Martchus 7a02e8a325 Uniform/simplify typedefs in templates
* Begin type names with capital letter
* Remove typedefs for implementation type
* Remove useless/obsolete comments
* Simplify relevant code
2018-03-06 22:44:01 +01:00

180 lines
4.7 KiB

#ifndef MP4TAG_H
#define MP4TAG_H
#include "./mp4tagfield.h"
#include "../fieldbasedtag.h"
namespace Media
class Mp4Atom;
class Mp4Tag;
struct TAG_PARSER_EXPORT Mp4ExtendedFieldId
Mp4ExtendedFieldId(const char *mean = nullptr, const char *name = nullptr, bool updateOnly = false);
Mp4ExtendedFieldId(KnownField field);
operator bool() const;
bool matches(const Mp4TagField &field) const;
/// \brief mean parameter, usually Mp4TagExtendedMeanIds::iTunes
const char *mean;
/// \brief name parameter
const char *name;
/// \brief Whether only existing fields should be updated but *no* new extended field should be created
bool updateOnly;
* \brief Constructs a new instance with the specified parameter.
inline Mp4ExtendedFieldId::Mp4ExtendedFieldId(const char *mean, const char *name, bool updateOnly) :
* \brief Returns whether valid parameter are assigned.
inline Mp4ExtendedFieldId::operator bool() const
return mean && name;
* \brief Returns whether the current parameter match the specified \a field.
inline bool Mp4ExtendedFieldId::matches(const Mp4TagField &field) const
return field.mean() == mean && field.name() == name;
friend class Mp4Tag;
void make(std::ostream &stream);
const Mp4Tag &tag() const;
uint64 requiredSize() const;
Mp4TagMaker(Mp4Tag &tag);
Mp4Tag &m_tag;
std::vector<Mp4TagFieldMaker> m_maker;
uint64 m_metaSize;
uint64 m_ilstSize;
bool m_omitPreDefinedGenre;
* \brief Returns the associated tag.
inline const Mp4Tag &Mp4TagMaker::tag() const
return m_tag;
* \brief Returns the number of bytes which will be written when making the tag.
inline uint64 Mp4TagMaker::requiredSize() const
return m_metaSize;
* \brief Defines traits for the TagField implementation of the Mp4Tag class.
template <>
class TAG_PARSER_EXPORT FieldMapBasedTagTraits<Mp4Tag>
typedef Mp4TagField FieldType;
typedef std::less<typename FieldType::IdentifierType> Compare;
class TAG_PARSER_EXPORT Mp4Tag : public FieldMapBasedTag<Mp4Tag>
friend class FieldMapBasedTag<Mp4Tag>;
static constexpr TagType tagType = TagType::Mp4Tag;
static constexpr const char *tagName = "MP4/iTunes tag";
static constexpr TagTextEncoding defaultTextEncoding = TagTextEncoding::Utf8;
bool canEncodingBeUsed(TagTextEncoding encoding) const;
bool supportsField(KnownField field) const;
using FieldMapBasedTag<Mp4Tag>::value;
const TagValue &value(KnownField value) const;
using FieldMapBasedTag<Mp4Tag>::values;
std::vector<const TagValue *> values(KnownField field) const;
const TagValue &value(const std::string mean, const std::string name) const;
const TagValue &value(const std::string &mean, const std::string &name) const;
const TagValue &value(const char *mean, const char *name) const;
using FieldMapBasedTag<Mp4Tag>::setValue;
bool setValue(KnownField field, const TagValue &value);
using FieldMapBasedTag<Mp4Tag>::setValues;
bool setValues(KnownField field, const std::vector<TagValue> &values);
bool setValue(const std::string mean, const std::string name, const TagValue &value);
bool setValue(const std::string &mean, const std::string &name, const TagValue &value);
bool setValue(const char *mean, const char *name, const TagValue &value);
using FieldMapBasedTag<Mp4Tag>::hasField;
bool hasField(KnownField value) const;
void parse(Mp4Atom &metaAtom);
Mp4TagMaker prepareMaking();
void make(std::ostream &stream);
IdentifierType internallyGetFieldId(KnownField field) const;
KnownField internallyGetKnownField(const IdentifierType &id) const;
* \brief Constructs a new tag.
inline Mp4Tag::Mp4Tag()
inline bool Mp4Tag::supportsField(KnownField field) const
switch(field) {
case KnownField::EncoderSettings:
return true;
return FieldMapBasedTag<Mp4Tag>::supportsField(field);
* \brief Returns the value of the field with the specified \a mean and \a name attributes.
inline const TagValue &Mp4Tag::value(const std::string &mean, const std::string &name) const
return value(mean.data(), name.data());
* \brief Assigns the given \a value to the field with the specified \a mean and \a name attributes.
inline bool Mp4Tag::setValue(const std::string &mean, const std::string &name, const TagValue &value)
return setValue(mean.data(), name.data(), value);
#endif // MP4TAG_H