#ifndef MEDIA_ABSTRACTCONTAINER_H #define MEDIA_ABSTRACTCONTAINER_H #include "./statusprovider.h" #include "./exceptions.h" #include "./tagtarget.h" #include #include #include #include #include namespace IoUtilities { class BinaryReader; class BinaryWriter; } namespace Media { class Tag; class AbstractTrack; class AbstractChapter; class AbstractAttachment; class LIB_EXPORT AbstractContainer : public StatusProvider { public: virtual ~AbstractContainer(); std::iostream &stream(); void setStream(std::iostream &stream); uint64 startOffset() const; IoUtilities::BinaryReader &reader(); IoUtilities::BinaryWriter &writer(); void parseHeader(); void parseTags(); void parseTracks(); void parseChapters(); void parseAttachments(); void makeFile(); bool isHeaderParsed() const; bool areTagsParsed() const; bool areTracksParsed() const; bool areChaptersParsed() const; bool areAttachmentsParsed() const; virtual Tag *createTag(const TagTarget &target = TagTarget()); virtual Tag *tag(std::size_t index); virtual std::size_t tagCount() const; virtual bool removeTag(Tag *tag); virtual void removeAllTags(); virtual AbstractTrack *track(std::size_t index); virtual std::size_t trackCount() const; virtual bool removeTrack(AbstractTrack *track); virtual void removeAllTracks(); virtual bool supportsTrackModifications() const; virtual AbstractChapter *chapter(std::size_t index); virtual std::size_t chapterCount() const; virtual AbstractAttachment *createAttachment(); virtual AbstractAttachment *attachment(std::size_t index); virtual std::size_t attachmentCount() const; uint64 version() const; uint64 readVersion() const; const std::string &documentType() const; uint64 doctypeVersion() const; uint64 doctypeReadVersion() const; const std::string &title() const; ChronoUtilities::TimeSpan duration() const; ChronoUtilities::DateTime creationTime() const; ChronoUtilities::DateTime modificationTime() const; uint32 timeScale() const; virtual void reset(); protected: AbstractContainer(std::iostream &stream, uint64 startOffset); virtual void internalParseHeader(); virtual void internalParseTags(); virtual void internalParseTracks(); virtual void internalParseChapters(); virtual void internalParseAttachments(); virtual void internalMakeFile(); uint64 m_version; uint64 m_readVersion; std::string m_doctype; uint64 m_doctypeVersion; uint64 m_doctypeReadVersion; std::string m_title; ChronoUtilities::TimeSpan m_duration; ChronoUtilities::DateTime m_creationTime; ChronoUtilities::DateTime m_modificationTime; uint32 m_timeScale; bool m_headerParsed; bool m_tagsParsed; bool m_tracksParsed; bool m_tracksAltered; bool m_chaptersParsed; bool m_attachmentsParsed; private: uint64 m_startOffset; std::iostream *m_stream; IoUtilities::BinaryReader m_reader; IoUtilities::BinaryWriter m_writer; }; /*! * \brief Returns the related stream. */ inline std::iostream &AbstractContainer::stream() { return *m_stream; } /*! * \brief Sets the related stream. */ inline void AbstractContainer::setStream(std::iostream &stream) { m_stream = &stream; m_reader.setStream(m_stream); m_writer.setStream(m_stream); } /*! * \brief Returns the start offset in the related stream. */ inline uint64 AbstractContainer::startOffset() const { return m_startOffset; } /*! * \brief Returns the related BinaryReader. */ inline IoUtilities::BinaryReader &AbstractContainer::reader() { return m_reader; } /*! * \brief Returns the related BinaryWriter. */ inline IoUtilities::BinaryWriter &AbstractContainer::writer() { return m_writer; } /*! * \brief Returns an indication whether the header has been parsed yet. */ inline bool AbstractContainer::isHeaderParsed() const { return m_headerParsed; } /*! * \brief Returns an indication whether the tags have been parsed yet. */ inline bool AbstractContainer::areTagsParsed() const { return m_tagsParsed; } /*! * \brief Returns an indication whether the chapters have been parsed yet. */ inline bool AbstractContainer::areChaptersParsed() const { return m_chaptersParsed; } /*! * \brief Returns an indication whether the attachments have been parsed yet. */ inline bool AbstractContainer::areAttachmentsParsed() const { return m_attachmentsParsed; } /*! * \brief Returns an indication whether the tracks have been parsed yet. */ inline bool AbstractContainer::areTracksParsed() const { return m_tracksParsed; } /*! * \brief Returns the version if known; otherwise returns 0. */ inline uint64 AbstractContainer::version() const { return m_version; } /*! * \brief Returns the "read version" if known; otherwise returns 0. * * This is the minimum version a parser has to support to read the file. */ inline uint64 AbstractContainer::readVersion() const { return m_readVersion; } /*! * \brief Returns a string that describes the document type if available; otherwise returns an empty string. */ inline const std::string &AbstractContainer::documentType() const { return m_doctype; } /*! * \brief Returns the document type version if known; otherwise returns 0. */ inline uint64 AbstractContainer::doctypeVersion() const { return m_doctypeVersion; } /*! * \brief Returns the document type "read version" if known; otherwise returns 0. * * This is the minimum version an interpreter has to support to read the file. */ inline uint64 AbstractContainer::doctypeReadVersion() const { return m_doctypeReadVersion; } /*! * \brief Returns the title if known; otherwise returns an empty string. */ inline const std::string &AbstractContainer::title() const { return m_title; } /*! * \brief Returns the duration of the file if known; otherwise returns a time span of zero ticks. */ inline ChronoUtilities::TimeSpan AbstractContainer::duration() const { return m_duration; } /*! * \brief Returns the creation time of the file if known; otherwise the returned date time is null. */ inline ChronoUtilities::DateTime AbstractContainer::creationTime() const { return m_creationTime; } /*! * \brief Returns the modification time of the file if known; otherwise the returned date time is null. */ inline ChronoUtilities::DateTime AbstractContainer::modificationTime() const { return m_modificationTime; } /*! * \brief Returns the time scale of the file if known; otherwise returns 0. */ inline uint32 AbstractContainer::timeScale() const { return m_timeScale; } } #endif // MEDIA_ABSTRACTCONTAINER_H