AttachmentItem n/a currently attached HtmlInfo hide Track ID The unique number used to identify the track in the container file. Number The index of the track in the container file. Name Type Format The unabbreviated name of the track's format. Abbreviation The abbreviated name of the track's format. Level The version/level of the track's format. Version Extension Used format extensions. Format/codec ID The raw format/codec identifier extracted from the container. Size Duration Avg. bitrate Maximum bitrate Creation time Modification time Language Compressor name Sampling frequency Frame count Sample count Bits per sample Quality Pixel size Display size Pixel Aspect Ratio Cropping Resolution Channel config Channel configuration Channel count Bit depth Frames per second Chroma format interlaced disabled default forced has lacing encrypted Labeled as Attachment Mime-type Description Chapter Name (%1) Start time End time hidden Tracks Edition ordered Chapters , size: section has not been analyzed Notifications (reparsing after saving) Notifications %1 notification(s) available show notifications Context Message Time Info for %1 Path Overall avg. bitrate Container show details Title (segment %1) Title Read version Document type Document version Document read version Padding size Tag position Index position Tags Target level Field count Attachments Editions/chapters chapters Structure expand all collapse all hex QtGui Add tag Remove tag Change target Parsing notifications Applying notifications Cancelling ... QtGui::AttachmentsEdit Form Add file Extract selected file Restore attachments Clear attachments Select a file to attach The file couldn't be added because the attachments of the file could not be parsed successfully. The file couldn't be added because an IO error occurred: Select where to store the extracted file An IO error occurred when extracting the attached file: There must be exactly one attachment selected. currently attached QtGui::AttachmentsModel Name Description MIME-type Size Location QtGui::DbQueryWidget Searches for meta data matching the specified "Search criteria" Search Use row Search &criteria Song ? Album Artist Fields to be used Override existing values <html><head/><body><p>Whether values for selected &quot;Fields to be used&quot; should be inserted automatically when opening a file or a query has been completed.</p><p>The row to insert the values from is determined from the existing title and/or track number fields of the file and disambiguated by taking the album and artist into account as well. It makes sense to check that the correct row has been inserted before saving.</p></body></html> Whether existing values of selected "Fields to be used" should be overridden with values from search result when clicking on "Use selected row" or on automatic insertion. Insert automatically Aborts the current query Metadata search Abort Inserts values of "Fields to be used" from the selected result into the current tag but does not save anything Search hasn't been started MusicBrainz/LyricsWikia notifications New search Query MusicBrainz Query LyricsWikia Query makeitpersonal Use present data as search criteria Start new query automatically when inserting search criteria Clear search criteria Insufficient search criteria supplied - at least title, album or artist must be specified Retrieving meta data from MusicBrainz ... Insufficient search criteria supplied - artist is mandatory Retrieving meta data from LyricsWikia ... Insufficient search criteria supplied - artist and title are mandatory Retrieving lyrics from makeitpersonal ... Aborted No results available %1 result(s) available Inserted search result row %1 (with title "%2", album "%3" and artist "%4"). Retrieving cover art to be applied ... Retrieving lyrics to be applied ... Use selected row Copy value Refresh results Show cover Show lyrics Show in browser Retrieving cover art ... Retrieving lyrics ... No web URL available Unable to open URL: Cover - %1 Lyrics - %1 QtGui::DiagModel Context Message Time unspecified QtGui::EditorAutoCorrectionOptionPage Auto correction <html><head/><body><p>Auto correction/completion will be applied when showing the selected tag fields after <span style=" font-style:italic;">loading</span> a file but <span style=" font-style:italic;">not</span> before saving. This means the tag values you see when opening a file are already corrected. This also means when clicking the &quot;Save&quot; button the tags are saved as they are shown in the editor at this point with no further correction applied.</p></body></html> Auto correction/completion features to be used Insert title from filename if none present Trim whitespaces Format names like "an example_name" to "An Example Name" Fix umlauts (replaces ae with ä for example) Custom substitution Match pattern Replacement regular expression replacement (use \1, \2, … for capture expressions) Fields to apply the auto correction on QtGui::EditorDbQueryOptionsPage Metadata search MusicBrainz URL Cover Art Archive URL LyricWiki URL QtGui::EditorFieldsOptionPage Fields Fields to be shown <html> <head/> <body> Remarks <ul style="margin-left: -20px; margin-top: -3px; text-indent: 0px "> <li>Not all tag/container formats support all the fields selectable above.