Martchus d26e594777 Deprecate 'Year' in favor of 'RecordDate' and 'ReleaseDate', fix handling in ID3v2
1. Convert TYER and related fields of old ID3v2 versions to the new TDRC
  field and only expose that via the generic accessors.
2. When writing an old ID3v2 tag, convert TDRC back to the old fields.
3. One can still manually unset the via 1. auto-populated TDRC to disable 2.
   and write the old fields directly. So the automatic handling does not
   reduce the flexibility of the library.
4. Deprecate 'Year'; it is replaced by the already existing 'RecordDate'
   which is now supposed to be used everywhere where 'Year' was used before
5. Introduce 'ReleaseDate' to support this field which is supported in
   ID3v2.4.0 and Matroska via the generic accessors.
6. Use ISO format when converting tag values of the type DateTime to/from
   string. This is closer to what's used in ID3v2 tags internally. (The
   library still allows the old format as fallback when parsing for
2020-04-24 23:15:13 +02:00

468 lines
16 KiB

#include "./mp4tag.h"
#include "./mp4atom.h"
#include "./mp4container.h"
#include "./mp4ids.h"
#include "../exceptions.h"
#include <c++utilities/conversion/stringconversion.h>
#include <c++utilities/io/binarywriter.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace CppUtilities;
namespace TagParser {
* \class TagParser::Mp4ExtendedFieldId
* \brief The Mp4ExtendedFieldId specifies parameter for an extended field denoted via Mp4TagAtomIds::Extended.
* \brief Constructs a new instance for the specified \a field.
* \remarks The instance will be invalid if no extended field parameter for \a field are known.
Mp4ExtendedFieldId::Mp4ExtendedFieldId(KnownField field)
switch (field) {
case KnownField::EncoderSettings:
mean = Mp4TagExtendedMeanIds::iTunes;
name = Mp4TagExtendedNameIds::cdec;
updateOnly = false;
case KnownField::RecordLabel:
mean = Mp4TagExtendedMeanIds::iTunes;
name = Mp4TagExtendedNameIds::label;
updateOnly = true; // set record label via extended field only if extended field is already present
mean = nullptr;
name = nullptr;
updateOnly = false;
* \class TagParser::Mp4Tag
* \brief Implementation of TagParser::Tag for the MP4 container.
bool Mp4Tag::canEncodingBeUsed(TagTextEncoding encoding) const
switch (encoding) {
case TagTextEncoding::Utf8:
return true;
case TagTextEncoding::Utf16BigEndian:
return true;
return false;
const TagValue &Mp4Tag::value(KnownField field) const
switch (field) {
case KnownField::Genre: {
const TagValue &value = FieldMapBasedTag<Mp4Tag>::value(Mp4TagAtomIds::Genre);
if (!value.isEmpty()) {
return value;
} else {
return FieldMapBasedTag<Mp4Tag>::value(Mp4TagAtomIds::PreDefinedGenre);
case KnownField::EncoderSettings:
return this->value(Mp4TagExtendedMeanIds::iTunes, Mp4TagExtendedNameIds::cdec);
case KnownField::RecordLabel: {
const TagValue &value = FieldMapBasedTag<Mp4Tag>::value(Mp4TagAtomIds::RecordLabel);
if (!value.isEmpty()) {
return value;
} else {
return this->value(Mp4TagExtendedMeanIds::iTunes, Mp4TagExtendedNameIds::label);
return FieldMapBasedTag<Mp4Tag>::value(field);
std::vector<const TagValue *> Mp4Tag::values(KnownField field) const
auto values = FieldMapBasedTag<Mp4Tag>::values(field);
const Mp4ExtendedFieldId extendedId(field);
if (extendedId) {
auto range = fields().equal_range(Mp4TagAtomIds::Extended);
for (auto i = range.first; i != range.second; ++i) {
if (extendedId.matches(i->second)) {
return values;
* \brief Returns the value of the field with the specified \a mean and \a name attributes.
* \remarks
* - If there are multiple fields with specified \a mean and \a name only the first value will be returned.
