Martchus d99fadd1f1 Allow stopping the systemd service automatically on metered connections
This is the same as the feature already present in the launcher and
connection settings. Not sure how much sense it makes for systemd services
as they run rather independently from the UI but maybe it is useful.
2024-04-19 00:04:48 +02:00

385 lines
13 KiB

#include "./global.h"
#include <c++utilities/chrono/datetime.h>
#include <QObject>
#include <QVariantMap>
#include <optional>
#include <unordered_set>
class OrgFreedesktopSystemd1ManagerInterface;
class OrgFreedesktopSystemd1UnitInterface;
class OrgFreedesktopSystemd1ServiceInterface;
class OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesInterface;
class OrgFreedesktopLogin1ManagerInterface;
namespace Data {
struct ManagerDBusUnitFileChange {
QString type;
QString path;
QString source;
QDBusArgument &operator<<(QDBusArgument &argument, const ManagerDBusUnitFileChange &unitFileChange);
const QDBusArgument &operator>>(const QDBusArgument &argument, ManagerDBusUnitFileChange &unitFileChange);
typedef QList<ManagerDBusUnitFileChange> ManagerDBusUnitFileChangeList;
enum class SystemdScope { System, User };
class LIB_SYNCTHING_CONNECTOR_EXPORT SyncthingService : public QObject {
Q_PROPERTY(QString unitName READ unitName WRITE setUnitName NOTIFY unitNameChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool systemdAvailable READ isSystemdAvailable NOTIFY systemdAvailableChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool unitAvailable READ isUnitAvailable NOTIFY unitAvailableChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString activeState READ activeState NOTIFY activeStateChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString subState READ subState NOTIFY subStateChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(CppUtilities::DateTime activeSince READ activeSince NOTIFY activeStateChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString unitFileState READ unitFileState NOTIFY unitFileStateChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString description READ description NOTIFY descriptionChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool running READ isRunning WRITE setRunning NOTIFY runningChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool enable READ isEnabled WRITE setEnabled NOTIFY enabledChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool manuallyStopped READ isManuallyStopped)
Q_PROPERTY(SystemdScope scope READ scope WRITE setScope NOTIFY scopeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool userScope READ isUserScope NOTIFY scopeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(std::optional<bool> networkConnectionMetered READ isNetworkConnectionMetered WRITE setNetworkConnectionMetered NOTIFY
Q_PROPERTY(bool stoppingOnMeteredConnection READ isStoppingOnMeteredConnection WRITE setStoppingOnMeteredConnection)
explicit SyncthingService(SystemdScope scope = SystemdScope::User, QObject *parent = nullptr);
const QString &unitName() const;
bool isSystemdAvailable() const;
bool isUnitAvailable() const;
const QString &activeState() const;
const QString &subState() const;
CppUtilities::DateTime activeSince() const;
bool isActiveFor(unsigned int atLeastSeconds) const;
bool isActiveWithoutSleepFor(unsigned int atLeastSeconds) const;
static bool isActiveWithoutSleepFor(CppUtilities::DateTime activeSince, unsigned int atLeastSeconds);
static CppUtilities::DateTime lastWakeUp();
const QString &unitFileState() const;
const QString &description() const;
bool isRunning() const;
bool isEnabled() const;
bool isDisabled() const;
bool canEnableOrStart() const;
bool isManuallyStopped() const;
SystemdScope scope() const;
void setScope(SystemdScope scope);
void setScopeAndUnitName(SystemdScope scope, const QString &unitName);
bool isUserScope() const;
std::optional<bool> isNetworkConnectionMetered() const;
void setNetworkConnectionMetered(std::optional<bool> metered);
bool isStoppingOnMeteredConnection() const;
void setStoppingOnMeteredConnection(bool stopOnMeteredConnection);
static SyncthingService *mainInstance();
static void setMainInstance(SyncthingService *mainInstance);
