#include "./tagedit.h" #include "./tagfieldedit.h" #include "../application/settings.h" #include "../application/knownfieldmodel.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace std::placeholders; using namespace ConversionUtilities; using namespace Media; namespace QtGui { /*! * \class QtGui::TagEdit * \brief The TagEdit widget allows the user to edit Media::Tag objects. */ /*! * \brief Constructs a new TagEdit object. */ TagEdit::TagEdit(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this); mainLayout->setMargin(0); QSplitter *splitter = new QSplitter(this); splitter->setOrientation(Qt::Horizontal); QWidget *widget = new QWidget(this); m_layoutLeft = new QFormLayout(widget); m_layoutLeft->setContentsMargins(QMargins()); m_layoutLeft->setSpacing(2); widget->setLayout(m_layoutLeft); splitter->addWidget(widget); widget = new QWidget(this); m_layoutRight = new QVBoxLayout(widget); m_layoutRight->setContentsMargins(QMargins()); widget->setLayout(m_layoutRight); splitter->addWidget(widget); splitter->setSizes(QList() << 500); mainLayout->addWidget(splitter); setLayout(mainLayout); } /*! * \brief Returns the current value for the specified \a field. * \remarks Doesn't work for fields of the type picture. */ TagValue TagEdit::value(KnownField field, TagTextEncoding encoding) const { if(const TagFieldEdit *edit = m_widgets.value(field, nullptr)) { return edit->value(encoding, false); } else { return TagValue(); } } /*! * \brief Assigns the specified \a tag to the edit. * \param updateUi Specifies whether the UI of should be updated. * \remarks The TagEdit object does not take ownership. */ void TagEdit::setTag(Tag *tag, bool updateUi) { m_tags.clear(); if(tag) { m_tags << tag; } if(updateUi) { setupUi(); } else { assignTags(); } } /*! * \brief Assigns the specified \a tags to the edit. * \param updateUi Specifies whether the UI of should be updated. * \remarks The TagEdit object does not take ownership. */ void TagEdit::setTags(const QList &tags, bool updateUi) { m_tags = tags; if(updateUi) { setupUi(); } else { assignTags(); } } /*! * \brief Sets the \a value for the specified \a field manually applying the specified \a previousValueHandling. */ bool TagEdit::setValue(KnownField field, const Media::TagValue &value, PreviousValueHandling previousValueHandling) { if(TagFieldEdit *edit = m_widgets.value(field, nullptr)) { return edit->setValue(value, previousValueHandling); } else { return false; } } /*! * \brief Returns whether at least on of the assigned tags supports the specified \a field. */ bool TagEdit::hasField(KnownField field) const { for(Tag *tag : m_tags) { if(tag->supportsField(field)) { return true; } } return false; } /*! * \brief Generates a label for the currently assigned tags. * * (Used as combo box item for the tag edit.) */ QString TagEdit::generateLabel() const { if(!m_tags.isEmpty()) { const TagTarget &target = m_tags.at(0)->target(); bool differentTargets = false, haveMatroskaTags = false; QStringList tagNames; tagNames.reserve(m_tags.size()); for(const Tag *tag : m_tags) { tagNames << QString::fromLocal8Bit(tag->typeName()); if(!differentTargets && !(target == tag->target())) { differentTargets = true; } if(tag->type() == TagType::MatroskaTag) { haveMatroskaTags = true; } } QString res = tagNames.join(QStringLiteral(", ")); if(differentTargets) { res.append(tr(" with different targets")); } else if(haveMatroskaTags || !target.isEmpty()) { res.append(tr(" targeting %1").arg(QString::fromLocal8Bit(m_tags.front()->targetString().c_str()))); } return res; } return QString(); } /*! * \brief Clears all TagFieldEdit widgets. */ void TagEdit::clear() { for(TagFieldEdit *edit : m_widgets) { edit->clear(); } } /*! * \brief Restores all TagFieldEdit widgets. */ void TagEdit::restore() { for(TagFieldEdit *edit : m_widgets) { edit->restore(); } } /*! * \brief Applies all entered values to the assigned tags. */ void TagEdit::apply() { switch(Settings::values().tagPocessing.unsupportedFieldHandling) { case Settings::UnsupportedFieldHandling::Discard: // remove all old fields of all tags to discard // all unsupported values for(Tag *tag : m_tags) { tag->removeAllFields(); } break; default: ; } for(TagFieldEdit *edit : m_widgets) { edit->apply(); } } /*! * \brief Invalidates the UI. * * All widgets are removed and