Martchus 506f2a295c Delete QNetworkReply correctly when destroying SyncthingFileModel
When disconnecting the callback we need to destroy the QNetworkReply
manually (as this is no longer done by the usual handler). This will also
close any network connections (if still open).
2024-05-05 12:48:01 +02:00

2660 lines
102 KiB

#include "./syncthingconnection.h"
#include "./utils.h"
#include "./syncthingconnectionmockhelpers.h"
#include <c++utilities/conversion/conversionexception.h>
#include <c++utilities/conversion/stringconversion.h>
#include <c++utilities/io/ansiescapecodes.h>
#include <QJsonArray>
#include <QJsonDocument>
#include <QJsonValue>
#include <QNetworkAccessManager>
#include <QNetworkReply>
#include <QStringBuilder>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QUrlQuery>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
using namespace std;
using namespace CppUtilities;
using namespace CppUtilities::EscapeCodes;
namespace Data {
// helper to create QNetworkRequest
* \brief Formats the specified \a value so it can be passed to QUrlQuery::addQueryItem().
* \remarks
* The function QUrlQuery::addQueryItem() does *not* treat spaces and plus signs as the same,
* ike HTML forms and Syncthing do. So it is required to use QUrl::toPercentEncoding() as Syncthing
* would otherwise misinterpret plus signs as spaces.
inline QString formatQueryItem(const QString &value)
return QString::fromUtf8(QUrl::toPercentEncoding(value));
* \brief Prepares a request for the specified \a path and \a query.
QNetworkRequest SyncthingConnection::prepareRequest(const QString &path, const QUrlQuery &query, bool rest, bool longPolling)
QUrl url(m_syncthingUrl);
url.setPath(rest ? (url.path() % QStringLiteral("/rest/") % path) : (url.path() + path));
QNetworkRequest request(url);
request.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, QByteArrayLiteral("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"));
request.setRawHeader("X-API-Key", m_apiKey);
// ensure redirects to HTTPS are enabled/allowed regardless of the Qt version
// note: This setting is only the default as of Qt 6 and only supported as of Qt 5.9.
request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::RedirectPolicyAttribute, QNetworkRequest::NoLessSafeRedirectPolicy);
#if (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 15, 0))
// give it a few seconds more time than the actual long polling interval set via the timeout query parameter
request.setTransferTimeout(longPolling ? (m_longPollingTimeout ? m_longPollingTimeout + 5000 : 0) : m_requestTimeout);
return request;
* \brief Requests asynchronously data using the rest API.
QNetworkReply *SyncthingConnection::requestData(const QString &path, const QUrlQuery &query, bool rest, bool longPolling)
auto *const reply = networkAccessManager().get(prepareRequest(path, query, rest, longPolling));
QObject::connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::sslErrors, this, &SyncthingConnection::handleSslErrors);
QObject::connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::redirected, this, &SyncthingConnection::handleRedirection);
if (loggingFlags() & SyncthingConnectionLoggingFlags::ApiCalls) {
cerr << Phrases::Info << "Querying API: GET " << reply->url().toString().toStdString() << Phrases::EndFlush;
return reply;
return MockedReply::forRequest(QStringLiteral("GET"), path, query, rest);
* \brief Posts asynchronously data using the rest API.
QNetworkReply *SyncthingConnection::postData(const QString &path, const QUrlQuery &query, const QByteArray &data)
auto *const reply = networkAccessManager().post(prepareRequest(path, query), data);
QObject::connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::sslErrors, this, &SyncthingConnection::handleSslErrors);
if (loggingFlags() & SyncthingConnectionLoggingFlags::ApiCalls) {
cerr << Phrases::Info << "Querying API: POST " << reply->url().toString().toStdString() << Phrases::EndFlush;
return reply;
* \brief Invokes an asynchronous request using the rest API.
QNetworkReply *SyncthingConnection::sendData(const QByteArray &verb, const QString &path, const QUrlQuery &query, const QByteArray &data)
auto *const reply = networkAccessManager().sendCustomRequest(prepareRequest(path, query), verb, data);
QObject::connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::sslErrors, this, &SyncthingConnection::handleSslErrors);
if (loggingFlags() & SyncthingConnectionLoggingFlags::ApiCalls) {
cerr << Phrases::Info << "Querying API: " << << ' ' << reply->url().toString().toStdString() << Phrases::EndFlush;
return reply;
* \brief Prepares the current reply.
SyncthingConnection::Reply SyncthingConnection::prepareReply(bool readData, bool handleAborting)
return handleReply(static_cast<QNetworkReply *>(sender()), readData, handleAborting);
* \brief Prepares the current reply.
SyncthingConnection::Reply SyncthingConnection::prepareReply(QNetworkReply *&expectedReply, bool readData, bool handleAborting)
auto *const reply = static_cast<QNetworkReply *>(sender());
if (reply == expectedReply) {
expectedReply = nullptr; // unset the expected reply so it is no longer considered pending
return handleReply(reply, readData, handleAborting);
* \brief Prepares the current reply.
SyncthingConnection::Reply SyncthingConnection::prepareReply(QList<QNetworkReply *> &expectedReplies, bool readData, bool handleAborting)
auto *const reply = static_cast<QNetworkReply *>(sender());
expectedReplies.removeAll(reply); // unset the expected reply so it is no longer considered pending
return handleReply(reply, readData, handleAborting);
/// \cond
static QString certText(const QSslCertificate &cert)
auto text = cert.toText();
if (text.startsWith(QStringLiteral("Certificate: "))) {
return text;
if (text.isEmpty()) {
// .toText() is not implemented for all backends so use .toPem() as fallback
text = QChar('\n') + QString::fromUtf8(cert.toPem());
return text.isEmpty() ? QStringLiteral("Certificate: [no information available]") : QStringLiteral("Certificate: ") + text;
/// \endcond
* \brief Handles SSL errors of replies.
* \remarks
* - Ignores expected errors which are usually assigned via applySettings() or loadSelfSignedCertificate() to handle a self-signed
* certificate.
* - If expected errors have previously been assigned to handle a self-signed certificate this function attempts to reload the
* certificate via loadSelfSignedCertificate() if it appears to be re-generated. This is done because Syncthing might re-generate
* the certificate if it will expire soon (indicated by the log message "Loading HTTPS certificate: certificate will soon expire"
* followed by "Creating new HTTPS certificate").
void SyncthingConnection::handleSslErrors(const QList<QSslError> &errors)
// check SSL errors for replies
auto *const reply = static_cast<QNetworkReply *>(sender());
auto hasUnexpectedErrors = false;
for (const auto &error : errors) {
// skip expected errors
// note: This would be required even when calling reply->ignoreSslErrors(m_expectedSslErrors) before so we
// are omitting that call and just check it here.
if (m_expectedSslErrors.contains(error)) {
// check whether the certificate has changed and reload it before emitting error
if (const auto &certPath = m_certificatePath.isEmpty() ? m_dynamicallyDeterminedCertificatePath : m_certificatePath;
!certPath.isEmpty() && m_certificateLastModified.isValid()) {
if (const auto lastModified = QFileInfo(certPath).lastModified(); lastModified > m_certificateLastModified) {
if (const auto ok = loadSelfSignedCertificate(); ok && !m_certificatePath.isEmpty()) {
m_certificateLastModified = lastModified;
// re-check whether error is expected after reloading and skip it accordingly
if (m_expectedSslErrors.contains(error)) {
// handle the error by emitting the error signal with all the details including the certificate
// note: Of course the failing request would cause a QNetworkReply::SslHandshakeFailedError anyways. However,
// at this point the concrete SSL error with the certificate is not accessible anymore.
auto errorMessage
= QString(QStringLiteral("TLS error: ") % error.errorString() % QChar(' ') % QChar('(') % QString::number(error.error()) % QChar(')'));
if (const auto cert = error.certificate(); !cert.isNull()) {
errorMessage += QChar('\n');
if (cert == m_certFromLastSslError) {
errorMessage += QStringLiteral("Certificate: same as last");
} else {
errorMessage += certText(cert);
if (!m_expectedSslErrors.isEmpty()) {
errorMessage += QStringLiteral("\nExpected ") + certText(m_expectedSslErrors.front().certificate());
m_certFromLastSslError = cert;
emit this->error(errorMessage, SyncthingErrorCategory::TLS, QNetworkReply::NoError, reply->request());
hasUnexpectedErrors = true;
// proceed if all errors are expected
if (!hasUnexpectedErrors) {
* \brief Handles redirections.
* \remarks The redirect policy will decide whether to follow the redirection or not.
* This function merely handles logging and loading the certificate in case this
* hasn't happened before (e.g. a redirection from http to https).
void SyncthingConnection::handleRedirection(const QUrl &url)
if (m_loggingFlags & SyncthingConnectionLoggingFlags::ApiReplies) {
const auto urlStr = url.toString().toUtf8();
cerr << Phrases::Info << "Got redirected to: " << std::string_view(, static_cast<std::string_view::size_type>(urlStr.size()))
<< Phrases::EndFlush;
if (m_expectedSslErrors.isEmpty() && url.scheme().endsWith(QChar('s'))) {
* \brief Handles the specified \a reply; invoked by the prepareReply() functions.
SyncthingConnection::Reply SyncthingConnection::handleReply(QNetworkReply *reply, bool readData, bool handleAborting)
const auto log = m_loggingFlags & SyncthingConnectionLoggingFlags::ApiReplies;
const auto data = Reply{
.reply = (handleAborting && m_abortingAllRequests) ? nullptr : reply, // skip further processing if aborting to reconnect
.response = ((readData || log) && reply->isOpen()) ? reply->readAll() : QByteArray(),
if (log) {
const auto url = reply->url();
const auto path = url.path().toUtf8();
const auto urlStr = url.toString().toUtf8();
cerr << Phrases::Info << "Received reply for: " << std::string_view(, static_cast<std::string_view::size_type>(urlStr.size()))
<< Phrases::EndFlush;
if (!data.response.isEmpty() && path != "/rest/events"
&& path != "/rest/events/disk") { // events are logged separately because they are not always useful but make the log very verbose
cerr << std::string_view(, static_cast<std::string_view::size_type>(data.response.size()));
if (handleAborting && m_abortingToReconnect) {
return data;
* \brief Returns the path to Syncthing's "config" route depending on whether deprecated routes should be used.
QString SyncthingConnection::configPath() const
return isUsingDeprecatedRoutes() ? QStringLiteral("system/config") : QStringLiteral("config");
* \brief Returns the verb for posting the Syncthing config in accordance to the path returned by configPath().
QByteArray SyncthingConnection::changeConfigVerb() const
return isUsingDeprecatedRoutes() ? QByteArrayLiteral("POST") : QByteArrayLiteral("PUT");
* \brief Returns the path to Syncthing's route to retrieve errors depending on whether deprecated routes should be used.