</li> <li>All unchecked fields are considered as unsupported fields (see Tag processing → Handling of unsupported fields).</li> <li>Fields can be reordered via drag &amp; drop.</li> <li>Changings take effect when opening the next file.</li> <ul></body></html> QtGui::EditorGeneralOptionPage General Keep field values from previously shown file when the value of the opened file is empty No, disable this feature Yes, but only if both files are in the sa&me directory Yes, &regardless where the files are stored Handling of multiple tags Use one editor for ta&gs with the same target Use always se&parate editors Miscellaneous Save changings and open next file when pressing enter Ask before deleting all tags Hide tag selection combo box when not needed Hide cover buttons QtGui::EditorTempOptionPage Temp files Directory to store temporary/backup files To avoid unnecessary copying this directory should be on the same partition as the files you want to edit. QtGui::EnterTargetDialog Select target Level Level name Tracks Chapters Editions Attachments The current target level can not be displayed and will be discarded when confirming. Abort Confirm QtGui::FileBrowserGeneralOptionPage General Miscellaneous Hide backup/temporary files Read only QtGui::FileInfoModel Property Value Path Size Duration Overall avg. bitrate Mime-type Container Title (segment %1) Title Version Read version Document type Document version Document read version Tag position Index position Padding size Tags %1 tag(s) assigned Target level Field count Tracks %1 track(s) contained %1 track(s): Track #%1 ID Number Name Type Format Abbreviation Level Extension Format/codec ID Avg. bitrate Max. bitrate Creation time Modification time Language Compressor name Sampling frequency Frame count Sample count Bits per sample Quality Pixel size Display size Pixel Aspect Ratio Cropping Resolution Channel config Channel count Bit depth Frames per second Chroma format interlaced disabled default forced has lacing encrypted Labeled as Attachments %1 attachment(s) present Attachment #%1 Description Chapter #%1 Name (%1) Start time End time hidden Editions %1 edition(s) present Edition #%1 ordered Chapters %1 chapter(s) present Structure Diagnostic messages Diagnostic messages from reparsing QtGui::FileLayoutPage File layout Padding byte Preferred tag position Force rewrite when applying changes • enforces creation of a temporary/backup file • enforces use of preferred padding • causes longer saving-times Minimum padding Maximum padding Preferred padding Befo&re (media) data / at the beginning of the file After (&media) data / at the end of the file Keep &previous position Use preferred position even if putting the tags at another position would prevent rewriting the entire file Index position Before (media) data / at the be&ginning of the file After (media) data / at the end of the fi&le Use preferred position even if putting the index at another position would prevent rewriting the entire file Minimum padding must be less or equal than maximum padding. These options might be ignored if not supported by either the format or the implementation. QtGui::HttpResultsModel <p>Do you want to redirect form <i>%1</i> to <i>%2</i>?</p> Search Redirection to: Server replied no data. Aborted by user. Internal error: context for cover reply invalid QtGui::Id3v1OptionPage ID3v1 Usage when saving MP3 files Always &create an ID3v1 tag Kee&p and update existing ID3v1 tag (but don't create a new one) &Remove existing ID3v1 tag QtGui::Id3v2OptionPage ID3v2 Usage when saving MP3 files Always &create an ID3v2 tag Kee&p and update existing ID3v2 tag (but don't create a new one) &Never create an ID3v2 tag and remove existing Version to be used &2.3.0 2.&4.0 2.2.&0 Keep version of existing tag if present Behavior when multiple successive ID3v2 tags are found &Merge them (recommend) Keep &them separate QtGui::ImageConversionDialog Convert image Size px x Format Aspect ratio Abort Confirm QtGui::InfoOptionPage File info Force full parse of the element structure • might cause long loading times • use for full file inspection and validation only Don't use web view QtGui::LyricsWikiaResultsModel Unable to fetch cover: Album ID unknown Unable to fetch lyrics: Artist or title is unknown. Internal error: context for song details reply invalid Unable to parse song details: Song details requested for %1/%2 do not contain URL for Wiki page or do not match requested song; using self-crafted link instead Internal error: context for LyricsWikia page reply invalid Song details requested for %1/%2 do not