#include "./mp4container.h" #include "./mp4ids.h" #include "../backuphelper.h" #include "../exceptions.h" #include "../mediafileinfo.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace IoUtilities; using namespace ConversionUtilities; using namespace ChronoUtilities; namespace TagParser { /*! * \class Media::Mp4Container * \brief Implementation of GenericContainer. */ /*! * \brief Constructs a new container for the specified \a fileInfo at the specified \a startOffset. */ Mp4Container::Mp4Container(MediaFileInfo &fileInfo, uint64 startOffset) : GenericContainer(fileInfo, startOffset) , m_fragmented(false) { } Mp4Container::~Mp4Container() { } void Mp4Container::reset() { GenericContainer::reset(); m_fragmented = false; } ElementPosition Mp4Container::determineTagPosition(Diagnostics &diag) const { if (m_firstElement) { const Mp4Atom *mediaDataAtom = m_firstElement->siblingById(Mp4AtomIds::MediaData, diag); const Mp4Atom *userDataAtom = m_firstElement->subelementByPath(diag, Mp4AtomIds::Movie, Mp4AtomIds::UserData); if (mediaDataAtom && userDataAtom) { return userDataAtom->startOffset() < mediaDataAtom->startOffset() ? ElementPosition::BeforeData : ElementPosition::AfterData; } } return ElementPosition::Keep; } ElementPosition Mp4Container::determineIndexPosition(Diagnostics &diag) const { if (m_firstElement) { const Mp4Atom *mediaDataAtom = m_firstElement->siblingById(Mp4AtomIds::MediaData, diag); const Mp4Atom *movieAtom = m_firstElement->siblingById(Mp4AtomIds::Movie, diag); if (mediaDataAtom && movieAtom) { return movieAtom->startOffset() < mediaDataAtom->startOffset() ? ElementPosition::BeforeData : ElementPosition::AfterData; } } return ElementPosition::Keep; } void Mp4Container::internalParseHeader(Diagnostics &diag) { //const string context("parsing header of MP4 container"); will be used when generating notifications m_firstElement = make_unique(*this, startOffset()); m_firstElement->parse(diag); auto *const ftypAtom = m_firstElement->siblingByIdIncludingThis(Mp4AtomIds::FileType, diag); if (!ftypAtom) { m_doctype.clear(); m_version = 0; return; } stream().seekg(static_cast(ftypAtom->dataOffset())); m_doctype = reader().readString(4); m_version = reader().readUInt32BE(); } void Mp4Container::internalParseTags(Diagnostics &diag) { const string context("parsing tags of MP4 container"); auto *const udtaAtom = firstElement()->subelementByPath(diag, Mp4AtomIds::Movie, Mp4AtomIds::UserData); if (!udtaAtom) { return; } auto *metaAtom = udtaAtom->childById(Mp4AtomIds::Meta, diag); bool surplusMetaAtoms = false; while (metaAtom) { metaAtom->parse(diag); m_tags.emplace_back(make_unique()); try { m_tags.back()->parse(*metaAtom, diag); } catch (const NoDataFoundException &) { m_tags.pop_back(); } if ((metaAtom = metaAtom->siblingById(Mp4AtomIds::Meta, diag))) { surplusMetaAtoms = true; } if (!m_tags.empty()) { break; } } if (surplusMetaAtoms) { diag.emplace_back(DiagLevel::Warning, "udta atom contains multiple meta atoms. Surplus meta atoms will be ignored.", context); } } void Mp4Container::internalParseTracks(Diagnostics &diag) { static const string context("parsing tracks of MP4 container"); try { // get moov atom which holds track information if (Mp4Atom *moovAtom = firstElement()->siblingByIdIncludingThis(Mp4AtomIds::Movie, diag)) { // get mvhd atom which holds overall track information if (Mp4Atom *mvhdAtom = moovAtom->childById(Mp4AtomIds::MovieHeader, diag)) { if (mvhdAtom->dataSize() > 0) { stream().seekg(static_cast(mvhdAtom->dataOffset())); byte version = reader().readByte(); if ((version == 1 && mvhdAtom->dataSize() >= 32) || (mvhdAtom->dataSize() >= 20)) { stream().seekg(3, ios_base::cur); // skip flags switch (version) { case 0: m_creationTime = DateTime::fromDate(1904, 1, 1) + TimeSpan::fromSeconds(reader().readUInt32BE()); m_modificationTime = DateTime::fromDate(1904, 1, 1) + TimeSpan::fromSeconds(reader().readUInt32BE()); m_timeScale = reader().readUInt32BE(); m_duration = TimeSpan::fromSeconds(static_cast(reader().readUInt32BE()) / static_cast(m_timeScale)); break; case 1: m_creationTime = DateTime::fromDate(1904, 