#include "./renamingengine.h" #include "./filesystemitemmodel.h" #include "./filteredfilesystemitemmodel.h" #include "./tageditorobject.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace std; namespace RenamingUtility { RenamingEngine::RenamingEngine(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , #ifndef TAGEDITOR_NO_JSENGINE m_tagEditorQObj(new TagEditorObject(&m_engine)) , m_tagEditorJsObj(TAGEDITOR_JS_QOBJECT(m_engine, m_tagEditorQObj)) , #endif m_itemsProcessed(0) , m_errorsOccured(0) , m_aborted(false) , m_includeSubdirs(false) , m_isBusy(false) , m_model(nullptr) , m_currentModel(nullptr) , m_previewModel(nullptr) { #ifndef TAGEDITOR_NO_JSENGINE m_engine.globalObject().setProperty(QStringLiteral("tageditor"), m_tagEditorJsObj); #endif connect(this, &RenamingEngine::previewGenerated, this, &RenamingEngine::processPreviewGenerated); connect(this, &RenamingEngine::changingsApplied, this, &RenamingEngine::processChangingsApplied); } #ifndef TAGEDITOR_NO_JSENGINE bool RenamingEngine::setProgram(const TAGEDITOR_JS_VALUE &program) { if (TAGEDITOR_JS_IS_VALID_PROG(program)) { m_errorMessage.clear(); m_errorLineNumber = 0; m_program = program; return true; } else if (program.isError()) { m_errorMessage = program.property(QStringLiteral("message")).toString(); m_errorLineNumber = TAGEDITOR_JS_INT(program.property(QStringLiteral("lineNumber"))); } else { m_errorMessage = tr("Program is not callable."); m_errorLineNumber = 0; } return false; } #endif bool RenamingEngine::setProgram(const QString &program) { #ifndef TAGEDITOR_NO_JSENGINE return setProgram(m_engine.evaluate(QStringLiteral("(function(){") % program % QStringLiteral("})"))); #else m_errorLineNumber = 0; m_errorMessage = tr("Not compiled with ECMA support."); return false; #endif } bool RenamingEngine::generatePreview(const QDir &rootDirectory, bool includeSubdirs) { #ifndef TAGEDITOR_NO_JSENGINE if (m_isBusy) { return false; } setRootItem(); m_includeSubdirs = includeSubdirs; m_dir = rootDirectory; QtConcurrent::run([this]() { m_aborted.store(false); m_itemsProcessed = 0; m_errorsOccured = 0; m_newlyGeneratedRootItem = generatePreview(m_dir); emit previewGenerated(); }); return m_isBusy = true; #else return false; #endif } bool RenamingEngine::applyChangings() { if (!m_rootItem || m_isBusy) { return false; } QtConcurrent::run([this]() { m_aborted.store(false); m_itemsProcessed = 0; m_errorsOccured = 0; applyChangings(m_rootItem.get()); emit changingsApplied(); }); return m_isBusy = true; } bool RenamingEngine::clearPreview() { if (m_isBusy) { return false; } updateModel(nullptr); m_rootItem.reset(); return true; } FileSystemItemModel *RenamingEngine::model() { if (!m_model) { m_model = new FileSystemItemModel(m_rootItem.get(), this); } return m_model; } FilteredFileSystemItemModel *RenamingEngine::currentModel() { if (!m_currentModel) { m_currentModel = new FilteredFileSystemItemModel(ItemStatus::Current, this); m_currentModel->setSourceModel(model()); } return m_currentModel; } FilteredFileSystemItemModel *RenamingEngine::previewModel() { if (!m_previewModel) { m_previewModel = new FilteredFileSystemItemModel(ItemStatus::New, this); m_previewModel->setSourceModel(model()); } return m_previewModel; } void RenamingEngine::processPreviewGenerated() { m_isBusy = false; setRootItem(move(m_newlyGeneratedRootItem)); } void RenamingEngine::processChangingsApplied() { m_isBusy = false; updateModel(nullptr); updateModel(m_rootItem.get()); } inline void RenamingEngine::setRootItem(unique_ptr &&rootItem) { updateModel(rootItem.get()); m_rootItem = move(rootItem); } void RenamingEngine::updateModel(FileSystemItem *rootItem) { if (m_model) { m_model->setRootItem(rootItem); } } #ifndef TAGEDITOR_NO_JSENGINE unique_ptr RenamingEngine::generatePreview(const QDir &dir, FileSystemItem *parent) { auto item = make_unique(ItemStatus::Current, ItemType::Dir, dir.dirName(), parent); item->setApplied(false); for (const QFileInfo &entry : dir.entryInfoList()) { if (entry.fileName() == QLatin1String("..") || entry.fileName() == QLatin1String(".")) { continue; } FileSystemItem *subItem; // will be deleted by parent if (entry.isDir() && m_includeSubdirs) { subItem = generatePreview(QDir(entry.absoluteFilePath()), item.get()).release(); } else if (entry.isFile()) { subItem = new FileSystemItem(ItemStatus::Current, ItemType::File, entry.fileName(), item.get()); subItem->setApplied(false); } else { subItem = nullptr; } if (subItem) { executeScriptForItem(entry, subItem); if (subItem->errorOccured()) { ++m_errorsOccured; } } ++m_itemsProcessed; if (isAborted()) { return item; } } emit progress(m_itemsProcessed, m_errorsOccured); return item; } #endif void RenamingEngine::applyChangings(FileSystemItem *parentItem) { for (FileSystemItem *item : parentItem->children()) { if (!item->applied() && !item->errorOccured()) { switch (item->status()) { case ItemStatus::New: { const FileSystemItem *counterpartItem = item->counterpart(); // holds current name const QString currentPath = counterpartItem ? counterpartItem->relativePath() : QString(); const QString newPath = item->relativePath(); if (item->name().isEmpty()) { // new item name mustn't be empty item->setNote(tr("generated name is empty")); item->setErrorOccured(true); } else if (counterpartItem && !counterpartItem->name().isEmpty()) { // rename current item if (item->parent() != counterpartItem->parent() || item->name() != counterpartItem->name()) { if (m_dir.exists(newPath)) { if (item->parent() == counterpartItem->parent()) { item->setNote(tr("unable to rename, there is already an entry with the same name")); } else { item->setNote(tr("unable to move, there is already an entry with the same name")); } item->setErrorOccured(true); } else if (m_dir.rename(currentPath, newPath)) { if (item->parent() == counterpartItem->parent()) { item->setNote(tr("renamed")); } else { item->setNote(tr("moved")); } item->setApplied(true); } else { item->setNote(tr("unable to rename")); item->setErrorOccured(true); } } else { item->setNote(tr("nothing to be changed")); item->setApplied(true); } } else if (item->type() == ItemType::Dir) { // create new item, but only if its a dir if (m_dir.exists(newPath)) { item->setNote(tr("directory already existed")); item->setApplied(true); } else if (m_dir.mkpath(newPath)) { item->setNote(tr("directory created")); item->setApplied(true); } else { item->setNote(tr("unable to create directory")); item->setErrorOccured(true); } } else { // can not create new file item->setNote(tr("unable to create file")); item->setErrorOccured(true); } break; } case ItemStatus::Current: break; } } if (item->errorOccured()) { ++m_errorsOccured; } // apply changings for child items as well if (item->type() == ItemType::Dir) { applyChangings(item); } } m_itemsProcessed += parentItem->children().size(); emit progress(m_itemsProcessed, m_errorsOccured); } void RenamingEngine::setError(const QList items) { for (FileSystemItem *item : items) { item->setErrorOccured(true); item->setNote(tr("skipped due to error of superior item")); } } #ifndef TAGEDITOR_NO_JSENGINE void RenamingEngine::executeScriptForItem(const QFileInfo &fileInfo, FileSystemItem *item) { // make file info for the specified item available in the script m_tagEditorQObj->setFileInfo(fileInfo, item); // execute script auto scriptResult = m_program.call(); if (scriptResult.isError()) { // handle error item->setErrorOccured(true); item->setNote(scriptResult.toString()); } else { // create preview for action const QString &newName = m_tagEditorQObj->newName(); const QString &newRelativeDirectory = m_tagEditorQObj->newRelativeDirectory(); switch (m_tagEditorQObj->action()) { case ActionType::None: item->setNote(tr("no action specified")); break; case ActionType::Rename: if (!newRelativeDirectory.isEmpty()) { FileSystemItem *counterpartParent = item->root()->makeChildAvailable(newRelativeDirectory); const QString &counterpartName = newName.isEmpty() ? item->name() : newName; if (counterpartParent->findChild(counterpartName, item)) { item->setNote(tr("name is already used at new location")); item->setErrorOccured(true); } else { auto *counterpart = new FileSystemItem(ItemStatus::New, item->type(), counterpartName, counterpartParent); item->setCounterpart(counterpart); counterpart->setCheckable(true); counterpart->setChecked(true); } } else if (!newName.isEmpty()) { item->setNewName(newName); } if (FileSystemItem *newItem = item->counterpart()) { if ((newItem->name().isEmpty() || newItem->name() == item->name()) && (newItem->parent() == item->parent())) { item->setNote(tr("name doesn't change")); } else if (newItem->parent() && newItem->parent()->findChild(newItem->name(), newItem)) { item->setNote(tr("generated name is already used")); item->setErrorOccured(true); } else if (newItem->parent() == item->parent()) { item->setNote(tr("will be renamed")); newItem->setCheckable(true); newItem->setChecked(true); } else { item->setNote(tr("will be moved")); } } else { item->setNote(tr("can not be renamed")); } break; default: item->setNote(tr("skipped")); } } } #endif } // namespace RenamingUtility