#ifndef MP4TAG_H #define MP4TAG_H #include "./mp4tagfield.h" #include "../fieldbasedtag.h" namespace Media { class Mp4Atom; class Mp4Tag; class LIB_EXPORT Mp4TagMaker { friend class Mp4Tag; public: void make(std::ostream &stream); const Mp4Tag &tag() const; uint64 requiredSize() const; private: Mp4TagMaker(Mp4Tag &tag); Mp4Tag &m_tag; std::vector m_maker; uint64 m_metaSize; uint64 m_ilstSize; bool m_omitPreDefinedGenre; }; /*! * \brief Returns the associated tag. */ inline const Mp4Tag &Mp4TagMaker::tag() const { return m_tag; } /*! * \brief Returns the number of bytes which will be written when making the tag. */ inline uint64 Mp4TagMaker::requiredSize() const { return m_metaSize; } class LIB_EXPORT Mp4Tag : public FieldMapBasedTag { public: Mp4Tag(); TagType type() const; const char *typeName() const; TagTextEncoding proposedTextEncoding() const; bool canEncodingBeUsed(TagTextEncoding encoding) const; uint32 fieldId(KnownField value) const; KnownField knownField(const uint32 &id) const; using FieldMapBasedTag::value; const TagValue &value(KnownField value) const; const TagValue &value(const std::string mean, const std::string name) const; using FieldMapBasedTag::setValue; bool setValue(KnownField field, const TagValue &value); bool setValue(const std::string mean, const std::string name, const TagValue &value); using FieldMapBasedTag::hasField; bool hasField(KnownField value) const; void parse(Mp4Atom &metaAtom); Mp4TagMaker prepareMaking(); void make(std::ostream &stream); }; /*! * \brief Constructs a new tag. */ inline Mp4Tag::Mp4Tag() {} inline TagType Mp4Tag::type() const { return TagType::Mp4Tag; } inline const char *Mp4Tag::typeName() const { return "MP4/iTunes tag"; } inline TagTextEncoding Mp4Tag::proposedTextEncoding() const { return TagTextEncoding::Utf8; } } #endif // MP4TAG_H