contain lyrics Album details requested for %1/%2 do not contain cover QtGui::MainWindow Tag editor Fi&le Di&rectory ? A&pplication File sele&ction Select next file &Metadata search Save &entered tags Ctrl+S &Delete all tags Ctrl+D &Close Ctrl+Q &Select next file F6 &Rename files using tags F2 &Open Ctrl+O &Save file information as HTML document Ctrl+H Select &next file and save current F3 &About &Quit &Settings F8 &Reload (reverts all changes!) F5 &Play (external player) Ctrl+E &Toggle metadata search F10 Save (entered tags) &as ... Ctrl+Shift+S &Lock layout New window Unlock layout Lock layout Unable to close while the file operation is still ongoing. No file opened. A tag editing utility supporting ID3, MP4 (iTunes style), Vorbis and Matroska tags. Unable to show the next file because it can't be found anymore. Open file - Save changes as - QtGui::MusicBrainzResultsModel Unable to fetch cover: Album ID unknown QtGui::NotificationLabel Notifications QtGui::PathLineEdit Select directory ... Open Explore QtGui::PicturePreviewSelection Form Switch type Description empty Add Remove Extract Display Restore Other 32x32 File icon Other file icon Cover (front) Cover (back) Leaflet page Media (e. g. label side of CD) Lead artist/performer/soloist Artist/performer Conductor Band/Orchestra Composer Lyricist/text writer Recording Location During recording During performance Movie/video screen capture A bright coloured fish Illustration Band/artist logotype Publisher/Studio logotype The attached image format is not supported. Select a picture to add as cover Enter/confirm MIME type Confirm or enter the MIME type of the selected file. An IO error occurred when parsing the specified cover file. Unable to load image from clipboard. Resize/convert assigned image Unable to save image from clipboard. Enter MIME type Enter the MIME type for the pasted image. The attached image can't be found. It is supposed to be stored as external file "%1". Cover - %1 - %2 The selected file is very large (for a cover). Do you want to continue? Unable to parse specified cover file. There is no cover to remove. There is no image attached to be extracted. Where do you want to save the cover? The cover has extracted. Unable to write to output file. Unable to open output file. The attached image can't be found. Cover - %1 There is no image attached. Confirm or enter the MIME type of the selected file. This merely changes the <i>assumed</i> format. <i>No</i> image format conversion done. JPEG PNG Ignore Keep Keep by expanding Unable to scale image. No image (of the selected type) attached. Unable to display attached image. Change Paste from clipboard as JPEG Paste from clipboard as PNG Change MIME-type QtGui::QueryResultsModel Song title Album Artist Year Track Total tracks Genre Disk Fetching cover is not implemented for this provider Fetching lyrics is not implemented for this provider QtGui::RenameFilesDialog Rename files and directories Base directory Include subdirectories ECMA Script used to generate new file and directory names Open/Examples Select a script file Closes the window or aborts the currently running process Generates new file and directory names using the entered script Applies previously generated file and directory names Use external file Select Current file and directory names Preview and notes Close Generate preview Apply generated names File Paste from clipboard Simple example Advanced example There is no external script file is selected. Unable to open external script file. Generating preview ... Abort The script is not valid. Error in line %1: %3 An error occurred when parsing the script: %1 %1 error(s) occurred %1 error(s) occurred. The script is empty. The selected directory doesn't exist. Applying changings ... %1 files/directories processed Preview has been generated. %1 files/directories have been processed. No files and directories have been found. Generation of preview has been aborted prematurely. Changins applied. Applying has been aborted prematurely. Unable to open script file. Select script Clipboard contains no text. Expand all Collapse all QtGui::SettingsDialog Necessary for lupdate. Tag processing Editor File browser QtGui::TagEdit with different targets targeting %1 QtGui::TagEditorWidget No file selected Rename file Document title Let you choose whether the values of the previously opened file should be cleared when opening the next file. Keeping these values might be useful when tagging multiple files of the same album. Keep previous values Let you enable or disable the automatic creation or removal of tags (according to the settings) when loading a file. You can also create or remove tags manually. Tag management Restores the original values read from the file reverting all unsaved changings. Only affects the currently shown tag and none of the actions under 'Tag management'. Restore Clears all values. Only affects the currently shown tag. Clear