QString SyncthingConnection::folderErrorsPath() const
return isUsingDeprecatedRoutes() ? QStringLiteral("folder/pullerrors") : QStringLiteral("folder/errors");
// pause/resume devices
* \brief Requests pausing the devices with the specified IDs.
* The signal error() is emitted when the request was not successful.
bool SyncthingConnection::pauseDevice(const QStringList &devIds)
return pauseResumeDevice(devIds, true);
* \brief Requests pausing all devices.
* The signal error() is emitted when the request was not successful.
bool SyncthingConnection::pauseAllDevs()
return pauseResumeDevice(deviceIds(), true);
* \brief Requests resuming the devices with the specified IDs.
* The signal error() is emitted when the request was not successful.
bool SyncthingConnection::resumeDevice(const QStringList &devIds)
return pauseResumeDevice(devIds, false);
* \brief Requests resuming all devices.
* The signal error() is emitted when the request was not successful.
bool SyncthingConnection::resumeAllDevs()
return pauseResumeDevice(deviceIds(), false);
* \brief Internally used to pause/resume directories.
* \returns Returns whether a request has been made.
* \remarks This might result in errors caused by Syncthing not handling E notation correctly when using Qt < 5.9,
* see
bool SyncthingConnection::pauseResumeDevice(const QStringList &devIds, bool paused, bool dueToMetered)
if (devIds.isEmpty()) {
return false;
if (!m_hasConfig) {
emit error(tr("Unable to pause/resume a devices when not connected"), SyncthingErrorCategory::SpecificRequest, QNetworkReply::NoError);
return false;
QJsonObject config = m_rawConfig;
if (!setDevicesPaused(config, devIds, paused)) {
return false;
QJsonDocument doc;
QNetworkReply *const reply = sendData(changeConfigVerb(), configPath(), QUrlQuery(), doc.toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact));
reply->setProperty("devIds", devIds);
reply->setProperty("resume", !paused);
QObject::connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &SyncthingConnection::readDevPauseResume);
// avoid considering manually paused or resumed devices when the network connection is no longer metered
if (!dueToMetered && !m_devsPausedDueToMeteredConnection.isEmpty()) {
for (const auto &devId : devIds) {
return true;
* \brief Reads results of pauseDevice() and resumeDevice().
void SyncthingConnection::readDevPauseResume()
auto const [reply, response] = prepareReply(false);
if (!reply) {
switch (reply->error()) {
case QNetworkReply::NoError: {
const QStringList devIds = reply->property("devIds").toStringList();
const bool resume = reply->property("resume").toBool();
setDevicesPaused(m_rawConfig, devIds, !resume);
if (reply->property("resume").toBool()) {
emit deviceResumeTriggered(devIds);
} else {
emit devicePauseTriggered(devIds);
emitError(tr("Unable to request device pause/resume: "), SyncthingErrorCategory::SpecificRequest, reply);
// pause/resume directories
* \brief Pauses the directories with the specified IDs.
* \remarks Calling this method when not connected results in an error because the *current* Syncthing config must
* be available for this call.
* \returns Returns whether a request has been made.
* The signal error() is emitted when the request was not successful.
bool SyncthingConnection::pauseDirectories(const QStringList &dirIds)
return pauseResumeDirectory(dirIds, true);
* \brief Pauses all directories.
* \remarks Calling this method when not connected results in an error because the *current* Syncthing config must
* be available for this call.
* The signal error() is emitted when the request was not successful.
bool SyncthingConnection::pauseAllDirs()
return pauseResumeDirectory(directoryIds(), true);
* \brief Resumes the directories with the specified IDs.
* \remarks Calling this method when not connected results in an error because the *current* Syncthing config must
* be available for this call.
* The signal error() is emitted when the request was not successful.
bool SyncthingConnection::resumeDirectories(const QStringList &dirIds)
return pauseResumeDirectory(dirIds, false);
* \brief Resumes all directories.
* \remarks Calling this method when not connected results in an error because the *current* Syncthing config must
* be available for this call.
* The signal error() is emitted when the request was not successful.
bool SyncthingConnection::resumeAllDirs()
return pauseResumeDirectory(directoryIds(), false);
* \brief Internally used to pause/resume directories.
* \returns Returns whether a request has been made.
* \remarks This might currently result in errors caused by Syncthing not
* handling E notation correctly when using Qt < 5.9:
bool SyncthingConnection::pauseResumeDirectory(const QStringList &dirIds, bool paused)
if (dirIds.isEmpty()) {
return false;
if (!isConnected()) {
emit error(tr("Unable to pause/resume a folders when not connected"), SyncthingErrorCategory::SpecificRequest, QNetworkReply::NoError);
return false;
QJsonObject config = m_rawConfig;
if (setDirectoriesPaused(config, dirIds, paused)) {
QJsonDocument doc;
QNetworkReply *const reply = sendData(changeConfigVerb(), configPath(), QUrlQuery(), doc.toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact));
reply->setProperty("dirIds", dirIds);
reply->setProperty("resume", !paused);
QObject::connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &SyncthingConnection::readDirPauseResume);
return true;
return false;
void SyncthingConnection::readDirPauseResume()
auto const [reply, response] = prepareReply(false);
if (!reply) {
switch (reply->error()) {
case QNetworkReply::NoError: {
const QStringList dirIds = reply->property("dirIds").toStringList();
const bool resume = reply->property("resume").toBool();
setDirectoriesPaused(m_rawConfig, dirIds, !resume);
if (resume) {
emit directoryResumeTriggered(dirIds);
} else {
emit directoryPauseTriggered(dirIds);
emitError(tr("Unable to request folder pause/resume: "), SyncthingErrorCategory::SpecificRequest, reply);
// rescan directories
* \brief Requests rescanning all directories.
* Note that rescan is only requested for unpaused directories because requesting rescan for
* paused directories only leads to an error.
* The signal error() is emitted when the request was not successful.
void SyncthingConnection::rescanAllDirs()
for (const SyncthingDir &dir : m_dirs) {
if (!dir.paused) {
* \brief Requests rescanning the directory with the specified ID.
* The signal error() is emitted when the request was not successful.
void SyncthingConnection::rescan(const QString &dirId, const QString &relpath)
if (dirId.isEmpty()) {
emit error(tr("Unable to rescan: No folder ID specified."), SyncthingErrorCategory::SpecificRequest, QNetworkReply::NoError,
QNetworkRequest(), QByteArray());
auto query = QUrlQuery();
query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("folder"), formatQueryItem(dirId));
if (!relpath.isEmpty()) {
query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("sub"), formatQueryItem(relpath));
QNetworkReply *reply = postData(QStringLiteral("db/scan"), query);
reply->setProperty("dirId", dirId);
QObject::connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &SyncthingConnection::readRescan);
* \brief Reads results of rescan().
void SyncthingConnection::readRescan()
auto const [reply, response] = prepareReply(false);
if (!reply) {
switch (reply->error()) {
case QNetworkReply::NoError:
emit rescanTriggered(reply->property("dirId").toString());
emitError(tr("Unable to request rescan: "), SyncthingErrorCategory::SpecificRequest, reply);
// restart/shutdown Syncthing
* \brief Requests Syncthing to restart.
* The signal error() is emitted when the request was not successful.
void SyncthingConnection::restart()
QObject::connect(postData(QStringLiteral("system/restart"), QUrlQuery()), &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &SyncthingConnection::readRestart);
* \brief Reads results of restart().
void SyncthingConnection::readRestart()
auto const [reply, response] = prepareReply(false);
if (!reply) {
switch (reply->error()) {
case QNetworkReply::NoError:
emit restartTriggered();
emitError(tr("Unable to request restart: "), SyncthingErrorCategory::SpecificRequest, reply);
* \brief Requests Syncthing to exit and not restart.
* The signal error() is emitted when the request was not successful.
void SyncthingConnection::shutdown()
QObject::connect(postData(QStringLiteral("system/shutdown"), QUrlQuery()), &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &SyncthingConnection::readShutdown);
* \brief Reads results of shutdown().
void SyncthingConnection::readShutdown()
auto const [reply, response] = prepareReply(false);
if (!reply) {
switch (reply->error()) {
case QNetworkReply::NoError:
emit shutdownTriggered();
emitError(tr("Unable to request shutdown: "), SyncthingErrorCategory::SpecificRequest, reply);
// clear errors
* \brief Requests clearing errors asynchronously.
* The signal error() is emitted in the error case.
void SyncthingConnection::requestClearingErrors()
postData(QStringLiteral("system/error/clear"), QUrlQuery()), &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &SyncthingConnection::readClearingErrors);
* \brief Reads results of requestClearingErrors().
void SyncthingConnection::readClearingErrors()
auto const [reply, response] = prepareReply(false);
if (!reply) {
switch (reply->error()) {
case QNetworkReply::NoError:
emitError(tr("Unable to request clearing errors: "), SyncthingErrorCategory::SpecificRequest, reply);
// overall Syncthing config (most importantly settings, directories and devices)
* \brief Requests the Syncthing configuration asynchronously.
* The signal newConfig() is emitted on success; otherwise error() is emitted.
void SyncthingConnection::requestConfig()
if (m_configReply) {
QObject::connect(m_configReply = requestData(configPath(), QUrlQuery()), &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &SyncthingConnection::readConfig);
* \brief Reads results of requestConfig().
void SyncthingConnection::readConfig()
auto const [reply, response] = prepareReply(m_configReply);
if (!reply) {
switch (reply->error()) {
case QNetworkReply::NoError: {
auto jsonError = QJsonParseError();
const auto replyDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(response, &jsonError);
if (jsonError.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) {
emitError(tr("Unable to parse Syncthing config: "), jsonError, reply, response);
m_rawConfig = replyDoc.object();
m_hasConfig = true;
emit newConfig(m_rawConfig);
if (m_keepPolling) {
emit newConfigApplied();
case QNetworkReply::OperationCanceledError:
emitError(tr("Unable to request Syncthing config: "), SyncthingErrorCategory::OverallConnection, reply);
* \brief Reads directory results of requestConfig(); called by readConfig().
* \remarks
* - The devs are required to resolve the names of the devices a directory is shared with.
* So when parsing the config, readDevs() should be called first.
* - The own device ID is required to filter it from the devices a directory is shared with.
