#include "abstractcontainer.h" using namespace std; using namespace ChronoUtilities; using namespace ConversionUtilities; using namespace IoUtilities; namespace Media { /*! * \class Media::AbstractContainer * \brief The AbstractContainer class provides an interface and common functionality to parse and make a certain container format. */ /*! * \brief Constructs a new container for the specified file \a stream at the specified \a startOffset. */ AbstractContainer::AbstractContainer(iostream &stream, uint64 startOffset) : m_version(0), m_readVersion(0), m_doctypeVersion(0), m_doctypeReadVersion(0), m_timeScale(0), m_headerParsed(false), m_tagsParsed(false), m_tracksParsed(false), m_tracksAltered(false), m_chaptersParsed(false), m_attachmentsParsed(false), m_startOffset(startOffset), m_stream(&stream), m_reader(BinaryReader(m_stream)), m_writer(BinaryWriter(m_stream)) {} /*! * \brief Destroys the container. * * Destroys the reader, the writer and track, tag, chapter and attachment objects as well. * Does NOT destroy the stream which has been specified when constructing the object. */ AbstractContainer::~AbstractContainer() {} /*! * \brief Parses the header if not parsed yet. * * The information will be read from the associated stream. The stream and the start offset * have been specified when constructing the object. * * \throws Throws std::ios_base::failure when an IO error occurs. * \throws Throws Failure or a derived class when an parsing error occurs. */ void AbstractContainer::parseHeader() { if(!isHeaderParsed()) { invalidateStatus(); removeAllTags(); removeAllTracks(); internalParseHeader(); m_headerParsed = true; } } /*! * \brief Parses the tag information if not parsed yet. * * The header will be parsed before if not parsed yet. * * The information will be read from the associated stream. The stream and the start offset * have been specified when constructing the object. * * \throws Throws std::ios_base::failure when an IO error occurs. * \throws Throws Failure or a derived class when an parsing error occurs. * * \sa parseHeader() * \sa parseTracks() * \sa parseAttachments() * \sa parseChapters() * \sa tags() */ void AbstractContainer::parseTags() { if(!areTagsParsed()) { parseHeader(); internalParseTags(); m_tagsParsed = true; } } /*! * \brief Parses the tracks of the file if not parsed yet. * * The header will be parsed before if not parsed yet. * * The information will be read from the associated stream. The stream and the start offset * have been specified when constructing the object. * * \throws Throws std::ios_base::failure when an IO error occurs. * \throws Throws Failure or a derived class when an parsing error occurs. * * \sa parseHeader() * \sa parseTags() * \sa tracks() */ void AbstractContainer::parseTracks() { if(!areTracksParsed()) { parseHeader(); internalParseTracks(); m_tracksParsed = true; m_tracksAltered = false; } } /*! * \brief Parses the chapters of the file if not parsed yet. * * The information will be read from the associated stream. The stream and the start offset * have been specified when constructing the object. * * \throws Throws std::ios_base::failure when an IO error occurs. * \throws Throws Media::Failure or a derived exception when a parsing * error occurs. */ void AbstractContainer::parseChapters() { if(!areChaptersParsed()) { parseHeader(); internalParseChapters(); m_chaptersParsed = true; } } /*! * \brief Parses the attachments of the file if not parsed yet. * * The information will be read from the associated stream. The stream and the start offset * have been specified when constructing the object. * * \throws Throws std::ios_base::failure when an IO error occurs. * \throws Throws Media::Failure or a derived exception when a parsing * error occurs. */ void AbstractContainer::parseAttachments() { if(!areAttachmentsParsed()) { parseHeader(); internalParseAttachments(); m_attachmentsParsed = true; } } /*! * \brief Rewrites the file to apply changed tag information. * * \throws Throws std::ios_base::failure when an IO error occurs. * \throws Throws Media::Failure or a derived exception when a making * error occurs. */ void AbstractContainer::makeFile() { internalMakeFile(); } /*! * \brief Returns whether the implementation supports adding or removing of tracks. */ bool AbstractContainer::supportsTrackModifications() const { return false; } /*! * \brief Internally called to parse the header. * * Must be implemented when subclassing to provide this feature. * * \throws Throws Failure or a derived class when a parsing error occurs. * \throws Throws std::ios_base::failure when an IO error occurs. */ void AbstractContainer::internalParseHeader() { throw NotImplementedException(); } /*! * \brief Internally called to parse the tags. * * Must be implemented when subclassing to provide this feature. * * \throws Throws Failure or a derived class when a parsing error occurs. * \throws Throws std::ios_base::failure when an IO error occurs. */ void AbstractContainer::internalParseTags() { throw NotImplementedException(); } /*! * \brief Internally called to parse the tracks. * * Must be implemented when subclassing to provide this feature. * * \throws Throws Failure