Aborts the saving process. The tageditor will try to restore the original file from the backup. Abort Saves all entered values and reparses the file to verify Save all entered values Deletes all tags from the file and reparses the file to verify Delete all tags from the file Saves all entered values and on success opens the next file Open next file and save current before Closes the file without saving changes Close the file and discard changings Keep previous values, but only if both files are in the same directory Keep previous values, regardless where the files are stored Manage tags automatically when loading file Segment %1 Some values have been changed by the auto-correction. Attachments Matroska tag MP4/iTunes tag Vorbis comment Tag ID3v1 tag ID3v2 tag Inserted title from filename. Copy Expand all Collapse all Save ... Open in browser Unable to load the selected file "%1" because the current process hasn't finished yet. Unable to reload the file because the current process hasn't finished yet. Currently is not file opened. Opening file - There is no (supported) tag assigned. File could be parsed correctly. File couldn't be parsed correctly. There are warnings. No write access; the file has been opened in read-only mode. File format is not supported (an ID3 tag can be added anyways). The file is composed of multiple segments. Dealing with such files has not been tested yet and might be broken. The file %1 has been opened. Unable to apply the entered tags to the file because the current process hasn't finished yet. No file has been opened, so tags can not be saved. Saving tags ... Unable to delete all tags from the file because the current process hasn't been finished yet. No file has been opened, so no tags can be deleted. The selected file has no tag (at least no supported), so there is nothing to delete. Do you really want to delete all tags from the file? Don't show this message again Deletion aborted. Deleting all tags ... Unable to start saving process because there an other process hasn't finished yet. unknown error Saving has been canceled and there is/are %1 warning(s) Saving has been canceled and there is/are %1 warning(s). The tags have been saved, but there is/are %1 warning(s) and %1 error(s). The file is being parsed ... The file could not be opened because an IO error occurred: %1 Tried to open file: Errors occurred. Saving tags has been canceled. The tags have been saved, but there is/are %1 warning(s). The tags have been saved. The tags could not be saved. Checkout the info box for details. Saving file - Tried to save file: Automatic tag management The container format of the selected file is not supported. The file can be treated as MP3 file (an ID3 tag according to the settings will be created). This might break the file. Do you want to continue? Treat file as MP3 file The currently opened file changed on the disk. Unable to close the file because the current process hasn't been finished yet. Closing file - Unable to close file: %1 Tried to close file: The file has been closed. Unable to rename the file because the current process hasn't been finished yet. Renaming file - New file name: Unable to rename file: %1 Tried to rename file: The file has been renamed. Unable to save file information because the current process hasn't been finished yet. No file is opened. No file information available. Unable to open file "%1". Unable to write to file "%1". %2 Save file information - Unable to open file. Clear previous values Keep previous values in same dir A tag (with the selected target) already exists. The tag can not be created. The file contains more segments than the GUI can handle. The tags could not be saved because an IO error occurred: %1 Unable to add a tag because the current process hasn't been finished yet. Unable to add a tag because no file is opened. Unable to remove the tag because the current process hasn't been finished yet. Unable to remove the tag because no file is opened. Unable to change the target because the current process hasn't been finished yet. Unable to change the target because no file is opened. Can not change the target of the selected tag because the tag does not support targets. QtGui::TagFieldEdit Keep previous value only if not present in the next file Keep previous value even if present in next file empty Blues A capella Abstract Acid Acid Jazz Acid Punk Acoustic Alternative Alternative Rock Ambient Anime Art Rock Audio Theatre Audiobook Avantgarde Ballad Baroque Bass Beat Bebop Bhangra Big Band Big Beat Black Metal Bluegrass Booty Bass Breakbeat BritPop Cabaret Celtic Chamber Music Chanson Chillout Chorus Christian Gangsta Rap Christian Rap Christian Rock Classic Rock Classical Club Club-House Comedy Contemporary Christian Country Crossover Cult Dance Dance Hall Darkwave Death Metal Disco Downtempo Dream Drum & Bass Drum Solo Dub Dubstep Duet Easy Listening EBM Eclectic Electro Electroclash