* So the readStatus() should have been called first.
void SyncthingConnection::readDirs(const QJsonArray &dirs)
// store the new dirs in a temporary list which is assigned to m_dirs later
std::vector<SyncthingDir> newDirs;
int dummy;
for (const QJsonValue &dirVal : dirs) {
const QJsonObject dirObj(dirVal.toObject());
SyncthingDir *const dirItem = addDirInfo(newDirs, dirObj.value(QLatin1String("id")).toString());
if (!dirItem) {
dirItem->label = dirObj.value(QLatin1String("label")).toString();
dirItem->path = dirObj.value(QLatin1String("path")).toString();
for (const QJsonValueRef devObj : dirObj.value(QLatin1String("devices")).toArray()) {
const QString devId = devObj.toObject().value(QLatin1String("deviceID")).toString();
if (devId.isEmpty() || devId == m_myId) {
dirItem->deviceIds << devId;
if (const SyncthingDev *const dev = findDevInfo(devId, dummy)) {
dirItem->deviceNames << dev->name;
dirItem->rescanInterval = dirObj.value(QLatin1String("rescanIntervalS")).toInt(-1);
dirItem->ignorePermissions = dirObj.value(QLatin1String("ignorePerms")).toBool(false);
dirItem->ignoreDelete = dirObj.value(QLatin1String("ignoreDelete")).toBool(false);
dirItem->autoNormalize = dirObj.value(QLatin1String("autoNormalize")).toBool(false);
dirItem->minDiskFreePercentage = dirObj.value(QLatin1String("minDiskFreePct")).toInt(-1);
dirItem->paused = dirObj.value(QLatin1String("paused")).toBool(dirItem->paused);
dirItem->fileSystemWatcherEnabled = dirObj.value(QLatin1String("fsWatcherEnabled")).toBool(false);
dirItem->fileSystemWatcherDelay = dirObj.value(QLatin1String("fsWatcherDelayS")).toDouble(0.0);
emit this->newDirs(m_dirs);
* \brief Reads device results of requestConfig(); called by readConfig().
void SyncthingConnection::readDevs(const QJsonArray &devs)
// store the new devs in a temporary list which is assigned to m_devs later
auto newDevs = std::vector<SyncthingDev>();
auto *const thisDevice = addDevInfo(newDevs, m_myId);
if (thisDevice) { // m_myId might be empty, then thisDevice will be nullptr
thisDevice->id = m_myId;
thisDevice->status = SyncthingDevStatus::ThisDevice;
thisDevice->paused = false;
for (const auto &devVal : devs) {
const auto devObj = devVal.toObject();
const auto deviceId = devObj.value(QLatin1String("deviceID")).toString();
const auto isThisDevice = deviceId == m_myId;
auto *const devItem = isThisDevice ? thisDevice : addDevInfo(newDevs, deviceId);
if (!devItem) {
devItem->name = devObj.value(QLatin1String("name")).toString();
devItem->addresses = things(devObj.value(QLatin1String("addresses")).toArray(), [](const QJsonValue &value) { return value.toString(); });
devItem->compression = devObj.value(QLatin1String("compression")).toString();
devItem->certName = devObj.value(QLatin1String("certName")).toString();
devItem->introducer = devObj.value(QLatin1String("introducer")).toBool(false);
if (!isThisDevice) {
devItem->status = SyncthingDevStatus::Unknown;
devItem->paused = devObj.value(QLatin1String("paused")).toBool(devItem->paused);
emit this->newDevices(m_devs);
if (m_pausingOnMeteredConnection) {
// status of Syncthing (own ID, startup time)
* \brief Requests the Syncthing status asynchronously.
* The signals myIdChanged() and tildeChanged() are emitted when those values have changed; error() is emitted in the error case.
void SyncthingConnection::requestStatus()
if (m_statusReply) {
m_statusReply = requestData(QStringLiteral("system/status"), QUrlQuery()), &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &SyncthingConnection::readStatus);
* \brief Reads results of requestStatus().
void SyncthingConnection::readStatus()
auto const [reply, response] = prepareReply(m_statusReply);
if (!reply) {
switch (reply->error()) {
case QNetworkReply::NoError: {
auto jsonError = QJsonParseError();
const auto replyDoc(QJsonDocument::fromJson(response, &jsonError));
if (jsonError.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) {
emitError(tr("Unable to parse Syncthing status: "), jsonError, reply, response);
const auto replyObj = replyDoc.object();
emitTildeChanged(replyObj.value(QLatin1String("tilde")).toString(), replyObj.value(QLatin1String("pathSeparator")).toString());
m_startTime = parseTimeStamp(replyObj.value(QLatin1String("startTime")), QStringLiteral("start time"));
m_hasStatus = true;
if (m_keepPolling) {
case QNetworkReply::OperationCanceledError:
emitError(tr("Unable to request Syncthing status: "), SyncthingErrorCategory::OverallConnection, reply);
* \brief Requests the Syncthing configuration and status asynchronously.
* \sa requestConfig() and requestStatus() for emitted signals.
void SyncthingConnection::requestConfigAndStatus()
// further info (connections, errors, ...)
* \brief Requests current connections asynchronously.
* The signal devStatusChanged() is emitted for each device where the connection status has changed; error() is emitted in the error case.
void SyncthingConnection::requestConnections()
if (m_connectionsReply) {
m_connectionsReply = requestData(QStringLiteral("system/connections"), QUrlQuery());
m_connectionsReply->setProperty("lastEventId", m_lastEventId);
QObject::connect(m_connectionsReply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &SyncthingConnection::readConnections);
* \brief Reads results of requestConnections().
void SyncthingConnection::readConnections()
auto const [reply, response] = prepareReply(m_connectionsReply);
if (!reply) {
switch (reply->error()) {
case QNetworkReply::NoError: {
auto jsonError = QJsonParseError();
const auto replyDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(response, &jsonError);
if (jsonError.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) {
emitError(tr("Unable to parse connections: "), jsonError, reply, response);
const auto replyObj = replyDoc.object();
const QJsonObject totalObj(replyObj.value(QLatin1String("total")).toObject());
// read traffic, the conversion to double is neccassary because toInt() doesn't work for high values
const QJsonValue totalIncomingTrafficValue(totalObj.value(QLatin1String("inBytesTotal")));
const QJsonValue totalOutgoingTrafficValue(totalObj.value(QLatin1String("outBytesTotal")));
const std::uint64_t totalIncomingTraffic = totalIncomingTrafficValue.isDouble() ? jsonValueToInt(totalIncomingTrafficValue) : unknownTraffic;
const std::uint64_t totalOutgoingTraffic = totalOutgoingTrafficValue.isDouble() ? jsonValueToInt(totalOutgoingTrafficValue) : unknownTraffic;
double transferTime = 0.0;
const bool hasDelta
= !m_lastConnectionsUpdateTime.isNull() && ((transferTime = (DateTime::gmtNow() - m_lastConnectionsUpdateTime).totalSeconds()) != 0.0);
m_totalIncomingRate = (hasDelta && totalIncomingTraffic != unknownTraffic && m_totalIncomingTraffic != unknownTraffic)
? static_cast<double>(totalIncomingTraffic - m_totalIncomingTraffic) * 0.008 / transferTime
: 0.0;
m_totalOutgoingRate = (hasDelta && totalOutgoingTraffic != unknownTraffic && m_totalOutgoingTraffic != unknownTraffic)
? static_cast<double>(totalOutgoingTraffic - m_totalOutgoingTraffic) * 0.008 / transferTime
: 0.0;
emit trafficChanged(m_totalIncomingTraffic = totalIncomingTraffic, m_totalOutgoingTraffic = totalOutgoingTraffic);
// read connection status
const QJsonObject connectionsObj(replyObj.value(QLatin1String("connections")).toObject());
int index = 0;
for (SyncthingDev &dev : m_devs) {
const QJsonObject connectionObj(connectionsObj.value(;
if (connectionObj.isEmpty()) {
switch (dev.status) {
case SyncthingDevStatus::ThisDevice:
case SyncthingDevStatus::Disconnected:
case SyncthingDevStatus::Unknown:
if (connectionObj.value(QLatin1String("connected")).toBool(false)) {
dev.status = SyncthingDevStatus::Idle;
} else {
dev.status = SyncthingDevStatus::Disconnected;
if (!connectionObj.value(QLatin1String("connected")).toBool(false)) {
dev.status = SyncthingDevStatus::Disconnected;
dev.paused = dev.status == SyncthingDevStatus::ThisDevice ? false : connectionObj.value(QLatin1String("paused")).toBool(false);
dev.totalIncomingTraffic = jsonValueToInt(connectionObj.value(QLatin1String("inBytesTotal")));
dev.totalOutgoingTraffic = jsonValueToInt(connectionObj.value(QLatin1String("outBytesTotal")));
dev.connectionAddress = connectionObj.value(QLatin1String("address")).toString();
dev.connectionType = connectionObj.value(QLatin1String("type")).toString();
dev.connectionLocal = connectionObj.value(QLatin1String("isLocal")).toBool();
dev.clientVersion = connectionObj.value(QLatin1String("clientVersion")).toString();
emit devStatusChanged(dev, index);
m_lastConnectionsUpdateEvent = reply->property("lastEventId").toULongLong();
m_lastConnectionsUpdateTime = DateTime::gmtNow();
// since there seems no event for this data, keep polling
if (m_keepPolling) {
if (m_trafficPollTimer.interval()) {
case QNetworkReply::OperationCanceledError:
emitError(tr("Unable to request connections: "), SyncthingErrorCategory::OverallConnection, reply);
* \brief Requests errors asynchronously.
* The signal newNotification() is emitted on success; error() is emitted in the error case.
void SyncthingConnection::requestErrors()
if (m_errorsReply) {
m_errorsReply = requestData(QStringLiteral("system/error"), QUrlQuery()), &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &SyncthingConnection::readErrors);
* \brief Reads results of requestErrors().
void SyncthingConnection::readErrors()
auto const [reply, response] = prepareReply(m_errorsReply);
if (!reply) {
// ignore any errors occurred before connecting
if (m_lastErrorTime.isNull()) {
m_lastErrorTime = DateTime::now();
switch (reply->error()) {
case QNetworkReply::NoError: {
auto jsonError = QJsonParseError();
const auto replyDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(response, &jsonError);
if (jsonError.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) {
emitError(tr("Unable to parse errors: "), jsonError, reply, response);
const auto errors = replyDoc.object().value(QLatin1String("errors")).toArray();
for (const QJsonValue &errorVal : errors) {
const QJsonObject errorObj = errorVal.toObject();
if (errorObj.isEmpty()) {
if (const auto when = parseTimeStamp(errorObj.value(QLatin1String("when")), QStringLiteral("error message")); m_lastErrorTime < when) {
emitNotification(m_lastErrorTime = when, errorObj.value(QLatin1String("message")).toString());
// since there seems no event for this data, keep polling
if (m_keepPolling) {
if (m_errorsPollTimer.interval()) {
case QNetworkReply::OperationCanceledError:
emitError(tr("Unable to request errors: "), SyncthingErrorCategory::SpecificRequest, reply);
* \brief Requests statistics (last file, last scan) for all directories asynchronously.