1, 1) + TimeSpan::fromSeconds(reader().readUInt64BE()); m_modificationTime = DateTime::fromDate(1904, 1, 1) + TimeSpan::fromSeconds(reader().readUInt64BE()); m_timeScale = reader().readUInt32BE(); m_duration = TimeSpan::fromSeconds(static_cast(reader().readUInt64BE()) / static_cast(m_timeScale)); break; default:; } } else { diag.emplace_back(DiagLevel::Critical, "mvhd atom is truncated.", context); } } else { diag.emplace_back(DiagLevel::Critical, "mvhd atom is empty.", context); } } else { diag.emplace_back(DiagLevel::Critical, "mvhd atom is does not exist.", context); } // get mvex atom which holds default values for fragmented files if (Mp4Atom *mehdAtom = moovAtom->subelementByPath(diag, Mp4AtomIds::MovieExtends, Mp4AtomIds::MovieExtendsHeader)) { m_fragmented = true; if (mehdAtom->dataSize() > 0) { stream().seekg(static_cast(mehdAtom->dataOffset())); unsigned int durationSize = reader().readByte() == 1u ? 8u : 4u; // duration size depends on atom version if (mehdAtom->dataSize() >= 4 + durationSize) { stream().seekg(3, ios_base::cur); // skip flags switch (durationSize) { case 4u: m_duration = TimeSpan::fromSeconds(static_cast(reader().readUInt32BE()) / static_cast(m_timeScale)); break; case 8u: m_duration = TimeSpan::fromSeconds(static_cast(reader().readUInt64BE()) / static_cast(m_timeScale)); break; default:; } } else { diag.emplace_back(DiagLevel::Warning, "mehd atom is truncated.", context); } } } // get first trak atoms which hold information for each track Mp4Atom *trakAtom = moovAtom->childById(Mp4AtomIds::Track, diag); int trackNum = 1; while (trakAtom) { try { trakAtom->parse(diag); } catch (const Failure &) { diag.emplace_back(DiagLevel::Warning, "Unable to parse child atom of moov.", context); } // parse the trak atom using the Mp4Track class m_tracks.emplace_back(make_unique(*trakAtom)); try { // try to parse header m_tracks.back()->parseHeader(diag); } catch (const Failure &) { diag.emplace_back(DiagLevel::Critical, argsToString("Unable to parse track ", trackNum, '.'), context); } trakAtom = trakAtom->siblingById(Mp4AtomIds::Track, diag); // get next trak atom ++trackNum; } // get overall duration, creation time and modification time if not determined yet if (m_duration.isNull() || m_modificationTime.isNull() || m_creationTime.isNull()) { for (const auto &track : tracks()) { if (track->duration() > m_duration) { m_duration = track->duration(); } if (track->modificationTime() > m_modificationTime) { m_modificationTime = track->modificationTime(); } if (track->creationTime() < m_creationTime) { m_creationTime = track->creationTime(); } } } } } catch (const Failure &) { diag.emplace_back(DiagLevel::Warning, "Unable to parse moov atom.", context); } } void Mp4Container::internalMakeFile(Diagnostics &diag, AbortableProgressFeedback &progress) { static const string context("making MP4 container"); progress.updateStep("Calculating atom sizes and padding ..."); // basic validation of original file if (!isHeaderParsed()) { diag.emplace_back(DiagLevel::Critical, "The header has not been parsed yet.", context); throw InvalidDataException(); } // define variables needed to parse atoms of original file if (!firstElement()) { diag.emplace_back(DiagLevel::Critical, "No MP4 atoms could be found.", context); throw InvalidDataException(); } // define variables needed to manage file layout // -> whether media data is written chunk by chunk (need to write chunk by chunk if tracks have been altered) const bool writeChunkByChunk = m_tracksAltered; // -> whether rewrite is required (always required when forced to rewrite or when tracks have been altered) bool rewriteRequired = fileInfo().isForcingRewrite() || writeChunkByChunk; // -> use the preferred tag position/index position (force one wins, if both are force tag pos wins; might be changed later if none is forced) ElementPosition initialNewTagPos = fileInfo().forceTagPosition() || !fileInfo().forceIndexPosition() ? fileInfo().tagPosition() : fileInfo().indexPosition(); ElementPosition newTagPos = initialNewTagPos; // -> current tag position (determined later) ElementPosition