of \a text. (The actual number of bytes, not the number of characters.)
* \param textEncoding Specifies the encoding of the given \a text.
* \param convertTo Specifies the encoding to convert \a text to; set to TagTextEncoding::Unspecified to
* use \a textEncoding without any character set conversions.
* \throws Throws a ConversionException if the conversion the specified character set fails.
* \remarks Strips the BOM of the specified \a text.
void TagValue::assignText(const char *text, std::size_t textSize, TagTextEncoding textEncoding, TagTextEncoding convertTo)
m_type = TagDataType::Text;
m_encoding = convertTo == TagTextEncoding::Unspecified ? textEncoding : convertTo;
stripBom(text, textSize, textEncoding);
if (!textSize) {
m_size = 0;
if (convertTo == TagTextEncoding::Unspecified || textEncoding == convertTo) {
m_ptr = make_unique<char[]>(m_size = textSize);
copy(text, text + textSize, m_ptr.get());
StringData encodedData;
switch (textEncoding) {
case TagTextEncoding::Utf8:
// use pre-defined methods when encoding to UTF-8
switch (convertTo) {
case TagTextEncoding::Latin1:
encodedData = convertUtf8ToLatin1(text, textSize);
case TagTextEncoding::Utf16LittleEndian:
encodedData = convertUtf8ToUtf16LE(text, textSize);
case TagTextEncoding::Utf16BigEndian:
encodedData = convertUtf8ToUtf16BE(text, textSize);
default: {
// otherwise, determine input and output parameter to use general covertString method
const auto inputParameter = encodingParameter(textEncoding);
const auto outputParameter = encodingParameter(convertTo);
encodedData = convertString(inputParameter.first, outputParameter.first, text, textSize, outputParameter.second / inputParameter.second);
// can't just move the encoded data because it needs to be deleted with free
m_ptr = make_unique<char[]>(m_size = encodedData.second);
copy(encodedData.first.get(), encodedData.first.get() + encodedData.second, m_ptr.get());
* \brief Assigns the given integer \a value.
* \param value Specifies the integer to be assigned.
void TagValue::assignInteger(int value)
m_size = sizeof(value);
m_ptr = make_unique<char[]>(m_size);
std::copy(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&value), reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&value) + m_size, m_ptr.get());
m_type = TagDataType::Integer;
m_encoding = TagTextEncoding::Latin1;
* \brief Assigns a copy of the given \a data.
* \param data Specifies the data to be assigned.
* \param length Specifies the length of the data.
* \param type Specifies the type of the data as TagDataType.
* \param encoding Specifies the encoding of the data as TagTextEncoding. The
* encoding will only be considered if a text is assigned.
void TagValue::assignData(const char *data, size_t length, TagDataType type, TagTextEncoding encoding)
if (type == TagDataType::Text) {
stripBom(data, length, encoding);
if (length > m_size) {
m_ptr = make_unique<char[]>(length);
if (length) {
std::copy(data, data + length, m_ptr.get());
} else {
m_size = length;
m_type = type;
m_encoding = encoding;
* \brief Assigns the given \a data. Takes ownership.
* The specified data is not copied. It is moved.
* \param data Specifies the data to be assigned.
* \param length Specifies the length of the data.
* \param type Specifies the type of the data as TagDataType.
* \param encoding Specifies the encoding of the data as TagTextEncoding. The
* encoding will only be considered if a text is assigned.
* \remarks Does not strip the BOM so for consistency the caller must ensure there is no BOM present.
void TagValue::assignData(unique_ptr<char[]> &&data, size_t length, TagDataType type, TagTextEncoding encoding)
m_size = length;
m_type = type;
m_encoding = encoding;
m_ptr = move(data);
* \brief Assigns the specified popularity \a value.
void TagValue::assignPopularity(const Popularity &value)
auto s = std::stringstream(std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary);
auto writer = BinaryWriter(&s);
try {
s.exceptions(std::ios_base::failbit | std::ios_base::badbit);
auto size = static_cast<std::size_t>(s.tellp());
auto ptr = std::make_unique<char[]>(size);
s.read(ptr.get(), s.tellp());
assignData(std::move(ptr), size, TagDataType::Popularity);
} catch (const std::ios_base::failure &) {
throw ConversionException("Unable to serialize specified Popularity");
* \brief Strips the byte order mask from the specified \a text.
void TagValue::stripBom(const char *&text, size_t &length, TagTextEncoding encoding)
switch (encoding) {
case TagTextEncoding::Utf8:
if ((length >= 3) && (BE::toUInt24(text) == 0x00EFBBBF)) {
text += 3;
length -= 3;
case TagTextEncoding::Utf16LittleEndian:
if ((length >= 2) && (LE::toUInt16(text) == 0xFEFF)) {
text += 2;
length -= 2;
case TagTextEncoding::Utf16BigEndian:
if ((length >= 2) && (BE::toUInt16(text) == 0xFEFF)) {
text += 2;
length -= 2;
* \brief Ensures the byte-order of the specified UTF-16 string matches the byte-order of the machine.
* \remarks Does nothing if \a currentEncoding already matches the byte-order of the machine.
void TagValue::ensureHostByteOrder(u16string &u16str, TagTextEncoding currentEncoding)
if (currentEncoding !=
#error "Host byte order not supported"
) {
for (auto &c : u16str) {
c = swapOrder(static_cast<std::uint16_t>(c));
* \brief Returns whether 2 data buffers are equal. In case one of the sizes is zero, no pointer is dereferenced.
bool TagValue::compareData(const char *data1, std::size_t size1, const char *data2, std::size_t size2, bool ignoreCase)
if (size1 != size2) {
return false;
if (!size1) {
return true;
if (ignoreCase) {
for (auto i1 = data1, i2 = data2, end = data1 + size1; i1 != end; ++i1, ++i2) {
if (CaseInsensitiveCharComparer::toLower(static_cast<unsigned char>(*i1))
!= CaseInsensitiveCharComparer::toLower(static_cast<unsigned char>(*i2))) {
return false;
} else {
for (auto i1 = data1, i2 = data2, end = data1 + size1; i1 != end; ++i1, ++i2) {
if (*i1 != *i2) {
return false;
return true;
* \brief Returns a default-constructed TagValue where TagValue::isNull() and TagValue::isEmpty() both return true.
* \remarks This is useful if one wants to return a const reference to a TagValue and a null-value is needed to indicate
* that the field does not exist at all.
const TagValue &TagValue::empty()
static TagValue emptyTagValue;
return emptyTagValue;
* \brief Returns the popularity as string in the format "user|rating|play-counter".
std::string Popularity::toString() const
return user % '|' % numberToString(rating) % '|' + playCounter;
* \brief Parses the popularity from \a str assuming the same format as toString() produces.
* \throws Throws ConversionException() if the format is invalid.
Popularity Popularity::fromString(std::string_view str)
const auto parts = splitStringSimple<std::vector<std::string_view>>(str, "|");
auto res = Popularity();
if (parts.empty()) {
return res;
} else if (parts.size() > 3) {
throw ConversionException("Wrong format, expected \"user|rating|play-counter\"");
res.user = parts.front();
if (parts.size() > 1) {
res.rating = stringToNumber<decltype(res.rating)>(parts[1]);
if (parts.size() > 2) {
res.playCounter = stringToNumber<decltype(res.playCounter)>(parts[2]);
return res;
} // namespace TagParser