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2015-04-22 19:22:01 +02:00
#include "tag.h"
#include <map>
#include <functional>
namespace Media
* \class Media::FieldMapBasedTag
* \brief The FieldMapBasedTag provides a generic implementation of Tag which stores
* the tag fields using std::multimap.
* The FieldMapBasedTag class only provides the interface and common functionality.
* It is meant to be subclassed.
* \tparam FieldType Specifies the class used to store the fields. Should be a subclass
* of TagField.
* \tparam Compare Specifies the key comparsion function. Default is std::less.
template <class FieldType, class Compare = std::less<typename FieldType::identifierType> >
class FieldMapBasedTag : public Tag
virtual ~FieldMapBasedTag();
virtual const TagValue &value(KnownField value) const;
virtual const TagValue &value(const typename FieldType::identifierType &id) const;
virtual std::list<const TagValue *> values(const typename FieldType::identifierType &id) const;
virtual bool setValue(KnownField field, const TagValue &value);
virtual bool setValue(const typename FieldType::identifierType &id, const TagValue &value);
virtual bool hasField(KnownField field) const;
virtual bool hasField(const typename FieldType::identifierType &id) const;
virtual void removeAllFields();
const std::multimap<typename FieldType::identifierType, FieldType, Compare> &fields() const;
std::multimap<typename FieldType::identifierType, FieldType, Compare> &fields();
virtual int fieldCount() const;
virtual typename FieldType::identifierType fieldId(KnownField value) const = 0;
virtual KnownField knownField(const typename FieldType::identifierType &id) const = 0;
virtual bool supportsField(KnownField field) const;
using Tag::proposedDataType;
virtual TagDataType proposedDataType(const typename FieldType::identifierType &id) const;
virtual int insertFields(const FieldMapBasedTag<FieldType, Compare> &from, bool overwrite);
virtual int insertValues(const Tag &from, bool overwrite);
typedef FieldType fieldType;
std::multimap<typename FieldType::identifierType, FieldType, Compare> m_fields;
* \fn FieldMapBasedTag::fieldId()
* \brief Returns the ID for the specified \a field.
* Needs to be implemented when subclassing.
* \fn FieldMapBasedTag::knownField()
* \brief Returns the field for the specified \a ID.
* Needs to be implemented when subclassing.
* \brief Constructs a new FieldMapBasedTag.
template <class FieldType, class Compare>
FieldMapBasedTag<FieldType, Compare>::FieldMapBasedTag()
* \brief Destroys the tag.
template <class FieldType, class Compare>
FieldMapBasedTag<FieldType, Compare>::~FieldMapBasedTag()
template <class FieldType, class Compare>
inline const TagValue &FieldMapBasedTag<FieldType, Compare>::value(KnownField value) const
return this->value(fieldId(value));
* \brief Returns the value of the field with the specified \a id.
template <class FieldType, class Compare>
inline const TagValue &FieldMapBasedTag<FieldType, Compare>::value(const typename FieldType::identifierType &id) const
auto i = m_fields.find(id);
return i != m_fields.end() ? i->second.value() : TagValue::empty();
* \brief Returns the values of the field with the specified \a id.
* There might me more then one value assigned to a \a field. Whereas value()
* returns only the first value, this method returns all values.
template <class FieldType, class Compare>
inline std::list<const TagValue *> FieldMapBasedTag<FieldType, Compare>::values(const typename FieldType::identifierType &id) const
auto range = m_fields.equal_range(id);
std::list<const TagValue *> values;
for(auto i = range.first; i != range.second; ++i) {
return values;
template <class FieldType, class Compare>
inline bool FieldMapBasedTag<FieldType, Compare>::setValue(KnownField field, const TagValue &value)
return setValue(fieldId(field), value);
* \brief Assigns the given \a value to the field with the specified \a id.