void SyncthingConnection::requestDirStatistics()
if (m_dirStatsReply) {
m_dirStatsReply = requestData(QStringLiteral("stats/folder"), QUrlQuery());
m_dirStatsReply->setProperty("lastEventId", m_lastEventId);
QObject::connect(m_dirStatsReply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &SyncthingConnection::readDirStatistics);
* \brief Reads results of requestDirStatistics().
void SyncthingConnection::readDirStatistics()
auto const [reply, response] = prepareReply(m_dirStatsReply);
if (!reply) {
switch (reply->error()) {
case QNetworkReply::NoError: {
auto jsonError = QJsonParseError();
const auto replyDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(response, &jsonError);
if (jsonError.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) {
emitError(tr("Unable to parse folder statistics: "), jsonError, reply, response);
const auto replyObj = replyDoc.object();
int index = 0;
for (SyncthingDir &dirInfo : m_dirs) {
const QJsonObject dirObj(replyObj.value(;
if (dirObj.isEmpty()) {
auto dirModified = false;
const auto eventId = reply->property("lastEventId").toULongLong();
const auto lastScan = dirObj.value(QLatin1String("lastScan")).toString().toUtf8();
if (!lastScan.isEmpty()) {
dirModified = true;
dirInfo.lastScanTime = parseTimeStamp(dirObj.value(QLatin1String("lastScan")), QStringLiteral("last scan"));
const auto lastFileObj = dirObj.value(QLatin1String("lastFile")).toObject();
if (!lastFileObj.isEmpty()) {
dirInfo.lastFileEvent = eventId;
dirInfo.lastFileName = lastFileObj.value(QLatin1String("filename")).toString();
dirModified = true;
if (!dirInfo.lastFileName.isEmpty()) {
dirInfo.lastFileDeleted = lastFileObj.value(QLatin1String("deleted")).toBool(false);
dirInfo.lastFileTime = parseTimeStamp(lastFileObj.value(QLatin1String("at")), QStringLiteral("dir statistics"));
if (!dirInfo.lastFileTime.isNull() && eventId >= m_lastFileEvent) {
m_lastFileEvent = eventId;
m_lastFileTime = dirInfo.lastFileTime;
m_lastFileName = dirInfo.lastFileName;
m_lastFileDeleted = dirInfo.lastFileDeleted;
if (dirModified) {
emit dirStatusChanged(dirInfo, index);
if (m_keepPolling) {
case QNetworkReply::OperationCanceledError:
emitError(tr("Unable to request folder statistics: "), SyncthingErrorCategory::OverallConnection, reply);
* \brief Requests statistics (global and local status) for \a dirId asynchronously.
void SyncthingConnection::requestDirStatus(const QString &dirId)
auto query = QUrlQuery();
query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("folder"), formatQueryItem(dirId));
auto *const reply = requestData(QStringLiteral("db/status"), query);
reply->setProperty("dirId", dirId);
reply->setProperty("lastEventId", m_lastEventId);
m_otherReplies << reply;
QObject::connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &SyncthingConnection::readDirStatus, Qt::QueuedConnection);
* \brief Reads data from requestDirStatus().
void SyncthingConnection::readDirStatus()
auto const [reply, response] = prepareReply(m_otherReplies);
if (!reply) {
switch (reply->error()) {
case QNetworkReply::NoError: {
// determine relevant dir
int index;
const auto dirId = reply->property("dirId").toString();
SyncthingDir *const dir = findDirInfo(dirId, index);
if (!dir) {
// discard status for unknown dirs
// parse JSON
auto jsonError = QJsonParseError();
const auto replyDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(response, &jsonError);
if (jsonError.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) {
emitError(tr("Unable to parse status for folder %1: ").arg(dirId), jsonError, reply, response);
readDirSummary(reply->property("lastEventId").toULongLong(), DateTime::now(), replyDoc.object(), *dir, index);
if (m_keepPolling) {
case QNetworkReply::OperationCanceledError:
emitError(tr("Unable to request folder statistics: "), SyncthingErrorCategory::SpecificRequest, reply);
* \brief Requests pull errors for \a dirId asynchronously.
* The dirStatusChanged() signal is emitted on success and error() in the error case.
void SyncthingConnection::requestDirPullErrors(const QString &dirId, int page, int perPage)
auto query = QUrlQuery();
query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("folder"), formatQueryItem(dirId));
if (page > 0 && perPage > 0) {
query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("page"), QString::number(page));
query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("perpage"), QString::number(perPage));
auto *const reply = requestData(folderErrorsPath(), query);
reply->setProperty("dirId", dirId);
reply->setProperty("lastEventId", m_lastEventId);
QObject::connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &SyncthingConnection::readDirPullErrors);
* \brief Reads data from requestDirPullErrors().
void SyncthingConnection::readDirPullErrors()
auto const [reply, response] = prepareReply();
if (!reply) {
// determine relevant dir
int index;
const auto dirId = reply->property("dirId").toString();
SyncthingDir *const dir = findDirInfo(dirId, index);
if (!dir) {
// discard errors for unknown dirs
switch (reply->error()) {
case QNetworkReply::NoError: {
// parse JSON
auto jsonError = QJsonParseError();
const auto replyDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(response, &jsonError);
if (jsonError.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) {
emitError(tr("Unable to parse pull errors for folder %1: ").arg(dirId), jsonError, reply, response);
readFolderErrors(reply->property("lastEventId").toULongLong(), DateTime::now(), replyDoc.object(), *dir, index);
case QNetworkReply::OperationCanceledError:
emitError(tr("Unable to request pull errors for folder %1: ").arg(dirId), SyncthingErrorCategory::SpecificRequest, reply);
* \brief Requests completion for \a devId and \a dirId asynchronously.
void SyncthingConnection::requestCompletion(const QString &devId, const QString &dirId)
auto query = QUrlQuery();
query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("device"), formatQueryItem(devId));
query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("folder"), formatQueryItem(dirId));
auto *const reply = requestData(QStringLiteral("db/completion"), query);
reply->setProperty("devId", devId);
reply->setProperty("dirId", dirId);
m_otherReplies << reply;
QObject::connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &SyncthingConnection::readCompletion, Qt::QueuedConnection);
/// \cond
static void ensureCompletionNotConsideredRequested(const QString &devId, SyncthingDev *devInfo, const QString &dirId, SyncthingDir *dirInfo)
if (devInfo) {
devInfo->completionByDir[dirId].requestedForEventId = 0;
if (dirInfo) {
dirInfo->completionByDevice[devId].requestedForEventId = 0;
/// \endcond
* \brief Reads data from requestCompletion().
void SyncthingConnection::readCompletion()
auto const [reply, response] = prepareReply(m_otherReplies);
const auto cancelled = reply == nullptr;
const auto *const sender = cancelled ? static_cast<QNetworkReply *>(this->sender()) : reply;
// determine relevant dev/dir
const auto devId = sender->property("devId").toString();
const auto dirId = sender->property("dirId").toString();
int devIndex, dirIndex;
auto *const devInfo = findDevInfo(devId, devIndex);
auto *const dirInfo = findDirInfo(dirId, dirIndex);
if (!devInfo && !dirInfo) {
if (cancelled) {
ensureCompletionNotConsideredRequested(devId, devInfo, dirId, dirInfo);
switch (reply->error()) {
case QNetworkReply::NoError: {
// parse JSON
auto jsonError = QJsonParseError();
const auto replyDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(response, &jsonError);
if (jsonError.error == QJsonParseError::NoError) {
// update the relevant completion info
readRemoteFolderCompletion(DateTime::now(), replyDoc.object(), devId, devInfo, devIndex, dirId, dirInfo, dirIndex);
emitError(tr("Unable to parse completion for device/folder %1/%2: ").arg(devId, dirId), jsonError, reply, response);
case QNetworkReply::ContentNotFoundError:
// assign empty completion when receiving 404 response
// note: The connector generally tries to avoid requesting the completion for paused dirs/devs but if the completion is requested
// before it is aware that the dir/dev is paused it might still run into this error, e.g. when pausing a directory and completion
// is requested concurrently. Before Syncthing v1.15.0 we've got an empty completion instead of 404 anyways.
readRemoteFolderCompletion(SyncthingCompletion(), devId, devInfo, devIndex, dirId, dirInfo, dirIndex);
case QNetworkReply::OperationCanceledError:
emitError(tr("Unable to request completion for device/folder %1/%2: ").arg(devId, dirId), SyncthingErrorCategory::SpecificRequest, reply);
ensureCompletionNotConsideredRequested(devId, devInfo, dirId, dirInfo);
* \brief Requests device statistics asynchronously.
void SyncthingConnection::requestDeviceStatistics()
if (m_devStatsReply) {
requestData(QStringLiteral("stats/device"), QUrlQuery()), &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &SyncthingConnection::readDeviceStatistics);
* \brief Reads results of requestDeviceStatistics().
void SyncthingConnection::readDeviceStatistics()
auto const [reply, response] = prepareReply(m_devStatsReply);
if (!reply) {
switch (reply->error()) {
case QNetworkReply::NoError: {
auto jsonError = QJsonParseError();
const auto replyDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(response, &jsonError);
if (jsonError.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) {
emitError(tr("Unable to parse device statistics: "), jsonError, reply, response);
const auto replyObj = replyDoc.object();
int index = 0;
for (SyncthingDev &devInfo : m_devs) {
const QJsonObject devObj(replyObj.value(;
if (!devObj.isEmpty()) {
devInfo.lastSeen = parseTimeStamp(devObj.value(QLatin1String("lastSeen")), QStringLiteral("last seen"), DateTime(), true);
emit devStatusChanged(devInfo, index);
// since there seems no event for this data, keep polling
if (m_keepPolling) {
if (m_devStatsPollTimer.interval()) {
case QNetworkReply::OperationCanceledError:
emitError(tr("Unable to request device statistics: "), SyncthingErrorCategory::OverallConnection, reply);
void SyncthingConnection::requestVersion()
if (m_versionReply) {
QObject::connect(m_versionReply = requestData(QStringLiteral("system/version"), QUrlQuery()), &QNetworkReply::finished, this,
* \brief Reads data from requestVersion().
void SyncthingConnection::readVersion()
auto const [reply, response] = prepareReply(m_versionReply);
if (!reply) {
switch (reply->error()) {
case QNetworkReply::NoError: {
auto jsonError = QJsonParseError();
const auto replyDoc(QJsonDocument::fromJson(response, &jsonError));
if (jsonError.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) {
emitError(tr("Unable to parse version: "), jsonError, reply, response);
const auto replyObj = replyDoc.object();
m_syncthingVersion = replyObj.value(QLatin1String("longVersion")).toString();
if (m_keepPolling) {
case QNetworkReply::OperationCanceledError:
emitError(tr("Unable to request version: "), SyncthingErrorCategory::OverallConnection, reply);
* \brief Requests a QR code for the specified \a text.