const TagValue &Mp4Tag::value(const char *mean, const char *name) const
auto range = fields().equal_range(Mp4TagAtomIds::Extended);
for (auto i = range.first; i != range.second; ++i) {
if (i->second.mean() == mean && i->second.name() == name) {
return i->second.value();
return TagValue::empty();
Mp4Tag::IdentifierType Mp4Tag::internallyGetFieldId(KnownField field) const
using namespace Mp4TagAtomIds;
switch (field) {
case KnownField::Album:
return Album;
case KnownField::Artist:
return Artist;
case KnownField::Comment:
return Comment;
case KnownField::RecordDate:
case KnownField::Year:
return Year;
case KnownField::Title:
return Title;
case KnownField::Genre:
return Genre;
case KnownField::TrackPosition:
return TrackPosition;
case KnownField::DiskPosition:
return DiskPosition;
case KnownField::Composer:
return Composer;
case KnownField::Encoder:
return Encoder;
case KnownField::Bpm:
return Bpm;
case KnownField::Cover:
return Cover;
case KnownField::Rating:
return Rating;
case KnownField::Grouping:
return Grouping;
case KnownField::Description:
return Description;
case KnownField::Lyrics:
return Lyrics;
case KnownField::RecordLabel:
return RecordLabel;
case KnownField::Performers:
return Performers;
case KnownField::Lyricist:
return Lyricist;
case KnownField::AlbumArtist:
return AlbumArtist;
return 0;
// do not forget to extend Mp4Tag::internallyGetKnownField() and Mp4TagField::appropriateRawDataType() as well
KnownField Mp4Tag::internallyGetKnownField(const IdentifierType &id) const
using namespace Mp4TagAtomIds;
switch (id) {
case Album:
return KnownField::Album;
case Artist:
return KnownField::Artist;
case Comment:
return KnownField::Comment;
case Year:
return KnownField::RecordDate;
case Title:
return KnownField::Title;
case PreDefinedGenre:
case Genre:
return KnownField::Genre;
case TrackPosition:
return KnownField::TrackPosition;
case DiskPosition:
return KnownField::DiskPosition;
case Composer:
return KnownField::Composer;
case Encoder:
return KnownField::Encoder;
case Bpm:
return KnownField::Bpm;
case Cover:
return KnownField::Cover;
case Rating:
return KnownField::Rating;
case Grouping:
return KnownField::Grouping;
case Description:
return KnownField::Description;
case Lyrics:
return KnownField::Lyrics;
case RecordLabel:
return KnownField::RecordLabel;
case Performers:
return KnownField::Performers;
case Lyricist:
return KnownField::Lyricist;
case AlbumArtist:
return KnownField::AlbumArtist;
return KnownField::Invalid;
// do not forget to extend Mp4Tag::internallyGetFieldId() and Mp4TagField::appropriateRawDataType() as well
bool Mp4Tag::setValue(KnownField field, const TagValue &value)
switch (field) {
case KnownField::Genre:
switch (value.type()) {
case TagDataType::StandardGenreIndex:
return FieldMapBasedTag<Mp4Tag>::setValue(Mp4TagAtomIds::PreDefinedGenre, value);
return FieldMapBasedTag<Mp4Tag>::setValue(Mp4TagAtomIds::Genre, value);
case KnownField::EncoderSettings:
return setValue(Mp4TagExtendedMeanIds::iTunes, Mp4TagExtendedNameIds::cdec, value);
case KnownField::RecordLabel:
if (!this->value(Mp4TagExtendedMeanIds::iTunes, Mp4TagExtendedNameIds::label).isEmpty()) {
setValue(Mp4TagExtendedMeanIds::iTunes, Mp4TagExtendedNameIds::label, value);
return FieldMapBasedTag<Mp4Tag>::setValue(field, value);
bool Mp4Tag::setValues(KnownField field, const std::vector<TagValue> &values)
const Mp4ExtendedFieldId extendedId(field);
if (extendedId) {
auto valuesIterator = values.cbegin();
auto range = fields().equal_range(Mp4TagAtomIds::Extended);
for (; valuesIterator != values.cend() && range.first != range.second;) {
if (!valuesIterator->isEmpty()) {
if (extendedId.matches(range.first->second) && (!extendedId.updateOnly || !range.first->second.value().isEmpty())) {
} else {
for (; valuesIterator != values.cend(); ++valuesIterator) {
Mp4TagField tagField(Mp4TagAtomIds::Extended, *valuesIterator);
fields().insert(std::make_pair(Mp4TagAtomIds::Extended, move(tagField)));
for (; range.first != range.second; ++range.first) {
return FieldMapBasedTag<Mp4Tag>::setValues(field, values);
* \brief Assigns the given \a value to the field with the specified \a mean and \a name attributes.
* \remarks
* - If there are multiple fields with specified \a mean and \a name only the first will be altered.
* - If no field is present, a new one will be created.
* - If \a value is empty, the field will be removed.
bool Mp4Tag::setValue(const char *mean, const char *name, const TagValue &value)
auto range = fields().equal_range(Mp4TagAtomIds::Extended);
for (auto i = range.first; i != range.second; ++i) {
if (i->second.mean() == mean && i->second.name() == name) {
return true;
fields().insert(make_pair(Mp4TagAtomIds::Extended, FieldType(mean, name, value)));
return true;
bool Mp4Tag::hasField(KnownField field) const
switch (field) {
case KnownField::Genre:
return FieldMapBasedTag<Mp4Tag>::hasField(Mp4TagAtomIds::PreDefinedGenre) || FieldMapBasedTag<Mp4Tag>::hasField(Mp4TagAtomIds::Genre);
return FieldMapBasedTag<Mp4Tag>::hasField(field);
* \brief Parses tag information from the specified \a metaAtom.
* \throws Throws std::ios_base::failure when an IO error occurs.
