2015-04-22 19:22:01 +02:00

230 lines
5.4 KiB

#include <c++utilities/conversion/types.h>
namespace Media
namespace Mp4AtomIds {
enum KnownValue : uint32 {
AvcConfiguration = 0x61766343,
BitrateBox = 0x62747274,
CleanAperature = 0x636c6170,
ChunkOffset64 = 0x636f3634,
CompositionTimeToSample = 0x63747473,
Data = 0x64617461,
DataInformation = 0x64696e66,
DataReference = 0x64726566,
Drms = 0x64726D73,
Edts = 0x65647473,
Edit = 0x656C7374,
Free = 0x66726565,
FileType = 0x66747970,
HandlerReference = 0x68646c72,
HintMediaHeader = 0x686D6864,
ItunesList = 0x696c7374,
MediaData = 0x6d646174,
MediaHeader = 0x6d646864,
Media = 0x6d646961,
Mean = 0x6D65616E,
MovieExtendsHeader = 0x6D656864,
Meta = 0x6d657461,
MovieFragmentHeader = 0x6D666864,
MovieFragmentRandomAccess = 0x6d667261,
MediaInformation = 0x6d696e66,
MovieFragment = 0x6d6f6f66,
Movie = 0x6d6f6f76,
MovieExtends = 0x6D766578,
MovieHeader = 0x6D766864,
Name = 0x6E616D65,
NullMediaHeaderBox = 0x6E6D6864,
PaddingBits = 0x70616462,
PixalAspectRatio = 0x70617370,
ProgressiveDownloadInformation = 0x7064696e,
SampleToGroup = 0x73626770,
IndependentAndDisposableSamples = 0x73647470,
SampleGroupDescription = 0x73677064,
Skip = 0x736b6970,
SoundMediaHeader = 0x736D6864,
SampleTable = 0x7374626c,
ChunkOffset = 0x7374636f,
DegradationPriority = 0x73746470,
SampleToChunk = 0x73747363,
SampleDescription = 0x73747364,
ShadowSyncSample = 0x73747368,
SyncSample = 0x73747373,
SampleSize = 0x7374737A,
DecodingTimeToSample = 0x73747473,
CompactSampleSize = 0x73747a32,
SubSampleInformation = 0x73756273,
TrackFragmentHeader = 0x74666864,
TrackHeader = 0x746b6864,
TrackFragment = 0x74726166,
Track = 0x7472616b,
TrackReference = 0x74726566,
TrackExtends = 0x74726578,
TrackFragmentRun = 0x7472756E,
UserData = 0x75647461,
DataEntryUrl = 0x75726C20,
DataEntryUrn = 0x75726E20,
VideoMediaHeader = 0x766D6864,
Wide = 0x77696465
namespace Mp4TagAtomIds {
enum KnownValue : uint32 {
Album = 0xA9616c62,
AlbumArtist = 0x61415254,
Artist = 0xA9415254,
Bpm = 0x746d706f,
Category = 0x63617467,
Comment = 0xA9636d74,
Composer = 0xA9777274,
Copyright = 0x63707274,
Cover = 0x636f7672,
Description = 0x64657363,
DiskPosition = 0x6469736b,
Encoder = 0xA9746f6f,
EpisodeGlobalUniqueId = 0x65676964,
Extended = 0x2d2d2d2d,
GaplessPlayback = 0x70676170,
Genre = 0xA967656e,
Grouping = 0xA9677270,
Keywords = 0x6b657977,
Lyricist = 0xA9737766,
Lyrics = 0xA96c7972,
MediaType = 0x7374696B,
Performers = 0xA9707266,
Podcast = 0x70637374,
PodcastUrl = 0x7075726c,
PreDefinedGenre = 0x676e7265,
Producer = 0xA9707264,
PurchaseDate = 0x70757264,
Rating = 0x72746e67,
RecordLabel = 0xA96c6162,
Title = 0xA96e616d,
TrackPosition = 0x74726b6e,
TvEpisode = 0x74766573,
TvEpisodeName = 0x7476656e,
TvNetworkName = 0x74766e6e,
TvSeason = 0x7476736e,
TvShowName = 0x74767368,
Year = 0xA9646179
namespace Mp4TagExtendedMeanIds {
extern const char *iTunes;
namespace Mp4TagExtendedNameIds {
extern const char *cdec;
namespace Mp4MediaTypeIds {
enum KnownValue : uint32 {
Sound = 0x736f756e,
Video = 0x76696465,
Hint = 0x68696e74,
Meta = 0x6d657461
namespace Mp4FormatIds {
enum KnownValue : uint32 {
Mpeg4Visual = 0x6d703476,
Avc1 = 0x61766331,
Avc2 = 0x61766332,
Avc3 = 0x61766333,
Avc4 = 0x61766334,
H263 = 0x68323633,
Tiff = 0x74696666,
Jpeg = 0x6a706567,
Raw = 0x72617720,
Gif = 0x67696620,
Mp3 = 0x2e6d7033,
Mpeg4Audio = 0x6d703461,
Alac = 0x616C6163,
Ac3 = 0x61632d33,
Ac4 = 0x61632d34,
AdpcmAcm = 0x6D730002,
ImaadpcmAcm = 0x6D730011,
Mp3CbrOnly = 0x6D730055
namespace Mp4FormatConfigurationIds {
enum KnownValue : uint32 {
AvcC = 0x61766343
* \brief Specifies the tag type.
enum class Mp4TagMediaType : byte {
Movie = 0, /**< Movie */
Music = 1, /**< Music */
Audiobook = 2, /**< Audiobook */
MusicVideo = 6, /**< MusicVideo */
Movie2 = 9, /**< Movie */
TvShow = 10, /**< TvShow */
Booklet = 11, /**< Booklet */
Ringtone = 14 /**< Ringtone */
* \brief Specifies the tag content rating.
enum class Mp4TagContentRating : byte {
None = 0, /**< None */
Clean = 2, /**< Clean */
Explicit = 4 /**< Explicit */
* \brief Specifies the account type.
enum class AccountType : byte
Itunes = 0,
Aol = 1,
Undefined = 255
* \brief Specifies the country.
enum class CountryCode
Usa = 143441,
Fra = 143442,
Deu = 143443,
Gbr = 143444,
Aut = 143445,
Bel = 143446,
Fin = 143447,
Grc = 143448,
Irl = 143449,
Ita = 143450,
Lux = 143451,
Nld = 143452,
Prt = 143453,
Esp = 143454,
Can = 143455,
Swe = 143456,
Nor = 143457,
Dnk = 143458,
Che = 143459,
Aus = 143460,
Nzl = 143461,
Jpn = 143462,
Undefined = 0