* qrCodeAvailable() is emitted on success; otherwise error() is emitted.
void SyncthingConnection::requestQrCode(const QString &text)
auto query = QUrlQuery();
query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("text"), formatQueryItem(text));
QNetworkReply *reply = requestData(QStringLiteral("/qr/"), query, false);
reply->setProperty("qrText", text);
QObject::connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &SyncthingConnection::readQrCode);
* \brief Reads the QR code queried via requestQrCode().
void SyncthingConnection::readQrCode()
auto const [reply, response] = prepareReply();
if (!reply) {
switch (reply->error()) {
case QNetworkReply::NoError:
emit qrCodeAvailable(reply->property("qrText").toString(), response);
case QNetworkReply::OperationCanceledError:
emit error(tr("Unable to request QR-Code: ") + reply->errorString(), SyncthingErrorCategory::SpecificRequest, reply->error());
* \brief Requests the Syncthing log.
* logAvailable() is emitted on success; otherwise error() is emitted.
void SyncthingConnection::requestLog()
if (m_logReply) {
m_logReply = requestData(QStringLiteral("system/log"), QUrlQuery()), &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &SyncthingConnection::readLog);
* \brief Reads log entries queried via requestLog().
void SyncthingConnection::readLog()
auto const [reply, response] = prepareReply(m_logReply);
if (!reply) {
switch (reply->error()) {
case QNetworkReply::NoError: {
auto jsonError = QJsonParseError();
const auto replyDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(response, &jsonError);
if (jsonError.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) {
emit error(tr("Unable to parse Syncthing log: ") + jsonError.errorString(), SyncthingErrorCategory::Parsing, QNetworkReply::NoError);
const QJsonArray log(replyDoc.object().value(QLatin1String("messages")).toArray());
vector<SyncthingLogEntry> logEntries;
for (const QJsonValue &logVal : log) {
const QJsonObject logObj(logVal.toObject());
logEntries.emplace_back(logObj.value(QLatin1String("when")).toString(), logObj.value(QLatin1String("message")).toString());
emit logAvailable(logEntries);
case QNetworkReply::OperationCanceledError:
emit error(tr("Unable to request Syncthing log: ") + reply->errorString(), SyncthingErrorCategory::SpecificRequest, reply->error());
* \brief Request the override of the send only folder with the specified \a dirId.
* \remarks
* - Override means to make the local version latest, overriding changes made on other devices.
* - This call does nothing if the folder is not a send only folder.
void SyncthingConnection::requestOverride(const QString &dirId)
auto query = QUrlQuery();
query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("folder"), formatQueryItem(dirId));
auto *const reply = postData(QStringLiteral("db/override"), query);
reply->setProperty("dirId", dirId);
QObject::connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &SyncthingConnection::readOverride, Qt::QueuedConnection);
* \brief Reads data from requestOverride().
void SyncthingConnection::readOverride()
auto const [reply, response] = prepareReply(false);
if (!reply) {
switch (reply->error()) {
case QNetworkReply::NoError:
emit overrideTriggered(reply->property("dirId").toString());
emitError(tr("Unable to request directory override: "), SyncthingErrorCategory::SpecificRequest, reply);
* \brief Request the revert of the receive only folder with the specified \a dirId.
* \remarks
* - Reverting a folder means to undo all local changes.
* - This call does nothing if the folder is not a receive only folder.
void SyncthingConnection::requestRevert(const QString &dirId)
auto query = QUrlQuery();
query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("folder"), formatQueryItem(dirId));
auto *const reply = postData(QStringLiteral("db/revert"), query);
reply->setProperty("dirId", dirId);
QObject::connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &SyncthingConnection::readRevert, Qt::QueuedConnection);
* \brief Reads data from requestOverride().
void SyncthingConnection::readRevert()
auto const [reply, response] = prepareReply(false);
if (!reply) {
switch (reply->error()) {
case QNetworkReply::NoError:
emit revertTriggered(reply->property("dirId").toString());
emitError(tr("Unable to request directory revert: "), SyncthingErrorCategory::SpecificRequest, reply);
* \brief Lists items in the directory with the specified \a dirId down to \a levels (or fully if \a levels is 0) as of \a prefix.
* \sa
* \remarks
* In contrast to most other functions, this one uses a \a callback to return results (instead of a signal). This makes it easier
* to consume results of a specific request. Errors are still reported via the error() signal so there's no extra error handling
* required. Note that in case of an error \a callback is invoked with a non-empty string containing the error message.
SyncthingConnection::QueryResult SyncthingConnection::browse(const QString &dirId, const QString &prefix, int levels,
std::function<void(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SyncthingItem>> &&, QString &&)> &&callback)
auto query = QUrlQuery();
query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("folder"), formatQueryItem(dirId));
if (!prefix.isEmpty()) {
query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("prefix"), formatQueryItem(prefix));
if (levels > 0) {
query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("levels"), QString::number(levels));
auto *const reply = requestData(QStringLiteral("db/browse"), query);
return { reply,
reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this,
[this, id = dirId, l = levels, cb = std::move(callback)]() mutable { readBrowse(id, l, std::move(cb)); }, Qt::QueuedConnection) };
* \brief Queries the contents of ".stignore" and expansions of the directory with the specified \a dirId.
* \sa
* \remarks
* In contrast to most other functions, this one uses a \a callback to return results (instead of a signal). This makes it easier
* to consume results of a specific request. Errors are still reported via the error() signal so there's no extra error handling
* required. Note that in case of an error \a callback is invoked with a non-empty string containing the error message.
SyncthingConnection::QueryResult SyncthingConnection::ignores(const QString &dirId, std::function<void(SyncthingIgnores &&, QString &&)> &&callback)
auto query = QUrlQuery();
query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("folder"), formatQueryItem(dirId));
auto *const reply = requestData(QStringLiteral("db/ignores"), query);
return { reply,
reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, [this, id = dirId, cb = std::move(callback)]() mutable { readIgnores(id, std::move(cb)); },
Qt::QueuedConnection) };
* \brief Sets the contents of ".stignore" of the directory with the specified \a dirId.
* \sa
* \remarks
* In contrast to most other functions, this one uses a \a callback to return results (instead of a signal). This makes it easier
* to consume results of a specific request. Errors are still reported via the error() signal so there's no extra error handling
* required. Note that in case of an error \a callback is invoked with a non-empty string containing the error message.
SyncthingConnection::QueryResult SyncthingConnection::setIgnores(
const QString &dirId, const SyncthingIgnores &ignores, std::function<void(QString &&)> &&callback)
auto query = QUrlQuery();
query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("folder"), formatQueryItem(dirId));
auto ignoreArray = QJsonArray();
for (const auto &ignore : ignores.ignore) {
auto jsonObj = QJsonObject();
jsonObj.insert(QLatin1String("ignore"), ignoreArray);
auto jsonDoc = QJsonDocument();
auto *const reply = postData(QStringLiteral("db/ignores"), query, jsonDoc.toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact));
return { reply,
reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, [this, id = dirId, cb = std::move(callback)]() mutable { readSetIgnores(id, std::move(cb)); },
Qt::QueuedConnection) };
/// \cond
static void readSyncthingItems(const QJsonArray &array, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SyncthingItem>> &into, int level, int levels)
for (const auto &jsonItem : array) {
if (!jsonItem.isObject()) {
const auto jsonItemObj = jsonItem.toObject();
const auto type = jsonItemObj.value(QLatin1String("type")).toString();
const auto index = into.size();
const auto children = jsonItemObj.value(QLatin1String("children"));
auto &item = into.emplace_back(std::make_unique<SyncthingItem>());
item->name = jsonItemObj.value(QLatin1String("name")).toString();
item->modificationTime = CppUtilities::DateTime::fromIsoStringGmt(jsonItemObj.value(QLatin1String("modTime")).toString().toUtf8().data());
item->size = static_cast<std::size_t>(jsonItemObj
item->index = index;
item->level = level;
if (type == QLatin1String("FILE_INFO_TYPE_FILE")) {
item->type = SyncthingItemType::File;
} else if (type == QLatin1String("FILE_INFO_TYPE_DIRECTORY")) {
item->type = SyncthingItemType::Directory;
} else if (type == QLatin1String("FILE_INFO_TYPE_SYMLINK")) {
item->type = SyncthingItemType::Symlink;
readSyncthingItems(children.toArray(), item->children, level + 1, levels);
item->childrenPopulated = !levels || level < levels;
/// \endcond
* \brief Reads the response of browse() and reports results via the specified \a callback. Emits error() in case of an error.
* \remarks The \a callback is also emitted in the error case (with the error message as second parameter and an empty list of items).
void SyncthingConnection::readBrowse(
const QString &dirId, int levels, std::function<void(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SyncthingItem>> &&, QString &&)> &&callback)
auto const [reply, response] = prepareReply();
if (!reply) {
auto items = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SyncthingItem>>();
switch (reply->error()) {
case QNetworkReply::NoError: {
auto jsonError = QJsonParseError();
const auto replyDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(response, &jsonError);
if (jsonError.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) {
auto errorMessage = tr("Unable to parse response for browsing \"%1\": ").arg(dirId) + jsonError.errorString();
emit error(errorMessage, SyncthingErrorCategory::Parsing, QNetworkReply::NoError);
if (callback) {
callback(std::move(items), std::move(errorMessage));
readSyncthingItems(replyDoc.array(), items, 0, levels);
if (callback) {
callback(std::move(items), QString());
auto errorMessage = tr("Unable to browse \"%1\": ").arg(dirId);
emitError(errorMessage, SyncthingErrorCategory::SpecificRequest, reply);
if (callback) {
callback(std::move(items), std::move(errorMessage));
* \brief Reads the response of ignores() and reports results via the specified \a callback. Emits error() in case of an error.
* \remarks The \a callback is also emitted in the error case (with the error message as second parameter and an empty list of items).
void SyncthingConnection::readIgnores(const QString &dirId, std::function<void(SyncthingIgnores &&, QString &&)> &&callback)
auto const [reply, response] = prepareReply();
if (!reply) {
auto res = SyncthingIgnores();
switch (reply->error()) {
case QNetworkReply::NoError: {
auto jsonError = QJsonParseError();
const auto replyDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(response, &jsonError);
if (jsonError.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) {
auto errorMessage = tr("Unable to query ignore patterns of \"%1\": ").arg(dirId) + jsonError.errorString();
emit error(errorMessage, SyncthingErrorCategory::Parsing, QNetworkReply::NoError);
if (callback) {
callback(std::move(res), std::move(errorMessage));
const auto docObj = replyDoc.object();
const auto ignores = docObj.value(QLatin1String("ignore")).toArray();
const auto expanded = docObj.value(QLatin1String("expanded")).toArray();
for (const auto &ignore : ignores) {
for (const auto &expand : expanded) {
if (callback) {
callback(std::move(res), QString());
auto errorMessage = tr("Unable to query ignore patterns of \"%1\": ").arg(dirId);
emitError(errorMessage, SyncthingErrorCategory::SpecificRequest, reply);
if (callback) {
callback(std::move(res), std::move(errorMessage));
void SyncthingConnection::readSetIgnores(const QString &dirId, std::function<void(QString &&)> &&callback)
auto const [reply, response] = prepareReply();
if (!reply) {
switch (reply->error()) {
case QNetworkReply::NoError: {
if (callback) {
auto errorMessage = tr("Unable to change ignore patterns of \"%1\": ").arg(dirId);
emitError(errorMessage, SyncthingErrorCategory::SpecificRequest, reply);
if (callback) {
// post config
* \brief Posts the specified \a rawConfig.
