#include "mp4container.h" #include "mp4ids.h" #include "../exceptions.h" #include "../mediafileinfo.h" #include "../backuphelper.h" #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace IoUtilities; using namespace ConversionUtilities; using namespace ChronoUtilities; namespace Media { /*! * \class Media::Mp4Container * \brief Implementation of GenericContainer. */ /*! * \brief Constructs a new container for the specified \a fileInfo at the specified \a startOffset. */ Mp4Container::Mp4Container(MediaFileInfo &fileInfo, uint64 startOffset) : GenericContainer(fileInfo, startOffset), m_fragmented(false) {} /*! * \brief Destroys the container. */ Mp4Container::~Mp4Container() {} void Mp4Container::internalParseHeader() { //const string context("parsing header of MP4 container"); will be used when generating notifications m_firstElement = make_unique(*this, startOffset()); m_firstElement->parse(); Mp4Atom *ftypAtom = m_firstElement->siblingById(Mp4AtomIds::FileType, true); if(ftypAtom) { stream().seekg(ftypAtom->dataOffset()); m_doctype = reader().readString(4); m_version = reader().readUInt32BE(); } else { m_doctype = "mp41"; m_version = 0; } } void Mp4Container::internalParseTags() { const string context("parsing tags of MP4 container"); if(Mp4Atom *udtaAtom = firstElement()->subelementByPath({Mp4AtomIds::Movie, Mp4AtomIds::UserData})) { Mp4Atom *metaAtom = udtaAtom->childById(Mp4AtomIds::Meta); bool surplusMetaAtoms = false; while(metaAtom) { metaAtom->parse(); m_tags.emplace_back(make_unique()); try { m_tags.back()->parse(*metaAtom); } catch(NoDataFoundException &) { m_tags.pop_back(); } metaAtom = metaAtom->siblingById(Mp4AtomIds::Meta, false); if(metaAtom) { surplusMetaAtoms = true; } if(!m_tags.empty()) { break; } } if(surplusMetaAtoms) { addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "udta atom contains multiple meta atoms. Surplus meta atoms will be ignored.", context); } } } void Mp4Container::internalParseTracks() { invalidateStatus(); static const string context("parsing tracks of MP4 container"); try { // get moov atom which holds track information if(Mp4Atom *moovAtom = firstElement()->siblingById(Mp4AtomIds::Movie, true)) { // get mvhd atom which holds overall track information if(Mp4Atom *mvhdAtom = moovAtom->childById(Mp4AtomIds::MovieHeader)) { if(mvhdAtom->dataSize() > 0) { stream().seekg(mvhdAtom->dataOffset()); byte version = reader().readByte(); if((version == 1 && mvhdAtom->dataSize() >= 32) || (mvhdAtom->dataSize() >= 20)) { stream().seekg(3, ios_base::cur); // skip flags switch(version) { case 0: m_creationTime = DateTime::fromDate(1904, 1, 1) + TimeSpan::fromSeconds(reader().readUInt32BE()); m_modificationTime = DateTime::fromDate(1904, 1, 1) + TimeSpan::fromSeconds(reader().readUInt32BE()); m_timeScale = reader().readUInt32BE(); m_duration = TimeSpan::fromSeconds(static_cast(reader().readUInt32BE()) / static_cast(m_timeScale)); break; case 1: m_creationTime = DateTime::fromDate(1904, 1, 1) + TimeSpan::fromSeconds(reader().readUInt64BE()); m_modificationTime = DateTime::fromDate(1904, 1, 1) + TimeSpan::fromSeconds(reader().readUInt64BE()); m_timeScale = reader().readUInt32BE(); m_duration = TimeSpan::fromSeconds(static_cast(reader().readUInt64BE()) / static_cast(m_timeScale)); break; default: ; } } else { addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "mvhd atom is truncated.", context); } } else { addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "mvhd atom is empty.", context); } } else { addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "mvhd atom is does not exist.", context); } // get mvex atom which holds default values for fragmented files if(Mp4Atom *mehdAtom = moovAtom->subelementByPath({Mp4AtomIds::MovieExtends, Mp4AtomIds::MovieExtendsHeader})) { m_fragmented = true; if(mehdAtom->dataSize() > 0) { stream().seekg(mehdAtom->dataOffset()); unsigned int durationSize = reader().readByte() == 1u ? 