currentTagPos; // -> holds new padding (before actual data) uint64 newPadding; // -> holds new padding (after actual data) uint64 newPaddingEnd; // -> holds current offset uint64 currentOffset; // -> holds track information, used when writing chunk-by-chunk vector, vector>> trackInfos; // -> holds offsets of media data atoms in original file, used when simply copying mdat vector origMediaDataOffsets; // -> holds offsets of media data atoms in new file, used when simply copying mdat vector newMediaDataOffsets; // -> new size of movie atom and user data atom uint64 movieAtomSize, userDataAtomSize; // -> track count of original file const auto trackCount = this->trackCount(); // find relevant atoms in original file Mp4Atom *fileTypeAtom, *progressiveDownloadInfoAtom, *movieAtom, *firstMediaDataAtom, *firstMovieFragmentAtom /*, *userDataAtom*/; Mp4Atom *level0Atom, *level1Atom, *level2Atom, *lastAtomToBeWritten; try { // file type atom (mandatory) if ((fileTypeAtom = firstElement()->siblingByIdIncludingThis(Mp4AtomIds::FileType, diag))) { // buffer atom fileTypeAtom->makeBuffer(); } else { // throw error if missing diag.emplace_back(DiagLevel::Critical, "Mandatory \"ftyp\"-atom not found.", context); throw InvalidDataException(); } // progressive download information atom (not mandatory) if ((progressiveDownloadInfoAtom = firstElement()->siblingByIdIncludingThis(Mp4AtomIds::ProgressiveDownloadInformation, diag))) { // buffer atom progressiveDownloadInfoAtom->makeBuffer(); } // movie atom (mandatory) if (!(movieAtom = firstElement()->siblingByIdIncludingThis(Mp4AtomIds::Movie, diag))) { // throw error if missing diag.emplace_back(DiagLevel::Critical, "Mandatory \"moov\"-atom not in the source file found.", context); throw InvalidDataException(); } // movie fragment atom (indicates dash file) if ((firstMovieFragmentAtom = firstElement()->siblingById(Mp4AtomIds::MovieFragment, diag))) { // there is at least one movie fragment atom -> consider file being dash // -> can not write chunk-by-chunk (currently) if (writeChunkByChunk) { diag.emplace_back(DiagLevel::Critical, "Writing chunk-by-chunk is not implemented for DASH files.", context); throw NotImplementedException(); } // -> tags must be placed at the beginning newTagPos = ElementPosition::BeforeData; } // media data atom (mandatory?) // -> consider not only mdat as media data atom; consider everything not handled otherwise as media data for (firstMediaDataAtom = nullptr, level0Atom = firstElement(); level0Atom; level0Atom = level0Atom->nextSibling()) { level0Atom->parse(diag); switch (level0Atom->id()) { case Mp4AtomIds::FileType: case Mp4AtomIds::ProgressiveDownloadInformation: case Mp4AtomIds::Movie: case Mp4AtomIds::Free: case Mp4AtomIds::Skip: continue; default: firstMediaDataAtom = level0Atom; } break; } // determine current tag position // -> since tags are nested in the movie atom its position is relevant here if (firstMediaDataAtom) { currentTagPos = firstMediaDataAtom->startOffset() < movieAtom->startOffset() ? ElementPosition::AfterData : ElementPosition::BeforeData; if (newTagPos == ElementPosition::Keep) { newTagPos = currentTagPos; } } else { currentTagPos = ElementPosition::Keep; } // ensure index and tags are always placed at the beginning when dealing with DASH files if (firstMovieFragmentAtom) { if (initialNewTagPos == ElementPosition::AfterData) { diag.emplace_back( DiagLevel::Warning, "Sorry, but putting index/tags at the end is not possible when dealing with DASH files.", context); } initialNewTagPos = newTagPos = ElementPosition::BeforeData; } // user data atom (currently not used) //userDataAtom = movieAtom->childById(Mp4AtomIds::UserData); } catch (const NotImplementedException &) { throw; } catch (const Failure &) { // can't ignore parsing errors here diag.emplace_back(DiagLevel::Critical, "Unable to parse the overall atom structure of the source file.", context); throw InvalidDataException(); } progress.stopIfAborted(); // calculate sizes // -> size of tags vector tagMaker; uint64 tagsSize = 0; tagMaker.reserve(m_tags.size()); for (auto &tag : m_tags) { try { tagMaker.emplace_back(tag->prepareMaking(diag)); tagsSize += tagMaker.back().requiredSize(); } catch (const Failure &) { } } // -> size of movie atom (contains track and tag information) movieAtomSize = userDataAtomSize = 0; try { // add size of children for (level0Atom = movieAtom; level0Atom; level0Atom = level0Atom->siblingById(Mp4AtomIds::Movie, diag)) { for (level1Atom = level0Atom->firstChild(); level1Atom; level1Atom = level1Atom->nextSibling()) { level1Atom->parse(diag); switch (level1Atom->id()) { case Mp4AtomIds::UserData: try { for (level2Atom = level1Atom->firstChild(); level2Atom; level2Atom = level2Atom->nextSibling()) { level2Atom->parse(diag); switch (level2Atom->id()) { case Mp4AtomIds::Meta: // ignore meta data here; it is added separately break; default: // add size of unknown childs of the user data atom userDataAtomSize += level2Atom->totalSize(); level2Atom->makeBuffer(); } } } catch (const Failure &) { // invalid children might be ignored as not mandatory diag.emplace_back( DiagLevel::Critical, "Unable to parse the children of \"udta\"-atom of the source file; ignoring them.", context); } break; case Mp4AtomIds::Track: // ignore track atoms here; they are added separately break; default: // add size of unknown childs of the movie atom movieAtomSize += level1Atom->totalSize(); level1Atom->makeBuffer(); } } } // add size of meta data if (userDataAtomSize += tagsSize) { Mp4Atom::addHeaderSize(userDataAtomSize); movieAtomSize += userDataAtomSize; } // add size of track atoms for (const auto &track : tracks()) { movieAtomSize += track->requiredSize(diag); } // add header size Mp4Atom::addHeaderSize(movieAtomSize); } catch (const Failure &) { // can't ignore parsing errors here diag.emplace_back(DiagLevel::Critical, "Unable to parse the children of \"moov\"-atom of the source file.", context); throw InvalidDataException(); } progress.stopIfAborted(); // check whether there are atoms to be voided after movie next sibling (only relevant when not rewriting) if (!rewriteRequired) { newPaddingEnd = 0; uint64 currentSum = 0; for (Mp4Atom *level0Atom = firstMediaDataAtom; level0Atom; level0Atom = level0Atom->nextSibling()) { level0Atom->parse(diag); switch (level0Atom->id()) { case Mp4AtomIds::FileType: case Mp4AtomIds::ProgressiveDownloadInformation: case Mp4AtomIds::Movie: case Mp4AtomIds::Free: case Mp4AtomIds::Skip: // must void these if they occur "between" the media data currentSum += level0Atom->totalSize(); break; default: newPaddingEnd += currentSum; currentSum = 0; lastAtomToBeWritten = level0Atom; } } } // calculate padding if no rewrite is required; otherwise use the preferred padding calculatePadding: if (rewriteRequired) { newPadding = (fileInfo().preferredPadding() && fileInfo().preferredPadding() < 8 ? 8 : fileInfo().preferredPadding()); } else { // file type atom currentOffset = fileTypeAtom->totalSize(); // progressive download information atom if (progressiveDownloadInfoAtom) { currentOffset += progressiveDownloadInfoAtom->totalSize(); } // if writing tags before data: movie atom (contains tag) switch (newTagPos) { case ElementPosition::BeforeData: case ElementPosition::Keep: currentOffset += movieAtomSize; break; default:; } // check whether there is sufficiant space before the next atom if (!(rewriteRequired = firstMediaDataAtom && currentOffset > firstMediaDataAtom->startOffset())) { // there is sufficiant space // -> check whether the padding matches specifications // min padding: says "at least ... byte should be reserved to prepend further tag info", so the padding at the end // shouldn't be tanken into account (it can't be used to prepend further tag info) // max padding: says "do not waste more than ... byte", so here all padding should be taken into account newPadding = firstMediaDataAtom->startOffset() - currentOffset; rewriteRequired = (newPadding > 0 && newPadding < 8) || newPadding < fileInfo().minPadding() || (newPadding + newPaddingEnd) > fileInfo().maxPadding(); } if (rewriteRequired) { // can't put the tags before media data if (!firstMovieFragmentAtom && !fileInfo().forceTagPosition() && !fileInfo().forceIndexPosition() && newTagPos != ElementPosition::AfterData) { // writing tag before media data is not forced, its not a DASH file and tags aren't already at the end // -> try to put the tags at the end newTagPos = ElementPosition::AfterData; rewriteRequired = false; } else { // writing tag before media data is forced -> rewrite the file // when rewriting anyways, ensure the preferred tag position is used newTagPos = initialNewTagPos == ElementPosition::Keep ? currentTagPos : initialNewTagPos; } // in any case: recalculate padding goto calculatePadding; } else { // tags can be put before the media data // -> ensure newTagPos is not ElementPosition::Keep if (newTagPos == ElementPosition::Keep) { newTagPos = ElementPosition::BeforeData; } } } // setup stream(s) for writing // -> update status progress.nextStepOrStop("Preparing streams ..."); // -> define variables needed to handle output stream and backup stream (required when rewriting the file) string backupPath; NativeFileStream &outputStream = fileInfo().stream(); NativeFileStream backupStream; // create a stream to open the backup/original file for the case rewriting the file is required BinaryWriter outputWriter(&outputStream); if (rewriteRequired) { if (fileInfo().saveFilePath().empty()) { // move current file to temp dir and reopen it as backupStream, recreate original file try { BackupHelper::createBackupFile(fileInfo().path(), backupPath, outputStream, backupStream); // recreate original file, define buffer variables outputStream.open(fileInfo().path(), ios_base::out | ios_base::binary | ios_base::trunc); } catch (...) { const char *what = catchIoFailure(); diag.emplace_back(DiagLevel::Critical, "Creation of temporary file (to rewrite the original file) failed.", context); throwIoFailure(what); } } else { // open the current file as backupStream and create a new outputStream at the specified "save file path" try { backupStream.exceptions(ios_base::badbit | ios_base::failbit); backupStream.open(fileInfo().path(), ios_base::in | ios_base::binary); fileInfo().close(); outputStream.open(fileInfo().saveFilePath(), ios_base::out | ios_base::binary | ios_base::trunc); } catch (...) { const char *what = catchIoFailure(); diag.emplace_back(DiagLevel::Critical, "Opening streams to write output file failed.", context); throwIoFailure(what); } } // set backup stream as associated input stream since we need the original elements to write the new file setStream(backupStream); // TODO: reduce code duplication } else { // !rewriteRequired // ensure everything to make track atoms is buffered before altering the source file for (const auto &track : tracks()) { track->bufferTrackAtoms(diag); } // reopen original file to ensure it is opened for writing try { fileInfo().close(); outputStream.open(fileInfo().path(), ios_base::in | ios_base::out | ios_base::binary); } catch (...) { const char *what = catchIoFailure(); diag.emplace_back(DiagLevel::Critical, "Opening the file with write permissions failed.", context); throwIoFailure(what); } } // start actual writing try { // write header progress.nextStepOrStop("Writing header and tags ..."); // -> make file type atom fileTypeAtom->copyBuffer(outputStream); fileTypeAtom->discardBuffer(); // -> make progressive download info atom if (progressiveDownloadInfoAtom) { progressiveDownloadInfoAtom->copyBuffer(outputStream); progressiveDownloadInfoAtom->discardBuffer(); } // set input/output streams of each track for (auto &track : tracks()) { // ensure the track reads from the original file if (&track->inputStream() == &outputStream) { track->setInputStream(backupStream); } // ensure the track writes to the output file track->setOutputStream(outputStream); } // write movie atom / padding and media data for (byte pass = 0; pass != 2; ++pass) { if (newTagPos == (pass ? ElementPosition::AfterData : ElementPosition::BeforeData)) { // write movie atom // -> write movie atom header Mp4Atom::makeHeader(movieAtomSize, Mp4AtomIds::Movie, outputWriter); // -> write track atoms for (auto &track : tracks()) { track->makeTrack(diag); } // -> write other movie atom