public Q_SLOTS:
void setUnitName(const QString &unitName);
void setRunning(bool running);
void start();
void stop();
void toggleRunning();
void setEnabled(bool enable);
void enable();
void disable();
void reloadAllUnitFiles();
void unitNameChanged(const QString &unitName);
void systemdAvailableChanged(bool available);
void unitAvailableChanged(bool available);
void stateChanged(const QString &activeState, const QString &subState, CppUtilities::DateTime activeSince);
void activeStateChanged(const QString &activeState);
void subStateChanged(const QString &subState);
void unitFileStateChanged(const QString &unitFileState);
void descriptionChanged(const QString &description);
void runningChanged(bool running);
void enabledChanged(bool enable);
void errorOccurred(const QString &context, const QString &name, const QString &message);
void scopeChanged(Data::SystemdScope scope);
void networkConnectionMeteredChanged(std::optional<bool> isMetered);
private Q_SLOTS:
void handleUnitAdded(const QString &unitName, const QDBusObjectPath &unitPath);
void handleUnitRemoved(const QString &unitName, const QDBusObjectPath &unitPath);
void handleReloading(bool started);
void handleUnitGet(QDBusPendingCallWatcher *watcher);
void handleGetUnitFileState(QDBusPendingCallWatcher *watcher);
void handlePropertiesChanged(const QString &interface, const QVariantMap &changedProperties, const QStringList &invalidatedProperties);
void handleError(const char *error, QDBusPendingCallWatcher *watcher, bool reload = false);
void handleServiceRegisteredChanged(const QString &service);
static void handlePrepareForSleep(bool rightBefore);
void setUnit(const QDBusObjectPath &objectPath);
void setProperties(
bool unitAvailable, const QString &activeState, const QString &subState, const QString &unitFileState, const QString &description);
void setupSystemdInterface();
void setupFreedesktopLoginInterface();
template <typename HandlerType> void makeAsyncCall(const QDBusPendingCall &call, HandlerType &&handler, bool removeHandler = true);
void registerErrorHandler(const QDBusPendingCall &call, const char *context, bool reload = false, bool removeHandler = true);
bool concludeAsyncCall(QDBusPendingCallWatcher *watcher, bool reload = false);
void clearSystemdInterface();
void clearUnitData();
void queryUnitFromSystemdInterface();
bool handlePropertyChanged(QString &variable, void (SyncthingService::*signal)(const QString &), const QString &propertyName,
const QVariantMap &changedProperties, const QStringList &invalidatedProperties);
bool handlePropertyChanged(CppUtilities::DateTime &variable, const QString &propertyName, const QVariantMap &changedProperties,
const QStringList &invalidatedProperties);
void stopDueToMeteredConnection();
static OrgFreedesktopSystemd1ManagerInterface *s_systemdUserInterface;
static OrgFreedesktopSystemd1ManagerInterface *s_systemdSystemInterface;
static OrgFreedesktopLogin1ManagerInterface *s_loginManager;
static bool s_fallingAsleep;
static CppUtilities::DateTime s_lastWakeUp;
static SyncthingService *s_mainInstance;
QString m_unitName;
QDBusServiceWatcher *m_serviceWatcher;
OrgFreedesktopSystemd1UnitInterface *m_unit;
OrgFreedesktopSystemd1ServiceInterface *m_service;
OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesInterface *m_properties;
QString m_description;
QString m_activeState;
QString m_subState;
QString m_unitFileState;
CppUtilities::DateTime m_activeSince;
OrgFreedesktopSystemd1ManagerInterface *m_currentSystemdInterface;
std::unordered_set<QDBusPendingCallWatcher *> m_pendingCalls;
SystemdScope m_scope;
bool m_manuallyStopped;
bool m_stoppedMetered;
bool m_unitAvailable;
bool m_stopOnMeteredConnection;
std::optional<bool> m_metered;
* \brief Returns the name of the systemd user service unit to be controlled/monitored, e.g. "syncthing.service".
inline const QString &SyncthingService::unitName() const
return m_unitName;
* \brief Returns the active state of the unit.
* \remarks The unit must be available, \sa SyncthingService::isUnitAvailable().
inline const QString &SyncthingService::activeState() const
return m_activeState;
* \brief Returns the sub state of the unit.