* \remarks The signal newConfigTriggered() is emitted when the config has been posted successfully. In the error case, error() is emitted.
* Besides, the newConfig() signal should be emitted as well, indicating Syncthing has actually applied the new configuration.
void SyncthingConnection::postConfigFromJsonObject(const QJsonObject &rawConfig)
QObject::connect(sendData(changeConfigVerb(), configPath(), QUrlQuery(), QJsonDocument(rawConfig).toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact)),
&QNetworkReply::finished, this, &SyncthingConnection::readPostConfig);
* \brief Posts the specified \a rawConfig.
* \param rawConfig A valid JSON document containing the configuration. It is directly passed to Syncthing.
* \remarks The signal newConfigTriggered() is emitted when the config has been posted successfully. In the error case, error() is emitted.
* Besides, the newConfig() signal should be emitted as well, indicating Syncthing has actually applied the new configuration.
void SyncthingConnection::postConfigFromByteArray(const QByteArray &rawConfig)
sendData(changeConfigVerb(), configPath(), QUrlQuery(), rawConfig), &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &SyncthingConnection::readPostConfig);
* \brief Reads data from postConfigFromJsonObject() and postConfigFromByteArray().
void SyncthingConnection::readPostConfig()
auto const [reply, response] = prepareReply(false, false);
switch (reply->error()) {
case QNetworkReply::NoError:
emit newConfigTriggered();
emitError(tr("Unable to post config: "), SyncthingErrorCategory::SpecificRequest, reply);
* \brief Reads data from requestDirStatus() and FolderSummary-event and stores them to \a dir.
void SyncthingConnection::readDirSummary(SyncthingEventId eventId, DateTime eventTime, const QJsonObject &summary, SyncthingDir &dir, int index)
if (summary.isEmpty() || dir.lastStatisticsUpdateEvent > eventId) {
// backup previous statistics -> if there's no difference after all, don't emit completed event
auto &globalStats(dir.globalStats);
auto &localStats(dir.localStats);
auto &neededStats(dir.neededStats);
const auto previouslyUpdated(!dir.lastStatisticsUpdateTime.isNull());
const auto previouslyGlobal(globalStats);
const auto previouslyNeeded(neededStats);
// update statistics
globalStats.bytes = jsonValueToInt(summary.value(QLatin1String("globalBytes")));
globalStats.deletes = jsonValueToInt(summary.value(QLatin1String("globalDeleted")));
globalStats.files = jsonValueToInt(summary.value(QLatin1String("globalFiles")));
globalStats.dirs = jsonValueToInt(summary.value(QLatin1String("globalDirectories")));
globalStats.symlinks = jsonValueToInt(summary.value(QLatin1String("globalSymlinks")));
localStats.bytes = jsonValueToInt(summary.value(QLatin1String("localBytes")));
localStats.deletes = jsonValueToInt(summary.value(QLatin1String("localDeleted")));
localStats.files = jsonValueToInt(summary.value(QLatin1String("localFiles")));
localStats.dirs = jsonValueToInt(summary.value(QLatin1String("localDirectories")));
localStats.symlinks = jsonValueToInt(summary.value(QLatin1String("localSymlinks")));
neededStats.bytes = jsonValueToInt(summary.value(QLatin1String("needBytes")));
neededStats.deletes = jsonValueToInt(summary.value(QLatin1String("needDeletes")));
neededStats.files = jsonValueToInt(summary.value(QLatin1String("needFiles")));
neededStats.dirs = jsonValueToInt(summary.value(QLatin1String("needDirectories")));
neededStats.symlinks = jsonValueToInt(summary.value(QLatin1String("needSymlinks")));
dir.pullErrorCount = jsonValueToInt(summary.value(QLatin1String("pullErrors")));
m_dirStatsAltered = true;
dir.ignorePatterns = summary.value(QLatin1String("ignorePatterns")).toBool();
dir.lastStatisticsUpdateEvent = eventId;
dir.lastStatisticsUpdateTime = eventTime;
// update status
const auto lastStatusUpdate
= parseTimeStamp(summary.value(QLatin1String("stateChanged")), QStringLiteral("state changed"), dir.lastStatusUpdateTime);
if (dir.pullErrorCount) {
// consider the directory still as out-of-sync if there are still pull errors
// note: Syncthing can report an "idle" status despite pull errors.
dir.status = SyncthingDirStatus::OutOfSync;
dir.lastStatusUpdateTime = std::max(dir.lastStatusUpdateTime, lastStatusUpdate);
} else if (const auto state = summary.value(QLatin1String("state")).toString(); !state.isEmpty()) {
dir.assignStatus(state, eventId, lastStatusUpdate);
dir.completionPercentage = globalStats.bytes ? static_cast<int>((globalStats.bytes - neededStats.bytes) * 100 / globalStats.bytes) : 100;
emit dirStatusChanged(dir, index);
if (neededStats.isNull() && previouslyUpdated && (neededStats != previouslyNeeded || globalStats != previouslyGlobal)) {
emit dirCompleted(eventTime, dir, index);
* \brief Reads data from "FolderRejected"-event.
* \remarks "FolderRejected" is deprecated in favor of "PendingFoldersChanged" since Syncthing version v1.13.0
* but still handled for compatibility with older versions. Currently "PendingFoldersChanged" is ignored
* to avoid emitting events twice.
void SyncthingConnection::readDirRejected(DateTime eventTime, const QString &dirId, const QJsonObject &eventData)
// ignore if dir has already been added
int row;
const auto *const dir = findDirInfo(dirId, row);
if (dir) {
// emit newDirAvailable() signal
const auto dirLabel(eventData.value(QLatin1String("folderLabel")).toString());
const auto devId(eventData.value(QLatin1String("device")).toString());
const auto *const device(findDevInfo(devId, row));
emit newDirAvailable(eventTime, devId, device, dirId, dirLabel);
* \brief Reads data from "DeviceRejected"-event.
* \remarks "DeviceRejected" is deprecated in favor of "PendingDevicesChanged" since Syncthing version v1.13.0
* but still handled for compatibility with older versions. Currently "PendingDevicesChanged" is ignored
* to avoid emitting events twice.
void SyncthingConnection::readDevRejected(DateTime eventTime, const QString &devId, const QJsonObject &eventData)
// ignore if dev has already been added
int row;
const auto *const dev = findDevInfo(devId, row);
if (dev) {
// emit newDevAvailable() signal
emit newDevAvailable(eventTime, devId, eventData.value(QLatin1String("address")).toString());
* \brief Reads "LocalChangeDetected" and "RemoveChangeDetected" events from requestEvents() and requestDiskEvents().
void SyncthingConnection::readChangeEvent(DateTime eventTime, const QString &eventType, const QJsonObject &eventData)
// read ID via "folder" with fallback to "folderID" (which is deprecated since version v1.1.2)
int index;
auto *dirInfo = findDirInfo(QLatin1String("folder"), eventData, &index);
if (!dirInfo && !(dirInfo = findDirInfo(QLatin1String("folderID"), eventData, &index))) {
SyncthingFileChange change;
change.local = eventType.startsWith("Local");
change.eventTime = eventTime;
change.action = eventData.value(QLatin1String("action")).toString();
change.type = eventData.value(QLatin1String("type")).toString();
change.modifiedBy = eventData.value(QLatin1String("modifiedBy")).toString();
change.path = eventData.value(QLatin1String("path")).toString();
if (m_recordFileChanges) {
emit dirStatusChanged(*dirInfo, index);
emit fileChanged(*dirInfo, index, dirInfo->recentChanges.back());
} else {
emit fileChanged(*dirInfo, index, change);
// events / long polling API
* \brief Requests the Syncthing events (since the last successful call) asynchronously.
* The signal newEvents() is emitted on success; otherwise error() is emitted.
void SyncthingConnection::requestEvents()
if (m_eventsReply) {
auto query = QUrlQuery();
if (m_lastEventId && m_hasEvents) {
query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("since"), QString::number(m_lastEventId));
} else {
query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("limit"), QStringLiteral("1"));
// force to return immediately after the first call
if (!m_hasEvents) {
query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("timeout"), QStringLiteral("0"));
} else if (m_longPollingTimeout) {
query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("timeout"), QString::number(m_longPollingTimeout / 1000));
QObject::connect(m_eventsReply = requestData(QStringLiteral("events"), query, true, m_hasEvents), &QNetworkReply::finished, this,
* \brief Reads results of requestEvents().
void SyncthingConnection::readEvents()
auto const [reply, response] = prepareReply(m_eventsReply);
if (!reply) {
switch (reply->error()) {
case QNetworkReply::NoError: {
auto jsonError = QJsonParseError();
const auto replyDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(response, &jsonError);
if (jsonError.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) {
emitError(tr("Unable to parse Syncthing events: "), jsonError, reply, response);
m_hasEvents = true;
const auto replyArray = replyDoc.array();
emit newEvents(replyArray);
const auto res = readEventsFromJsonArray(replyArray, m_lastEventId);
emit allEventsProcessed();
if (!res) {
if (!replyArray.isEmpty() && (loggingFlags() & SyncthingConnectionLoggingFlags::Events)) {
const auto log = replyDoc.toJson(QJsonDocument::Indented);
cerr << Phrases::Info << "Received " << replyArray.size() << " Syncthing events:" << Phrases::End << << endl;
case QNetworkReply::TimeoutError:
// no new events available, keep polling
case QNetworkReply::OperationCanceledError:
emitError(tr("Unable to request Syncthing events: "), SyncthingErrorCategory::OverallConnection, reply);
if (m_keepPolling) {
} else {
* \brief Reads results of requestEvents().
bool SyncthingConnection::readEventsFromJsonArray(const QJsonArray &events, quint64 &idVariable)
const auto lastId = idVariable;
for (const auto &eventVal : events) {
const auto event = eventVal.toObject();
const auto eventTime = parseTimeStamp(event.value(QLatin1String("time")), QStringLiteral("event time"));
const auto eventType = event.value(QLatin1String("type")).toString();
const auto eventData = event.value(QLatin1String("data")).toObject();
const auto eventIdValue = event.value(QLatin1String("id"));
const auto eventId = static_cast<quint64>(std::max(eventIdValue.toDouble(), 0.0));
if (eventIdValue.isDouble()) {
if (eventId < lastId) {
// re-connect if the event ID decreases as this indicates Syncthing has been restarted
// note: The Syncthing docs say "A unique ID for this event on the events API. It always increases by 1: the
// first event generated has id 1, the next has id 2 etc.".