8u : 4u; // duration size depends on atom version if(mehdAtom->dataSize() >= 4 + durationSize) { stream().seekg(3, ios_base::cur); // skip flags switch(durationSize) { case 4u: m_duration = TimeSpan::fromSeconds(static_cast(reader().readUInt32BE()) / static_cast(m_timeScale)); break; case 8u: m_duration = TimeSpan::fromSeconds(static_cast(reader().readUInt64BE()) / static_cast(m_timeScale)); break; default: ; } } else { addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "mehd atom is truncated.", context); } } } // get first trak atoms which hold information for each track Mp4Atom *trakAtom = moovAtom->childById(Mp4AtomIds::Track); int trackNum = 1; while(trakAtom) { try { trakAtom->parse(); } catch(Failure &) { addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "Unable to parse child atom of moov.", context); } // parse the trak atom using the Mp4Track class m_tracks.emplace_back(make_unique(*trakAtom)); try { // try to parse header m_tracks.back()->parseHeader(); } catch(Failure &) { addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Unable to parse track " + ConversionUtilities::numberToString(trackNum) + ".", context); } trakAtom = trakAtom->siblingById(Mp4AtomIds::Track, false); // get next trak atom ++trackNum; } // get overall duration, creation time and modification time if not determined yet if(m_duration.isNull() || m_modificationTime.isNull() || m_creationTime.isNull()) { for(const auto &track : tracks()) { if(track->duration() > m_duration) { m_duration = track->duration(); } if(track->modificationTime() > m_modificationTime) { m_modificationTime = track->modificationTime(); } if(track->creationTime() < m_creationTime) { m_creationTime = track->creationTime(); } } } } } catch(Failure &) { addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "Unable to parse moov atom.", context); } } void Mp4Container::internalMakeFile() { invalidateStatus(); static const string context("making MP4 container"); if(!firstElement()) { addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "No MP4 atoms could be found.", context); throw InvalidDataException(); } // prepare rewriting the file bool writeChunkByChunk = m_tracksAltered; updateStatus("Preparing for rewriting MP4 file ..."); fileInfo().close(); // ensure the file is close before renaming it string backupPath; fstream &outputStream = fileInfo().stream(); BinaryWriter outputWriter(&outputStream); fstream backupStream; // create a stream to open the backup/original file try { BackupHelper::createBackupFile(fileInfo().path(), backupPath, backupStream); // set backup stream as associated input stream since we still the original data/atoms to write the new file setStream(backupStream); // recreate original file outputStream.open(fileInfo().path(), ios_base::out | ios_base::binary | ios_base::trunc); // collect needed atoms Mp4Atom *ftypAtom, *pdinAtom, *moovAtom; try { ftypAtom = firstElement()->siblingById(Mp4AtomIds::FileType, true); // mandatory if(!ftypAtom) { // throw error if missing addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Mandatory ftyp atom not found.", context); } pdinAtom = firstElement()->siblingById(Mp4AtomIds::ProgressiveDownloadInformation, true); // not mandatory moovAtom = firstElement()->siblingById(Mp4AtomIds::Movie, true); // mandatory if(!moovAtom) { // throw error if missing addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Mandatory moov atom not found.", context); throw InvalidDataException(); } } catch (Failure &) { addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Unable to parse the atom strucutre of the source file.", context); throw InvalidDataException(); } if(m_tags.size() > 1) { addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "There are multiple MP4-tags assigned. Only the first one will be attached to the file.", context); } // write all top-level atoms, header boxes be placed first updateStatus("Writing header ..."); ftypAtom->copyEntirely(outputStream); if(pdinAtom) { pdinAtom->copyEntirely(outputStream); } ostream::pos_type newMoovOffset = outputStream.tellp(); Mp4Atom *udtaAtom = nullptr; uint64 newUdtaOffset = 0u; if(isAborted()) { throw OperationAbortedException(); } moovAtom->copyWithoutChilds(outputStream); for(Mp4Atom *moovChildAtom = moovAtom->firstChild(); moovChildAtom; moovChildAtom = moovChildAtom->nextSibling()) { // write child atoms manually, because the child udta has to be altered/ignored try { moovChildAtom->parse(); } catch(Failure &) { addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Unable to parse childs of moov atom of original file.", context); throw InvalidDataException(); } if(moovChildAtom->id() == Mp4AtomIds::UserData) { // found a udta (user data) atom which childs hold tag infromation if(!udtaAtom) { udtaAtom = moovChildAtom; // check if the udta atom needs to