// This is a simple example script demonstrating how the renaming tool can be used. // script configuration // skip directories in this example script if (!tageditor.isFile) { tageditor.skip() return } // parse file using the built-in parseFileInfo function const fileInfo = tageditor.parseFileInfo(tageditor.currentPath) const tag = fileInfo.tag const tracks = fileInfo.tracks // deduce title and track number from the file name using the built-in parseFileName function (as fallback if tags missing) const infoFromFileName = tageditor.parseFileName(fileInfo.currentBaseName) // skip files which don't contain audio or video tracks if (!fileInfo.hasAudioTracks && !fileInfo.hasVideoTracks) { tageditor.skip() return } // make new filename const fieldsToInclude = [tag.albumartist || tag.artist, tag.album, tag.trackPos || infoFromFileName.trackPos, tag.title || infoFromFileName.title] let newName = "" for (let field of fieldsToInclude) { field = field.toString() if (typeof field === "number" && tag.trackTotal) { field = field.padStart(tag.trackTotal.toString().length, "0") } if (field && field.length !== 0) { newName = newName.concat(newName.length === 0 ? "" : " - ", field.toString().replace(/[\/\\]/gi, " - ").replace(/[<>?!*|:\"\n\f\r]/gi, "")) } } newName = newName.concat(".", fileInfo.suitableSuffix || fileInfo.currentSuffix) // apply new name tageditor.rename(newName)