* \remarks The unit must be available, \sa SyncthingService::isUnitAvailable().
inline const QString &SyncthingService::subState() const
return m_subState;
* \brief Returns the unit file state.
* \remarks The unit must be available, \sa SyncthingService::isUnitAvailable().
inline const QString &SyncthingService::unitFileState() const
return m_unitFileState;
* \brief Returns the unit description.
* \remarks The unit must be available, \sa SyncthingService::isUnitAvailable().
inline const QString &SyncthingService::description() const
return m_description;
* \brief Returns whether the unit is running.
* \remarks The unit must be available, \sa SyncthingService::isUnitAvailable().
inline bool SyncthingService::isRunning() const
return m_activeState == QLatin1String("active") && m_subState == QLatin1String("running");
* \brief Starts the unit.
inline void SyncthingService::start()
* \brief Stops the unit.
inline void SyncthingService::stop()
* \brief Toggles the running state.
inline void SyncthingService::toggleRunning()
* \brief Returns whether the unit is enabled.
* \remarks The unit must be available, \sa SyncthingService::isUnitAvailable().
inline bool SyncthingService::isEnabled() const
return m_unitFileState == QLatin1String("enabled");
* \brief Returns whether the unit is disabled.
* \remarks The unit must be available, \sa SyncthingService::isUnitAvailable().
inline bool SyncthingService::isDisabled() const
return m_unitFileState == QLatin1String("disabled");
* \brief Returns whether the unit can be enabled or started.
inline bool Data::SyncthingService::canEnableOrStart() const
return (isUnitAvailable() && !isRunning()) || isDisabled();
* \brief Returns whether the unit has been manually stopped via stop(), toggleRunning() or setRunning().
inline bool SyncthingService::isManuallyStopped() const
return m_manuallyStopped;
* \brief Returns the scope the current instance is tuned to.
inline SystemdScope SyncthingService::scope() const
return m_scope;
* \brief Returns whether the scope is SystemdScope::User.
inline bool SyncthingService::isUserScope() const
return m_scope == SystemdScope::User;
* \brief Returns since when the unit is active.
inline CppUtilities::DateTime SyncthingService::activeSince() const
return m_activeSince;
* \brief Returns whether the unit has been active for at least \a atLeastSeconds.
* \remarks An interruption due to standby is *not* taken into account.
inline bool SyncthingService::isActiveFor(unsigned int atLeastSeconds) const
return !m_activeSince.isNull() && (CppUtilities::DateTime::gmtNow() - m_activeSince).totalSeconds() > atLeastSeconds;
* \brief Returns whether the unit has been active for at least \a atLeastSeconds.
* \remarks An interruption due to standby is taken into account. So if the last standby-wakeup was less than \a atLeastSeconds
* ago this function returns false regardless of the unit's activeness.
inline bool SyncthingService::isActiveWithoutSleepFor(unsigned int atLeastSeconds) const
return isActiveWithoutSleepFor(m_activeSince, atLeastSeconds);
* \brief Returns when the last standby-wakeup happend.
inline CppUtilities::DateTime SyncthingService::lastWakeUp()
return s_lastWakeUp;
* \brief Enables the unit.
inline void SyncthingService::enable()
* \brief Disables the unit.
inline void SyncthingService::disable()
/// \brief Returns whether the current network connection is metered.
/// \remarks Returns an std::optional<bool> without value if it is unknown whether the network connection is metered.
inline std::optional<bool> SyncthingService::isNetworkConnectionMetered() const
return m_metered;
/// \brief Returns whether Syncthing should automatically be stopped as long as the network connection is metered.
inline bool SyncthingService::isStoppingOnMeteredConnection() const
return m_stopOnMeteredConnection;
* \brief Returns the SyncthingService instance which has previously been assigned via SyncthingService::setMainInstance().
inline SyncthingService *SyncthingService::mainInstance()
return s_mainInstance;
* \brief Assigns the "main" SyncthingService instance.
inline void SyncthingService::setMainInstance(SyncthingService *mainInstance)
s_mainInstance = mainInstance;
} // namespace Data