be written bool writeUdtaAtom = !m_tags.empty(); // it has to be written only when a MP4 tag is assigned if(!writeUdtaAtom) { // or when there is at least one child except the meta atom in the original file try { for(Mp4Atom *udtaChildAtom = udtaAtom->firstChild(); udtaChildAtom; udtaChildAtom = udtaChildAtom->nextSibling()) { udtaChildAtom->parse(); if(udtaChildAtom->id() != Mp4AtomIds::Meta) { writeUdtaAtom = true; break; } } } catch(Failure &) { addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "Unable to parse childs of udta atom of original file. These invalid/unknown atoms will be ignored.", context); } } if(writeUdtaAtom) { updateStatus("Writing tag information ..."); newUdtaOffset = outputStream.tellp(); // save offset udtaAtom->copyHeader(outputStream); // and write header // write meta atom if there's a tag assigned if(!m_tags.empty()) { try { m_tags.front()->make(outputStream); } catch(Failure &) { addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "Unable to write meta atom (of assigned mp4 tag).", context); } addNotifications(*m_tags.front()); } // write rest of the child atoms of udta atom try { for(Mp4Atom *udtaChildAtom = udtaAtom->firstChild(); udtaChildAtom; udtaChildAtom = udtaChildAtom->nextSibling()) { udtaChildAtom->parse(); if(udtaChildAtom->id() != Mp4AtomIds::Meta) { // skip meta atoms here of course udtaChildAtom->copyEntirely(outputStream); } } } catch(Failure &) { addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "Unable to parse childs of udta atom of original file. These will be ignored.", context); } // write correct size of udta atom Mp4Atom::seekBackAndWriteAtomSize(outputStream, newUdtaOffset); } } else { addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "The source file has multiple udta atoms. Surplus atoms will be ignored.", context); } } else if(!writeChunkByChunk || moovChildAtom->id() != Mp4AtomIds::Track) { // copy trak atoms only when not writing the data chunk-by-chunk moovChildAtom->copyEntirely(outputStream); } } // the original file has no udta atom but there is tag information to be written if(!udtaAtom && !m_tags.empty()) { updateStatus("Writing tag information ..."); newUdtaOffset = outputStream.tellp(); // write udta atom outputWriter.writeUInt32BE(0); // the size will be written later outputWriter.writeUInt32BE(Mp4AtomIds::UserData); // write tags try { m_tags.front()->make(outputStream); Mp4Atom::seekBackAndWriteAtomSize(outputStream, newUdtaOffset); } catch(Failure &) { addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "Unable to write meta atom (of assigned mp4 tag).", context); outputStream.seekp(-8, ios_base::cur); } } // write trak atoms for each currently assigned track, this is only required when writing data chunk-by-chunk if(writeChunkByChunk) { updateStatus("Writing meta information for the tracks ..."); for(auto &track : tracks()) { if(isAborted()) { throw OperationAbortedException(); } track->setOutputStream(outputStream); track->makeTrack(); } } Mp4Atom::seekBackAndWriteAtomSize(outputStream, newMoovOffset); // prepare for writing the actual data vector, vector > > trackInfos; // used when writing chunk-by-chunk uint64 totalChunkCount; // used when writing chunk-by-chunk vector origMdatOffsets; // used when simply copying mdat vector newMdatOffsets; // used when simply copying mdat // write other atoms for(Mp4Atom *otherTopLevelAtom = firstElement(); otherTopLevelAtom; otherTopLevelAtom = otherTopLevelAtom->nextSibling()) { if(isAborted()) { throw OperationAbortedException(); } try { otherTopLevelAtom->parse(); } catch(Failure &) { addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Unable to parse all top-level atoms of original file.", context); throw InvalidDataException(); } using namespace Mp4AtomIds; switch(otherTopLevelAtom->id()) { case FileType: case ProgressiveDownloadInformation: case Movie: case Free: case Skip: break; case MediaData: if(writeChunkByChunk) { break; // write actual data separately when writing chunk by chunk } else { // store the mdat offsets when not writing chunk by chunk to be able to update the stco tables origMdatOffsets.push_back(otherTopLevelAtom->startOffset()); newMdatOffsets.push_back(outputStream.tellp()); } default: updateStatus("Writing " + otherTopLevelAtom->idToString() + " atom ..."); otherTopLevelAtom->forwardStatusUpdateCalls(this); otherTopLevelAtom->copyEntirely(outputStream); } } // when