template <class FieldType, class Compare>
bool FieldMapBasedTag<FieldType, Compare>::setValue(const typename FieldType::identifierType &id, const Media::TagValue &value)
auto i = m_fields.find(id);
if(i != m_fields.end()) { // field already exists -> set its value
} else if(!value.isEmpty()) {// field doesn't exist -> create new one if value is not null
m_fields.insert(std::pair<typename FieldType::identifierType, FieldType>(id, FieldType(id, value)));
} else { // otherwise return false
return false;
return true;
template <class FieldType, class Compare>
inline bool FieldMapBasedTag<FieldType, Compare>::hasField(KnownField field) const
return hasField(fieldId(field));
* \brief Returns an indication whether the field with the specified \a id is present.
template <class FieldType, class Compare>
inline bool FieldMapBasedTag<FieldType, Compare>::hasField(const typename FieldType::identifierType &id) const
return m_fields.count(id);
template <class FieldType, class Compare>
inline void FieldMapBasedTag<FieldType, Compare>::removeAllFields()
* \brief Returns the fields of the tag.
* This method provides direct access to the fields of the tag. It might
* be usefull when the convenience methods value(), setValue(), hasField(), ...
* to not offer the required functionality.
template <class FieldType, class Compare>
inline const std::multimap<typename FieldType::identifierType, FieldType, Compare> &FieldMapBasedTag<FieldType, Compare>::fields() const
return m_fields;
* \brief Returns the fields of the tag.
* This method provides direct access to the fields of the tag. It might
* be usefull when the convenience methods value(), setValue(), hasField(), ...
* to not offer the required functionality.
template <class FieldType, class Compare>
inline std::multimap<typename FieldType::identifierType, FieldType, Compare> &FieldMapBasedTag<FieldType, Compare>::fields()
return m_fields;
template <class FieldType, class Compare>
inline int FieldMapBasedTag<FieldType, Compare>::fieldCount() const
return m_fields.size();
template <class FieldType, class Compare>
inline bool FieldMapBasedTag<FieldType, Compare>::supportsField(KnownField field) const
static typename FieldType::identifierType def;
return fieldId(field) != def;
* \brief Returns the proposed data type for the field with the specified \a id.
template <class FieldType, class Compare>
inline TagDataType FieldMapBasedTag<FieldType, Compare>::proposedDataType(const typename FieldType::identifierType &id) const
return Tag::proposedDataType(knownField(id));
* \brief Inserts all fields \a from another tag of the same field type and compare function.
* \param from Specifies the tag the fields should be inserted from.
* \param overwrite Indicates whether existing fields should be overwritten.
* \return Returns the number of fields that have been inserted.
template <class FieldType, class Compare>
int FieldMapBasedTag<FieldType, Compare>::insertFields(const FieldMapBasedTag<FieldType, Compare> &from, bool overwrite)
int fieldsInserted = 0;
for(const auto &pair : from.fields()) {
const FieldType &fromField = pair.second;
bool fieldInserted = false;
auto range = fields().equal_range(fromField.id());
for(auto i = range.first; i != range.second; ++i) {
FieldType &ownField = i->second;
if((fromField.isTypeInfoAssigned() && ownField.isTypeInfoAssigned()
&& fromField.typeInfo() == ownField.typeInfo())
|| (!fromField.isTypeInfoAssigned() && ! ownField.isTypeInfoAssigned())) {
if(overwrite || ownField.value().isEmpty()) {
ownField = fromField;
fieldInserted = true;
if(!fieldInserted) {
fields().insert(std::pair<typename FieldType::identifierType, FieldType>(fromField.id(), fromField));
return fieldsInserted;
template <class FieldType, class Compare>
int FieldMapBasedTag<FieldType, Compare>::insertValues(const Tag &from, bool overwrite)
if(type() == from.type()) {
// the tags are of the same type, we can insert the fields directly
return insertFields(static_cast<const FieldMapBasedTag<FieldType, Compare> &>(from), overwrite);
} else {
return Tag::insertValues(from, overwrite);