# meta data projectname = tagparser appname = "Tag Parser" appauthor = Martchus appurl = "https://github.com/$${appauthor}/$${projectname}" QMAKE_TARGET_DESCRIPTION = "C++ library for reading and writing MP4 (iTunes), ID3, Vorbis and Matroska tags." VERSION = 5.0.0 # include ../../common.pri when building as part of a subdirs project; otherwise include general.pri !include(../../common.pri) { !include(./general.pri) { error("Couldn't find the common.pri or the general.pri file!") } } # basic configuration: shared library, no Qt TEMPLATE = lib CONFIG -= qt CONFIG += shared # add defines for configuration underconstruction { DEFINES += UNDER_CONSTRUCTION } forcefullparsedefault { DEFINES += FORCE_FULL_PARSE_DEFAULT } # add project files HEADERS += \ abstractcontainer.h \ abstracttrack.h \ aspectratio.h \ avc/avcinfo.h \ avc/avcconfiguration.h \ backuphelper.h \ basicfileinfo.h \ exceptions.h \ fieldbasedtag.h \ genericcontainer.h \ genericfileelement.h \ id3/id3genres.h \ id3/id3v1tag.h \ id3/id3v2frame.h \ id3/id3v2frameids.h \ id3/id3v2tag.h \ margin.h \ matroska/ebmlelement.h \ matroska/ebmlid.h \ matroska/matroskacontainer.h \ matroska/matroskaid.h \ matroska/matroskatag.h \ matroska/matroskatagfield.h \ matroska/matroskatagid.h \ matroska/matroskatrack.h \ matroska/matroskaseekinfo.h \ matroska/matroskacues.h \ matroskaid.h \ mediafileinfo.h \ mp4/mp4atom.h \ mp4/mp4container.h \ mp4/mp4ids.h \ mp4/mp4tag.h \ mp4/mp4tagfield.h \ mp4/mp4track.h \ mpegaudio/mpegaudioframe.h \ mpegaudio/mpegaudioframestream.h \ notification.h \ positioninset.h \ signature.h \ size.h \ statusprovider.h \ tag.h \ tagtarget.h \ tagvalue.h \ wav/waveaudiostream.h \ ogg/oggpage.h \ vorbis/vorbiscomment.h \ vorbis/vorbiscommentfield.h \ ogg/oggstream.h \ ogg/oggcontainer.h \ vorbis/vorbispackagetypes.h \ vorbis/vorbisidentificationheader.h \ opus/opusidentificationheader.h \ ogg/oggiterator.h \ vorbis/vorbiscommentids.h \ abstractchapter.h \ matroska/matroskaeditionentry.h \ matroska/matroskachapter.h \ localeawarestring.h \ abstractattachment.h \ matroska/matroskaattachment.h \ mediaformat.h \ generictagfield.h \ mp4/mpeg4descriptor.h \ avi/bitmapinfoheader.h \ adts/adtsframe.h \ adts/adtsstream.h \ caseinsensitivecomparer.h SOURCES += \ abstractcontainer.cpp \ abstracttrack.cpp \ aspectratio.cpp \ avc/avcinfo.cpp \ avc/avcconfiguration.cpp \ backuphelper.cpp \ basicfileinfo.cpp \ exceptions.cpp \ id3/id3genres.cpp \ id3/id3v1tag.cpp \ id3/id3v2frame.cpp \ id3/id3v2frameids.cpp \ id3/id3v2tag.cpp \ matroska/ebmlelement.cpp \ matroska/matroskacontainer.cpp \ matroska/matroskaid.cpp \ matroska/matroskatag.cpp \ matroska/matroskatagfield.cpp \ matroska/matroskatagid.cpp \ matroska/matroskatrack.cpp \ matroska/matroskaseekinfo.cpp \ matroska/matroskacues.cpp \ mediafileinfo.cpp \ mp4/mp4atom.cpp \ mp4/mp4container.cpp \ mp4/mp4ids.cpp \ mp4/mp4tag.cpp \ mp4/mp4tagfield.cpp \ mp4/mp4track.cpp \ mpegaudio/mpegaudioframe.cpp \ mpegaudio/mpegaudioframestream.cpp \ notification.cpp \ signature.cpp \ statusprovider.cpp \ tag.cpp \ tagtarget.cpp \ tagvalue.cpp \ wav/waveaudiostream.cpp \ ogg/oggpage.cpp \ vorbis/vorbiscomment.cpp \ vorbis/vorbiscommentfield.cpp \ ogg/oggstream.cpp \ ogg/oggcontainer.cpp \ vorbis/vorbisidentificationheader.cpp \ opus/opusidentificationheader.cpp \ ogg/oggiterator.cpp \ abstractchapter.cpp \ matroska/matroskaeditionentry.cpp \ matroska/matroskachapter.cpp \ abstractattachment.cpp \ matroska/matroskaattachment.cpp \ mediaformat.cpp \ mp4/mpeg4descriptor.cpp \ avi/bitmapinfoheader.cpp \ adts/adtsframe.cpp \ adts/adtsstream.cpp underconstruction { HEADERS += \ aac/aacframe.h \ aac/aaccodebook.h SOURCES += \ aac/aacframe.cpp \ aac/aaccodebook.cpp } OTHER_FILES += \ README.md \ LICENSE \ CMakeLists.txt \ resources/config.h.in \ resources/windows.rc.in # add libs CONFIG(debug, debug|release) { LIBS += -lc++utilitiesd } else { LIBS += -lc++utilities } LIBS += -lz # installs mingw-w64-install { target.path = $$(INSTALL_ROOT) target.extra = install -m755 -D $${OUT_PWD}/release/lib$(TARGET).a $$(INSTALL_ROOT)/lib/lib$(TARGET).a INSTALLS += target dlltarget.path = $$(INSTALL_ROOT) dlltarget.extra = install -m755 -D $${OUT_PWD}/release/$(TARGET) $$(INSTALL_ROOT)/bin/$(TARGET) INSTALLS += dlltarget } else { target.path = $$(INSTALL_ROOT)/lib INSTALLS += target } for(dir, $$list(./ avc adts id3 matroska mp4 mpegaudio ogg vorbis wav avi)) { eval(inc_$${dir} = $${dir}) inc_$${dir}.path = $$(INSTALL_ROOT)/include/$$projectname/$${dir} inc_$${dir}.files = $${dir}/*.h INSTALLS += inc_$${dir} }