Electronic Emo Ethnic Euro-House Euro-Techno Eurodance Experimental Fast Fusion Folk Folk-Rock Folklore Freestyle Funk Fusion G-Funk Game Gangsta Garage Garage Rock Global Goa Gospel Gothic Gothic Rock Grunge Hard Rock Hardcore Techno Heavy Metal Hip-Hop House Humour IDM Illbient Indie Indie Rock Industrial Industro-Goth Instrumental Instrumental Pop Instrumental Rock Jam Band Jazz Jazz & Funk Jpop Jungle Krautrock Latin Leftfield Lo-Fi Lounge Math Rock Meditative Merengue Metal Musical National Folk Native US Negerpunk Neoclassical Neue Deutsche Welle New Age New Romantic New Wave Noise Nu-Breakz Oldies Opera Podcast Polka Polsk Punk Pop Pop-Folk Pop/Funk Porn Groove Post-Punk Post-Rock Power Ballad Pranks Primus Progressive Rock Psychedelic Psychedelic Rock Psytrance Punk Punk Rock Rap Rave Reggae Retro Revival Rhythmic Soul Rock Rock & Roll Salsa Samba Satire Shoegaze Showtunes Ska Slow Jam Slow Rock Sonata Soul Sound Clip Soundtrack Southern Rock Space Space Rock Speech Swing Symphonic Rock Symphony Synthpop Tango Techno Techno-Industrial Terror Thrash Metal Top 40 Trailer Trance Tribal Trip-Hop Trop Rock Vocal World Music of Description no widget for editing this field type available The value of this field could not be read from the file because it couldn't be converted properly. The field can not be applied when saving the file and will be lost. Restore value as it is currently present in the file restore to value from %1 (%2) QtGui::TagProcessingGeneralOptionPage General Preferred text encoding (will be used if the tag format supports it) &No preference (most appropriate encoding will be used) ISO &8859-1/Latin-1 UTF-8 UTF-&16 Little Endian UTF-1&6 Big Endian Handling of unknown/unsupported fields Ignore &them but keep them when saving Dis&card them when saving Automatic tag management If enabled, appropriate tags will be created and removed according to the settings automatically when opening a file. Otherwise you have to do this manually (e.g. adding an ID3 tag if none is present yet) and the settings for ID3 usage and targets have no effect. Timestamps Preserve modification time Enable automatic tag management (default) QtGui::TagProcessingTargetsOptionPage Targets Target levels to be added when opening a file <html> <head/> <body> Remarks <ul style="margin-left: -20px; margin-top: -3px; text-indent: 0px "> <li>It is ensured that at least one tag for each selected target level is present when opening a file.</li> <li>Has no effect if automatic tag management is disabled.</li> <li>Has no effect when targets are not supported by the file format.</li> <ul></body></html> RenamingUtility::FileSystemItem Necessary for lupdate. will be created RenamingUtility::FileSystemItemModel Necessary for lupdate. Current name New name Note RenamingUtility::FilteredFileSystemItemModel Necessary for lupdate. RenamingUtility::RenamingEngine Program is not callable. Please don't close a function you didn't open. Not compiled with ECMA support. generated name is empty unable to rename, there is already an entry with the same name unable to move, there is already an entry with the same name renamed moved unable to rename nothing to be changed directory already existed directory created unable to create directory unable to create file skipped due to error of superior item no action specified name is already used at new location by '%1' name doesn't change generated name is already used will be renamed will be moved can not be renamed skipped Settings::KnownFieldModel Necessary for lupdate. Title Album Artist Genre Comment BPM BPS Lyricist Track Disk Part Total parts Encoder Record date Performers Duration Language Encoder settings Lyrics Synchronized lyrics Grouping Record label Cover Composer Rating Description Vendor Album artist Release date Lead performer Arranger Conductor Director Director of photography Sounc engineer Art director Production designer Choregrapher Costume designer Actor Character Written by Screenplay by Edited by Producer Sub Title Assistant director Co-Producer Executive producer Distributed by Mastered by Encoded by Mixed by Remixed by Production studio Thanks to Publisher Mood Original media-type Content-type Subject Keywords Summary Synopsis Initial key Period Law rating Encoding date Tagging date Digitalization date Writing date Purchasing date Recording location Composition location Composer nationality Play counter Measure Tuning ISRC MCDI ISBN Barcode Catalog number Label code LCCN IMDB-ID TMDB-ID TVDB-ID Purchase item Purchase info Purchase owner Purchase price Purchase currency Copyright Production copyright License Terms of use Field Settings::TargetLevelModel Necessary for lupdate. unspecified, everything shot subtrack, part, movement, scene track, song, chapter part, session album, opera, concert, movie, episode edition, issue, volume, opus, season, sequel collection unknown Target level Utility before data after data