children for (level0Atom = movieAtom; level0Atom; level0Atom = level0Atom->siblingById(Mp4AtomIds::Movie, diag)) { for (level1Atom = level0Atom->firstChild(); level1Atom; level1Atom = level1Atom->nextSibling()) { switch (level1Atom->id()) { case Mp4AtomIds::UserData: case Mp4AtomIds::Track: // track and user data atoms are written separately break; default: // write buffered data level1Atom->copyBuffer(outputStream); level1Atom->discardBuffer(); } } } // -> write user data atom if (userDataAtomSize) { // writer user data atom header Mp4Atom::makeHeader(userDataAtomSize, Mp4AtomIds::UserData, outputWriter); // write other children of user data atom for (level0Atom = movieAtom; level0Atom; level0Atom = level0Atom->siblingById(Mp4AtomIds::Movie, diag)) { for (level1Atom = level0Atom->childById(Mp4AtomIds::UserData, diag); level1Atom; level1Atom = level1Atom->siblingById(Mp4AtomIds::UserData, diag)) { for (level2Atom = level1Atom->firstChild(); level2Atom; level2Atom = level2Atom->nextSibling()) { switch (level2Atom->id()) { case Mp4AtomIds::Meta: break; default: // write buffered data level2Atom->copyBuffer(outputStream); level2Atom->discardBuffer(); } } } } // write meta atom for (auto &maker : tagMaker) { maker.make(outputStream, diag); } } } else { // write padding if (newPadding) { // write free atom header if (newPadding < numeric_limits::max()) { outputWriter.writeUInt32BE(static_cast(newPadding)); outputWriter.writeUInt32BE(Mp4AtomIds::Free); newPadding -= 8; } else { outputWriter.writeUInt32BE(1); outputWriter.writeUInt32BE(Mp4AtomIds::Free); outputWriter.writeUInt64BE(newPadding); newPadding -= 16; } // write zeroes for (; newPadding; --newPadding) { outputStream.put(0); } } // write media data if (rewriteRequired) { for (level0Atom = firstMediaDataAtom; level0Atom; level0Atom = level0Atom->nextSibling()) { level0Atom->parse(diag); switch (level0Atom->id()) { case Mp4AtomIds::FileType: case Mp4AtomIds::ProgressiveDownloadInformation: case Mp4AtomIds::Movie: case Mp4AtomIds::Free: case Mp4AtomIds::Skip: break; case Mp4AtomIds::MediaData: if (writeChunkByChunk) { // write actual data separately when writing chunk-by-chunk break; } else { // store media data offsets when not writing chunk-by-chunk to be able to update chunk offset table origMediaDataOffsets.push_back(static_cast(level0Atom->startOffset())); newMediaDataOffsets.push_back(outputStream.tellp()); } FALLTHROUGH; default: // update status progress.updateStep("Writing atom: " + level0Atom->idToString()); // copy atom entirely and forward status update calls level0Atom->copyEntirely(outputStream, diag, &progress); } } // when writing chunk-by-chunk write media data now if (writeChunkByChunk) { // read chunk offset and chunk size table from the old file which are required to get chunks progress.updateStep("Reading chunk offsets and sizes from the original file ..."); trackInfos.reserve(trackCount); uint64 totalChunkCount = 0; uint64 totalMediaDataSize = 0; for (auto &track : tracks()) { progress.stopIfAborted(); // emplace information trackInfos.emplace_back( &track->inputStream(), track->readChunkOffsets(fileInfo().isForcingFullParse(), diag), track->readChunkSizes(diag)); // check whether the chunks could be parsed correctly const vector &chunkOffsetTable = get<1>(trackInfos.back()); const vector &chunkSizesTable = get<2>(trackInfos.back()); if (track->chunkCount() != chunkOffsetTable.size() || track->chunkCount() != chunkSizesTable.size()) { diag.emplace_back(DiagLevel::Critical, "Chunks of track " % numberToString(track->id()) + " could not be parsed correctly.", context); } // increase total chunk count and size totalChunkCount += track->chunkCount(); totalMediaDataSize += accumulate(chunkSizesTable.cbegin(), chunkSizesTable.cend(), 0ul); } // write media data chunk-by-chunk // -> write header of media data atom Mp4Atom::addHeaderSize(totalMediaDataSize); Mp4Atom::makeHeader(totalMediaDataSize, Mp4AtomIds::MediaData, outputWriter); // -> copy chunks CopyHelper<0x2000> copyHelper; uint64 chunkIndexWithinTrack = 0, totalChunksCopied = 0; bool anyChunksCopied; do { progress.stopIfAborted(); // copy a chunk from each track anyChunksCopied = false; for (size_t trackIndex = 0; trackIndex < trackCount; ++trackIndex) { // get source stream and tables for current track auto &trackInfo = trackInfos[trackIndex]; istream &sourceStream = *get<0>(trackInfo); vector &chunkOffsetTable = get<1>(trackInfo); const vector &chunkSizesTable = get<2>(trackInfo); // still chunks to be copied (of this track)? if (chunkIndexWithinTrack < chunkOffsetTable.size() && chunkIndexWithinTrack < chunkSizesTable.size()) { // copy chunk, update entry in chunk offset table sourceStream.seekg(static_cast(chunkOffsetTable[chunkIndexWithinTrack])); chunkOffsetTable[chunkIndexWithinTrack] = static_cast(outputStream.tellp()); copyHelper.copy(sourceStream, outputStream, chunkSizesTable[chunkIndexWithinTrack]); // update counter / status anyChunksCopied = true; ++totalChunksCopied; } } // incrase chunk index within track, update progress percentage if (!(++chunkIndexWithinTrack % 10)) { progress.updateStepPercentage(static_cast(totalChunksCopied * 100 / totalChunkCount)); } } while (anyChunksCopied); } } else { // can't just skip next movie sibling for (Mp4Atom *level0Atom = firstMediaDataAtom; level0Atom; level0Atom = level0Atom->nextSibling()) { level0Atom->parse(diag); switch (level0Atom->id()) { case Mp4AtomIds::FileType: case Mp4AtomIds::ProgressiveDownloadInformation: case Mp4AtomIds::Movie: // must void these if they occur "between" the media data outputStream.seekp(4, ios_base::cur); outputWriter.writeUInt32BE(Mp4AtomIds::Free); break; default: outputStream.seekp(static_cast(level0Atom->totalSize()), ios_base::cur); } if (level0Atom == lastAtomToBeWritten) { break; } } } } } // reparse what is written so far progress.updateStep("Reparsing output file ..."); if (rewriteRequired) { // report new size fileInfo().reportSizeChanged(static_cast(outputStream.tellp())); // "save as path" is now the regular path if (!fileInfo().saveFilePath().empty()) { fileInfo().reportPathChanged(fileInfo().saveFilePath()); fileInfo().setSaveFilePath(string()); } // the outputStream needs to be reopened to be able to read again outputStream.close(); outputStream.open(fileInfo().path(), ios_base::in | ios_base::out | ios_base::binary); setStream(outputStream); } else { const auto newSize = static_cast(outputStream.tellp()); if (newSize < fileInfo().size()) { // file is smaller after the modification -> truncate // -> close stream before truncating outputStream.close(); // -> truncate file if (truncate(fileInfo().path().c_str(), static_cast(newSize)) == 0) { fileInfo().reportSizeChanged(newSize); } else { diag.emplace_back(DiagLevel::Critical, "Unable to truncate the file.", context); } // -> reopen the stream again outputStream.open(fileInfo().path(), ios_base::in | ios_base::out | ios_base::binary); } else { // file is longer after the modification -> just report new size fileInfo().reportSizeChanged(newSize); } } reset(); try { parseTracks(diag); } catch (const Failure &) { diag.emplace_back(DiagLevel::Critical, "Unable to reparse the new file.", context); throw; } if (rewriteRequired) { // check whether track count of new file equals track count of old file if (trackCount != tracks().size()) { diag.emplace_back(DiagLevel::Critical, argsToString("Unable to update chunk offsets (\"stco\"-atom): Number of tracks in the output file (", tracks().size(), ") differs from the number of tracks in the original file (", trackCount, ")."), context); throw Failure(); } // update chunk offset table if (writeChunkByChunk) { progress.updateStep("Updating chunk offset table for each track ..."); for (size_t trackIndex = 0; trackIndex != trackCount; ++trackIndex) { const auto &track = tracks()[trackIndex]; const auto &chunkOffsetTable = get<1>(trackInfos[trackIndex]); if (track->chunkCount() == chunkOffsetTable.size()) { track->updateChunkOffsets(chunkOffsetTable); } else { diag.emplace_back(DiagLevel::Critical, argsToString("Unable to update chunk offsets of track ", (trackIndex + 1), ": Number of chunks in the output file differs from the number of chunks in the orignal