or a derived class when a parsing error occurs. * \throws Throws std::ios_base::failure when an IO error occurs. */ void AbstractContainer::internalParseTracks() { throw NotImplementedException(); } /*! * \brief Internally called to parse the chapters. * * Must be implemented when subclassing to provide this feature. * * \throws Throws Failure or a derived class when a parsing error occurs. * \throws Throws std::ios_base::failure when an IO error occurs. */ void AbstractContainer::internalParseChapters() { throw NotImplementedException(); } /*! * \brief Internally called to parse the attachments. * * Must be implemented when subclassing to provide this feature. * * \throws Throws Failure or a derived class when a parsing error occurs. * \throws Throws std::ios_base::failure when an IO error occurs. */ void AbstractContainer::internalParseAttachments() { throw NotImplementedException(); } /*! * \brief Internally called to make the file. * * Must be implemented when subclassing. * * \throws Throws Failure or a derived class when a parsing error occurs. * \throws Throws std::ios_base::failure when an IO error occurs. */ void AbstractContainer::internalMakeFile() { throw NotImplementedException(); } /*! * \brief Creates and returns a tag for the specified \a target. * \remarks * - If an empty \a target is specified it will be ignored. * - If there is already a tag (for the specified \a target) present, * no new tag will be created. The present tag will be returned instead. * - If no tag could be created, nullptr is returned. * - The container keeps the ownership over the created tag. */ Tag *AbstractContainer::createTag(const TagTarget &) { return nullptr; } /*! * \brief Returns the tag with the specified \a index. * * \a index must be less then tagCount(). */ Tag *AbstractContainer::tag(size_t ) { return nullptr; } /*! * \brief Returns the number of tags attached to the container. * * This method returns zero if the tags have not been parsed yet. */ size_t AbstractContainer::tagCount() const { return 0; } /*! * \brief Removes the specified \a tag from the container. * * Does nothing if the tag is not attached to the container. * * The tags need to be parsed before a removal is possible. * \sa areTagsParsed() * \sa parseTags() * * \remarks The \a tag is not destroyed. The ownership is transfered to the caller. * * \returns Returns whether the \a tag could be removed. */ bool AbstractContainer::removeTag(Tag *) { return false; } /*! * \brief Removes all tags attached to the container. * * The tags need to be parsed before they can be removed. * \sa areTagsParsed() * \sa parseTags() * * \remarks The current tag objects are destroyed. All pointers obtained * by calling tag() are invalidated. */ void AbstractContainer::removeAllTags() {} /*! * \brief Returns the track with the specified \a index. * * \a index must be less then trackCount(). */ AbstractTrack *AbstractContainer::track(size_t ) { return nullptr; } /*! * \brief Returns the number of tracks the container holds. */ size_t AbstractContainer::trackCount() const { return 0; } /*! * \brief Removes the specified \a track to the container. * * Removal of tracks might be not supported by the implementation. * \sa supportsTrackModifications() * * The tracks need to be parsed before a removal is possible. * \sa areTracksParsed() * \sa parseTracks() * * \remarks The \a track is not destroyed. The ownership is transfered to the caller. * * \returns Returns whether the \a track could be removed. */ bool AbstractContainer::removeTrack(AbstractTrack *) { return false; } /*! * \brief Removes all tracks from the container. * * Modifying tracks might be not supported by the implementation. * \sa supportsTrackModifications() * * The tracks need to be parsed before they can be removed. * \sa areTracksParsed() * \sa parseTracks() * * \remarks The current track objects are destroyed. All pointers obtained * by calling track() are invalidated. */ void AbstractContainer::removeAllTracks() {} /*! * \brief Returns the chapter with the specified \a index. * * \a index must be less then chapterCount(). */ AbstractChapter *AbstractContainer::chapter(size_t ) { return nullptr; } /*! * \brief Returns the number of chapters the container holds. */ size_t AbstractContainer::chapterCount() const { return 0; } /*! * \brief Creates and returns a new attachment. * \returns Returns the created attachment. * \remarks The container keeps the ownership over the created attachment. */ AbstractAttachment *AbstractContainer::createAttachment() { return nullptr; } /*! * \brief Returns the attachment with the specified \a index. * * \a index must be less then attachmentCount(). */ AbstractAttachment *AbstractContainer::attachment(size_t ) { return nullptr; } /*! * \brief Returns the number of attachments the container holds. */ size_t AbstractContainer::attachmentCount() const { return 0; } /*! * \brief Discards all parsing results. */ void AbstractContainer::reset() { m_headerParsed = false; m_tagsParsed = false; m_tracksParsed = false; m_tracksAltered = false; m_version = 0; m_readVersion = 0; m_doctypeVersion = 0; m_doctypeReadVersion = 0; m_timeScale = 0; } } // namespace Media