* \throws Throws TagParser::Failure or a derived exception when a parsing
* error occurs.
void Mp4Tag::parse(Mp4Atom &metaAtom, Diagnostics &diag)
static const string context("parsing MP4 tag");
istream &stream = metaAtom.container().stream();
BinaryReader &reader = metaAtom.container().reader();
if (metaAtom.totalSize() > numeric_limits<std::uint32_t>::max()) {
diag.emplace_back(DiagLevel::Critical, "Can't handle such big \"meta\" atoms.", context);
throw NotImplementedException();
m_size = static_cast<std::uint32_t>(metaAtom.totalSize());
Mp4Atom *subAtom = nullptr;
try {
metaAtom.childById(Mp4AtomIds::HandlerReference, diag);
} catch (const Failure &) {
diag.emplace_back(DiagLevel::Critical, "Unable to parse child atoms of meta atom (stores hdlr and ilst atoms).", context);
if (subAtom) {
stream.seekg(static_cast<streamoff>(subAtom->startOffset() + subAtom->headerSize()));
int versionByte = reader.readByte();
if (versionByte != 0) {
diag.emplace_back(DiagLevel::Warning, "Version is unknown.", context);
if (reader.readUInt24BE()) {
diag.emplace_back(DiagLevel::Warning, "Flags (hdlr atom) aren't set to 0.", context);
if (reader.readInt32BE()) {
diag.emplace_back(DiagLevel::Warning, "Predefined 32-bit integer (hdlr atom) ins't set to 0.", context);
std::uint64_t handlerType = reader.readUInt64BE();
if (/*(((handlerType & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000) >> 32) != 0x6D647461) && */ (handlerType != 0x6d6469726170706c)) {
diag.emplace_back(DiagLevel::Warning, "Handler type (value in hdlr atom) is unknown. Trying to parse meta information anyhow.", context);
m_version = numberToString(versionByte);
} else {
try {
subAtom = metaAtom.childById(Mp4AtomIds::ItunesList, diag);
} catch (const Failure &) {
diag.emplace_back(DiagLevel::Critical, "Unable to parse child atoms of meta atom (stores hdlr and ilst atoms).", context);
if (!subAtom) {
diag.emplace_back(DiagLevel::Warning, "No ilst atom found (stores attached meta information).", context);
throw NoDataFoundException();
for (auto *child = subAtom->firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
Mp4TagField tagField;
try {
tagField.reparse(*child, diag);
fields().emplace(child->id(), move(tagField));
} catch (const Failure &) {
* \brief Prepares making.
* \returns Returns a Mp4TagMaker object which can be used to actually make the tag.
* \remarks The tag must NOT be mutated after making is prepared when it is intended to actually
* make the tag using the make method of the returned object.
* \throws Throws TagParser::Failure or a derived exception when a making error occurs.
* This method might be useful when it is necessary to know the size of the tag before making it.
* \sa make()
Mp4TagMaker Mp4Tag::prepareMaking(Diagnostics &diag)
return Mp4TagMaker(*this, diag);
* \brief Writes tag information to the specified \a stream.
* \throws Throws std::ios_base::failure when an IO error occurs.
* \throws Throws TagParser::Failure or a derived exception when a making
* error occurs.
void Mp4Tag::make(ostream &stream, Diagnostics &diag)
prepareMaking(diag).make(stream, diag);
* \class TagParser::Mp4TagMaker
* \brief The Mp4TagMaker class helps writing MP4 tags.
* An instance can be obtained using the Mp4Tag::prepareMaking() method.
* \brief Prepares making the specified \a tag.
* \sa See Mp4Tag::prepareMaking() for more information.
Mp4TagMaker::Mp4TagMaker(Mp4Tag &tag, Diagnostics &diag)
: m_tag(tag)
// meta head, hdlr atom
m_metaSize(8 + 37)
// ilst head
// ensure there only one genre atom is written (prefer genre as string)
for (auto &field : m_tag.fields()) {
if (!field.second.value().isEmpty() && (!m_omitPreDefinedGenre || field.first != Mp4TagAtomIds::PreDefinedGenre)) {
try {
m_ilstSize += m_maker.back().requiredSize();
} catch (const Failure &) {
if (m_ilstSize != 8) {
m_metaSize += m_ilstSize;
if (m_metaSize >= numeric_limits<std::uint32_t>::max()) {
diag.emplace_back(DiagLevel::Critical, "Making such big tags is not implemented.", "making MP4 tag");
throw NotImplementedException();
* \brief Saves the tag (specified when constructing the object) to the
* specified \a stream.
* \throws Throws std::ios_base::failure when an IO error occurs.
* \throws Throws Assumes the data is already validated and thus does NOT
* throw TagParser::Failure or a derived exception.
void Mp4TagMaker::make(ostream &stream, Diagnostics &diag)
// write meta head
BinaryWriter writer(&stream);
// write hdlr atom
static const std::uint8_t hdlrData[37] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x21, 0x68, 0x64, 0x6C, 0x72, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x6D, 0x64, 0x69, 0x72, 0x61, 0x70, 0x70, 0x6C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
stream.write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(hdlrData), sizeof(hdlrData));
if (m_ilstSize != 8) {
// write ilst head
// write fields
for (auto &maker : m_maker) {
} else {
// no fields to be written -> no ilst to be written
diag.emplace_back(DiagLevel::Warning, "Tag is empty.", "making MP4 tag");
} // namespace TagParser