#ifndef ID3V2FRAME_H #define ID3V2FRAME_H #include "id3v2frameids.h" #include "../generictagfield.h" #include "../tagvalue.h" #include "../statusprovider.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Media { class LIB_EXPORT Id3v2FrameHelper { public: Id3v2FrameHelper(const std::string &id, StatusProvider &provider); const std::string &id() const; TagTextEncoding parseTextEncodingByte(byte textEncodingByte); byte makeTextEncodingByte(TagTextEncoding textEncoding); std::tuple parseSubstring(const char *buffer, std::size_t maxSize, TagTextEncoding &encoding, bool addWarnings = false); std::string parseString(const char *buffer, std::size_t maxSize, TagTextEncoding &encoding, bool addWarnings = false); std::wstring parseWideString(const char *buffer, std::size_t dataSize, TagTextEncoding &encoding, bool addWarnings = false); void parsePicture(const char *buffer, size_t maxSize, TagValue &tagValue, byte &typeInfo); void parseComment(const char *buffer, size_t maxSize, TagValue &tagValue); void parseBom(const char *buffer, std::size_t maxSize, TagTextEncoding &encoding); void makeString(std::vector &buffer, const std::string &value, TagTextEncoding encoding); void makeEncodingAndData(std::vector &buffer, TagTextEncoding encoding, const char *data, size_t m_dataSize); void makePicture(std::vector &buffer, const TagValue &picture, byte typeInfo); void makeComment(std::vector &buffer, const TagValue &comment); private: std::string m_id; StatusProvider &m_statusProvider; }; class Id3v2Frame; /*! * \brief Defines traits for the TagField implementation of the Id3v2Frame class. */ template <> class LIB_EXPORT TagFieldTraits { public: /*! * \brief Fields in an ID3 tag are identified by 32-bit unsigned integers. */ typedef uint32 identifierType; /*! * \brief The type info is stored using bytes. */ typedef byte typeInfoType; /*! * \brief The implementation type is Id3v2Frame. */ typedef Id3v2Frame implementationType; }; /*! * \brief Returns the ID of the current frame. */ inline const std::string &Id3v2FrameHelper::id() const { return m_id; } class LIB_EXPORT Id3v2Frame : public TagField, public StatusProvider { friend class TagField; public: Id3v2Frame(); Id3v2Frame(const identifierType &id, const TagValue &value, byte group = 0, int16 flag = 0); void parse(IoUtilities::BinaryReader &reader, int32 version, uint32 maximalSize = 0); void make(IoUtilities::BinaryWriter &writer, int32 version); bool isAdditionalTypeInfoUsed() const; bool isValid() const; bool hasPaddingReached() const; std::string frameIdString() const; int16 flag() const; void setFlag(int16 value); uint32 frameSize() const; uint32 dataSize() const; bool toDiscardWhenUnknownAndTagIsAltered() const; bool toDiscardWhenUnknownAndFileIsAltered() const; bool isReadOnly() const; bool isCompressed() const; bool isEncrypted() const; bool hasGroupInformation() const; bool isUnsynchronized() const; bool hasDataLengthIndicator() const; byte group() const; void setGroup(byte value); int32 parsedVersion() const; bool supportsNestedFields() const; protected: void cleared(); private: uint16 m_flag; byte m_group; int32 m_parsedVersion; uint32 m_dataSize; uint32 m_frameSize; bool m_padding; }; /*! * \brief Returns whether the instance uses the additional type info. */ inline bool Id3v2Frame::isAdditionalTypeInfoUsed() const { return id() == Id3v2FrameIds::lCover || id() == Id3v2FrameIds::sCover; } /*! * \brief Returns whether the frame is valid. */ inline bool Id3v2Frame::isValid() const { return !(id() == 0 || value().isEmpty() || m_padding); } /*! * \brief Returns whether the padding has reached. */ inline bool Id3v2Frame::hasPaddingReached() const { return m_padding; } /*! * \brief Returns the frame ID as string. */ inline std::string Id3v2Frame::frameIdString() const { if(Id3v2FrameIds::isLongId(id())) { return ConversionUtilities::interpretIntegerAsString(id()); } else { return ConversionUtilities::interpretIntegerAsString(id(), 1); } } /*! * \brief Returns the flags. */ inline int16 Id3v2Frame::flag() const { return m_flag; } /*! * \brief Sets the flags. */ inline void Id3v2Frame::setFlag(int16 value) { m_flag = value; } /*! * \brief Returns the size of the frame in bytes. */ inline uint32 Id3v2Frame::frameSize() const { return m_frameSize; } /*! * \brief Returns the size of the data stored in the frame in bytes. */ inline uint32 Id3v2Frame::dataSize() const { return m_dataSize; } /*! * \brief Returns whether the frame is flaged to be discarded when it is unknown and the tag is altered. */ inline bool Id3v2Frame::toDiscardWhenUnknownAndTagIsAltered() const { return (m_flag & 0x8000) == 0x8000; } /*! * \brief Returns whether the frame is flaged to be discarded when it is unknown and the file (but NOT the tag) is altered. */ inline bool Id3v2Frame::toDiscardWhenUnknownAndFileIsAltered() const { return (m_flag & 0x4000) == 0x4000; } /*! * \brief Returns whether the frame is flagged as read-only. */ inline bool Id3v2Frame::isReadOnly() const { return (m_flag & 0x2000) == 0x2000; } /*! * \brief Returns whether the frame is compressed. */ inline bool Id3v2Frame::isCompressed() const { return m_parsedVersion >= 4 ? (m_flag & 0x8) == 0x8 : (m_flag & 0x80) == 0x80; } /*! * \brief Returns whether the frame is encrypted. * \remarks Reading encrypted frames is not supported. */ inline bool Id3v2Frame::isEncrypted() const { return m_parsedVersion >= 4 ? (m_flag & 0x4) == 0x8 : (m_flag & 0x40) == 0x40; } /*! * \brief Returns whether the frame contains group information. */ inline bool Id3v2Frame::hasGroupInformation() const { return m_parsedVersion >= 4 ? (m_flag & 0x40) == 0x40 : (m_flag & 0x20) == 0x20; } /*! * \brief Returns whether the frame is unsynchronized. */ inline bool Id3v2Frame::isUnsynchronized() const { return m_parsedVersion >= 4 ? (m_flag & 0x2) == 0x2 : false; } /*! * \brief Returns whether the frame has a data length indicator. */ inline bool Id3v2Frame::hasDataLengthIndicator() const { return m_parsedVersion >= 4 ? (m_flag & 0x1) == 0x1 : isCompressed(); } /*! * \brief Returns the group. * \sa hasGroupInformation() */ inline byte Id3v2Frame::group() const { return m_group; } /*! * \brief Sets the group information. */ inline void Id3v2Frame::setGroup(byte value) { m_group = value; } /*! * \brief Returns the version of the frame (read when parsing the frame). */ inline int32 Id3v2Frame::parsedVersion() const { return m_parsedVersion; } /*! * \brief Returns whether nested fields are supported. */ inline bool Id3v2Frame::supportsNestedFields() const { return true; } } #endif // ID3V2FRAME_H