file."), context); throw Failure(); } } } else { progress.updateStep("Updating chunk offset table for each track ..."); updateOffsets(origMediaDataOffsets, newMediaDataOffsets, diag); } } // flush output stream outputStream.flush(); // handle errors (which might have been occured after renaming/creating backup file) } catch (...) { BackupHelper::handleFailureAfterFileModified(fileInfo(), backupPath, outputStream, backupStream, diag, context); } } /*! * \brief Update the chunk offsets for each track of the file. * \param oldMdatOffsets Specifies a vector holding the old offsets of the "mdat"-atoms. * \param newMdatOffsets Specifies a vector holding the new offsets of the "mdat"-atoms. * * Uses internally Mp4Track::updateOffsets(). Offsets stored in the "tfhd"-atom are also * updated (this is not tested yet since I don't have files using this atom). * * \throws Throws std::ios_base::failure when an IO error occurs. * \throws Throws Media::Failure or a derived exception when a making * error occurs. */ void Mp4Container::updateOffsets(const std::vector &oldMdatOffsets, const std::vector &newMdatOffsets, Diagnostics &diag) { // do NOT invalidate the status here since this method is internally called by internalMakeFile(), just update the status const string context("updating MP4 container chunk offset table"); if (!firstElement()) { diag.emplace_back(DiagLevel::Critical, "No MP4 atoms could be found.", context); throw InvalidDataException(); } // update "base-data-offset-present" of "tfhd"-atom (NOT tested properly) try { for (Mp4Atom *moofAtom = firstElement()->siblingById(Mp4AtomIds::MovieFragment, diag); moofAtom; moofAtom = moofAtom->siblingById(Mp4AtomIds::MovieFragment, diag)) { moofAtom->parse(diag); try { for (Mp4Atom *trafAtom = moofAtom->childById(Mp4AtomIds::TrackFragment, diag); trafAtom; trafAtom = trafAtom->siblingById(Mp4AtomIds::TrackFragment, diag)) { trafAtom->parse(diag); int tfhdAtomCount = 0; for (Mp4Atom *tfhdAtom = trafAtom->childById(Mp4AtomIds::TrackFragmentHeader, diag); tfhdAtom; tfhdAtom = tfhdAtom->siblingById(Mp4AtomIds::TrackFragmentHeader, diag)) { tfhdAtom->parse(diag); ++tfhdAtomCount; if (tfhdAtom->dataSize() < 8) { diag.emplace_back(DiagLevel::Warning, "tfhd atom is truncated.", context); continue; } stream().seekg(static_cast(tfhdAtom->dataOffset()) + 1); uint32 flags = reader().readUInt24BE(); if (!(flags & 1)) { continue; } if (tfhdAtom->dataSize() < 16) { diag.emplace_back(DiagLevel::Warning, "tfhd atom (denoting base-data-offset-present) is truncated.", context); continue; } stream().seekg(4, ios_base::cur); // skip track ID uint64 off = reader().readUInt64BE(); for (auto iOld = oldMdatOffsets.cbegin(), iNew = newMdatOffsets.cbegin(), end = oldMdatOffsets.cend(); iOld != end; ++iOld, ++iNew) { if (off < static_cast(*iOld)) { continue; } off += static_cast(*iNew - *iOld); stream().seekp(static_cast(tfhdAtom->dataOffset()) + 8); writer().writeUInt64BE(off); break; } } switch (tfhdAtomCount) { case 0: diag.emplace_back(DiagLevel::Warning, "traf atom doesn't contain mandatory tfhd atom.", context); break; case 1: break; default: diag.emplace_back( DiagLevel::Warning, "traf atom stores multiple tfhd atoms but it should only contain exactly one tfhd atom.", context); } } } catch (const Failure &) { diag.emplace_back(DiagLevel::Critical, "Unable to parse childs of top-level atom moof.", context); } } } catch (const Failure &) { diag.emplace_back(DiagLevel::Critical, "Unable to parse top-level atom moof.", context); } // update each track for (auto &track : tracks()) { if (!track->isHeaderValid()) { try { track->parseHeader(diag); } catch (const Failure &) { diag.emplace_back(DiagLevel::Warning, "The chunk offsets of track " % track->name() + " couldn't be updated because the track seems to be invalid..", context); throw; } } if (track->isHeaderValid()) { try { track->updateChunkOffsets(oldMdatOffsets, newMdatOffsets); } catch (const Failure &) { diag.emplace_back(DiagLevel::Warning, "The chunk offsets of track " % track->name() + " couldn't be updated.", context); throw; } } } } } // namespace TagParser