#include "./tekstowo.h" #include "../application/settings.h" #include "../misc/networkaccessmanager.h" #include "../misc/utility.h" #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace std::placeholders; using namespace Utility; namespace QtGui { static const auto defaultTekstowoUrl = QStringLiteral("https://www.tekstowo.pl"); static QUrl tekstowoUrl() { const auto &url = Settings::values().dbQuery.tekstowoUrl; return QUrl(url.isEmpty() ? defaultTekstowoUrl : url); } TekstowoResultsModel::TekstowoResultsModel(SongDescription &&initialSongDescription, QNetworkReply *reply) : HttpResultsModel(std::move(initialSongDescription), reply) { } bool TekstowoResultsModel::fetchLyrics(const QModelIndex &index) { if ((index.parent().isValid() || !index.isValid() || index.row() >= m_results.size()) || m_results[index.row()].lyrics.isEmpty()) { return true; } const auto url = webUrl(index); if (url.isEmpty()) { m_errorList << tr("Unable to fetch lyrics: web URL is unknown."); emit resultsAvailable(); return true; } auto *reply = Utility::networkAccessManager().get(QNetworkRequest(url)); addReply(reply, bind(&TekstowoResultsModel::handleLyricsReplyFinished, this, reply, index.row())); return false; } void TekstowoResultsModel::parseInitialResults(const QByteArray &data) { beginResetModel(); m_results.clear(); auto dropLast = false; auto hasExactMatch = false; auto exactMatch = QList::size_type(); for (auto index = exactMatch; index >= 0;) { const auto linkStart = data.indexOf("", hrefEnd); if (linkEnd < linkStart) { break; } index = linkEnd + 4; auto linkText = QTextDocumentFragment::fromHtml(QString::fromUtf8(data.begin() + linkStart, linkEnd + 3 - linkStart)).toPlainText().trimmed(); auto titleStart = linkText.indexOf(QLatin1String(" - ")); #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 0, 0) auto &songDetails = dropLast ? m_results.back() : m_results.emplace_back(); #else if (!dropLast) { m_results.append(SongDescription()); } auto &songDetails = m_results.back(); #endif songDetails.songId = QTextDocumentFragment::fromHtml(QString::fromUtf8(data.begin() + hrefStart, hrefEnd - hrefStart)).toPlainText(); if (titleStart > -1) { songDetails.artist = linkText.mid(0, titleStart); if (songDetails.artist != m_initialDescription.artist) { dropLast = true; continue; } songDetails.title = linkText.mid(titleStart + 3); } else { songDetails.title = std::move(linkText); } if (!hasExactMatch && songDetails.title == m_initialDescription.title) { hasExactMatch = true; exactMatch = m_results.size() - 1; } dropLast = false; } if (dropLast) { m_results.pop_back(); } // ensure the first exact match for the song title is placed first if (hasExactMatch && exactMatch != 0) { std::swap(m_results[exactMatch], m_results[0]); } endResetModel(); } void TekstowoResultsModel::handleLyricsReplyFinished(QNetworkReply *reply, int row) { auto data = QByteArray(); if (auto *newReply = evaluateReplyResults(reply, data, true)) { addReply(newReply, bind(&TekstowoResultsModel::handleLyricsReplyFinished, this, newReply, row)); return; } if (!data.isEmpty()) { parseLyricsResults(row, data); } if (!m_resultsAvailable) { setResultsAvailable(true); } } void TekstowoResultsModel::parseLyricsResults(int row, const QByteArray &data) { if (row >= m_results.size()) { m_errorList << tr("Internal error: context for Tekstowo page reply invalid"); setResultsAvailable(true); return; } auto lyricsStart = data.indexOf("
"); if (lyricsStart < 0) { const auto &assocDesc = m_results[row]; m_errorList << tr("Song details requested for %1/%2 do not contain lyrics").arg(assocDesc.artist, assocDesc.title); setResultsAvailable(true); return; } const auto lyricsEnd = data.indexOf("
", lyricsStart += 24); // hopefully lyrics don't contain nested m_results[row].lyrics = QTextDocumentFragment::fromHtml( QString::fromUtf8(data.data() + lyricsStart, lyricsEnd > -1 ? lyricsEnd - lyricsStart : data.size() - lyricsStart)) .toPlainText() .trimmed(); setResultsAvailable(true); emit lyricsAvailable(index(row, 0)); } QUrl TekstowoResultsModel::webUrl(const QModelIndex &index) { if (index.parent().isValid() || !index.isValid() || index.row() >= m_results.size()) { return QUrl(); } auto url = tekstowoUrl(); url.setPath(m_results[index.row()].songId); return url; } QueryResultsModel *queryTekstowo(SongDescription &&songDescription) { auto url = tekstowoUrl(); url.setPath(QStringLiteral("/szukaj,wykonawca,%1,tytul,%2.html").arg(songDescription.artist, songDescription.title)); return new TekstowoResultsModel(std::move(songDescription), Utility::networkAccessManager().get(QNetworkRequest(url))); } } // namespace QtGui