
153 lines
5.9 KiB

#include "./vorbiscommentfield.h"
#include "./vorbiscommentids.h"
#include "../flac/flacmetadata.h"
#include "../ogg/oggiterator.h"
#include "../id3/id3v2frame.h"
#include "../exceptions.h"
#include <c++utilities/io/binaryreader.h>
#include <c++utilities/io/binarywriter.h>
#include <c++utilities/conversion/binaryconversion.h>
#include <c++utilities/conversion/stringconversion.h>
#include <c++utilities/misc/memory.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace IoUtilities;
using namespace ConversionUtilities;
namespace Media {
* \class Media::VorbisCommentField
* \brief The VorbisCommentField class is used by VorbisComment to store the fields.
* \brief Constructs a new Vorbis comment field.
* \brief Constructs a new Vorbis comment with the specified \a id and \a value.
VorbisCommentField::VorbisCommentField(const identifierType &id, const TagValue &value) :
TagField<VorbisCommentField>(id, value)
* \brief Parses a field from the stream read using the specified \a reader.
* The position of the current character in the input stream is expected to be
* at the beginning of the field to be parsed.
* \throws Throws std::ios_base::failure when an IO error occurs.
* \throws Throws Media::Failure or a derived exception when a parsing
* error occurs.
void VorbisCommentField::parse(OggIterator &iterator)
static const string context("parsing Vorbis comment field");
char buff[4];
iterator.read(buff, 4);
if(auto size = LE::toUInt32(buff)) { // read size
if(iterator.currentCharacterOffset() + size <= iterator.streamSize()) {
// read data
auto data = make_unique<char []>(size);
iterator.read(data.get(), size);
uint32 idSize = 0;
for(const char *i = data.get(), *end = data.get() + size; i != end && *i != '='; ++i, ++idSize);
// extract id
setId(string(data.get(), idSize));
if(!idSize) {
// empty field ID
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "The field ID is empty.", context);
throw InvalidDataException();
} else if(id() == VorbisCommentIds::cover()) {
// extract cover value
try {
auto decoded = decodeBase64(data.get() + idSize + 1, size - idSize - 1);
stringstream bufferStream(ios_base::in | ios_base::out | ios_base::binary);
bufferStream.exceptions(ios_base::failbit | ios_base::badbit);
bufferStream.rdbuf()->pubsetbuf(reinterpret_cast<char *>(decoded.first.get()), decoded.second);
FlacMetaDataBlockPicture pictureBlock(value());
} catch (const ios_base::failure &) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "An IO error occured when reading the METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE struct.", context);
throw Failure();
} catch (const ConversionException &) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Base64 data from METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE is invalid.", context);
throw InvalidDataException();
} else if(id().size() + 1 < size) {
// extract other values (as string)
setValue(TagValue(string(data.get() + idSize + 1, size - idSize - 1), TagTextEncoding::Utf8));
} else {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Field is truncated.", context);
throw TruncatedDataException();
* \brief Writes the field to a stream using the specified \a writer.
* \throws Throws std::ios_base::failure when an IO error occurs.
* \throws Throws Media::Failure or a derived exception when a making
* error occurs.
void VorbisCommentField::make(BinaryWriter &writer)
static const string context("making Vorbis comment field");
if(id().empty()) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "The field ID is empty.", context);
try {
// try to convert value to string
string valueString;
if(id() == VorbisCommentIds::cover()) {
// make cover
if(value().type() != TagDataType::Picture) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Assigned value of cover field is not picture data.", context);
throw InvalidDataException();
try {
FlacMetaDataBlockPicture pictureBlock(value());
const auto requiredSize = pictureBlock.requiredSize();
auto buffer = make_unique<char[]>(requiredSize);
stringstream bufferStream(ios_base::in | ios_base::out | ios_base::binary);
bufferStream.exceptions(ios_base::failbit | ios_base::badbit);
bufferStream.rdbuf()->pubsetbuf(buffer.get(), requiredSize);
valueString = encodeBase64(reinterpret_cast<byte *>(buffer.get()), requiredSize);
} catch (const ios_base::failure &) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "An IO error occured when writing the METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE struct.", context);
throw Failure();
} else {
// make normal string value
valueString = value().toString();
writer.writeUInt32LE(id().size() + 1 + valueString.size());
} catch(ConversionException &) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Assigned value can not be converted appropriately.", context);
throw InvalidDataException();