#include "basicfileinfo.h" using namespace std; /*! * \namespace Media * \brief Contains all classes and functions of the TagInfo library. */ /*! * \class Media::BasicFileInfo * \brief The BasicFileInfo class provides basic file information such as * file name, extension, directory and size for a specified file. */ namespace Media { /*! * \brief Constructs a new BasicFileInfo. */ BasicFileInfo::BasicFileInfo() : m_size(0) { m_file.exceptions(fstream::failbit | fstream::badbit); } /*! * \brief Constructs a new BasicFileInfo for the specified file. * * \param path Specifies the absolute or relative path of the file. */ BasicFileInfo::BasicFileInfo(const std::string &path) : m_path(path), m_size(0) { m_file.exceptions(fstream::failbit | fstream::badbit); } /*! * \brief Destroys the BasicFileInfo. * * A possibly opened std::fstream will be closed. */ BasicFileInfo::~BasicFileInfo() { close(); } /*! * \brief Opens a std::fstream for the current file. Does nothing a stream is already open. * \param readonly Indicates whether the stream should be opend as read-only. * \throws Throws std::ios_base::failure when an IO error occurs. */ void BasicFileInfo::open(bool readonly) { if(!isOpen()) { reopen(readonly); } } /*! * \brief Opens a std::fstream for the current file. Closes a possibly already opened stream and * clears all flags before. * \param readonly Indicates whether the stream should be opend as read-only. * \throws Throws std::ios_base::failure when an IO error occurs. */ void BasicFileInfo::reopen(bool readonly) { close(); m_file.open(m_path.c_str(), readonly ? ios_base::in | ios_base::binary : ios_base::in | ios_base::out | ios_base::binary); m_file.seekg(0, ios_base::end); m_size = m_file.tellg(); m_file.seekg(0, ios_base::beg); } /*! * \brief A possibly opened std::fstream will be closed. All flags of the stream will be cleared. */ void BasicFileInfo::close() { if(m_file.is_open()) { m_file.close(); } m_file.clear(); } /*! * \brief Sets the current file. * * A possibly opened std::fstream will be closed and invalidated() will be called. * * \param path Specifies the absolute or relative path of the file to be set. */ void BasicFileInfo::setPath(const string &path) { if(path != m_path) { invalidated(); m_path = path; } } /*! * \brief Returns the file name of the given file. * * \param path Specifies the path of the file. * \param cutExtension Indicates whether the extension/suffix should be cutted. */ string BasicFileInfo::fileName(const string &path, bool cutExtension) { size_t lastSlash = path.rfind('/'); size_t lastBackSlash = path.rfind('\\'); size_t lastPoint = cutExtension ? path.rfind('.') : string::npos; size_t lastSeparator; if(lastSlash == string::npos && lastBackSlash == string::npos) { return (lastPoint == string::npos) ? path : path.substr(0, lastPoint); } else if(lastSlash == string::npos) { lastSeparator = lastBackSlash; } else if(lastBackSlash == string::npos) { lastSeparator = lastSlash; } else { lastSeparator = lastSlash > lastBackSlash ? lastSlash : lastBackSlash; } return (lastPoint != string::npos) ? path.substr(lastSeparator + 1, lastPoint - lastSeparator - 1) : path.substr(lastSeparator + 1); } /*! * \brief Returns the file name of the current file. * * \param cutExtension Indicates whether the extension should be cutted. */ string BasicFileInfo::fileName(bool cutExtension) const { return fileName(m_path, cutExtension); } /*! * \brief Returns the extension of the given file. * * \param path Specifies the path of the file. */ string BasicFileInfo::extension(const string &path) { size_t lastPoint = path.rfind('.'); if(lastPoint == string::npos) { return string(); } else { return path.substr(lastPoint); } } /*! * \brief Returns the extension of the current file. */ string BasicFileInfo::extension() const { return extension(m_path); } /*! * \brief Returns a copy of the given path without the extension/suffix. */ string BasicFileInfo::pathWithoutExtension(const string &fullPath) { size_t lastPoint = fullPath.rfind('.'); return lastPoint != string::npos ? fullPath.substr(0, lastPoint) : fullPath; } /*! * \brief Returns the path of the current file without the extension/suffix. */ string BasicFileInfo::pathWithoutExtension() const { return pathWithoutExtension(m_path); } /*! * \brief Returns the path of the directory containing the given file. */ string BasicFileInfo::containingDirectory(const string &path) { size_t lastSlash = path.rfind('/'); size_t lastBackSlash = path.rfind('\\'); size_t lastSeparator; if(lastSlash == string::npos && lastBackSlash == string::npos) { return string(); } else if(lastSlash == string::npos) { lastSeparator = lastBackSlash; } else if(lastBackSlash == string::npos) { lastSeparator = lastSlash; } else { lastSeparator = lastSlash > lastBackSlash ? lastSlash : lastBackSlash; } if(lastSeparator > 0) { return path.substr(0, lastSeparator); } else { return string(); } } /*! * \brief Returns the path of the directory containing the current file. * * The returned path is relative if the path of the file (specified using * the setPath() method) is relative. */ string BasicFileInfo::containingDirectory() const { return containingDirectory(m_path); } /*! * \brief This function is called when the BasicFileInfo gets invalidated. * This is the case when the current file changes. * * When subclassing and overwriting this virtual method invoke the base * implementation by calling BasicFileInfo::invalidated() before the reimplemented code. */ void BasicFileInfo::invalidated() { m_size = 0; m_path.clear(); close(); } /*! * \brief Call this function when subclassing to report a changed file size. */ void BasicFileInfo::reportSizeChanged(uint64 newSize) { m_size = newSize; } }