writing chunk by chunk the actual data needs to be written separately if(writeChunkByChunk) { // get the chunk offset and the chunk size table from the old file to be able to write single chunks later ... updateStatus("Reading chunk offsets and sizes from the original file ..."); trackInfos.reserve(tracks().size()); totalChunkCount = 0; for(auto &track : tracks()) { if(&track->inputStream() == &outputStream) { track->setInputStream(backupStream); // ensure the track reads from the original file } trackInfos.emplace_back(&track->inputStream(), track->readChunkOffsets(), track->readChunkSizes()); const vector &chunkOffsetTable = get<1>(trackInfos.back()); const vector &chunkSizesTable = get<2>(trackInfos.back()); totalChunkCount += track->chunkCount(); if(track->chunkCount() != chunkOffsetTable.size() || track->chunkCount() != chunkSizesTable.size()) { addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Chunks of track " + numberToString(track->id()) + " could not be parsed correctly.", context); } } } if(isAborted()) { throw OperationAbortedException(); } // reparse what is written so far updateStatus("Reparsing output file ..."); outputStream.close(); // the outputStream needs to be reopened to be able to read again outputStream.open(fileInfo().path(), ios_base::in | ios_base::out | ios_base::binary); setStream(outputStream); m_headerParsed = false; m_tracks.clear(); m_tracksParsed = false; m_tagsParsed = false; try { parseTracks(); } catch(Failure &) { addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Unable to reparse the header of the new file.", context); throw; } if(writeChunkByChunk) { // checking parsed tracks size_t trackCount = tracks().size(); if(trackCount != trackInfos.size()) { if(trackCount > trackInfos.size()) { trackCount = trackInfos.size(); } addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "The track meta data could not be written correctly. Trying to write the chunk data anyways.", context); } // writing single chunks is needed when tracks have been added or removed updateStatus("Writing chunks to mdat atom ..."); outputStream.seekp(0, ios_base::end); ostream::pos_type newMdatOffset = outputStream.tellp(); writer().writeUInt32BE(0); // denote 64 bit size writer().writeUInt32BE(Mp4AtomIds::MediaData); writer().writeUInt64BE(0); // write size of mdat atom later CopyHelper<0x2000> copyHelper; uint64 chunkIndex = 0; uint64 totalChunksCopied = 0; bool chunksCopied; do { if(isAborted()) { throw OperationAbortedException(); } chunksCopied = false; for(size_t trackIndex = 0; trackIndex < trackCount; ++trackIndex) { auto &track = tracks()[trackIndex]; auto &trackInfo = trackInfos[trackIndex]; istream &sourceStream = *get<0>(trackInfo); const vector &chunkOffsetTable = get<1>(trackInfo); const vector &chunkSizesTable = get<2>(trackInfo); if(chunkIndex < chunkOffsetTable.size() && chunkIndex < chunkSizesTable.size()) { sourceStream.seekg(chunkOffsetTable[chunkIndex]); outputStream.seekp(0, ios_base::end); uint64 chunkOffset = outputStream.tellp(); copyHelper.copy(sourceStream, outputStream, chunkSizesTable[chunkIndex]); track->updateChunkOffset(chunkIndex, chunkOffset); chunksCopied = true; ++totalChunksCopied; } } ++chunkIndex; updatePercentage(static_cast(totalChunksCopied) / totalChunkCount); } while(chunksCopied); outputStream.seekp(0, ios_base::end); Mp4Atom::seekBackAndWriteAtomSize(outputStream, newMdatOffset, true); } else { // correct mdat offsets in the stco atom of each track when we've just copied the mdat atom updateOffsets(origMdatOffsets, newMdatOffsets); } updatePercentage(100.0); // dispose no longer used resources and flush output file stream outputStream.flush(); } catch(OperationAbortedException &) { setStream(outputStream); m_tracksParsed = false; m_headerParsed = false; m_firstElement.reset(); m_tracks.clear(); addNotification(NotificationType::Information, "Rewriting the file to apply changed tag information has been aborted.", context); BackupHelper::restoreOriginalFileFromBackupFile(fileInfo().path(), backupPath, outputStream, backupStream); throw; } catch(Failure &) { setStream(outputStream); m_tracksParsed = false; m_headerParsed = false; m_firstElement.reset(); m_tracks.clear(); addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Rewriting the file to apply changed tag information