#include "./filesystemitem.h" #include #include namespace RenamingUtility { /* TRANSLATOR RenamingUtility::FileSystemItem Necessary for lupdate. */ const QString &emptyStr() { static QString emptyStr; return emptyStr; } FileSystemItem::FileSystemItem(ItemStatus status, ItemType type, const QString &name, FileSystemItem *parent) : m_parent(parent) , m_counterpart(nullptr) , m_status(status) , m_type(type) , m_error(false) , m_applied(false) , m_name(name) , m_checked(false) , m_checkable(false) { if (m_parent) { m_parent->m_children << this; } } FileSystemItem::~FileSystemItem() { for (auto *const child : m_children) { child->m_parent = nullptr; delete child; } if (m_parent) { m_parent->m_children.removeAll(this); } } void FileSystemItem::setParent(FileSystemItem *parent) { if (parent == m_parent) { return; } if (m_parent) { m_parent->m_children.removeAll(this); } m_parent = parent; if (m_parent && !m_parent->m_children.contains(this)) { m_parent->m_children << this; } } const QString &FileSystemItem::currentName() const { switch (m_status) { case ItemStatus::New: return m_counterpart ? m_counterpart->name() : emptyStr(); case ItemStatus::Current: return m_name; } return emptyStr(); } bool FileSystemItem::setCurrentName(const QString ¤tName) { switch (m_status) { case ItemStatus::New: if (!m_counterpart) { // creating an imaginary current file doesn't make sense here return false; } else { m_counterpart->setName(currentName); } break; case ItemStatus::Current: setName(currentName); break; } return false; } const QString &FileSystemItem::newName() const { switch (m_status) { case ItemStatus::Current: return m_counterpart ? m_counterpart->name() : emptyStr(); case ItemStatus::New: return m_name; } return emptyStr(); } bool FileSystemItem::setNewName(const QString &newName) { switch (m_status) { case ItemStatus::Current: if (m_counterpart) { m_counterpart->setName(newName); return true; } if (m_parent) { m_counterpart = new FileSystemItem(ItemStatus::New, m_type, newName, m_parent); m_counterpart->m_counterpart = this; return true; } return false; case ItemStatus::New: setName(newName); return true; } return false; } FileSystemItem *FileSystemItem::findChild(const QString &name) const { for (auto *const child : m_children) { if (child->name() == name) { return child; } } return nullptr; } FileSystemItem *FileSystemItem::findChild(const QString &name, const FileSystemItem *exclude) const { for (auto *const child : m_children) { if (child != exclude && child->name() == name) { return child; } } return nullptr; } FileSystemItem *FileSystemItem::makeChildAvailable(const QString &relativePath) { auto dirs = relativePath.split(QDir::separator(), Qt::SkipEmptyParts); if (dirs.isEmpty()) { return this; } auto *parent = this; if (relativePath.startsWith(QChar('/'))) { // we actually just got an absolute path // -> just leave the / there to handle absolute path as well dirs.front().prepend(QChar('/')); } for (const QString &dir : dirs) { auto *child = parent->findChild(dir); if (!child) { child = new FileSystemItem(ItemStatus::New, ItemType::Dir, dir, parent); child->setNote(QCoreApplication::translate("RenamingUtility::FileSystemItem", "will be created")); } parent = child; } return parent; } void FileSystemItem::relativeDir(QString &res) const { if (m_parent) { m_parent->relativePath(res); } } QString FileSystemItem::relativeDir() const { QString dir; relativeDir(dir); return dir; } void FileSystemItem::relativePath(QString &res) const { if (!m_parent) { return; } m_parent->relativePath(res); if (!res.isEmpty()) { res.append(QLatin1Char('/')); } res.append(name()); } QString FileSystemItem::relativePath() const { QString path; relativePath(path); return path; } bool FileSystemItem::hasSibling(const QString &name) const { if (!m_parent) { return false; } const auto &siblings = m_parent->children(); for (const auto *const siblingItem : siblings) { if (siblingItem == this) { continue; } if ((!siblingItem->newName().isEmpty() && siblingItem->newName() == name) || siblingItem->name() == name) { return true; } } return false; } } // namespace RenamingUtility