if (loggingFlags() & SyncthingConnectionLoggingFlags::ApiCalls) {
std::cerr << Phrases::Info << "Re-connecting as event ID is decreasing (" << eventId << " < " << lastId
<< "), Syncthing has likely been restarted" << Phrases::End;
return false;
if (eventId > idVariable) {
idVariable = eventId;
if (eventType == QLatin1String("Starting")) {
} else if (eventType == QLatin1String("StateChanged")) {
readStatusChangedEvent(eventId, eventTime, eventData);
} else if (eventType == QLatin1String("DownloadProgress")) {
} else if (eventType.startsWith(QLatin1String("Folder"))) {
readDirEvent(eventId, eventTime, eventType, eventData);
} else if (eventType.startsWith(QLatin1String("Device"))) {
readDeviceEvent(eventId, eventTime, eventType, eventData);
} else if (eventType == QLatin1String("ItemStarted")) {
readItemStarted(eventId, eventTime, eventData);
} else if (eventType == QLatin1String("ItemFinished")) {
readItemFinished(eventId, eventTime, eventData);
} else if (eventType == QLatin1String("RemoteIndexUpdated")) {
readRemoteIndexUpdated(eventId, eventData);
} else if (eventType == QLatin1String("ConfigSaved")) {
requestConfig(); // just consider current config as invalidated
} else if (eventType.endsWith(QLatin1String("ChangeDetected"))) {
readChangeEvent(eventTime, eventType, eventData);
return true;
* \brief Reads results of requestEvents().
void SyncthingConnection::readStartingEvent(const QJsonObject &eventData)
const QString configDir(eventData.value(QLatin1String("home")).toString());
if (configDir != m_configDir) {
emit configDirChanged(m_configDir = configDir);
* \brief Reads results of requestEvents().
void SyncthingConnection::readStatusChangedEvent(SyncthingEventId eventId, DateTime eventTime, const QJsonObject &eventData)
const QString dir(eventData.value(QLatin1String("folder")).toString());
if (dir.isEmpty()) {
// find the directory
int index;
SyncthingDir *dirInfo = findDirInfo(dir, index);
// add a new directory if the dir is not present yet
const bool dirAlreadyPresent = dirInfo;
if (!dirAlreadyPresent) {
dirInfo = &m_dirs.emplace_back(dir);
// assign new status
bool statusChanged = dirInfo->assignStatus(eventData.value(QLatin1String("to")).toString(), eventId, eventTime);
if (dirInfo->status == SyncthingDirStatus::OutOfSync) {
const QString errorMessage(eventData.value(QLatin1String("error")).toString());
if (!errorMessage.isEmpty()) {
dirInfo->globalError = errorMessage;
statusChanged = true;
if (dirAlreadyPresent) {
// emit status changed when dir already present
if (statusChanged) {
emit dirStatusChanged(*dirInfo, index);
} else {
// request config for complete meta data of new directory
* \brief Reads results of requestEvents().
void SyncthingConnection::readDownloadProgressEvent(const QJsonObject &eventData)
for (SyncthingDir &dirInfo : m_dirs) {
// disappearing implies that the download has been finished so just wipe old entries
dirInfo.blocksAlreadyDownloaded = dirInfo.blocksToBeDownloaded = 0;
// read progress of currently downloading items
const QJsonObject dirObj(eventData.value(;
if (!dirObj.isEmpty()) {
for (auto filePair = dirObj.constBegin(), end = dirObj.constEnd(); filePair != end; ++filePair) {
const SyncthingItemDownloadProgress &itemProgress
= dirInfo.downloadingItems.emplace_back(dirInfo.path, filePair.key(), filePair.value().toObject());
dirInfo.blocksAlreadyDownloaded += itemProgress.blocksAlreadyDownloaded;
dirInfo.blocksToBeDownloaded += itemProgress.totalNumberOfBlocks;
dirInfo.downloadPercentage = (dirInfo.blocksAlreadyDownloaded > 0 && dirInfo.blocksToBeDownloaded > 0)
? (static_cast<unsigned int>(dirInfo.blocksAlreadyDownloaded) * 100 / static_cast<unsigned int>(dirInfo.blocksToBeDownloaded))
: 0;
= QStringLiteral("%1 / %2 - %3 %")
.arg(QString::fromLatin1(dataSizeToString(dirInfo.blocksAlreadyDownloaded > 0
? static_cast<std::uint64_t>(dirInfo.blocksAlreadyDownloaded) * SyncthingItemDownloadProgress::syncthingBlockSize
: 0)
QString::fromLatin1(dataSizeToString(dirInfo.blocksToBeDownloaded > 0
? static_cast<std::uint64_t>(dirInfo.blocksToBeDownloaded) * SyncthingItemDownloadProgress::syncthingBlockSize
: 0)
emit downloadProgressChanged();
* \brief Reads results of requestEvents().
void SyncthingConnection::readDirEvent(SyncthingEventId eventId, DateTime eventTime, const QString &eventType, const QJsonObject &eventData)
// read dir ID
const auto dirId = [&eventData] {
const auto folder = eventData.value(QLatin1String("folder")).toString();
if (!folder.isEmpty()) {
return folder;
return eventData.value(QLatin1String("id")).toString();
if (dirId.isEmpty()) {
// handle events which don't necessarily require a corresponding dir info
if (eventType == QLatin1String("FolderCompletion")) {
readFolderCompletion(eventId, eventTime, eventData, dirId, nullptr, -1);
// handle "FolderRejected"-event which is a bit special because here the dir ID is supposed to be unknown
if (eventType == QLatin1String("FolderRejected")) {
readDirRejected(eventTime, dirId, eventData);
// find related dir info for other events (which are about well-known dirs)
int index;
auto *const dirInfo = findDirInfo(dirId, index);
if (!dirInfo) {
// distinguish specific events
if (eventType == QLatin1String("FolderErrors")) {
readFolderErrors(eventId, eventTime, eventData, *dirInfo, index);
} else if (eventType == QLatin1String("FolderSummary")) {
readDirSummary(eventId, eventTime, eventData.value(QLatin1String("summary")).toObject(), *dirInfo, index);
} else if (eventType == QLatin1String("FolderCompletion") && dirInfo->lastStatisticsUpdateEvent <= eventId) {
readFolderCompletion(eventId, eventTime, eventData, dirId, dirInfo, index);
} else if (eventType == QLatin1String("FolderScanProgress")) {
const double current = eventData.value(QLatin1String("current")).toDouble(0);
const double total = eventData.value(QLatin1String("total")).toDouble(0);
const double rate = eventData.value(QLatin1String("rate")).toDouble(0);
if (current > 0 && total > 0) {
dirInfo->scanningPercentage = static_cast<int>(current * 100 / total);
dirInfo->scanningRate = rate;
dirInfo->assignStatus(SyncthingDirStatus::Scanning, eventId, eventTime); // ensure state is scanning
emit dirStatusChanged(*dirInfo, index);
} else if (eventType == QLatin1String("FolderPaused")) {
if (!dirInfo->paused) {
dirInfo->paused = true;
emit dirStatusChanged(*dirInfo, index);
} else if (eventType == QLatin1String("FolderResumed")) {
if (dirInfo->paused) {
dirInfo->paused = false;
emit dirStatusChanged(*dirInfo, index);
* \brief Reads results of requestEvents().
void SyncthingConnection::readDeviceEvent(SyncthingEventId eventId, DateTime eventTime, const QString &eventType, const QJsonObject &eventData)
// ignore device events happened before the last connections update
if (eventId < m_lastConnectionsUpdateEvent) {
const auto devId = [&eventData] {
const auto dev = eventData.value(QLatin1String("device")).toString();
if (!dev.isEmpty()) {
return dev;
return eventData.value(QLatin1String("id")).toString();
if (devId.isEmpty()) {
// handle "DeviceRejected"-event
if (eventType == QLatin1String("DeviceRejected")) {
readDevRejected(eventTime, devId, eventData);
// find relevant device info
int index;
auto *const devInfo = findDevInfo(devId, index);
if (!devInfo) {
// distinguish specific events
auto status = devInfo->status;
auto paused = devInfo->paused;
auto disconnectReason = devInfo->disconnectReason;
if (eventType == QLatin1String("DeviceConnected")) {
status = devInfo->computeConnectedStateAccordingToCompletion();
} else if (eventType == QLatin1String("DeviceDisconnected")) {
status = SyncthingDevStatus::Disconnected;
disconnectReason = eventData.value(QLatin1String("error")).toString();
} else if (eventType == QLatin1String("DevicePaused")) {
paused = true;
} else if (eventType == QLatin1String("DeviceRejected")) {
status = SyncthingDevStatus::Rejected;
} else if (eventType == QLatin1String("DeviceResumed")) {
paused = false;
} else {
// assign new status
if (devInfo->status != status || devInfo->paused != paused || devInfo->disconnectReason != disconnectReason) {
// don't mess with the status of the own device
if (devInfo->status != SyncthingDevStatus::ThisDevice) {
devInfo->status = status;
devInfo->paused = paused;
devInfo->disconnectReason = disconnectReason;
emit devStatusChanged(*devInfo, index);
* \brief Reads results of requestEvents().