recreated. Hence all fields are restored * to the initial values. Assigned tags will remain. */ void TagEdit::invalidate() { // remove current widgets for(QWidget *edit : m_widgets) { removeEdit(edit); edit->deleteLater(); } m_widgets.clear(); // recreate widgets setupUi(); } /*! * \brief Sets whether cover buttons are hidden. */ void TagEdit::setCoverButtonsHidden(bool hideCoverButtons) { for(auto i = m_widgets.begin(), end = m_widgets.end(); i != end; ++i) { i.value()->setCoverButtonsHidden(hideCoverButtons); } } /*! * \brief Internally called to setup the UI. */ void TagEdit::setupUi() { setUpdatesEnabled(false); if(!m_tags.size()) { // there are no tags assigned -> remove all editing controls for(QWidget *edit : m_widgets) { removeEdit(edit); edit->deleteLater(); } m_widgets.clear(); } else { // there are tags assigned // setup editing controls TagFieldEdit *edit = nullptr; int rowOverall = 0, rowLeft = 0, rowRight = 0; for(const auto &item : Settings::values().editor.fields.items()) { KnownField field = static_cast(item.id().toInt()); if(item.isChecked() && hasField(field)) { // the field is not disabled and the field is supported by at least one of the assigned tags edit = m_widgets.value(field, nullptr); if(edit) { // we have already an edit for the field -> try to recycle it // the order might have changed int prevIndex; // stores the previous index (NOT row) switch(field) { case KnownField::Cover: case KnownField::Lyrics: // these fields are shown at the right side prevIndex = m_layoutRight->indexOf(edit); if(prevIndex > 0 && (rowRight * 2 + 1) != prevIndex) { QLayoutItem *item1 = m_layoutRight->itemAt(prevIndex - 1); QLayoutItem *item2 = m_layoutRight->itemAt(prevIndex); m_layoutRight->removeItem(item1); m_layoutRight->removeItem(item2); m_layoutRight->insertItem(rowRight * 2, item1); m_layoutRight->insertItem(rowRight * 2 + 1, item2); } break; default: // the other fields are shown at the left side prevIndex = m_layoutLeft->indexOf(edit); if(prevIndex > 0 && (rowLeft * 2 + 1) != prevIndex) { QLayoutItem *item1 = m_layoutLeft->itemAt(prevIndex - 1); QLayoutItem *item2 = m_layoutLeft->itemAt(prevIndex); QWidget *label = item1->widget(); m_layoutLeft->removeItem(item1); m_layoutLeft->removeItem(item2); delete item1; delete item2; m_layoutLeft->insertRow(rowLeft, label, edit); } } // update the tag field edit->setTagField(m_tags, field, m_previousValueHandling); } else { // we need to create a new edit for the field edit = new TagFieldEdit(m_tags, field, this); connect(edit, &TagFieldEdit::returnPressed, this, &TagEdit::returnPressed); switch(field) { case KnownField::Cover: case KnownField::Lyrics: // editing widgets for these fields will be show at the right side (m_layoutRight) m_layoutRight->insertWidget(rowRight * 2, new QLabel(item.label(), this)); edit->setContentsMargins(10, 0, 0, 0); m_layoutRight->insertWidget(rowRight * 2 + 1, edit); break; default: // editing widgets for the other fields will be show at the left side (m_layoutLeft) m_layoutLeft->insertRow(rowLeft, item.label(), edit); } m_widgets.insert(field, edit); } // update the current position // the position is required to keep the order of Settings::fieldModel().fields() ++rowOverall; switch(field) { case KnownField::Cover: case KnownField::Lyrics: ++rowRight; break; default: ++rowLeft; } } else { // the field is either disabled or it is not supported by at least one of the assigned tags if((edit = m_widgets.value(field))) { m_widgets.remove(field); removeEdit(edit); edit->deleteLater(); } } } } setUpdatesEnabled(true); } /*! * \brief Internally called to remove an edit. */ void TagEdit::removeEdit(QWidget *edit) { // delete label of the widget (if present) as well // the left layout might contain the label if(QWidget *label = m_layoutLeft->labelForField(edit)) { label->deleteLater(); } // or the right layout might contain the label int i = m_layoutRight->indexOf(edit) - 1; if(i >= 0) { if(QLayoutItem *item = m_layoutRight->itemAt(i)) { if(item->widget()) { item->widget()->deleteLater(); m_layoutRight->removeWidget(item->widget()); } } } } /*! * \brief Internlly called to assign tags without updating the UI. */ void TagEdit::assignTags() { for(TagFieldEdit *edit : m_widgets) { edit->setTagField(m_tags, edit->field(), m_previousValueHandling, true); } } }