failed.", context); BackupHelper::restoreOriginalFileFromBackupFile(fileInfo().path(), backupPath, outputStream, backupStream); throw; } catch(ios_base::failure &) { setStream(outputStream); m_tracksParsed = false; m_headerParsed = false; m_firstElement.reset(); m_tracks.clear(); addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "An IO error occured when rewriting the file to apply changed tag information.", context); BackupHelper::restoreOriginalFileFromBackupFile(fileInfo().path(), backupPath, outputStream, backupStream); throw; } } /*! * \brief Update the chunk offsets for each track of the file. * \param oldMdatOffsets Specifies a vector holding the old offsets of the "mdat"-atoms. * \param newMdatOffsets Specifies a vector holding the new offsets of the "mdat"-atoms. * * Internally uses Mp4Track::updateOffsets(). Offsets stored in the "tfhd"-atom are also * updated (this is not tested yet since I don't have files using this atom). * * \throws Throws std::ios_base::failure when an IO error occurs. * \throws Throws Media::Failure or a derived exception when a making * error occurs. */ void Mp4Container::updateOffsets(const std::vector &oldMdatOffsets, const std::vector &newMdatOffsets) { // do NOT invalidate the status here since this method is internally called by internalMakeFile(), just update the status updateStatus("Updating chunk offset table for each track ..."); const string context("updating MP4 container chunk offset table"); if(!firstElement()) { addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "No MP4 atoms could be found.", context); throw InvalidDataException(); } // update "base-data-offset-present" of tfhd atom (NOT tested properly) try { for(Mp4Atom *moofAtom = firstElement()->siblingById(Mp4AtomIds::MovieFragment, false); moofAtom; moofAtom = moofAtom->siblingById(Mp4AtomIds::MovieFragment, false)) { moofAtom->parse(); try { for(Mp4Atom *trafAtom = moofAtom->childById(Mp4AtomIds::TrackFragment); trafAtom; trafAtom = trafAtom->siblingById(Mp4AtomIds::TrackFragment, false)) { trafAtom->parse(); int tfhdAtomCount = 0; for(Mp4Atom *tfhdAtom = trafAtom->childById(Mp4AtomIds::TrackFragmentHeader); tfhdAtom; tfhdAtom = tfhdAtom->siblingById(Mp4AtomIds::TrackFragmentHeader, false)) { tfhdAtom->parse(); ++tfhdAtomCount; if(tfhdAtom->dataSize() >= 8) { stream().seekg(tfhdAtom->dataOffset() + 1); uint32 flags = reader().readUInt24BE(); if(flags & 1) { if(tfhdAtom->dataSize() >= 16) { stream().seekg(4, ios_base::cur); // skip track ID uint64 off = reader().readUInt64BE(); for(auto iOld = oldMdatOffsets.cbegin(), iNew = newMdatOffsets.cbegin(), end = oldMdatOffsets.cend(); iOld != end; ++iOld, ++iNew) { if(off >= static_cast(*iOld)) { off += (*iNew - *iOld); stream().seekp(tfhdAtom->dataOffset() + 8); writer().writeUInt64BE(off); break; } } } else { addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "tfhd atom (denoting base-data-offset-present) is truncated.", context); } } } else { addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "tfhd atom is truncated.", context); } } switch(tfhdAtomCount) { case 0: addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "traf atom doesn't contain mandatory tfhd atom.", context); break; case 1: break; default: addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "traf atom stores multiple tfhd atoms but it should only contain exactly one tfhd atom.", context); } } } catch(Failure &) { addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Unable to parse childs of top-level atom moof.", context); } } } catch(Failure &) { addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Unable to parse top-level atom moof.", context); } // update each track for(auto &track : tracks()) { if(isAborted()) { throw OperationAbortedException(); } if(!track->isHeaderValid()) { try { track->parseHeader(); } catch(Failure &) { addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "The chunk offsets of track " + track->name() + " couldn't be updated because the track seems to be invalid. The newly written file seems to be damaged.", context); } } if(track->isHeaderValid()) { try { track->updateChunkOffsets(oldMdatOffsets, newMdatOffsets); } catch(Failure &) { addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "The chunk offsets of track " + track->name() + " couldn't be updated. The altered file is damaged now, restore the backup!", context); } } } } }