* \todo Implement this.
void SyncthingConnection::readItemStarted(SyncthingEventId eventId, DateTime eventTime, const QJsonObject &eventData)
* \brief Reads results of requestEvents().
void SyncthingConnection::readItemFinished(SyncthingEventId eventId, DateTime eventTime, const QJsonObject &eventData)
int index;
auto *const dirInfo = findDirInfo(QLatin1String("folder"), eventData, &index);
if (!dirInfo) {
// handle unsuccessful operation
const auto error(eventData.value(QLatin1String("error")).toString()), item(eventData.value(QLatin1String("item")).toString());
if (!error.isEmpty()) {
// add error item if not already present
if (dirInfo->status != SyncthingDirStatus::OutOfSync) {
// FIXME: find better way to check whether the event is still relevant
for (const auto &itemError : dirInfo->itemErrors) {
if (itemError.message == error && itemError.path == item) {
dirInfo->itemErrors.emplace_back(error, item);
if (dirInfo->pullErrorCount < dirInfo->itemErrors.size()) {
dirInfo->pullErrorCount = dirInfo->itemErrors.size();
// emitNotification will trigger status update, so no need to call setStatus(status())
emit dirStatusChanged(*dirInfo, index);
emitNotification(eventTime, error);
// update last file
if (dirInfo->lastFileTime.isNull() || eventId >= dirInfo->lastFileEvent) {
dirInfo->lastFileEvent = eventId;
dirInfo->lastFileTime = eventTime;
dirInfo->lastFileName = item;
dirInfo->lastFileDeleted = (eventData.value(QLatin1String("action")) != QLatin1String("delete"));
if (eventId >= m_lastFileEvent) {
m_lastFileEvent = eventId;
m_lastFileTime = dirInfo->lastFileTime;
m_lastFileName = dirInfo->lastFileName;
m_lastFileDeleted = dirInfo->lastFileDeleted;
emit dirStatusChanged(*dirInfo, index);
* \brief Reads results of requestEvents() and requestDirPullErrors().
void SyncthingConnection::readFolderErrors(
SyncthingEventId eventId, DateTime eventTime, const QJsonObject &eventData, SyncthingDir &dirInfo, int index)
// ignore errors occurred before the last time the directory was in "sync" state (Syncthing re-emits recurring errors)
if (dirInfo.lastSyncStartedEvent > eventId) {
// clear previous errors (considering syncthing/lib/model/rwfolder.go it seems that also the event API always returns a
// full list of events and not only new ones)
// add errors
const auto errors = eventData.value(QLatin1String("errors")).toArray();
for (const QJsonValue &errorVal : errors) {
const QJsonObject error(errorVal.toObject());
if (error.isEmpty()) {
dirInfo.itemErrors.emplace_back(error.value(QLatin1String("error")).toString(), error.value(QLatin1String("path")).toString());
// set pullErrorCount in case it has not already been populated from the FolderSummary event
if (dirInfo.pullErrorCount < dirInfo.itemErrors.size()) {
dirInfo.pullErrorCount = dirInfo.itemErrors.size();
// ensure the directory is considered out-of-sync
if (dirInfo.pullErrorCount) {
dirInfo.assignStatus(SyncthingDirStatus::OutOfSync, eventId, eventTime);
emit dirStatusChanged(dirInfo, index);
* \brief Reads results of requestEvents().
void SyncthingConnection::readFolderCompletion(
SyncthingEventId eventId, DateTime eventTime, const QJsonObject &eventData, const QString &dirId, SyncthingDir *dirInfo, int dirIndex)
const auto devId = eventData.value(QLatin1String("device")).toString();
int devIndex;
auto *const devInfo = findDevInfo(devId, devIndex);
readFolderCompletion(eventId, eventTime, eventData, devId, devInfo, devIndex, dirId, dirInfo, dirIndex);
* \brief Reads results of requestEvents().
void SyncthingConnection::readFolderCompletion(SyncthingEventId eventId, DateTime eventTime, const QJsonObject &eventData, const QString &devId,
SyncthingDev *devInfo, int devIndex, const QString &dirId, SyncthingDir *dirInfo, int dirIndex)
if (devInfo && !devId.isEmpty() && devId != myId()) {
readRemoteFolderCompletion(eventTime, eventData, devId, devInfo, devIndex, dirId, dirInfo, dirIndex);
} else if (dirInfo) {
readLocalFolderCompletion(eventId, eventTime, eventData, *dirInfo, dirIndex);
* \brief Reads results of requestEvents().
void SyncthingConnection::readLocalFolderCompletion(
SyncthingEventId eventId, DateTime eventTime, const QJsonObject &eventData, SyncthingDir &dirInfo, int index)
auto &neededStats(dirInfo.neededStats);
auto &globalStats(dirInfo.globalStats);
// backup previous statistics -> if there's no difference after all, don't emit completed event
const auto previouslyUpdated = !dirInfo.lastStatisticsUpdateTime.isNull();
const auto previouslyNeeded = neededStats;
const auto previouslyGlobal = globalStats;
// read values from event data
globalStats.bytes = jsonValueToInt(eventData.value(QLatin1String("globalBytes")), static_cast<double>(globalStats.bytes));
neededStats.bytes = jsonValueToInt(eventData.value(QLatin1String("needBytes")), static_cast<double>(neededStats.bytes));
neededStats.deletes = jsonValueToInt(eventData.value(QLatin1String("needDeletes")), static_cast<double>(neededStats.deletes));
neededStats.deletes = jsonValueToInt(eventData.value(QLatin1String("needItems")), static_cast<double>(neededStats.files));
dirInfo.lastStatisticsUpdateEvent = eventId;
dirInfo.lastStatisticsUpdateTime = eventTime;
dirInfo.completionPercentage = globalStats.bytes ? static_cast<int>((globalStats.bytes - neededStats.bytes) * 100 / globalStats.bytes) : 100;
emit dirStatusChanged(dirInfo, index);
if (neededStats.isNull() && previouslyUpdated && (neededStats != previouslyNeeded || globalStats != previouslyGlobal)
&& dirInfo.status != SyncthingDirStatus::WaitingToScan && dirInfo.status != SyncthingDirStatus::Scanning) {
emit dirCompleted(eventTime, dirInfo, index);
* \brief Reads results of requestEvents().
void SyncthingConnection::readRemoteFolderCompletion(DateTime eventTime, const QJsonObject &eventData, const QString &devId, SyncthingDev *devInfo,
int devIndex, const QString &dirId, SyncthingDir *dirInfo, int dirIndex)
// make new completion
auto completion = SyncthingCompletion();
auto &needed = completion.needed;
completion.lastUpdate = eventTime;
completion.percentage = eventData.value(QLatin1String("completion")).toDouble();
completion.globalBytes = jsonValueToInt(eventData.value(QLatin1String("globalBytes")));
needed.bytes = jsonValueToInt(eventData.value(QLatin1String("needBytes")), static_cast<double>(needed.bytes));
needed.items = jsonValueToInt(eventData.value(QLatin1String("needItems")), static_cast<double>(needed.items));
needed.deletes = jsonValueToInt(eventData.value(QLatin1String("needDeletes")), static_cast<double>(needed.deletes));
// update dir and dev info
readRemoteFolderCompletion(completion, devId, devInfo, devIndex, dirId, dirInfo, dirIndex);
* \brief Reads \a completion (parsed from results of requestEvents()).
void SyncthingConnection::readRemoteFolderCompletion(const SyncthingCompletion &completion, const QString &devId, SyncthingDev *devInfo, int devIndex,
const QString &dirId, SyncthingDir *dirInfo, int dirIndex)
// update dir info
if (dirInfo) {
auto &previousCompletion = dirInfo->completionByDevice[devId];
const auto previouslyUpdated = !previousCompletion.lastUpdate.isNull();
const auto previouslyNeeded = !previousCompletion.needed.isNull();
const auto previousGlobalBytes = previousCompletion.globalBytes;
previousCompletion = completion;
emit dirStatusChanged(*dirInfo, dirIndex);
if (devInfo && completion.needed.isNull() && previouslyUpdated && (previouslyNeeded || previousGlobalBytes != completion.globalBytes)) {
emit dirCompleted(DateTime::now(), *dirInfo, dirIndex, devInfo);
// update dev info
if (devInfo) {
auto &previousCompletion = devInfo->completionByDir[dirId];
devInfo->overallCompletion -= previousCompletion;
devInfo->overallCompletion += completion;
previousCompletion = completion;
if (devInfo->isConnected()) {
emit devStatusChanged(*devInfo, devIndex);
* \brief Reads results of requestEvents().
void SyncthingConnection::readRemoteIndexUpdated(SyncthingEventId eventId, const QJsonObject &eventData)
// ignore those events if we're not updating completion automatically
if (!m_requestCompletion && !m_keepPolling) {
// find dev/dir
const auto devId(eventData.value(QLatin1String("device")).toString());
const auto dirId(eventData.value(QLatin1String("folder")).toString());
if (devId.isEmpty() || dirId.isEmpty()) {
int devIndex, dirIndex;
auto *const devInfo = findDevInfo(devId, devIndex);
auto *const dirInfo = findDirInfo(dirId, dirIndex);
// discard if the related dev and dir are unknown
if (!devInfo && !dirInfo) {
// ignore event if we don't know the device and if we don't share the directory with the device
if (!devInfo && !dirInfo->deviceIds.contains(devId)) {
// request completion again if not already requested and out-of-date
// note: Considering the current completion info stored within the dir info and the dev info. That
// should not be required because both should be in sync but theoretically a user of the library
// might meddle with that.
auto *const completionFromDirInfo = dirInfo ? &dirInfo->completionByDevice[devId] : nullptr;
auto *const completionFromDevInfo = devInfo ? &devInfo->completionByDir[dirId] : nullptr;
if ((completionFromDirInfo && completionFromDirInfo->requestedForEventId >= eventId)
|| (completionFromDevInfo && completionFromDevInfo->requestedForEventId >= eventId)) {
if (completionFromDirInfo) {
completionFromDirInfo->requestedForEventId = eventId;
if (completionFromDevInfo) {
completionFromDevInfo->requestedForEventId = eventId;
if (devInfo && dirInfo && !devInfo->paused && !dirInfo->paused) {
requestCompletion(devId, dirId);
* \brief Reads results of requestEvents().
void SyncthingConnection::requestDiskEvents(int limit)
if (m_diskEventsReply) {
auto query = QUrlQuery();
query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("limit"), QString::number(limit));
if (m_lastDiskEventId && m_hasDiskEvents) {
query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("since"), QString::number(m_lastDiskEventId));
// force to return immediately after the first call
if (!m_hasDiskEvents) {
query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("timeout"), QStringLiteral("0"));
} else if (m_longPollingTimeout) {
query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("timeout"), QString::number(m_longPollingTimeout / 1000));
QObject::connect(m_diskEventsReply = requestData(QStringLiteral("events/disk"), query, true, m_hasDiskEvents), &QNetworkReply::finished, this,
* \brief Reads data from requestDiskEvents().
void SyncthingConnection::readDiskEvents()
auto const [reply, response] = prepareReply(m_diskEventsReply);
if (!reply) {
switch (reply->error()) {
case QNetworkReply::NoError: {
auto jsonError = QJsonParseError();
const auto replyDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(response, &jsonError);
if (jsonError.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) {
emitError(tr("Unable to parse disk events: "), jsonError, reply, response);
m_hasDiskEvents = true;
const auto replyArray = replyDoc.array();
if (!readEventsFromJsonArray(replyArray, m_lastDiskEventId)) {
if (!replyArray.isEmpty() && (loggingFlags() & SyncthingConnectionLoggingFlags::Events)) {
const auto log = replyDoc.toJson(QJsonDocument::Indented);
cerr << Phrases::Info << "Received " << replyArray.size() << " Syncthing disk events:" << Phrases::End << << endl;
case QNetworkReply::TimeoutError:
// no new events available, keep polling
case QNetworkReply::OperationCanceledError:
emitError(tr("Unable to request disk events: "), SyncthingErrorCategory::OverallConnection, reply);
if (m_keepPolling) {
} // namespace Data